The Deadly Alliance (The Deadly Alliance Series Book 1)

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The Deadly Alliance (The Deadly Alliance Series Book 1) Page 5

by Megan Bradish

  But why am I complaining? I need to learn to be attracted to Elias if we’re to have an heir.

  The ceremony dragged on for what seemed to be an eternity. My corset was too tight, and I was beginning to feel light headed from the lack of air. I didn’t hear much of anything the priest said. I vaguely remember hearing my own voice as I said “I do.”

  The only thing that did feel good about the ceremony, was being crowned queen. It felt just as powerful and exhilarating as I always imagined it would. I wasn’t just some princess anymore. I was just as powerful as Elias now. Maybe even more so, for some day, I would be the queen of two kingdoms. I wasn’t feeling so afraid as I let that thought settle into my mind.

  I am Blair Delvoe, Queen of Cryptshiere and my reign has begun.

  Chapter 9

  The reception is filled with music and dancing, and wine is flowing endlessly. The gifts poured in from kings and queens all over the world and I was finally feeling a little bit happy. Maybe it’s the wine, but I don’t care. I’ll take any ounce of happiness I can get after the day I’ve had.

  We open our gifts from kings and queens from other regions, and the lords and ladies, here at Cryptshiere. Beautiful jewels and stunning antiques from around the world accumulate on the table.

  “Your majesty, for you,” Tobias, the physician, hands me a package wrapped neatly, with a large bow wrapped around it.

  “Thank you, Tobias,” I say graciously.

  As I open the gift, I gasp. “Oh, Tobias! It is absolutely stunning!”

  Inside is a beautiful dagger. I never expected to love a gift as much as I do this one. The blade is small, but deadly. The handle is gold, wrapped in some of the finest jewels I’ve ever seen. Not only is it a beauty, it’s also a sense of security. I’d be sure to always carry this with me.

  “I’m glad you like it, your majesty. The blade is made from some of the finest steel in the world. It’ll last you a lifetime,” he says.

  “Thank you. It really is so beautiful.”

  Tobias smiles. “You’re welcome, your majesty,” he says as he bows.

  “It is a beautiful gift,” Elias says as Tobias walks away. He gives a tight smile, as if something is bothering him. I shrug it off, the day has been a long one, and he’s probably tired. Though he didn’t look all that tired, as he quickly gulped down another cup of wine.

  I take another cup, too. I needed this happy feeling to last me awhile. I down one, and then two. And three. Before I know it, my head is buzzed. And I’m feeling like I want to dance.

  I run over, grabbing Adelina and Milly, and drag them to the dance floor. We spin each other around, giggling like children, and I imagine us back in Myrkdovia. We’re carefree and innocent as the beat ran through our bodies, and onto the dance floor.

  I look around the room, as we continue to dance, taking in the beauty of the night. Everyone seems to be having just as much fun as we are. Even father, as he twirls a couple of young children, making them laugh with excitement. I turn to see if Elias is on the dance floor with us, but he’s not. He’s sitting at the table watching me intently. I feel like a piece of meat he’s getting ready to devour. Or maybe it was anger. But I know he doesn’t have reason to be angry, does he? My stomach flips, and I suddenly don’t feel much like dancing anymore.

  I need air.

  I excuse myself from the dance floor and make my way to the balcony. The air feels cool and refreshing on my over heated face. I gaze up at the stars as they twinkle lazily against the black sky. My head begins to spin from looking up for too long, and I lose my balance, swaying from one foot to the other. I begin to realize I may be a little more drunk than I thought, and it makes me giggle.

  I wonder what Lucien is up to? I should be sure to say hello to him the next time I see him…Or maybe I should get a grip. I shouldn’t be saying hello to random men, now that I’m a married woman.

  God, I’m a married woman. How the hell did that happen? I rub my hands across my face, hoping it’ll sober me up some. I did not need these thoughts whirling around in my already dizzy head. I needed to be thinking clearly. I needed to be thinking properly.

