Unforgettable Christmas Dreams: Gifts of Joy

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Unforgettable Christmas Dreams: Gifts of Joy Page 39

by Rebecca York

  Her eyes flew to his, wide, distracted and filled with dismay. She started to rise. “I think this is a mistake.”

  Reacting quickly, he rose and blocked her way, his body touching hers. “Please don’t. I have no idea what’s wrong, but I’d like to try and work things out.” She’d stopped and was listening. Aching to touch her, yet afraid of her reaction, he leaned slightly closer and whispered, “I lost you once and I don’t know why. We were beautiful together and you left me, ran away. I can’t lose you again.” Electricity speared between them, he felt the air sizzle and knew she felt it also. Her breath caught and the fact that she leaned against him, letting him support the weight of her body, letting his hand creep around her waist to give her his gentleness, he just knew she’d once again connected to him with that strange vibe they seemed able to generate whenever they were together.

  He leaned his face against her neck, his breath disturbing the wisps of hair and she trembled, a small moan escaping. Careful not to make her feel he was in any way overriding her wishes; he slowly guided her back to the booth and then slid in next to her.

  Taking her hand, he placed a kiss on the palm, folded her fingers over it and said, “Lindy, I’m not a romantic man. I work too hard and I’m lousy with people unless I like them. But when I care for someone, it never goes away. That night long ago, you made me care about you. Why did you disappear after what we’d shared?”

  Tears emerged, filling, overflowing, and she looked at him, casting her spell once again with those incredible eyes. The rest of the world receded leaving only the two of them lost in their discovery of passion. Hands gripping, needing the touch, the connection, they basked in their joy of finding the other.

  He leaned toward her and she met him. They kissed; drawing sustenance, then pulled back and again searched each other’s souls. Incredible thrills worked throughout him until his mind spun crazily.

  Food, heavenly smells of garlic mixed with seafood being placed on the table in front of them, brought him back to earth with a thump. Unwanted separation irritated Reed, driving him insane. He waited impatiently while the waiter poured the wine and fussed with the meal. Biting his tongue to stop himself from telling the idiot to bugger off, he hid his frustration.

  Finally they were alone once again. He looked at her and saw her paleness. Reaching for his wine, he lifted it and motioned for her to do likewise. “To our future.”

  She clinked her long-stemmed glass against his and looked into his eyes. “Yes, to the future.”

  They drank a sip and he spoke in a quiet intimate tone. “Lindy, let’s enjoy our first meal together and leave the ‘talk’ for after. We’ve plenty of time and I’d love to know more about you and Hollie. Would that be okay?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Belinda felt a gigantic weight lift off her shoulders when Reed requested they get on with their meal and leave their talk for later.

  “I’d really like that, actually. I’m starving and these shrimp look fabulous. I know the customers rave over them, but it’s the first time I’ve ever had the good fortune to eat here.”

  “What? You don’t get to eat where you work?”

  “Some of us do. But we still have to pay a discounted price and so I bring sandwiches from home.”

  “You must be on a tight budget.” Reed’s eyes had narrowed and his interest was sparked. He was a man listening and she felt relaxed enough to openly share.

  “Well, that’s not unusual for a single mom. My expenses often exceed my budget. You know how it is. Besides, Hollie hates the local play school where she goes and I’m saving to put her in a private school that caters to children who are more advanced.”

  Reed smiled. Teasingly he replied, “And which parent doesn’t think their child is the next Einstein just because she can count to a hundred?”

  “True, but Hollie can do it backwards from a thousand.” Smirking at his astonishment, Belinda added, “She can name most types of clouds because she watched a show on T.V. She also knows the differences between the dinosaurs and what they eat. The stars and planets are another area she’s partial to. Should I go on?”

  “Okay, wow! I see what you mean. She’s gifted all right.”

  “Yes, she is. I did fairly well in school but never scored higher than average. Neither did anyone else in my family. Therefore it’s hard for us to deal with a mind like hers.”

