Historical Dictionary of Chan Buddhism

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Historical Dictionary of Chan Buddhism Page 35

by Youru Wang

  Wudeng Quanshu 五燈全書

  Wudeng Yantong 五燈巖統

  Wu Fangbian 五方便

  wufenbie 無分別

  wujia 五家

  wujia qizong 五家七宗

  Wujia Yulu 五家語錄

  Wujia Zongpai 五家宗派

  Wujincang 無盡藏

  wumen 五門

  Wumen Guan 無門關

  Wumen Huikai 無門慧開

  Wuming Huijing 無明慧經

  wunian 無念

  wuqiu 無求

  wuqiu shi zhenqiu 無求是真求

  wushi 無事

  wushi Chan 無事禪

  wuwei 五位

  wuwei 無為

  wuwei junchen 五位君臣

  Wuwei Junchen Ji 五位君臣偈

  Wuwei Junchen Zhijue 五位君臣旨訣

  wuwei zhenren 無位真人

  Wuwen Mingcong 無聞明聰

  wuwu 無無

  Wuyue 吳越

  wuyi daoren 無依道人

  Wuxiang 無相

  wuxiang 無相

  wuxiang chanhui 無相懺悔

  wuxiang jie 無相戒

  wuxin 無心

  wuxiu 無修

  wuyi 無憶

  wuyi daoren 無依道人

  Wuyi Yuanlai 無異元來

  Wu Zetian 武則天

  wuzhe dahui 無遮大會

  wuzheng 無證

  wuzhi 無執

  Wuzhu 無住

  wuzhu 無住

  Wuzhun Shifan 無准師範

  wuzong gangyao 五宗綱要

  Wuzong Yuan 五宗原

  Wuzu Fayan 五祖法演

  xian busiyi jietuo 顯不思議解脫

  xiang 相

  xiang 像

  Xianglin Chengyuan 香林澄遠

  Xiangyan Zhixian 香巖智閑

  Xianzong 憲宗

  xiao 孝

  xiaocan 小參

  Xiao Lun 孝論

  Xiaoyan Debao 笑巖德寶

  Xiaozong 孝宗

  xichan 習禪

  Xichan Pian 習禪篇

  xin 心

  Xin Daojia 新道家

  xing 性

  Xinghua Cunjiang 興化存獎

  xingjiao 行腳

  xing lu 行錄

  xingru 行入

  Xingshan Weikuan 興善惟寬

  xingti 性體

  Xingye Ji 行業記

  xing zhuang 行狀

  Xin Ming 心銘

  xinti 心體

  xinxin buyi 心心不異

  Xinxin Ming 信心銘

  xinxue 心學

  xinyao 心要

  Xitang Zhizang 西堂智藏

  xiu 修

  xiulian 修練

  xiuxie 休歇

  xiuxin 休心

  xiuxin 修心

  Xiuxin Yaolun 修心要論

  xiuxing 修行

  Xizong 僖宗

  Xuanlang 玄朗

  Xuanmen Shengzhou Ji 玄門聖冑集

  Xuansha Guanglu 玄沙廣錄

  Xuansha Shibei 玄沙師備

  xuanxue 玄學

  Xuanzang 玄奘

  Xuanze 玄賾

  xuanzhong xuan 玄中玄

  Xuanzong 玄宗

  Xuanzong 宣宗

  Xu Baolin Zhuan 續寶林傳

  Xuedou Chongxian 雪竇重顯

  Xuedou Songgu 雪竇頌古

  Xuefeng Si 雪峰寺

  Xuefeng Yicun 雪峰義存

  Xuefeng Zhenxie Liao Chanshi Yizhang Lu 雪峰真歇了禪師一掌錄

  xuepai 學派

  Xueyan Zuqin 雪巖祖欽

  Xu Gaoseng Zhuan 續高僧傳

  Xu Gujin Yijing Tuji 續古今譯經圖記

  Xu Lingfu 徐靈府

  Xutang Ji 虛堂集

  Xuyun 虛雲

  Xuzang Jing 續藏經

  Xu Zhiyue Lu 續指月錄

  Yangming Chan 陽明禪

  Yangming houxue 陽明後學

  Yangqi Fanghui 楊岐方會

  Yangqi pai 楊岐派

  Yangshan Huiji 仰山慧寂

  Yang Wenhui 楊文會

  Yang Yi 楊億

  yanjiao 言教

  Yan Jun 顏均

  Yankai 冶開

  yanquan 言筌

  yan wuyan 言無言

  yaofang 藥方

  Yaoshan Weiyan 藥山惟儼

  Yelü Chucai 耶律楚材

  yi 疑

  Yifu 義福

  yin 印

  yingji 應機

  yingshi yaofang 應時藥方

  yinhe 印合

  yinke 印可

  Yinshun 印順

  yinyuan guan 因緣觀

  Yinyuan Longqi 隱元隆琦

  yinzheng 印證

  yinzheng zhang 印證章

  Yinzong 印宗

  yiqing 疑情

  yiqi weichuan 以契為傳

  yisheng 一乘

  yixin 一心

  yixin chuanxin 以心傳心

  yixin yinxin 以心印心

  yixing sanmei 一行三昧

  Yizhou Nanyin 益州南印

  yizi guan 一字關

  yong 用

  Yong’an Daoyuan 永安道原

  Yongjia Ji 永嘉集

  Yongjia Xuanjue 永嘉玄覺

  Yongle Nan Zang 永樂南藏

  Yongming Yanshou 永明延壽

  Yongquan Si 涌泉寺

  Yongzheng 雍正

  you 有

  youfang 遊方

  Yuan 元

  yuanchang 元常

  yuancheng 圓成

  Yuan Huizong 元惠宗

  Yuanjiao 原教

  Yuanjue Jing 圓覺經

  Yuanjue Jing Dashu 圓覺經大疏

  Yuanjue Jing Dashu Chao 圓覺經大疏鈔

  Yuanjue Zongyan 圓覺宗演

