Prison of Supernatural Magic

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Prison of Supernatural Magic Page 25

by Laynie Bynum

  I cleared my throat. “The last thing I was expecting when embarking on this journey was to meet my soulmate. I have a duty to my people and I must protect my planet.”

  “You are my duty. I will protect your planet and your people. You belong to me, and I protect what belongs to me.”

  I shook my head. “You make me sound like some starry Degarcik looking for a home. I am not an animal nor a possession.”

  His fingers cupped my chin and he lifted my face to his. “You are mine.”

  His lips came down upon mine. His kiss was hard and insistent. When I opened my mouth, he swept his tongue inside to duel with my tongue.

  I pulled away from his kiss. It was sinful and excited me more than it should. Clearing my throat, I asked, “How do we track him?”

  A second later, a button was mashed and three soft beeps echoed in the silence. He grabbed my hand and led me to a chair. It seemed like an eternity passed before he or I uttered another word.

  “I have located him. He isn’t in the prison anymore. It looks like he is with Declan, so you will see Elon very soon. First, we need to discuss what will happen to him.”

  I tensed. “What do you mean, we need to discuss what will happen to him? He will be destroyed, along with anyone else who has plans of destroying Teletera.”

  He sighed. “Elon made a deal with the Zetherians on Zether to aid them in the destruction of Teletera in exchange for assistance in his conquering Drimteck.”

  I ran a hand through my hair. The Zetherians wanted power. Those aliens were masterminds at trying to weasel their way into a strong galactic position. Father should have eliminated them long ago when they promised us their loyalty.

  “The Zetherians can’t be trusted, and I’m not sure what their ultimate goals are, but they’re hungry for power.”

  My head throbbed but I ignored it. Today had not gone as planned, and now it seemed like Amitai and I were going to fight over Elon.

  “Have you heard of the Corrus Mages?”

  I felt his strong hands on my shoulders as he gently massaged the tight knots underneath my skin. “You move like a shadow. It’s creepy.”

  His lips touched my earlobe. “It keeps me alive.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard of them. Nobody really knows much about them except that they are a highly secretive group of mages who are bent on taking over the galaxy.”

  His hands moved into my hair, and I felt the slight scraping pressure of his claws against my scalp. My head fell back against him and a moan fell from my lips.

  “I can’t allow Elon, who I’m sure is part of the Corrus Mages, to conquer the planet of Drimteck. That would give them a significant foothold in the galaxy.”

  I turned around and pushed against his chest. It infuriated me when he didn’t move. “If you had let me kill Elon, the Corrus Mages wouldn’t be an issue.”

  “Princess, you are an exceptional warrior, but you might want to leave the politics to me. Cutting the head off one snake will not prevent the fall of Teletera or the strengthening of the alliance between Zetherians and the Corrus Mages.”

  I rolled my eyes. However, it was true that politics weren’t my strong suit. I needed to protect my planet, so depending on his knowledge was necessary.

  “I’m not saying that Elon has to live, but we need him to lead us to the real threat, the person who’s calling the shots. Elon isn’t that person, but he can be useful in finding out who is. We will find out who is behind the alliance and why they want Teletera overthrown.”

  “What about when the Drokninian Empire sets its sights on Teletera? General, you have your orders, but I am a queen. I will do whatever I need to do to protect my people and my planet.” I turned on my heels, desperate to get away from him. Anger rose inside me, and there were too many questions to trust him.

  The Drokninian Empire annihilated and subjugated every race they met. If they set their sights on Teletera, Amitai and I would be sworn enemies. It was best to break away from one another before more emotional bonds could be formed between us.

  His arm wound around my waist, and he pulled me around to face him. “Do you think you can just walk away from me, and our bond will evaporate like water?”

  Closing my eyes, I fought for some control. I knew he was right, but I resented this bond right now.

  Why had the goddess placed us together on this path with impossible odds?

  “Our bond will have to be ignored. This is an impossible situation, one which you and I didn’t plan on. You have to do what you must for your Drokninian Empire, and I have to do what I must for mine.”

