Red Hot Dragons Steamy 10 Book Collection

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Red Hot Dragons Steamy 10 Book Collection Page 46

by Lisa Daniels

  Or he might not care at all.

  Either scenario caused Ang to shudder.

  Again, her mind shifted to Luca Gallo’s timely arrival.

  A new wave of stress coursed through her.

  How had he known I was in there? Maybe my cover is already compromised.

  Logically, she wondered if Gallo would have bothered to stop an assault on a woman who was his enemy.

  Back and forth, she toyed with her next plan of action, but the more she considered what to do, the more she found her head spinning.

  Angela knew she had no choice but to contact Agent Duggan for instructions on how to proceed. She couldn’t just walk back into La Perla now. It would look weird, going back as if nothing had happened. No self-respecting female would put herself back in a situation like that. It would look suspicious, but that had been her plan for the upcoming weeks.

  Not to mention she didn’t want to see August again.

  Idly, she wondered what Luca had done to the soldier.

  A small shiver slid through her as she recalled the look of fury in the capo’s bright green eyes.

  She had seen pictures of him and even in still footage, Angela had marveled at his intense attractiveness.

  His olive skin and dark waves were a stunning contrast to the piercing emerald orbs, enshrouded in thick, black lashes.

  He was tall, built like a metrosexual tank, both stylish and intimidating with massive shoulders clearly defined beneath a three-hundred-dollar silk shirt.

  Even when she had stared at the photos of him, knowing how dangerous a man he was, Angela could not deny she felt a spark of interest staring at his sulky lips.

  But nothing had prepared her for the magnitude of his presence.

  Angela wasn’t sure if it was the ire which made him seem incredibly sexy or the fact that he was saving her.

  When he had busted down the door, his face lit with an almost collected rage, she had almost forgotten her personal fear. It had almost taken her a moment to realize he wasn’t in his mortal form at all, his mere magnetism overwhelming her every sense.

  Silently she had cheered him on, relishing the blows Luca administered on her would-be assailant, but when he hauled August out of the bathroom and into the night, Angela knew she had to disappear.

  Tanya had tried to stop her, to take her to the hospital, but Angela had just wanted to make it back to her undercover apartment and weigh her next move.

  As long as she sat in the restaurant’s bar, she felt like a sitting duck.

  Yet as she sat alone in the unfamiliar apartment, she wished she had stayed and seen through what had happened with August.

  He wasn’t going to hurt you anymore, not with Luca kicking his ass. You may have missed your only opportunity to get close to him.

  Angela groaned aloud, pushing the glass to her lips.

  It was empty, only fueling Angela’s frustration.

  “Why did I ever agree to this shit, Duggan?” she yelled to the empty room. “Are you even listening?”

  A knock on the door caused her to gasp and Angela clamped her lips together.

  Well, maybe they are listening after all, she thought, rising from her spot on the couch. Suddenly, the effects of all the alcohol she had consumed hit her and Angela floated toward the door, throwing it open with renewed anger.

  “It took you long enough—”

  She stopped in mid-sentence as she saw who stood there.

  Her instinct was to slam the door in Luca Gallo’s face but he seemed to anticipate her reaction, jamming his foot in the doorway before she managed to close it.

  “Wait,” he ordered her. “I’m not here to hurt you.”

  Gaping in shock, Angela backed away from the entranceway, unsure of how to react.

  He wasn’t going to let me get away. Of course not. He can’t risk me turning in one of his boys. But how did he know where to find me? He couldn’t have followed me or he would have been here sooner. He knows I’m a cop. I’m dead.

  Instantly she thought of Tanya.

  She knew my undercover name. She told him who I said I was and he tracked me down. Goddamn it! Dead on my first night. I didn’t even get a solid hour of intel. I told them this was a death trap!

  She felt her back straighten, the desire to shift overcoming her but she didn’t—not yet.