  Yuanmen Jingzhu 遠門靜柱

  Yuanming Lun 圓明論

  Yuanren Lun 原人論

  Yuan Renzong 元仁宗

  Yuanwu Keqin 圓悟克勤

  Yuanying 圓瑛

  yuanxiang 圓相

  yuben 語本

  Yuelin Shiguan 月林師觀

  Yuezhou Dazhu Huihai Heshang Yu 越州大珠慧海和尚語

  yufozu bubie 與佛祖不別

  yulu 語錄

  Yulu Jinghai Yidi 御錄經海一滴

  Yulu Zongjing Dagang 御錄宗鏡大綱

  yumo bu’er 語默不二

  Yun 筠

  Yunju Daoying 雲居道膺

  Yunkong Changzhong 蘊空常忠

  Yunmen Guanglu 雲門廣錄

  Yunmen Sanju 雲門三句

  Yunmen zong 雲門宗

  Yunmen Wenyan 雲門文偃

  Yunqi Zhuhong 雲棲祩宏

  Yunyan Tansheng 雲巖曇晟

  Yuquan Si 玉泉寺

  yushi chenfu 與世沉浮

  Yuxuan Yulu 御選語錄

  yuyao 語要

  Zanning 贊寧

  Zenghui 曾會

  Zhangjing Huaihui 章敬懷暉

  Zhangji 張繼

  Zhang Jiucheng 張九成

  Zhang Jun 張浚

  Zhangqiu Jianqiong 章仇兼瓊

  Zhang Shangying 張商英

  Zhanran Yuancheng 湛然圓澄

  Zhantang Wenzhun 湛堂文准

  Zhaojue 招覺

  Zhaozhou Congshen 趙州從諗

  Zhaozhou Lu 趙州錄

  Zhejiang 浙江

  zhen 真

  zhen chanhui 真懺悔

  zheng 正

  Zhengdao Ge 證道歌

  Zhengfayan Zang 正法眼藏

  zheng zhong lai 正中來

  zheng zhong pian 正中偏

  Zhenjing Kewen 真淨克文

  zhenren 真人

  zhenru 真如

  zhentang 真堂

  Zhenxie Qingliao 真歇清了

  zhen zan 真贊

  Zhenzhou Changlu Liao Heshang Jiewang Lu 真州長蘆了和尚劫外錄

  Zhezong 哲宗

  zhiguo 治國

  Zhihuan Jingshe 祇洹精舍

  zhijian 知見

  zhijie 知解

  Zhiju 智炬

  zhi liangzhi 致良知

  Zhi Loujiachan 支婁迦讖

  Zhimen Guangzuo 智門光祚

  zhishan 至善

  Zhishen 智詵

  Zhisheng 智昇

  Zhiwei 智威

  zhixin 直心

  Zhiyan 智巖

  Zhiyi 智顗

  Zhiyue Lu 指月錄

  zhizhi renxin 直指人心

  zhizhi yizi 知之一字

  Zhongchuan 鐘傳

  Zhongfeng Mingben 中峰明本

  zhongguan 中觀

  Zhonghua Chuanxindi Chanmen Shizi Chengxi Tu 中華傳心地禪門師資承襲圖

  zhongxing zhi zu 中興之祖

  Zhongzong 中宗

  Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤

  zhu 主

  Zhuangzi 莊子

  zhuanyu 轉語

  zhu kan bin 主看賓

  zhu kan zhu 主看主

  Zhu Xi 朱熹

  Zhuxin kanjing 住心看淨

  zhuyu 著語

  Zibo Zhenke 紫柏真可

  Zibo Zunzhe Quanji 紫柏尊者全集

  ziming 自明

  zishi benxin 自識本心

  zixing 自性

  zixing benyong 自性本用

  zixing chanhui 自性懺悔

  zixing mituo 自性彌陀

  ziyou 自由

  zizai 自在

  Zongbao 宗寶

  Zongjiao Daxiang 宗教答响

  Zongjing Lu 宗鏡錄

  zongmen 宗門

  Zongmen Huowen 宗門或問

  Zongmen Shigui Lun 宗門十規論

  Zongmen Tongyao Ji 宗門統要集

  Zongmen Tongyao Xuji 宗門統


  Zongmi 宗密

  zongpai 宗派

  zongmiao 宗廟

  Zongyong 宗永

  zongzhang foti 總彰佛體

  zongzhi 宗旨

  zongzu 宗族

  Zu’an Zhijian 足庵智鑒

  zunchong 尊崇

  zuochan 坐禪

  Zuochan Yi 坐禪儀

  Zuochan Sanmei Jing 坐禪三昧經

  zushi Chan 祖師禪

  zutang 祖堂

  Zutang Ji 祖堂集

  zuting 祖庭

  Zuting Qianchui Lu 祖庭鉗錘錄

  Zuting Shiyuan 祖庭事苑

  zuxian 祖先

  Zuzhao Daohe 祖照道和

  zuzong paiwei 祖宗牌位




  Some publications seem to fit more than one category in a bibliography, but no publication can be listed twice. The author has to make a decision to assign each publication to just one category, in spite of some ambiguous cases. It is suggested that readers investigate different but related categories for the listing of a publication they might be looking for.