  He bent his head and touched his lips to my forehead. “Our bond isn’t something that can be ignored, nor will it fade with time. It is a connection that the gods have ordained, and that connection will remain even in death.”

  I trembled in his arms. The depth of his emotions washed over me, and my emotions wrapped them in a tight ball, allowing his tenderness to encase me. This kind of connection was scary, and I wasn’t ready for it.

  “What if we have to make a choice between our people or us?”

  His hand cupped my face. “The goddess doesn’t make mistakes. You and I are bound, and we will stand together and fight for our people, our core values, and our love. Never doubt that what we have is worth the risk.”

  He bent his head and brushed his lips over mine. Something burst inside me, like a volcano erupting. Searing heat flooded over me. Every nerve in my body came to life. My heart ached as the truth of his words washed over me. A sense of calming clarity filtered through me.

  Amitai was mine, and I was his. Qiaris had deemed our souls as one, and whether I thought it insane or not didn’t matter. We were meant to be together. My hands wrapped around his neck as I kissed him back. My entire subconscious tap danced around his, and I knew that he would never hurt me. What was important to me was important to him. Like any true partnership, he and I would have to learn to give and take, but together, we would forge a path that was important to the both of us.

  The door burst open, and the warrior immediately averted his gaze to the floor. His dark blue face turned a shade of violet.

  Malachi cleared his throat. “General, I’m sorry to intrude. We are preparing to land in Parenteck in ten minutes. I wanted to make sure the princess was safe. We might encounter some enemies.”

  “Thank you, Malachi. Make sure the others are strapped in and prepared for landing.”

  He nodded at the general and rushed from the room.

  My hands cupped his cheeks, but I forced my hands to drop from his face and stepped back. “I should go strap in and prepare for landing.”

  I stood motionless, just standing there, allowing his sweet breath to trail over my face. I turned around and walked to the door. Opening the door, I prepared to walk out, but his arm was around my waist. Without a word, he led me back to my seat.

  When I passed Nakatomi, I heard her speak and wished I hadn’t.

  “Wow, he is beautiful. Qiaris can bond me to an Adonis built like a mountain and ferocious like a beast any day.”

  “Nakatomi! It’s not appropriate to admire the queen’s king,” said Miyoshi.

  She huffed. “If I told Qiaris that I am willing, she might not know and then saddle me with a Yerothian or something. There’s nothing wrong with my helping Qiaris.”

  “I pity the male who gets bonded with you. He will be in constant battle with your challenging his authority and training you to know your place,” said Miyoshi.

  “He will cherish every moment of the battle and defy Kubris himself to stay by her side,” said Zvika.

  Miyoshi shook his head. “How the heck did you hear us when you weren’t even in the room? Darned Drokninians must have super hearing.”

  Amitai fastened the harness around me. “Are you comfortable?”

  “Yes, thank you. Do you guys have super hearing? It’s evident to me that you guys have super strength and speed.”

  “Our hearing is sensitive.�

  When you are ready, you and I can talk telepathically.

  I stared after him. His words flowed over me, causing shivers to run up my spine. I liked his voice. His voice caused havoc in my body, yet it was such a precious thing to hear.

  When he disappeared back toward the command room, taking Zvika with him, I sagged in my chair.

  “I almost wish I were back at the prison. You two have your work cut out for you, and I’m not sure either of you can handle it,” said Miyoshi.

  “Shut up, Miyoshi.”

  “Koya has her hands full, but I don’t think she minds. Besides, I’m not bound to anyone. I want to be pampered and cherished, not disciplined,” said Nakatomi.

  “What you want and what you need are rarely one in the same,” said Zvika.

  “Dang, super hearing,” muttered Nakatomi.