  “My parents felt the same way about me. I was advanced for my age, not exactly like Hollie, but I got bored very quickly with regular classes and was thrilled when I reached the higher grades and was more challenged.”

  Swallowing her glee to finally have answers to questions she’d had to put aside, Belinda said, “Then you’d understand why I think it’s so important to get her into this special school.”

  Reed nodded and asked a lot more questions until, with a shock, she realized they’d not only finished dinner but were at the coffee stage and the restaurant section was closing.

  Reed picked up on her astonishment. “They want us to leave. We could go back into the bar, if you want? We never did have that talk and I think we need to as soon as possible, don’t you?”

  She made up her mind. “Yes, we should.” She wasn’t quite ready to tell him that Hollie was his child but she did want answers to other questions and after tonight, she didn’t want to wait any longer. The noise level streaming out of the bar helped in her decision. “Maybe we can go to my place for coffee? The bar’s kind of busy.”

  “Nothing I’d like better.”

  “For coffee.”

  He winked and agreed, “For coffee.”


  “I’m sorry the place is so small but it has everything we need.” Seeing Reed move around her tiny apartment brought it home to Belinda just how little room she and Hollie really had. Moving into the kitchen, she waved him to a stool across the counter and began the preparations for their drinks.

  “It’s cozy and familiar. Looks like the place I lived in off campus while taking residency. Only my rooms were never this tidy.”

  “I bet. I have brothers and if you’re anything like them, well, let’s just say my mother would throw her hands up in disgust.” She laughed, remembering how many times she’d tidied up after them so there’d be peace in the house.

  “Yep. That was me.”

  Picking up the plate of homemade cookies along with her tea, Belinda carried it into the other room and placed it gingerly on the coffee table. She sat on the end of the couch, hoping Reed would choose the chair next to her. Instead he sat beside her, leaned back and took a sip from his cup. “Hmm… good. I’m a coffee freak so I know when it’s bad.”

  “I’m a tea granny; otherwise I’m up half the night.” Realizing their conversation was absurd, she slapped her tea down in front of her and clasped her hands. “I want to talk about the night we met.”


  “About what happened.”

  “You mean when we hooked up?”

  “Yes. How did we get to be together?”

  “Don’t you remember?” Reed placed his mug on the table, his movements slow and precise. There was a note in his voice that caught her attention. Her news had made his features tighten and he looked incredulous. “You don’t remember anything at all. How we met? And danced?”

  Realizing this news had gotten to him, she spoke softly, explaining. “No I don’t. I was drugged.”

  “What?” He swung her way, anger filling the grooves in his face, replacing the smiling man who’d looked so comfortable just minutes before. “You were taking drugs?”

  Shaking her head, she stammered. “No! No, they weren’t m-mine. They were put in my drink. Look, when I got there, a girl I knew handed me a beer and being shy and out of place, I drank it. Next thing I remember is dancing wildly with a bunch of people and then nothing until I woke up in a bed alone, naked and terrified. I got dressed and left.”

  During her explanation, Reed awkwardly put his coffee onto the table.
With his face turned to stone, only his eyes showed emotion and they were furious. “You were drugged at my house… in my home? Is that what you’re telling me?”

  Inching away from the angry man, Belinda nodded. “There’s no other explanation.” Staring him in the eye, she let him read the truth. “I’ve gone over it a million times. I always thought that the person who slept with me had to be the one who’d drugged me. And I could never forgive such behavior.”

  “I didn’t drug you, Lindy. Believe me. I would never stoop so low to get a girl into my bed.”

  She reached out tentatively, touching his arm for only seconds before shooting her hand back into her lap. “I know that now; now that I’ve met you. I can’t figure out why it was my drink someone messed with, unless it was meant for another girl. My memory’s vague about that whole night. All I remember is how packed the rooms were and the loud music, so many kids all milling around, laughing, drinking, dancing—it was crazy.”

