Against the Odds: Book One; The Candidate

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Against the Odds: Book One; The Candidate Page 17

by Lee Taylor

  Not able to resist, she reached for the lace and satin underwear. Seeing the Eres label, she was stunned. She hadn’t known that real people wore the fantastical lingerie. She sniffed, deciding the fact that Logan knew her sizes was almost more overwhelming than how much the extravagant items likely cost. Intrigued, she couldn’t keep from looking at the rest of the clothes in the shopping bag. Working through the selection of jeans, pants, and tops, she acknowledged the items all looked like clothes she might have chosen but could never have afforded. She also admitted she didn’t see a thing in the collection that Savannah Phillips would consider wearing. Swallowing against the lump in her throat, she acknowledged that his choices confirmed Logan must like what she wore. And maybe he’d meant it when he said that she was an original.

  She decided to wear the outfit he’d laid out, starting with the lingerie. When she put them on, she was glad that she’d dared to wear them. She knew her body was sumptuous, but even she was amazed at what the satin and lace pushup bra did to her full breasts. They almost overflowed the lace-edged top but were contained . . . barely. As for the panties, once she realized that the split crotch was intentional, she conceded they were daringly evil. Surprising herself, she decided to wear them, split crotch and all.

  Compared to the bra and panties, she was struck by how tame the long-sleeved, multihued, silky lounging ensemble looked. Until she put it on. The flowing, translucent fabric skimmed her lush body as though it had been created to reveal every hill and valley of her body while artfully concealing it. Turning in a circle in front of the full-length mirror, she realized the simple garment was astonishingly flattering. It was as sexy as anything she’d ever worn but also tasteful, elegant . . . and, yes, definitely sensual. Sliding her feet into the sparkly black slippers next to the gown, she refused to second-guess herself. Striding to the door, she walked out to face the imposing man who was waiting for her.

  Logan’s eyes lit up when she entered. As he rose to his feet, he shook his head. Blowing out an audible sigh, he murmured, “I knew when I saw it that ensemble was created for you. But damn, Gia, you’ve made it more beautiful than I thought was possible.” He moved a couple of steps toward her, then waved his fingers in a circle. “Humor me, princess. Turn around. Let me feast on what your astonishing body does to that gorgeous outfit.”

  Swallowing hard and knowing that she was blushing, Gia sucked in a confirming breath and slowly turned in a circle. Embarrassed at the stunned appreciation gleaming in his narrowed eyes, she said flippantly, “Ta da. You like?”

  His soft smile confirmed that he saw her discomfiture. He nodded in approval. “Yes, Gia, I like. Very much.”

  She forced herself to respond, frustrated that she stammered when she did. “Um, I . . . thank you for buying it for me. I . . . I’ve never had such an . . . extravagant present. You shouldn’t have. But thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Seeing it on you, to say it is my pleasure is a vast understatement.” He walked slowly toward her as if not wanting to frighten her, then reached for her and pulled her up close to him. Tipping up her chin, he said, “You truly are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Gia. And while I’m desperately sorry for all the shit you’re going through, I am very grateful that you are here with me.”

  Biting down on her lips, determined not to cry, she freed herself from his arms and said, “Um, thanks. As much as I hate to admit it, I am glad to be here too.” Visibly swallowing, she qualified tremulously, “I mean . . . I think I am.” Blowing out a hard sigh, she nodded toward the kitchen. “At least it sure smells good.”

  He laughed. “I hope that means that you’re hungry. I won’t say that I’ve been slaving over a hot stove all day, but I have been making some things that I hope you will like.”

  Gia shook her head. “I cannot believe that you like to cook. It doesn’t seem like your kind of thing. God, I can barely make toast in the morning without burning it. I would starve to death if I had to cook for myself.”

  “Which goes to show you how many things you have to learn about me.” He added with a wink, “Just one of the reasons I’m glad that we have these next days together.” When she frowned and stepped back, he shook his head and grinned at her. “Relax, princess, I’m teasing you. It’s so easy to get a rise out of you, I can’t resist.” Reaching for her hand, he led her through a sliding glass door to an impressive patio. “I thought we would eat out here tonight. It’s a beautiful evening. And there’s essentially a second kitchen out here—with every appliance even a master chef could need.” Pointing to a cozy fire in the outdoor fireplace, he grinned. “And we can have dinner before the fire.”

