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Prison of Supernatural Magic

Page 26

by Laynie Bynum

  He raised his hand when Koyama was about to speak. “As a gesture of good faith, I will tell you who is determined to destroy Teletera.”

  Declan shook his head. “Amitai, it is rude to invade my thoughts looking for proof of what I have told you,” said Declan.

  “You freak, I will kill you for the insult,” said Elon. He lunged for me, but I wrapped my will around him, preventing him from moving. Then my will shoved him against the wall a few times. Blood burst from his mouth, and he looked as if he was in excruciating pain.

  “Talk now and I might allow you to live.” I didn’t take my eyes off Elon. Blood trickled down his face.

  Koyama reached over and placed her hand on my knee. Her emotions were calmer now, but she still radiated menace.

  Amitai, you don’t have to kill Elon—at least not just yet. I can tell the plan to destroy my planet is an intricate one, and the real villain hides while everyone else is at the forefront following orders.

  As you wish, Princess.

  I allowed my pleasure to flow over her. I wanted to comfort her and let her know that I heard her wishes. Speaking telepathically was strengthening our bond.

  Declan stood up and waved his hands, shooting an orb at me. “Let him go, General.”

  Lifting my hand, I stopped the orb that was hurled at me while keeping Elon thrust against the wall.

  Elon lifted his head. Blood seeped out of his mouth. “Filippov Tikhonovich wants to destroy Teletera because Zariah killed his daughter, Sechenova. They were race mates for life.”

  I unwrapped the power from Elon and let him fall to the ground. Declan walked over to help Elon to his feet, but he pushed Declan away and strolled to the table.

  Elon leaned down. “The Teletera special council has been corrupt far too long, and they need to be destroyed.”

  Koyama narrowed her eyes on Elon. A second later, he was lifted in the air and thrown through the wall and outside.

  Declan signed. “How badly do you want the information, Amitai? If you want it, bring Annika Oksana here alive.” He turned on his heels and left.

  I pulled Koyama’s chair up and pulled her to her feet. “Princess, you have a temper.” My lips curved as I escorted her out the building.

  “You don’t mind my temper.” Her lips curved, and she raised her eyebrow as she silently walked down the hall and down the stairs.

  Malachi joined us as we exited the building. He stopped next to Yechiel and Zvika.

  “I don’t mind your temper, but it’s your self-control that we need to work on.”

  Chapter Seven



  t felt good tossing Elon through the wall and out the building. There was a touch of sadness inside me when I didn’t find his body crumpled up on the sidewalk. The jerk spoke about my planet being destroyed like one would discuss the weather. I’m not sure what angered me more, the fact that he was right about the special council or the fact that the threat will never be truly eliminated until the special council has been removed. The sharp, throbbing pain surged in my head and raced behind my eyes.

  “What do you mean, we are going to Droknin?” asked Nakatomi. Her voice had become high-pitched as it often did whenever she was panicking.

  “Declan has vital information we need, but the price is a woman named Annika Oksana.” I rubbed my temples as I leaned my head back.

  “Miyoshi see what you can find out about this woman. I want to know everything I can before coming face to face with her.”

  “On it. Are you okay? Your eyes look funny,” Miyoshi said.

  I don’t know how to answer that. It has dawned on me that I need to clean house and eliminate the special council for the good of my planet. Father was an excellent communicator and played politics very well, but I lack the discipline and the knowledge.

  “I have a headache. I’m sure of what is causing it, and I think I just need some rest. After I rest, I will be as right as rain.”

  Nakatomi rose from her seat and fixed a cold glass of Coguievl juice and handed it to me. “Nothing will be right again if you think going to the Drokninians is a good idea. They have conquered every race they encounter. What is your plan?”

  Sipping the fruity drink, I tried to focus on the question she had asked. It was hard to concentrate. My head felt like live wires were shocking parts of my brain. My thoughts were scattered. Everyone’s aura washed over me, and I heard their thoughts all at once.