  “Yes, it was crazy. And you were beautiful, you know, wild and having so much fun. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. We danced together, a lot. Then you came on to me and I couldn’t keep my hands off you. You were hot for me too and I figured you knew the score, knew what you wanted. Lindy, if I’d known you weren’t yourself, I’d never have touched you.”

  “You couldn’t tell I was intoxicated?”

  He closed his eyes for a minute and travelled back in time. But soon he shook his head, his voice sincere. “No. I was celebrating that night for having passed the finals. And you were so full of fun, carrying on a bit wildly, but I figured you were as hot for me as I was for you. God, I’m sorry but I was cooked myself. I hadn’t had a good night’s sleep for months and the booze hit me big time.”

  She concealed her face, embarrassed by his description. Then he started talking again and she listened to every word, her breath suspended.

  “I did try and find you, Lindy. You fascinated me and I was obsessed. The memories still haunt me. You were a virgin and so beautiful. You wanted me and I couldn’t say no. Now that I think about it, it must have been Ecstasy that you took”

  “Please tell me I wasn’t performing for everyone?”

  “Nope, just for me.”

  “I can’t imagine.”

  “You were beautiful.”

  “You already said that. I must have been acting like a slut.”

  His hand slashed the air and he pointed toward her. “Don’t ever say that.” Anger sliced through his words and made her stare in astonishment. “You were soft and loving, as if it really meant something to you being with me. There was no… sluttiness whatsoever. Shit, Lindy, I’m not good with pretty words, I get all twisted up when I have to think of the right things to say.” He reached for her hands and cradled them in his. Then he placed his forehead against hers. “I promise. It was beautiful. We were… good together.” He leaned back to stare into her eyes and she felt herself drawn into his magic. She couldn’t look away when he moved closer. “Like this.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  His lips touched hers gently, questioning, getting permission, begging, and Belinda couldn’t refuse his request, didn’t want to. She’d kept her eyes open, as had he, and they looked at one another for as long as possible until passion ignited.

  Lost in the excitement of the moment, she opened to him. Desire like none she had ever known sprang between them. Floating above her normal world of worry, she just let herself feel and-- oh, God-- it felt so right.

  Her body reacted, craving what only he could provide. Panting, breath catching, passion took over and every logical reason she should stop this craziness from happening fled.


  “Lindy, I need…”

  “Oh, God, yes…”

  They began tearing at each other’s clothes, ripping, pulling, working to get shed of anything that kept them apart.

  Breathing harshly, kisses not nearly enough to slake their thirst, they stroked and caressed, writhing to get closer. Rubbing against each other, he caressed and squeezed her breasts until she cried out.

  “Yes! That feels wonderful. Yes!”

  “You’re so beautiful, Lindy. I could never forget you, ever. You’re like a drug in my blood, keeping me from caring about any other woman. It’s always been you.”

  “I need you, Reed, need this. My God, it’s been forever. Hurry!”

  Totally naked now, Reed laid her back and covered her body with his, entering the wet haven waiting, throbbing, craving for his specialness. “Oh, God, sweetheart! I’ve missed you.”

  She lovingly caressed his face, kissing him everywhere, clinging, giving, loving. A climax began to build, slowly at first, and then, with every kiss and caress, every thrust he made, it doubled in strength. She panted each moan until she couldn’t wait another second. “Reed!”

  “I’m here. It’s good, baby. I’m here.” He moved faster, lifting her higher and then he gave one last heave and she exploded—flashing, igniting, bursting, sensations rioting, her body pulsating, clenching. Writhing in joy, she clung.

  Inside her, wrapped around her, he buried himself deeply, arched and shuddered.

  Together, they both reached heaven.


  Satiated, they relaxed. He waited for her to speak. Having no words, other than his favorite which pounded in his brain: beautiful! Together, they were beautiful.

  Is she crying? He’d moved away from her so he could gather her close to cuddle and stroke. Glancing down, he saw that her eyes were closed and her lips trembling. He couldn’t stand it if she regretted what to him had been so bea… perfect. Leaning over, he kissed her lips to stop the wobbling and then he kissed her closed eyes to coax them to open.