  Leading her over to a table, he pulled out one of the plush chairs and said, “How about you sit here so you can see what I consider to be the most remarkable view of this interesting city. While I’m pulling our dinner together, that will allow me to see a sight even more enticing than the spectacular cityscape—you.”

  Trying to hide her dismay at his challenging assumptions, Gia jumped out of the chair and went over to the iron railing surrounding the astonishing patio.

  Logan chuckled as he moved up behind her. “I’m not afraid of heights, but I am glad that they included a higher than ordinary railing around this remarkable patio. The view from fifty-five stories high is truly breathtaking and more than a little overwhelming.”

  Conscious of his imposing body behind her, Gia acknowledged that Logan wasn’t exaggerating. The multitude of city lights gleaming below was only somewhat less remarkable than the myriad stars twinkling in the moonlit sky. She’d always loved night skies. Except for sunrises and sunsets, she thought the sun played second fiddle to the sheer mystery of the dark night skies. But tonight, from high atop the soaring building, the city lights were a magical man-made second to the carpet of lights shining in the sky. She realized that she’d never been this high over their city and marveled this was the scene Logan saw every night. She surprised herself when she asked, “Is it always this magnificent? Or . . . or seeing it every night, do you get used to it?”

  Putting his arms around her, he brushed his lips against the tender skin below her ear. Ignoring her startled gasp, he murmured, “Never. I’ve always been a night-sky buff. The competition among the stars, clouds, and moonlight trying to outdo each other has never failed to fascinate me. Granted, the city below is an impressive competitor, but even when I was in the desert surrounding Kabul and there wasn’t so much as a campfire on the horizon, I reveled in the night sky.”

  Feeling her tension, he nuzzled her neck, gratified at the tremors he felt streaking across her body. Wrapping his arms more tightly around her, he allowed his hands to rest on her lower abdomen and murmured, “As much as I want to hold you, Gia, you need to eat. Moreover, I’ve been working on this fucking dinner for over three hours. How about you have pity on me and sit your sexy butt in that chair so I can wow you with my culinary talents . . . more of my other talents later.”

  Planting a kiss on the top of her head, he eased her back to the table and settled her in the chair. Striding to an under-counter refrigerator, he carefully selected three bottles of wine. Looking at her over his shoulder, he grinned. “I have four courses planned for this meal. Each of the courses requires the appropriate libation.” Skillfully opening the bottle of sauvignon blanc, he poured a goodly amount in each of two glasses. Ambling over to her, he placed one in front of her and then raised his glass to her. “To you, my lovely captive. And to the beginning of a fabulous feast. And to a number of things you need to know about me.”

  “What might those be? That you know how to cook and how to intimidate your dinner guests?”

  He laughed. “Both of those are givens. But in addition to liking to cook, I also enjoy excellent wines. I know you’re not much of a wine drinker, but I promise you by the time I have finished with you—at least in this multi-day immersion course, you will be as much of a wine aficionado as I am.” He raised his glass and took a hearty sip. Nod
ding to her, he winked. “You are supposed to follow suit, sweetheart.” When she flushed, then saucily tossed back a large swallow, he grinned and said, “My, my. What an obedient student you can be. I’m beginning to think that you will easier to tame than I thought you might be.” Ignoring her frowning snort, he refilled her glass. “Now, shall we indulge in the first course I prepared to go with this elegant wine?”

  From the oven of the gleaming range, he retrieved an auspicious-looking platter. When he placed it in front her, she understood where at least some of the luscious smells were coming from. He smiled at her. “I hope you like oysters, Gia.”

  “I . . . I do, but I don’t think I’ve had any as fancy as these are.” She added with a laugh, “Or any that smell as delicious as these do.”

  “Wait until you taste them if you think they smell good.” He studied her through narrowed eyes and said, “One additional note about our dinner tonight, princess. No silverware allowed.”

