Tap'd Out

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Tap'd Out Page 14

by Harley Stone

  “You feel so fucking good,” she said, leaning against me.

  I kissed her collarbone, her neck, her jawline, every inch that she gave me access to.

  “I’m going to come,” she said. “Fuck me, Tap.”

  It wasn’t right. The moment seemed too intimate, too personal for my road name. I wanted to give her something special. Something no other woman had. “D’Vonte.” I replied.

  Her eyes widened with understanding as she met my gaze. “Fuck me, D’Vonte.”

  I rolled her ass over and did as I was told.


  D’VONTE. TAP HAD given me his real name (at least the first part of it) and three amazing orgasms. My body was still thrumming with energy as we relaxed on the sofa in a tangle of arms and legs. He’d known exactly what I needed, and he gave it to me in the sweetest way possible. I never would have believed a manly-man who looked like Tap would hand over control of his body like that. Sex with Tap had been amazing.

  I was happier and more content than I’d ever been, lying beside him with my body satisfied and my heart full. Sex changed things between people, and although I didn’t know how it would change our relationship, I trusted him enough that I wasn’t worried about it.

  “How you doin’?” Tap asked, squeezing my good shoulder.

  “I’m… uh… paralyzed. I think.”

  He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. The gesture was so intimate it made my breath catch. Rolling to his back, he took me with him, pulling me up until we were eye to eye. “You know I’m gonna want more of you, right?”

  If my eyes could’ve widened, they would have. There was no way any human could rally that quickly. “Right now?”

  He chuckled again, bouncing my chest up and down. “No. I need to go check on Hailey soon. But I wanted you to know this isn’t a one-time thing.”

  I liked that. A lot. Truth be told, I loved being here with him. Just lying naked, chest to chest as we talked was nice. I could do it all day. But I needed to make sure we were on the same page. “How many a time thing is it?” I asked, hoping I didn’t sound too desperate or clingy.

  “Several. As many as you wanna stick around for. I don’t like people, but I like you. I like having you here in my space.”

  Had he not been holding me, I might have turned to goo and slid right off his sofa. Smiling into his dark brown eyes, I said, “I like a few people, but you might be my favorite. I like invading your space.”

  “It’s because I made you come with my tongue, isn’t it? The reason I’m your favorite.”

  I giggled. “That definitely had something to do with it. But I’m not sure. You’re probably gonna have to do it again to make sure.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Right now?”

  “I don’t think I can move right now.”

  “I don’t want to. This is comfortable.”

  “Yeah, but you’re right. We should probably get up and check on Hailey.”


  Neither of us moved.

  “I’m getting up.” I wiggled my pinky, hoping it would create some sort of chain reaction that would move my entire body, but no luck.

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Still, nothing happened.

  “Maybe five more minutes.”

  Tap chuckled, the vibration against my nipples went right between my legs. I might not have the motivation to get up, but if he kept doing that, it would motivate me right back onto his cock.

  “Or after round four,” I suggested.

  His eyes darkened and he lowered his lips to kiss me, but his cell phone rang. He froze, and I groaned.

  “Ignore it,” I said.

  “Can’t. It’s the club.” He reached into his discarded sweats and retrieved his phone, checking the display before he answered. “This better be good, Morse.”

  As he listened, I could almost see the playful, fun Tap disappear, and the all-business intelligence officer surface.

  “Fuck.” He tapped my shoulder to get me to move, and as much as I didn’t want to, I sat up. He joined me and started pulling on clothes, his demeanor growing more tense with each passing second.

  Something was definitely wrong. Hoping nothing had happened to the girls while I’d been selfishly enjoying Tap’s body, I stood and dressed.

  “Yeah, she’s right here.” Tap glanced at me before sliding his shirt over his head. “I’ll let her know.” He listened for a minute more, let out a breath, and stared up at the ceiling. “Shit. It just keeps getting better. Did they say when? Alright. Thanks for the heads up, brother. Let me know if you hear anything else.” Tap hung up and shoved his phone in his pocket.