  “Don’t be afraid, Teresa,” he said and Angela found herself relieved that he called her by the UC name.

  Okay, so he doesn’t know my real name. That’s something.

  He stepped over the threshold, holding his hands up to show her he had no malintent, but Angela had seen enough mob movies to know it could be a ploy.

  “I just want to talk to you, okay? Are you expecting someone? Is that who you thought I was?”

  She continued to back away, until her calves made contact with the wood and glass coffee table.

  The door closed behind him and she tried to keep her breathing regular.

  Just remain calm. He doesn’t look murderous or angry now. He looks very solemn and sensual.

  Angela wondered just how drunk she was, her eyes fixated on his incredibly handsome face.

  He’s not sensual. He’s a killer who likely had something to do with your cousin’s disappearance. Get it together, Ang!

  Luca paused a safe distance away, slowly lowering his arms.

  “I only came here to see if you were hurt.” She continued to peer at him with skeptical eyes, unspeaking as their gazes locked. “Can I take you to the hospital? Do you need a doctor?”

  Angela shook her head quickly, not trusting her voice. She was sure her face reflected her worry.

  “I am a friend,” he told her, his green eyes narrowing slightly as he studied her face. “My name is Luca.”

  She nodded, unsure of how else to respond.

  “I’m the one who…” he paused delicately and cleared his throat. “I’m the one who took care of August.”

  Angela’s eyes widened at the wording.

  “What do you mean, took care of him?” she asked, speaking for the first time, her brows raising.

  Luca’s face seemed to relax.

  “So, you can talk,” he sighed. “I was starting to get worried.”

  “What did you do to him?” Ang demanded, ignoring his lighthearted comment. Luca glanced at his long fingers and Angela found her own gaze falling toward them also.

  “He’ll never do that to anyone again,” Luca replied gruffly and Angela heard the note of sincerity in his voice.

  He was genuinely appalled by August.

  But Angela forced herself to think rationally, despite the liquor in her system and emotional strain she was under. This man was also an enemy of hers, regardless of what he’d done for her.

  “Okay,” Angela said sharply. “Thank you.”

  Luca didn’t move and Angela’s heart began to pound as she waited for him to speak.

  “Are you sure he didn’t hurt you?” he asked finally and Angela wondered if he could hear the blood rushing through her as loudly as she could in her own ears.

  “He didn’t get that far,” she replied honestly. “Nothing happened.”

  Not that I would have let it.

  Even as she thought it, she wondered how true that was. It had gotten far enough.

  Luca nodded, his eyes still locked on hers, and Angela was finding it very difficult to look away.

  Suddenly, he reached into his pocket and she tensed.

  Here it is, she thought, closing her eyes. He’s tying up loose ends now.

  “This is my cell phone number,” he told her and Angela’s lids parted to peer at him as he leaned forward to drop a card on the table. “You can call me anytime if you need to talk, day or night. Tanya told me you’re new in town. I don’t want this to turn you off Miami.”

  Before she could stop herself, Angela laughed in disbelief.

  “You offering to be my tour guide?” she piped up before she could stop herself, a peculiar feeling of amusemen
t tickling her.

  A bemused smile touched his lips.

  “I’m offering to be your friend,” he replied, turning away.

  “Why? Do you always clean up after your rapist friends?”

  Oh, why don’t you know when to keep your mouth shut, Ang? Why are you looking a gift horse in the mouth?

  A thousand reprimands smacked her in the face as she wished she could take back the question, but to her surprise, Luca didn’t seem angry.

  “Someone should’ve put August down a long time ago,” Luca muttered. “And yeah, I do feel kinda responsible for him.”

  “Why? You didn’t make him a predator.”

  Luca turned and stared at her for a long, silent moment.

  “No, I didn’t. But in my own way, I enabled him by not stopping him sooner. If it’s any consolation, I give you my word that this is the end of it.”