  “I’ll tell you the plan when the time comes. Stop worrying and rest.” Closing my eyes, I forced my brain to go still. The thoughts that flooded my mind were shut out and I focused on Amitai. Whenever I was with him or thought of him, everything stood still. The bond between us had grown deeper and deeper.

  I opened my mind and touched his subconscious. His strength, determination, and confidence warmed me from inside out. He operated almost like a machine. The iron control that he wielded over everyone and himself was magnificent to behold. A smile curved my lips. Maybe some of his control would rub off on me.

  We landed on the planet of Droknin. Droknin was different from the planet of Teletera. This planet was bathed in beautiful blue and purple lights. I’m not certain of the city’s aura, but it seemed like the goddess herself had painted the planet with bright watercolors.

  I unstrapped the harness covering my chest and stretched my arms.

  “The place looks beautiful.”

  I wasn’t expecting to feel like I was in a beautiful place created by the goddess herself.

  Amitai walked up to me and grabbed my hand. He bent and placed a kiss in the center of my palm. “Droknin is easy on the eyes.”

  Nakatomi snorted. “It doesn’t look oppressive, but I was expecting to see slaves being led around on chains.”

  Miyoshi sighed. “Just because this place has towering slick skyscraper buildings all around and flying cars everywhere doesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous or horrible,” said Miyoshi.

  I touched Amitai’s wrist. “Do the Drokninians keep slaves?”

  “They enslave mostly other alien races and humans. Most of the nobles have slaves since they can afford them.” His other hand was firm on my lower back as he led me out. His men walked in, and he began giving them their orders.

  “Azrael, I want you to go into the city.”

  “Nakatomi, stay close to me while we are here. You don’t want to be enslaved on this planet,” said Miyoshi.

  “No one would dare touch a hair on her head,” said Zvika.

  I could feel Jaliyah and Uriel standing behind me. Their auras were burning bright yellow and their bodies were wrapped in yellow hues. Whatever had transpired between them last night had caused both of their souls to be at peace.

  Miyoshi stood close to Nakatomi, and when she stepped off the warcraft into the busy street, Zvika pushed him aside, grabbing Nakatomi’s hand.

  “Rude blue bastard,” Miyoshi muttered as he cracked his knuckles.

  “Pretty boy, you don’t want to make him angry. I suggest that you stay clear of her,” said Malachi.

  Yechiel laughed. “Zvika is always angry except when he’s killing someone.”

  The loud sounds of the flying cars roared above us. The city seemed to be a bustling mecca of technology. Several electronic sounds hummed everywhere. There were flashes of media sounds on the side of the buildings where bright florescent multicolored lights gleamed off the buildings. It was cold, the wind whirled all around, and there was moisture in the air. I could taste the saltiness on my tongue.

  “Is there water nearby? I smell saltwater.” I lifted my face toward the sky, enjoying the brisk breeze against my face.

  “Yes, the land is surrounded by a large body of saltwater. Our streets and bridges are high and circular around the entire planet. The water offers a breathtaking view of nature and civilization at its best,” said Amitai.

  He ushered me through a side door, where there was a narrow tunnel that seemed to go on for miles. It almost felt claustropho
bic with nature’s elements cut off.

  “Do you normally take the tunnels to travel here?” The tunnels were dark. Even though there was no debris anywhere, there was a faint smell of blood and bodily fluids. This was an excellent place to be ambushed. The lighting was very faint, and the lack of sounds was unnerving.

  I felt no danger with Amitai and his warriors surrounding us, and that surprised me. Nakatomi’s aura radiated both nervousness and excitement. I wasn’t sure what we might encounter on Droknin, but I knew that the Drokninians were ruthless aliens who subjugated everyone they met.

  The sooner we freed Annika Oksana, the better. This place may be beautiful, but it was dangerous. Calming myself, I allowed my nerves to settle and focused my energy on the planet.

  “The tunnels offer a bit of privacy,” said Amitai as he squeezed my shoulder.

  When we reached the end of the tunnels, we walked through a glass door that opened into a fortress. The place was drafty and felt huge.