  “What?” I asked, sidling up to him. “What’s going on?”

  He draped an arm over my shoulder. “We’re about to have company.”

  I stilled, wondering how he could be so calm when the Serpents were on their way. “What? You said they wouldn’t find me here.” We needed to get Hailey and Doris out of there. We needed…

  “Calm down, babe. Not the Serpents. The Dead Presidents. We can’t go to them, so the executive board is coming to us.”

  “What? They’re coming here? Why?”

  “The Serpents know who you are. They know you’re a cop.”

  I’d always known it would happen eventually, but hearing Tap utter the words made my knees weak and my vision blurry. I let my knees dump me back onto the sofa. “How…?” My mind wouldn’t stop spinning. “Morse. You said he was monitoring the bugs. He heard something?”

  Tap snorted. “You can say that again.”

  There was more. I could tell by the way my gut kept twisting. “What else? I know there’s something you’re not telling me.”

  “Buzz made a call to someone named Romero.”

  I froze. “Jose Romero? As in the Chief of Police?”

  Tap nodded. “That’s who we believe he was speaking to.”

  I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. Leaning forward, I put my head between my knees and sucked down deep breaths as I tried to make sense of it all. I’d suspected the hell out of Sergeant Wilkens, but I never would have guessed this went as high up as Romero. “That’s…” Devastating. Mortifying. Disastrous. “Unfortunate.”

  “Very. Especially because now there’s a warrant out for your arrest.”

  The blows kept coming. “For what?”

  Tap walked over to his laptop and fired it up. Bringing it over to me, he opened a browser and hit keys until he found what he was looking for. Then, he turned the screen toward me.

  My face, name, and stats were plastered under a “Wanted” header. They’d used the photo from my badge. In it, my hair was longer and medium brown, my eyes were full of hope, and my smile was genuine and proud. I was so naïve back then, thinking I was going to change the world, or at least the city. I kind of wanted to punch the stupid bitch in that picture.

  The charge read: “The Seattle police have issued a warrant for Petrov’s arrest in connection to aggravated assault and armed robbery of a residence at 36th Ave SW and SW Warsaw St.”

  “Buzz’s address,” I muttered. “They’re saying I robbed Buzz’s house. Wonder who the hell they’re claiming I assaulted.”

  “It doesn’t matter, because we’re gonna fix this.”

  I wasn’t nearly as optimistic, but I nodded anyway.

  “I mean it, Sasha. Come on, let’s go prepare for the club’s invasion.” He held out his hand to me.

  I’d been so focused on how this affected me that I’d missed the impact it would have on Tap. I put my hand in his and let him hoist me out of my seat. “You’re okay with them coming here?” I asked.

  “Nope. But there’s no other choice. They’ve been working on a plan of attack, but they need intel from you. Since you’re now a wanted fugitive, we can’t risk taking you to them.”

  I’d worked my ass off to become a cop so I could help people. With one phone call, the Serpents had taken away not only my badge, but also my freedom. �
�I hate everything about that sentence.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Doris and Hailey were still upstairs asleep when the cavalry arrived. The roar of Harleys vibrated the entire house as Tap opened the garage and had them pull inside. I stayed in the house and waited on account of me being wanted and all. We couldn’t chance the neighbors catching a glimpse of me and calling the cops.

  Julia was the first person to come in and greet me. She gave me a gentle hug and a big, genuine smile. “Your eye is open! It looks so much better. How are you feeling?”


  “Good. And how’s the leg?”

  “Great. I changed the bandage after my shower this morning and it seems to be healing just fine.”

  “I’m so glad. Here, let me introduce you to everyone else.”

  I realized then that there were other people gathering behind her. Emily (the local defense attorney all my colleagues cursed, who was dressed in a dark, knee-length dress and matching pumps), Naomi (a tall blonde wearing distressed jeans and a tank top), and Jayson (a slender man with perfectly styled hair, wearing dark skinny jeans and a tight silver button-down shirt) all greeted me.