  A strange pang filled Angela as she read the regret in Luca’s face but she steeled herself against whatever compassion she was feeling for the mobster.

  “Call me, Teresa,” he said tiredly. “I just want to help.”

  “Do you befriend all the women August attacks?”

  You’re going too far, he’s going to snap.

  Luca’s pupils constricted but when he spoke, his voice was patient.

  “No. I don’t.”

  “Then why are you reaching out to me?”

  His faint smile was filled with melancholy but he reached for the door.

  “You remind me of someone,” he answered softly. “Good night.”

  He was gone before Angela could push him further, leaving her staring after him longingly.

  It’s not just that he’s gorgeous. There’s a magnetism about him, a surreal presence.

  A rush of hot and cold swept through Angela simultaneously and she picked up his card from the table, reading it.

  There was nothing but his name and cellular number on the white card in simple black, block font.

  Angela tossed it onto the table again as if it burned her hand, overwhelmed by the conflicting emotions running through her veins in that moment.

  The attraction she felt for him was undeniable. He had saved her where her own team had failed her and he had come to ensure she was secure, again showing up the FBI.

  At that point, Angela was more indebted to Luca Gallo than she was Agent Duggan except for one small detail which was difficult to overlook—Luca Gallo was also likely the one who had murdered Val.

  The thought sobered her up instantly.

  You have a job to do here. Keep your shit together and nail that son of a bitch, no matter how sexy he is. Murderers aren’t boyfriend material.

  But even as she double-locked the door, she couldn’t get the image of Luca’s concerned expression from her mind, like it was etched in there with the fire she’d seen in his eyes.

  Day one and I’m in. Deep.

  Chapter Five

  Memories of Mara

  Giovanni was furious but not nearly as angry as Luca had been.

  “You can’t beat on your soldiers,” the don spat.

  “I can’t have rapists working under me!” Luca roared back, determined to make himself heard this time. “I told you, that stronzo is a ticking time bomb. How much have you spent covering this idiot’s tracks? How many women have suffered because of his perversion?”

  “You broke the door of my restaurant,” Gio growled but Luca could see resignation in his glittering black eyes.

  “You’re worried about a goddamn door? Take it out of my cut. I’d be more concerned about having your establishment known as the rape capital of Miami. That girl was brand new to the city. This was her first impression.”

  Giovanni relented slightly, perhaps noting the seriousness of what Luca was saying.

  Sure. He wouldn’t want something cutting into his bottom line, after all. Of course he hears me now that it might affect his income.

  “Calm down, figlio,” Gio sighed. “You’ve had a long day. I will take care of Augusto. Go home and rest up.”

  “No!” Luca snarled. “You have no control over that piece of shit. You give him a slap on the wrist and he continues to act however the hell he wants. It stops here. I don’t want him, Gio. If you keep him under me, I swear to God, I will make his life more miserable than if he was dead.”

  “What did you say to me?” Gio’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Say it again.”

  Luca knew he had crossed a line but he could not shake the image of the trembling girl from his mind.

  If I had been five more minutes or if I hadn’t picked up on Tanya’s hint, Teresa would just be another missing girl right now. Or worse.

  Luca knew it went beyond the general loathing he had for August in that instance.

  Tanya had been right; Teresa Milano reminded him of Mara but not in any way he could easily identify.

  They both had the same luxuriant black hair but that was where the similarities ended.

  Mara had been coffee-eyed while Teresa’s irises were an almost ethereal blue.

  Mara was short while Teresa was long-legged, something he had noticed beneath the flattering red dress.

  Jesus Christ. I was checking out a victim of an attack.

  But he could not shake the feeling that he knew Teresa from before, like they had been aligned in some other life somehow.

  Or that she is somehow connected to Mara.

  Luca shoved the idea of his former girlfriend far from his mind, focusing his attention back on Giovanni, who was almost frothing at the mouth.

  “I love you, Luca,” Giovanni hissed. “If I had a son, I would want him to be like you.”