  “Darling, what are you doing out here?” Father asks, as he steps out on the balcony. He puts his arm over my shoulders and smiles.

  “I just needed to catch my breath,” I say, smiling back. I was really going to miss this man when he left. What would I do without him?

  “It is rather warm in there. And the wine doesn’t help,” he laughs.

  I give a small laugh back, and gaze out at the village beyond the castle gates. I wonder what those people were up to tonight? I imagine a mother, just putting the children to bed, as her husband, the love of her life, waits for her by the fire with a cup of warm tea. They sit together and chat about their day, taking in each other’s company. I envied the people who could do that.

  “My sweet daughter. I can’t believe you’re finally a queen,” father says proudly. “How does it feel?”

  I sigh. “Exhilarating. And terrifying.”

  “Ah, yes. It is both of those things, even for me. I still to this day, worry if I’m doing enough for the people of Myrkdovia. Or if they’re dissatisfied. It never truly goes away, Blair. But it is exhilarating too,” father says.

  I’m shocked. I had no idea he was ever afraid of anything. He always seems so confident. So strong. “You, father? You’re always so brave, even in battle. I’ve never known of you to be afraid of anything.”

  “Blair, my dear. Your first lesson as queen is to never show your weaknesses. Fear being the greatest weakness of all. You must always come off as strong, and well put together. It can be hard to do at times, almost impossible. But it must be done. Do not ever show a single person your emotions,” father says. I know he’s right, of course. I’ve seen kingdoms fall because of weaknesses. I’ve seen thrones ripped right out from under kings and queens, slaying everyone along the way.

  “I won’t show any weaknesses, father. I can be strong. I have to be…” I trail off.

  Father shifts to look at me. “What is it, Blair?”

  “I…well…I was just thinking…whose idea was it for Elias and I to be married today?” My heart thumps in my chest. I think I already know the answer, but I need to hear it.

  “Well, it was his idea. But I quite agreed with him. It’s a good idea to be married right away,” father said, looking at me with concern.

  I draw in a breath. It was just as Marjorie had said. Why don’t you ask your father whose idea it was. I could hear her voice just as plainly as if it were real.

  It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real.

  “Yes, that’s what I thought,” I say, sounding bitter.

  “What is it? What’s the matter?” Father asks.

  “I don’t trust him, father. I don’t trust him at all.” Oops. That was most definitely the wine talking. I would never say that to him otherwise.

  “Why don’t you trust him, my dear? He’s a very nice young man.”

  I give father a look. “Young man? Father, he’s almost your age….I…uh….I’m not saying that you’re old, not at all…but…” I give up, and look out at the black night. I needed to just stop talking. I was digging myself an even deeper hole.

  A sad look comes across father’s face as he looks down at his hands. “I sometimes forget he’s so much older than you are,” He sighs and turns me towards him. “I’m sorry, Blair. I know this isn’t the ideal situation. And I wish I could let you marry for love. But we just don’t have that luxury. We need to do what’s best for our country, always.”

  I nod. “I know. I know, but it doesn’t make it any easier.”

  “No, of course not. I really am sorry,” he says, hugging me now. I was going to miss this man so much.

  I jump as I hear a table crashing in the ball room. Father and I both look over in time to see Elias knocking into the food table. Dishes and glasses go flying and shatter across the floor. “Shit…fuck.” I hear him mu
tter, as he finally manages to stand, kicking whatever unbroken dishes were left, sending them skidding across the floor. The room goes silent as they all watch him. Whispers begin to fill the room, concerned faces watching as he staggers off.

  He stumbles by the balcony where father and I are, not looking at us once. And he disappears down the hallway.

  So this was the man I married. Perfect.

  I look at father, and he has a look of disapproval splashed across his face. He looks back to me and cups my face with one hand. “I really am sorry,” he says again, and walks away.

  I’m left standing on the balcony, as everyone goes about their business. Chatting, and dancing, and singing. And I wonder what I ever did to deserve a man like this. This was supposed to be our wedding night. The night we are supposed to…make our marriage official. I have to admit though, I’m really glad that isn’t going to be happening. I would try to hold off on that part of it for as long as I possibly could.