  Ignoring her surprised gasp, Logan picked up one of the shells and sucked the morsel into his mouth, then nodded at the plate, indicating that she should follow suit. Knowing that her face had to be as flushed as it felt, Gia gamely retrieved one of the shells and sucked the fancy oyster into her mouth. Stunned at the complex flavors, she couldn’t hide her surprise. “What are these, Logan? I’ve never tasted oysters like these.”

  He smiled in agreement. “They’re my version of oysters Rockefeller. Amazing what bacon, spinach, and an array of my special herbs and spices can do to what is already a succulent treat.” He picked up another and indicated that she should do the same. At her awed sigh and wide-eyed pleasure after she ate the tasty morsel, he said, “I probably should warn you. Oysters are one of nature’s most powerful aphrodisiacs.” At her sharp intake of breath, he poured another couple inches of wine in each of their glasses, and indicated with a nod that she should take a sip. Taking a healthy sip of his, his eyes dancing, he continued. “It’s said that Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was born in the sea. Which is why many types of seafood, including oysters, are considered aphrodisiacs.”

  He picked up a shell and handed it to her. He waited until she put it up to her mouth, then shook his head and murmured, “Uh-uh, sweetheart. Allow me.” He reached across the table and took the shell from her, then held it to her lips. When she couldn’t hide her surprise, he ordered, “Suck it, Gia. All of it. Into your mouth.” Flushing a deeper, rosier shade, when she did as he said, he nodded to the platter. “Now, princess, your turn. Return the favor.” When she tentatively picked up one of the shells, he reached for her hand and held it to his lips, then noisily sucked the juicy tidbit into his mouth. Continuing to hold her hand, he said, “In the event that you didn’t know, aphrodisiacs are said to arouse or increase one's sexual desire and . . . enhance performance.” He smiled at her, then nodded at the remaining shells on the plate and said softly, “Given that, I think we should finish off these remaining oysters, don’t you agree?”

  Chapter 24

  Gia didn’t know how she recovered from the “oyster incident.” Although, given her shaky legs and difficulty drawing a full breath of much-needed air, it was clear she hadn’t. She was relieved when Logan left the table and began to prepare their next course. Watching him expertly arranging what was coming next, she realized she was more intrigued with him than with what he was planning to serve her. She chided herself, knowing that her body would have to be Novocain numb not to appreciate the striking man in front of her.

  He was wearing a casual linen shirt. He’d unbuttoned several of the onyx buttons, revealing a spate of wiry, gold-tipped hair on his broad chest. The shirt topped a pair of what looked like D-Squared jeans. The surprising addition of the trendy jeans that cupped his tight ass stole her breath. But what had her heart racing at a dangerous speed were his bare feet. Why that surprising show of flesh was as sexy as it was she’d have to examine at a later date when she finally got her breath and heart back to relatively normal rates. Being the exercise buff he obviously was, she should have been prepared for his muscular shoulders, back, and tight butt. What she wasn’t prepared for was the rush of scintillating sparks lighting her groin at the sight of his compelling backside.

  She realized her appreciative sigh must have been audible when he looked over his shoulder and said with a grin, “Are you enjoying watching me work, princess?”

  Doing her best to appear nonchalant, she nodded. “I have to admit, I enjoy being waited on.” She swallowed her angst and, unable to hide her nervousness, added, “Although, I confess, I’m not sure I can handle what you’re going to . . . serve next.”

  He winked at her, then picked up one of the two bottles of wine left on the counter. “To begin with, we need to trade out that exquisite sauvignon blanc with a wine that I hope you will like as much.” Holding up the bottle, he explained, “Our next course is essentially vegetables and a loaf of bread I made when you were sleeping. That is why we need to move to a crisper pinot grigio.”

  Retrieving two glasses from the well-stocked cabinet, he uncorked the wine and set the bottle on the table next to the glasses. Pouring several inches into each of their glasses, he held up his glass to her and waited until she did the same. “To you, lovely lady. I should tell you that by the time I allow you to leave my lair, I hope to have converted you into a wine-drinking snob.”