  Chapter Six



  ven though I was in the control room, I could still taste her on my lips. Shaking my head, I tried to move the thought of her to the back of my mind. It was impossible. Koyama would never be forgotten, nor an afterthought. I couldn’t afford a distraction right now. When we met with Declan again, things between her and I might become strained since Elon would be there. My princess lusted for his blood. My lips curved. That wasn’t the only thing she lusted for. Her attraction and passion had rushed inside my body like electronic live wires drilled into my heart. She was a passionate woman, and this pleased me very much. Wham! A short-range missile hit the warcraft.

  I watched the screen as I planned an evasive maneuver and prepared to strike.


  A second later, the spaceship came into view as the cloaking shields went down under the heavy missile blast I shot at it. Smoke rushed out of its engines and the spacecraft began losing altitude as it started falling from the sky.

  We landed without further attack. I summoned my warriors into the control room.

  “Jaliyah and Uriah, I want both of you to stay here. You two are to take this time to discuss the unresolved matter between you, something you should’ve discussed long ago.”

  Uriah opened his mouth then shut it. “This time isn’t necessary. Jaliyah knows that I love her as a sister. What more must we discuss?”

  Anger swirled in my gut, and I didn’t like calling my men out on personal stuff, but this affected all of us and Uriah needed a push.

  “You haven’t been honest with her, and you aren’t being honest with yourself. A man does not seek a woman to slake the lust another woman has caused. We love who we love, whether we accept it or not. It still doesn’t change the fact that we love that person.”

  Jaliyah’s breath caught, and she whirled around to stare at Uriah. “Just be honest with me. I can take it.”

  Her eyes glazed with tears and my control wavered. I hated to see any female in pain, and I didn’t like Jaliyah’s tears.

  Uriah balled up his fist. “You would destroy us both?”

  Jaliyah walked over to Uriah, but he put up a hand to stop her. Normally, she’d have paused and heeded his silent warning, but she continued until she was pressed up against him. “Uriah, when did you become a liar and a coward?”

  Uriah growled. He picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder and walked out of the command room.

  “I’m worried for Jaliyah. Uriah is a mean bastard at best. Maybe I should go after them,” said Malachi.

  “You will not. He won’t hurt her, but he might kill you.”

  “He can’t kill me,” said Malachi.

  “There was that one time on the planet of Warrenchecki when you allowed Jaliyah to get hurt. He almost killed you then,” said Yechiel.

  “He was angry, but I don’t think he really meant to sever my head. It was a threat in the heat of the moment,” said Malachi.

  I held up my hands. Everyone stopped talking. My men were the fiercest warriors in the galaxy, but they knew when my patience was at an end—like it was now.

  “Azrael, you stay and protect Nakatomi and Miyoshi.”

  Azrael nodded. He never questioned orders—none of them did—but I could tell he wasn’t happy about staying behind.

  I held up my hand when Zvika opened his mouth. “He is capable of protecting Nakatomi and Miyoshi.”

  Zvika glared at Azrael. “That isn’t what I’m concerned about. Females tend to lose their heads around Azrael. On every planet that we conqueror, there have been thousands of women who have fallen in love with him. There’s something about his face that causes females to lose their hearts.”

  Azrael glared back at him. “I am not interested in her, so you worry for nothing.”

  Zvika shook his head. “I have killed too many today. I should stay behind and reflect. I can guard them.”

  “Zvika, you are coming. I need you to guard the princess. Do not worry. Nakatomi only has frustration for you.”

  Malachi looked at Yechiel. “When did Zvika bond with her? How come I miss all the good stuff?”

  “He has staked a claim to her. If he bonds with her, there’s no hope for the rest of us,” muttered Yechiel.

  Azrael snorted. “You are afraid that love makes you weak. You will be weak if you were weak before falling in love. Love is a precious gift, and once the gods grant you that kind of gift, you are forever changed.”

  All eyes shot to Azrael as his voice was filled with the pain and pleasures of the past. When Azrael didn’t speak again, everyone looked at me. I shook my head. I wasn’t touching that with a ten-foot pole. We were more than warriors. We were brothers, bound by our core values and ethics and bonded by the injustices that had happened to us. There was one thing about damaged, broken people—when they became whole, they protected their battered hearts with everything they had. One can’t fight against the universe. When the gods willed something, it was their way or no way at all.