  It paid off. She looked at him, so open in her honesty, so bewildered in her behavior.

  “See, I told you. We’re beautiful together.” He hadn’t known what words he’d say until they came out of his mouth and made her eyes fill up. Her smile brought instant relief.

  “I see what you mean. We’re a little like tinder and sparks.”

  He grinned. “Okay, I might be tinder, dry and thirsty. But, baby, you’re all sparks. You incited me just like you did the first time. Now do you understand?”

  Staring into his eyes, she playfully blinked her long lashes. “Do you think I could do it again?” Her smile invited.

  “Oh, baby, you already have.” He leaned in for a kiss, his rekindled tinder nudging her stomach.

  She giggled for a few seconds and then stopped….

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next day, Belinda decided to pack some of her belongings to start the move over to Maeve’s house. Hollie, her little chatterbox, hadn’t stopped talking from the minute her grandfather had dropped her off.

  “It’s my day to go with you to Auntie Maeve’s, isn’t it, Mommy?”

  “Yes, munchkin. While I’m working, you can visit her a little and then you can help me unpack. Hurry, because we need to get there a bit earlier than usual.”


  “Why? Because Maeve’s doctor will be there to pass on some instructions for her care.” And I’m going to give the idiot a piece of my mind. How can a doctor, sworn to save lives, be so incompetent?

  Finally to get some peace, some alone time so she could revisit the night before, Belinda set Hollie to packing her own belongings. Giving her a box and instructions, which she knew would never be followed, she left her daughter busy and happy.

  Soon she started gathering her own belongings and stopped when she reached for the pillow on the sofa. Lifting it to her face, she smelled Reed’s cologne, closed her eyes and returned to the wonders of the night and the man who attracted her more than anyone else she’d ever met.

  Making love with him had been beyond satisfying an urge, more like feeding a craving. As if her body had remembered his, they’d been good together, perfect… in his words… beautiful.

  Eventually, they’d ended up in her bed until early in the mor
ning, when he’d reluctantly left to go back to his own house for a shower and to get ready for the hospital and morning surgery.

  Before he’d left, he’d forced a promise that they’d be together again soon. Unaware of why she’d agreed, he’d left in a bubble of happy anticipation, whereas she only dreaded their next date. Knowing how important it was that she tell him the truth, she groaned and again buried her face in the pillow. No doubt, as soon as she told him he was Hollie’s daddy, the man would back off and it would be him not answering her messages.

  She stopped dead. The pillow fell from her hand. Thinking of daddies reminded her they hadn’t used any protection last night. Oh, no! Not again! Her knees gave out completely and she sank to the floor.

  She couldn’t be that unlucky, could she? Her brain kicked in and a thought popped up. They had a test now that would reveal the truth within twenty-four hours.

  Okay, a stop at the local drugstore had to be made before she could go on to Maeve’s. Premonitions swamped her mind, memories of another time when her prayers hadn’t been answered. A sick feeling began attacking her stomach until she was forced to take deep breaths so she wouldn’t lose her lunch. Give me a break this time. Please…!

  Chapter Twenty

  “Maeve, has Dr. Darling been here already?” Belinda arrived expecting to see a strange car in the driveway. “I wanted to have a word with him.”

  “He called to say he’d be a little late due to an emergency. He knew I wouldn’t mind. He’s a very busy man, works far too hard and has saved a lot of lives since he came home to practice here in Carlton Grove. He’s the best of the Carl… Oh, there’s the bell now, Lindy. Would you mind letting him in while I say hello to my favorite playmate?” Maeve patted her knee and beckoned to the child to climb aboard. “Come sit with me, Hollie.”

  Having been tutored by her mother to take care, Hollie gingerly lifted herself onto Maeve’s knee and cuddled close. “Hi, Auntie Maeve. Mommy says we’re going to live with you from now on.”


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