  Luca waited for the disqualifier to his boss’ words.

  But… he added with silent smugness.

  “But make no mistake about who you’re talking to. I will end you the same way I made you, capisce?”

  Luca gritted his teeth, knowing that Gio did not make idle threats, but anger was bubbling in his stomach, giving him a slight indigestion.

  Don’t push the old man. He is not known for his patience. You’re already skating on thin ice with him.

  “I can’t work like this,” Luca said simply, somehow collecting his words in a rational, even tone. “Get him out of my sight and put a muzzle on him. You can only cover for him for so long before it all comes toppling down.”

  “I said I would deal with him.” There was a finality to Gio’s words and Luca knew he’d taken the conversation as far as it would go.

  Either the old man will do the right thing or I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.

  Their gazes locked in a silent battle of wills but Luca wisely averted his eyes first. There was no point in antagonizing the don any further.

  He had spoken his piece.

  “Is Augusto still in the basement?” Giovanni called as Luca turned to leave.

  “He better be if Frank and Tommy know what’s good for them.”

  Gio grunted but he didn’t stop Luca from leaving the restaurant.

  At the back entrance, Tommy jumped to attention as Luca stormed outside, slamming the fire door in his wake.

  “Luca, I swear, we didn’t know—”

  “Shut up!” His voice was like whiplash and seemed to have a physical impact on Tommy, who reeled back. It was the first time that Tommy or Frank had ever seen him shift, even though they had heard rumors of his capabilities. The two soldiers were still coming to terms of the reality that their immediate boss was a dragon, capable of terrors beyond their imagination.

  “You are just as disgusting as August,” Luca spat, unlocking his car. “Get out of my face. I’m gonna deal with your ass later.”

  Tommy did not respond, which was to his benefit, because Luca was sure if the weasel had spoken, he would have pinned him to the alleyway with his Saab and set him on fire with his breath.

  As he drove back up I-1 toward Edgewater and home to his rented house, he hoped that his nerves would still, but it seemed like t
he closer he got to his place, the worse he felt.

  I just want this day to be over already.

  But Luca wanted something else.

  He wanted to travel back into the downtown core and return to Teresa’s apartment. He wanted to sit outside and keep watch over her, not so much because he worried that August would find her, but because he just wanted to be near her.

  You’re exhausted and your brain is melting. You stay away from that girl and mind your own damned business. You shouldn’t have even given her your card. That was a rookie thing to do.

  Yet somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to care.

  Luca pulled into his driveway and jumped out of the coupe, not wanting to spend one more second inside the vehicle.

  He had done enough wallowing in his car for one day.

  The last thing he wanted to do was remember Mara and thinking of Teresa Milano made him do exactly that.

  I shouldn’t have left her my number, he thought, shaking his head as he made his way up the walkway toward the front door.

  Luca reasoned that the girl would never use it. She had no cause to trust him, even if he had saved her from the attack.

  She’ll probably be on the first plane back to Richmond tonight.

  The idea filled him with a sense of melancholy, as if he had lost something he never had.

  Go to sleep, stronzo. You’re going to need all the energy you can get to deal with the aftermath of this shitshow and the mess with the shipments tomorrow. Forget about Teresa Milano.

  Luca knew it was easier said than done.

  ~ ~ ~

  “How do I look?”

  He gazed at her sleepily from the bed, licking his lips as she sashayed around the bed in the dress on the balls of her feet.

  “You look like a model,” he replied, grinning as his hand moved toward his crotch, adjusting his morning wood. “Or like Nicki Minaj.”

  Mara scowled at him, spinning away to re-examine herself in the full-length mirror.

  “Would it kill you to pay a decent compliment occasionally or does everything have to be backhanded with you?”

  He tensed at her tone, knowing they were in for another blow out.

  “I was paying you a compliment. You know how many people want to sleep with Nicki Minaj?”


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