  She startled, then said with a dismissive shrug, “Are you implying that you don’t like my taste in alcohol, Logan?”

  He grinned. “Are you talking about that rotgut booze I’ve seen you slurp down? You better believe I don’t like it. And neither should you. I can’t begin to imagine what that cheap shit does to your beautiful insides.” He narrowed his eyes but couldn’t hide the smile quirking his lips. “As you made clear with one of your more egregious actions, you didn’t appreciate the gift I sent you, but I’ve not given up. In fact, by the end of the weekend, I expect you to be begging me for yet another supply of that superb single malt scotch.”

  Before she could stop the words, Gia blurted fiercely, “It wasn’t the scotch I hated, Logan, it was you . . . what you did to me . . . ” She couldn’t finish her sentence, remembering as if it had happened a lifetime ago how Logan had refused to fund her . . . make that fund Aiden’s candidacy.

  She was surprised when he sat down next to her. “Hey, sweetheart, we’ll have time to deal with my refusal to fund the campaign later. Just know that smashing several thousand dollars of one of the most revered whiskeys in the world was a temper tantrum that we haven’t dealt with . . . yet. But never fear, we will.” At her questioning frown, he shot her a narrow-eyed gaze. “To that point, tell me, princess, when was the last time you were spanked?”

  She jerked back, yanking her hand out of his. “What . . . what do you mean?”

  “Hmm, I thought what I said was crystal clear, but if not, let me explicate. When was the last time a man turned you over his knee, pulled down your panties, and spanked your bare ass a bright, rosy red?”

  Fighting the stampede of rioting sensations flooding her body that came to rest in a rampage of electric sparks in her core, Gia pulled back and fought to express her outrage. Unfortunately, her stammer gave her away. “No . . . no one has . . . ever done that to me.” Voicing her indignation, she spat, “And just so you know, no one ever will.”

  He shrugged and drawled, “Sorry, sweetheart, but methinks the lady doth protest too much.”

  Infuriated, she started to stand, determined to leave, when he shook his head and nodded to her chair. When she hesitated, he said, “Uh-uh, sweetheart. Remember, nice little girls know it’s bad manners to leave the table without being excused.” He narrowed his gaze further and imbued his taunt with a silky undertone of danger. “And, princess, I’m far from excusing you for all the naughty things you’ve done.” He pinned her with a hard gaze. “But those ‘come to Jesus moments’ will have to wait for later.” Waving at the counter, he shrugged. “As you can see, I have more to feed you, and
I wouldn’t want to interfere with your appetite or mine with much-needed corrections.”

  Waiting for her to sit back, he picked up his glass and indicated with a nod at her glass that she should do the same. She pressed her lips together in a tight grimace, determined not to let him see how his outrageous threat had affected her. She forced herself to smile. “I can always leave, you know.”

  “That you can. When I say that you can, that is. But, princess, I trust you know that we’re a long way from ending this weekend.” With that, he rose from the table and went over to the counter to finish preparing the next course of food.

  Gia struggled with her rioting emotions. She was truly shocked when Logan implied that he would spank her. Although, he’d done a hell of a lot more than imply. His outrageous suggestion made it clear that she was going to have to deal with the possibility of sex with him. She almost snorted aloud at her notion of it being a possibility. She admitted that it was more likely a 100% certainty. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been carefully creating the foreplay since she’d wakened from her nap. With a disquieting quiver in her lower abdomen, she acknowledged that he’d been setting the stage for what was to take place tonight since he’d chased her down at the pier. Or, if she was honest, since he’d broken into her house and made it clear he was in charge of “when or if” he left. Overcome with trepidation, she grabbed her glass of wine and literally drained the glass.

  To her surprise, she felt his hands on her shoulders. Leaning over, he kissed her cheek. “Relax, sweetheart. Take a breath. We aren’t going to do anything that you don’t want to do. Although, I should tell you that I can be quite persuasive when I want something as much as I want you.” Reaching for her hand, he pointed to the sofa in front of the fireplace. “I’ve decided that these chairs are too far apart. It will be easier for me to calm your anxieties if I’m sitting next to you.”


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