  Jayson didn’t look too impressed, though. With a hand on one hip, he eyed me critically with so much sass it was almost comical. “So, you’re the competition.”

  “Uh… for what?” I asked, completely lost.

  “For my tall, dark, and quiet man meat, of course.”

  “Tap?” I asked, certain I misunderstood what he was saying. “Are you asking if Tap and I are together?”

  Emily stepped in. “Don’t mind Jay. He’s been trying to land himself a biker for months. In the meanwhile, he’s illogically claimed possession of all the single ones. For the hundredth time, Jay, Tap is straight.”

  Jayson’s jaw jutted out rebelliously. “I could have turned him.”

  “No, you couldn’t have.” Emily faced me. “Will you please tell him?”

  “Sorry, my man, but he’s all about the taco Tuesday. You’re gonna have to find another boy toy for wiener Wednesday.”

  Jayson gasped. “Can you personally confirm that? Have you tasted his one-eyed trouser trout?”

  I bit my lip to keep from laughing. Or from sharing. Tap didn’t have a trout. He was packing something more along the lines of a giant sea bass, but that was none of little Mr. Congeniality’s business. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “Straight people are boring as hell,” he complained.

  Naomi laughed and draped an arm over my shoulder. “You made the right call. Don’t admit anything to that man or he’ll yap your ear off with questions. He wants all the juicy details. He’s a damn pervert. Does Tap have anything to eat in this place? I’m starving.”

  “Me too,” Emily added.

  “Preggo women,” Jayson said. “When you two get fat, I’m gonna steal your men. Know that in your hearts.”

  Naomi grinned. “I’d pay money to see you try something on Eagle.”

  “Me too,” Julia added.

  Tap’s club brothers had hooked up with some pretty cool chicks, and Jayson was a kick in the pants. Happy they were all here to lighten the mood, I turned my attention toward the pantry. It wasn’t my place to play hostess, but Tap was still in the garage, and I didn’t want to wake up Doris. Deciding I’d be the best candidate for snooping through his kitchen, I took matters into my own hands and raided the pantry and fridge. I came up with Goldfish, cheese, olives, pickles, and carrot sticks. Julia helped me organize them all onto a tray, and by the time the guys joined us, we had a decent looking spread laid out on the table.

  Tap quirked an eyebrow at me in question.

  “The preggo ladies were hungry,” I mouthed back.

  He chuckled and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  Havoc said hello to me before joining his wife. Then Tap introduced the bearded biker with the tattooed arms as Link, who was married to Emily. The biker with the long dark hair and tattooed arms was Eagle, who was married to Naomi. The blond pretty boy with the mischievous smirk was Wasp and he apparently belonged to someone named Carly who couldn’t make it because she couldn’t find a sitter for their six-year-old.

  The only two biker gangs I’d interacted with were full of murderers and drug dealers, but the Dead Presidents were family men who were here because they wanted to rescue a bunch of kidnapped girls. A week ago, I never would have thought I’d be getting help from bikers, but now I was so grateful for it I was almost in tears.

  Tap pulled out a chair for me at the table. As I sat, he scooted his own chair closer to mine and held my hand under the table.

  “What’s this?” Wasp asked with a smirk, gesturing between us.

  “What the fuck do you think it is?” Tap asked.

  “Fuckin’ interesting, that’s what,” Wasp replied, leaning back in his chair.

  Link ignored the two of them and started grilling me, firing off question after question about the Serpents’ compound. Then he brought out his phone and showed me the blueprints of the building, asking me to point out the things I remembered.

  Apparently, Morse had overheard Buzz discussing what to do with the girls, which meant we needed to move fast if we had a chance of saving them in time.

  Doris and Hailey eventually joined us, and Tap introduced them around the table.

  “There’s the curtain climber,” Havoc said, tickling Hailey’s foot. “You ever need anything, you come to your Uncle Havoc, and I’ll make it happen.”

  She gave him a big smile and I could practically see the big guy melt.

  Wasp looked Hailey over. “You know, she’s only a couple years younger than Trent.”