  “Let’s get this meeting over with.”

  Malachi, Yechiel, and Zvika activated their armor and exited the command room. I made my way to Koyama. She was already standing with Nakatomi and Miyoshi.

  “I recommend that Nakatomi and Miyoshi stay here while we go to the meeting.”

  She nodded. “I don’t want to worry about them, but I think it’s best.”

  I placed a small kiss on the palm of her hand. “There’s no need to worry about them. Jaliyah, Uriah, and Azrael are here, so they are well protected.”

  Nakatomi opened her mouth. “How can I protect you with my life if I’m up here being babysat while you walk into the lion’s den?”

  “Naka, you and Miyoshi will stay here where you’re safe.”

  Nakatomi shook her head. “My job is to keep you safe. You are going down there without me, and that isn’t safe. Let me do my job.”

  “Her protection is my job. Her safety no longer falls to you.”

  “But you just met her a second ago, and I’m supposed to entrust her safety to you? She is my queen, and I will do my job.”

  I felt Koyama’s anger underneath her calm façade. “You will stay here and remain in their protection for your safety. You will never speak to him with such disrespect ever again. When you disrespect him, you disrespect me.”

  Nakatomi rushed in front of Koyama and dropped to her knees with her forehead pressed to the floor. “Forgive me, my queen. I promised our king that I would keep you safe. You can’t understand how breaking my promise to your father affects me. I can’t reason with him.”

  Nakatomi closed her eyes. “My king was murdered by the Teletera Special Council. He handed himself over to them to save her after he extracted my promise of keeping her safe.”

  A deep overwhelming sadness swept through Koyama, and I felt the dull ache in the center of my chest. Wrapping my arm around her, I looked at Nakatomi. “I will guard her with my life.”

  We sat at the table across from Declan. There was something about this man that rubbed me raw. I wasn’t worried about an ambush, with Zvika and Yechiel protecting the outside
, guarding us from a surprise attack. Malachi was nestled in one of the deep alcoves of the Justice building, ready for Plan B, should the need arise.

  Declan stared at Koyama for a few minutes before turning his gaze to me. “I’m impressed that you infiltrated my prison with your warriors, but that’s what I expected you to do.”

  He was biding his time. Declan was waiting on someone.

  “What do you want? I know you’re the one protecting Elon Laghari. Why?”

  Declan leaned forward. “I run the planet of Nisiea, but that doesn’t mean I’m out of the loop when it comes to the politics of the galaxy.”

  Koyama’s leg started shaking, and her eyes and hands turned dark green. She hadn’t spoken since we sat down, and she appeared calm.

  “Elon Laghari’s allegiance belongs to me,” said Declan. He leaned forward.

  Koyama stiffened. She looked at Declan as hatred burned in her eyes. A crack of lightning flashed across the sky.

  Koyama. Control yourself. This is a good thing. We are finding the answers we seek.

  Declan and Elon are working together. He has admitted his involvement. He is no longer useful.

  This is the part that you are not familiar with. It is a tedious, frustrating part, but one can’t rule without knowing the ins and outs of politics. Trust me. I know you want to kill them, but patience, my princess.

  Declan smiled. “You want to know who wants to destroy Teletera, and you want to know who blew up the planet of Wondark while you and your men were still on it.”

  Declan looked down at his watch then stopped talking. He looked past us to the door. The door opened and Elon walked inside.

  “I know the information you want, General, and I am willing to give it to you for the right price.”

  Elon strolled over to the table and sat next to Declan.

  Koyama looked at Elon and sent a surge of energy his way, causing his body to be thrown against the wall several times before his body gave itself to the pain.

  “The Drokninian Empire is holding Annika Oksana as a slave. Bring her to me in seventy-two hours and I will tell you who ordered the planet Wondark destroyed,” said Declan.


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