  Chapter 10

  I say goodnight to Adelina and Milly and excuse myself to bed. They insist they come with me to help me settle in for the night, but I refuse. I just needed sleep, and finally some alone time. It has been one hell of a day, and I couldn’t wait to feel the covers wrapped tightly around my tired body.

  Before leaving, I grab a few of the gifts from the table to take with me. Lords, ladies, and maids alike wish their new queen a goodnight, and it’s another hour before I’m finally heading down the winding hallways to my room. I let out a sigh of relief, and slow myself to a lazy walk. It feels good to finally hear nothing but my own breathing, and the patter of my shoes against the floor with each step I take.

  I walk by Elias’ room, his snores are echoing loudly through the door. I roll my eyes, and thank the gods that I’m not in there with him tonight. I hope I get to keep the room I’m in, and he doesn’t want me to move into his room. Or maybe it would be good if I did move in with him. It would force me to get to know him. And who knows, I could be surprised at how much I liked him. Maybe we could have a good life together. I seriously doubt it, but I’ve been wrong before.

  I’m almost to my room now and pick up my pace to get there quicker. Suddenly, I feel someone grab my arm and pull me into the the corner. I let out a scream, still trying to comprehend what’s happening.

  “Shhhhh…shhhh!!!” The person whispers desperately as they cup my mouth. I turn around to try to see their face, but the shadows are too dark, and their hood is covering their face.

  My heart stammers in my chest as I yank my arm away. “Who are you?” I demand in a whisper. “And what do you want with me?”

  “Don’t be afraid, your majesty. I’m not here to hurt you. Do you have the dagger?” They ask. It sounds like a man’s voice, but I cant be sure.

  “The dagger? What’re you talking…?” And then I remember. The dagger Tobias gave to me. But how did they know about the dagger?

  “The dagger you received tonight. Do you have it?” They ask again.

  “Yes, yes. I know what you’re referring to. Yes, I have it with me.” It was the first thing I grabbed before I left the ballroom. “Why do you ask?”

  “Keep it with you always. Don’t take it off your person for even a second. Do you understand?”

  “What are you talking about? Why?” I demand.

  “Just do it, please. It isn’t safe here, your majesty. It isn’t safe!” The person begins to walk away and I can just barely see their face. It’s a man. I could tell by the broad face and the stubbles covering his chin.

  “Wait a minute! Who are you?” I ask again. But he quickly scurries away, and disappears before I can comprehend what had just happened.

  I stare after the direction he left in, feeling shock settle into my body. Why would someone tell me it wasn’t safe here? Who had the courage enough to come up to a queen, to warn her of danger, not knowing whether or not I’d tell the king? He left me with a million questions whirling rapidly in my mind. The biggest question being, what did he know that I didn’t? I’d have to find this man, and soon. But how would I even begin looking for him? I don’t know yet who I can trust. Obviously someone who isn’t close to the king. I couldn’t risk having anyone telling him I’ve been asking questions. I needed to be smart about this. And I needed to act quickly.

  I finally arrive to my room, still shaken. The knights are standing guard at my door, and I feel a sense of relief. And a sense of dread. Did Elias hand pick these guards for me? Are they loyal to him, and will they allow him through even if I don’t want him in my room?

  I don’t look at them as I excuse myself around them.

  “Your majesty,” one of them says. I recognize the voice and whip my head up to look at him. It’s Lucien. Of course it’s Lucien. Of course he would be my guard. Now I have no choice but to see him all the time. There’s no avoiding him, even if I want to. Which I don’t.

  “Sir Lucien. Are you to be one of my guards?” I ask him.

  Obviously, Blair. I really need to get my composure around this man. But he makes me so nervous, in the best way possible.

  “I am, your majesty, at your service.” He sounds professional, but I can see a glint of light in his eyes. He’s happy about it.

  My heart flutters, and I clear my throat. “Well, it’s nice to know I have someone like you watching out for me.”