  “What’s your point?” Tap asked, his expression unimpressed.

  “I’m just sayin’ that it’s possible that you and I could be related someday. You never know where and when young love will bloom.”

  Tap stared him down. “Get the hell out of my house.”

  Wasp threw his hands in the air. “What? I’m not sayin’ I would encourage it, just that it could happen. You never know.”

  “I do know, and it’s not gonna happen. Now shut your mouth before I forget that my daughter is on my hip and shut it for you.”

  Wasp chuckled, but he let the matter drop.

  “What’s that about?” I asked Julia.

  She glanced at the guys. “Wasp likes to stir shit up. He’s harmless. Actually, he’s a really good guy. He just likes to poke the bear. All of the bears, in fact.”

  “Shit, I wish they were Bears,” Jayson chimed in. “Then maybe I’d get laid once in a while.”

  Even I caught that reference, knowing that Bears were gay bikers.

  “We’ll find you one, Jay,” Naomi said, patting his arm.

  We ordered pizza and continued to plan out the attack, but there was one major factor I had a problem with: I wasn’t included in the op.

  “And what will I be doing?” I asked Link.

  “Staying here.”

  I didn’t like that answer one bit. “But I know the compound. I know the layout and the guys, and I can help with the girls.” I met Link’s gaze, hoping I wasn’t dealing with another chauvinist. “I’ve been trained for this, and if something goes wrong…”

  “You’re a fugitive,” he said.

  I winced, because although it was true, it stung like hell.

  “If you get spotted with us, you put the whole op in jeopardy. I know you want to be a part of it, but it’s just not worth the fuckin’ risk.”

  I knew he was right, but I was having trouble accepting it. “I could drive separately.”

  “We need Tap with us and he’s not gonna be worth a damn if he’s worried about you.”

  I wanted to keep arguing, but his point was valid. And, I refused to let my pride get in the way of rescuing the girls.

  Tap grabbed my hand and squeezed. “Trust us, babe. We’ve got this.”

  “I know, and I do trust you, I just… Law enforcement gets paid to do
this shit and we dropped the ball. You’ve all already risked yourselves serving the country. It sucks that you have to be some kind of volunteer police force now as well. It’s asking too much.”

  “Nobody’s asked us to do shit,” Link replied. “They didn’t have to. This is our city and we’re not standing around with our thumbs up our asses while girls are snatched from their homes and forced into prostitution or whatever the fuck they’re doing with them. We didn’t fight for our country’s freedom just to let some crazy motherfuckers destroy it from within.”

  “What do you think Texas’s role is in all of this?” Havoc asked.

  I’d wondered about the Serpents’ president as well. In the week I’d spent my nights at the club, I’d never seen him.

  “Hard tellin’. I’d like to believe he’s not involved, but this shit’s happenin’ right under his nose. He’s either too blind to see it, too cowardly to stop it, or he supports it. Regardless, he’s not the man I thought he was.”

  Tap tugged on my hand to get my attention. “We’ll make sure the girls are safe.”

  I knew they would, but worry still ate at my gut. “Be careful.”

  He raised my hand to his lips and brushed a kiss across my knuckles. “Always.”

  By the time we sat down to eat dinner, Link had drafted up a plan of attack on the Serpents’ compound. He stepped aside and made a few phone calls while the rest of us ate. I didn’t know what all the president had up his sleeve, and I wasn’t happy about being excluded, but for the first time in months, I was hopeful.

  After dinner, Link pushed back from the table and stood. “Everyone else should be at the station by now,” he said. “We have an early morning, and it’s time we all get our asses back there as well.”

  During the planning, Tap had brought me up to speed on a couple of the club’s procedures. He’d explained that whenever the club planned to execute an op, Link called in all the families of members. The ‘old guard,’ a group consisting of Link’s father and the bikers who’d served alongside him, would stay behind with a handful of prospects to watch over the families until the men returned. And if the men didn’t return, the old guard and prospects would make sure everyone was taken care of.


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