  “This place is as big as a mansion. Where are we?” asked Nakatomi. She stopped to touch the wall before Zvika stepped behind her.

  “The symbols on the panels each mean different things. I wouldn’t touch anything else. You might activate a bomb and blow us up by accident,” said Zvika.

  “Why would you have something like that programmed in the panels?” asked Nakatomi. She dropped her hands from the panels and stepped back, bumping into Zvika’s chest.

  “You mean this place is a fortress. There are soldiers everywhere,” said Miyoshi.

  Amitai ushered me around the corner. We walked for a few minutes before we came to a huge door. He placed his finger on the door, and a needle came out and poked him. Once his blood sample was recognized, the door opened. This room was massive and three times the size of my bedroom.

  “Your room is very spacious.” I twirled around in a circle before I felt his hands on my wrist.

  “Come, let’s sit and have some dinner.” He led me to a circular table with four chairs. He pulled out my seat and scooted me toward the base of the table.

  He sat down and pressed a series of buttons. There was a popping sound and then a nice aroma of smoked beef and brown gravy filled the air. My stomach growled, and I lowered my head, a bit embarrassed.

  “It smells delicious.” I pulled my hair away from my face and wrapped several strands around the base so that I had a lopsided ponytail on the side of my head.

  He placed a platter close to me and scooted near me. He picked up two chopsticks and took a small piece of beef and placed it to my lips. “Open.”

  My lips parted on their own and a burst of flavors hit my tongue. The beef was tender and soaked with spicy flavors. I closed my eyes, savoring the meat. “I can feed myself.”

  For some reason, his feeding me was driving me crazy. It was so intimate and unnerving. Everything is happening so fast. It’s moments like this when I realized that we barely knew each other.

  “I know you must be starving.” I clasped my hands in front of me and looked at him through my thick lashes. His soft side was an amazing discovery. He was all hard edges and disciplined but he was also a gentle giant.

  Everything about his personality makes him irresistible. He just feels right.

  He shook his head. “I’m used to going long periods without food. Whenever you get an opportunity to eat, it’s always a blessing.” He smiled and I sensed that a dimple formed in his right cheek.

  Suddenly, an ear-piercing siren rang out. The lights went out and the room plunged into darkness. Grabbing my ears, I ducked my head. I reached for Amitai, but he wasn’t sitting next to me anymore. Fumbling on the table, I grabbed a knife and rose to my feet. The backup generator must have kicked in because the low-level ancillary lights came on and I saw a shadow of Amitai with two masked alien warriors.

  “Your life is mine,” said Amitai. He pulled his sword from his back and aimed his sword at the warrior’s heart. The clash of metal against metal vibrated through the room.

  The alien dodged Amitai’s blow and disappeared. It was as if he were fighting a ghost. I could see the intruders. Their auras were a rustic orange, and they radiated hatred and murderous thoughts. A second later, the warrior reappeared behind Amitai, and he swung his sword behind him, stabbing the alien in the stomach.

  The lights flickered and the other warrior rushed past him toward me. Gripping the knife, I aimed it at the alien heading toward me. He rolled right, narrowly dodging the knife. Jumping to his feet, he withdrew a throwing knife.

  Concentrating, I sent all my energy toward alien, but nothing happened. Pain surged through my head, and unbearable pressure ran from the back of my skull to the front. I fell to my knees as blood ran down my nose and my vision blackened. The alien warrior was almost upon me. I could hear his heavy footsteps moving closer.

  Rolling to the side, I got to my feet and rushed forward, darting left then right. Strong hands wrapped around my waist and I was hauled off my feet. Thrusting my head back, I hit the alien in the face, and his arms loosened. Channeling all the power I had into the will to live, I sent a wave of energy behind me. The energy bounced off the alien warrior and engulfed me. Searing heat swept over me, and I went limp in my attacker’s arms. A metallic viscous substance flowed from my eyes into my mouth as his hand wrapped around my neck, cutting off my airflow.

  Koyama hold on. I am coming.

  Amitai, promise me that you will save Teletera. My people and my planet need you.