  Am I flirting right now? I’m definitely flirting. I walk past him to open the door, my mind still spinning from the wine.

  “Uh, your majesty?” He asks.

  “Yes?” I’m halfway through the door when I look into his warm, brown eyes.

  “Are you alright?” He asks. I give him a look of confusion. How would he know I’m not alright? “Well…it’s just that…you’re shaking,” he points out.

  I look down at my hands to see them jittering out of control. I clasp them together, trying to hide the fact that I’m close to losing my mind. “Ah, yes. I’m fine. Just tired,” I say. Quickly closing the door behind me, I let out a sigh. I needed to get better at hiding my emotions if I were to be a good queen.

  I practically rip my wedding dress off as I head towards the bed. I throw it down to the floor like it’s a piece of garbage I can’t wait to be rid of. It is just as suffocating as the thought of being married to King Elias.

  I’m sure I’m being dramatic. Really the only proof I have so far, is that he sure can drink. But then again, so can I. But he seemed different when he drank. Almost angry, or agitated. I don’t think I saw a peaceful look on his face all night. But maybe that’s just how he got when he drank. Quiet and reserved. It’s not exactly murder material.

  The man who came to me could have been talking about anything. Maybe he was referring to Charolette. She definitely has some problems. Or, more than likely, he was someone Charolette knew, and she was just trying to scare me again. She really doesn’t want me here, that much is obvious. That’s why she chose until the very last minute to show me the picture of Marjorie, making sure to bring up her death while she was at it.

  Marjorie. She was so young. What was Elias thinking when he married a child for christ’s sake? She couldn’t have been more than thirteen when they married. He could have been her grandfather. Were there really no women his age he could find to marry? I highly doubted that.

  I crawl into bed and huddle myself under the covers. I’ve never felt so alone. So uncertain about everything. I’m determined to find the answers I’m looking for one way or another. I needed to if I had any chance of ruling over a country that was looking so closely at its new Queen.

  Chapter 11

  I’m walking through the woods just as the sun begins to dip below the trees, creating eerie shadows that bounce with the wind. Fog is settling in for the night, as it slowly creeps its way closer to me. I can feel the mist on my face as it draws near.

  I look around, trying to find anything familiar. I don’t know how I got here. I was just in my room, ready to go to sleep. And now I’m here. In the middle of nowh
ere, as I try to grasp what’s happening.

  The sun is sinking lower now, and I can see the moon, full and bright on the opposite side of the blackening sky.

  “Elias, it’s getting dark. Shouldn’t we be heading back soon?” I whirl around to see Marjorie and Elias walking through the woods. She looks like she’s freezing half to death. She’s not dressed for the unusually cold night. Why was it so cold all of a sudden? I shiver as I step closer.

  “Shut up,” he snaps. “We’ll go when I’m ready, and not before. Got it?” Elias is dressed warmly, with a long fur robe. And a bow, slung over his shoulder.

  I look over at Marjorie. She doesn’t have a weapon on her, even though they were supposedly hunting. She dips her head low and nods, as she remains quiet.

  “Why don’t you go over there?” Elias points to the right. “See if you can run any deer in this direction.”

  Marjorie does as she’s told, and quickly heads off into the dark, alone and afraid.

  Elias shifts, turning his head to the side, letting his neck give off a big crack.

  “You have to do this,” he says to himself. “It’s time.”

  I look around, seeing if I’ve missed anybody in the woods with them. But there’s no one. He is in fact, talking to himself. But time to do what?

  I hide myself behind a tree and watch as he paces back and forth, rambling nonsense to himself.

  “She’s nothing but a no good cunt, Delvoe. She can’t even give you an heir! She needs to be disposed of.”

  No. No, he can’t mean…

  Elias lifts his bow, in the direction Marjorie went…waiting…waiting…


  I squint to see Marjorie coming from the dark, snapping twigs under her feet along the way. Elias shifts in place, and letting out long, deep breaths. He’s concentrating. Anticipating. And he can hardly hold in his excitement. He grips the bow tighter as Marjorie draws closer.


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