  His voice vibrated with determination and frustration. My eyes shut as I gave into the darkness that engulfed me.

  Chapter Eight



  oyama went limp in her attacker’s arms, and he removed his hand from her throat. Her chest rose slowly. I rushed toward her attacker, but the alien warrior disappeared. These alien warriors were not from Droknin. They looked like the aliens from the planet of Quintar. No one infiltrates Droknin.

  This is yet another sign that the Drokninian Empire has sinister plans toward my men and me.

  Closing my eyes, I talked into my neurotransmitter. “Come meet me on the warship and bring Miyoshi and Nakatomi.”

  Stalking from my room, I rushed through the tunnels. The cool air rushed along my face as I stepped into the night air. The city was quiet, which was something unheard of. The nobles always partied late into the night and enjoyed themselves, yet on this night, the streets were quiet and empty.

  Pressing my handprint on the side of the warcraft, the door opened and I stepped inside. Running to the back, I went to the cargo unit and tapped in a code. The secret panel opened, and I loaded two more proton laser guns and two Drokninian swords.

  No other metal could compete with Drokninian metal, which could cut through anything. The edges of the metal never dulled. Our weapons were legendary throughout the galaxy.

  What if she’s dead?

  Shaking my head, I leaned against the wall and tried to reach out to her through our telepathic bond. Nothing happened. Why couldn’t I touch her mind? The only thing I could feel was a crippling emptiness.

  “Wow. You found Anna Oksana already. I hadn’t even lain down for the night. I’m glad because this place gives me the creeps,” said Nakatomi.

  Their voices were getting closer. They would all be here soon. Straightening up, I walked to the command room and hailed Dugeon Valrick. He was a Drokninian who knew everything that happened on the planet, and he would know who took Koyama.

  Pressing the communication button, I called Dugeon. He answered on the third ring, which was abnormal for him. He always made himself available since he sold information and gossip.

  “General, what can I do for you?” asked Dugeon.

  “I have need of your service. Don’t leave. I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

  “Sure, anything for you. Are you all right?” asked Dugeon.

  “I’m fine.” I hung up.

  Miyoshi shook his head. “I think this meeting wasn’t p
lanned. It probably has something to do with the lights going out.” He followed Uriah and Jaliyah inside.

  “Why? My lights didn’t go out and neither did yours, so maybe that soldier had a short or something in his room,” said Nakatomi.

  She looked at me then looked around. “Where is Koyama?”

  Jaliyah’s eyes widened. She looked at Uriah then back to me.

  “Where to, General?” asked Jaliyah. She hustled to the controls.

  “We’re going to see Dugeon.” I looked at Nakatomi and shook my head.

  She bent her head. Soft sobs echoed through the space, and Miyoshi moved to gather her in his arms but paused when Zvika moved to her.

  “We will get her back. I promise you,” said Zvika. He wrapped his arms around her and she sobbed into his chest.

  Miyoshi sat down and peered out the window.

  Dugeon had a shop nestled in the seedy part of the east side so we hid the warcraft in a cargo ship. The east side of Groveain was known for pleasure and gambling. Most of the Drokninian who weren’t nobles sought this sector to escape from reality.

  I looked at Miyoshi and Nakatomi. “You will stay here where you will be safe. Zvika and Malachi, you will protect them while we are gone.”

  Malachi nodded and went to stand near Miyoshi. Zvika glanced at Miyoshi and Nakatomi before he looked back at me. He inclined his head and sat next to Nakatomi. She nodded her agreement and sat back down near the window.

  I handed her a proton laser gun. “Any trouble, aim, point, and shoot. Any hesitation on your part will mean certain death.”

  She held the gun. The gun looked heavy in her hands but she managed to point it away from everyone.

  “Uriah and Jaliyah, you go around to the back and prevent him from leaving.”

  I turned to Azrael. “I need you to go through the pleasure district and find out whatever you can about the alien warriors who infiltrated my room tonight. I’m sure they came here before taking Koyama. I want to know who.”


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