  Although this bibliography is comprehensive, it is not exhaustive. Many popular general publications on Zen Buddhism that do not have the substantial content on Chan or Chinese Zen are not included, such as those on psychotherapy or spirituality and Zen, even though they may offer inspiration for the study of Chan Buddhism in general. The bibliography provides ample coverage to recent books and articles on Chan Buddhism, while also including the earlier publications of long-lasting scholarship on Chan Buddhism. A distinctive feature of this bibliography is the inclusion of various Chinese and Japanese publications on Chan Buddhism, including the English translation of the original titles of these books and articles. It intends to introduce the recent emergence of new scholarly works on Chan Buddhism in China to the West, and include some foundational and widely utilized works by Japanese scholars. There are countless books and articles on Chan Buddhism in China and Japan. Those included in this bibliography are only a small corner of the entire repertoire. In a global age, more and more people are learning Chinese and Japanese, especially the new generations. Information in the Chinese and Japanese languages is increasingly translatable with digital tools. The compilation of this bibliography corresponds to the growing interest and multilingual capability of our time without intending to intimidate users.

  A more general dictionary of Buddhism will be a useful supplement to this more specific dictionary of Chan Buddhism, since this medium size dictionary cannot include all background information and knowledge of Buddhism upon which the study of Chan Buddhism relies. English-reading beginners may use such additional tools as Irons’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Keown’s A Dictionary of Buddhism, Olson’s Historical Dictionary of Buddhism, and the more comprehensive Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism. For the supplementary survey and history of Chan Buddhism, readers may consult Hershock’s Chan Buddhism, the new edition of Dumoulin’s Zen Buddhism: A History (volume 1), and McRae’s Seeing through Zen. To read selected Chan texts, beginners may start with Yampolsky’s translation The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, Sasaki’s The Record of Linji (in Kirchner’s new edition), and Broughton and Watanabe’s The Chan Whip Anthology. They are influential texts representative of the early, classical, and mature stages of Chan Buddhism. All of these translations are excellent, with helpful introductions and annotations to the texts. For those searching for the philosophical insight of Chan Buddhism, Wright’s clear analysis and updated discussion in his Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism would serve their purpose very well.

  There are three types of publication that may meet some readers’ initial interest in Chan language, literary genre, and art. One is the historical survey or introduction, such as Yanagida’s “The ‘Recorded Sayings’ Texts of Chinese Ch’an Buddhism,” and Foulk’s “Form and Function of Koan Literature: A Historical Overview.” The second type is represented by the study of language and literary genres with regard to a specific text, such as Heine’s Chan Rhetoric of Uncertainty in the Blue Cliff Record and Poceski’s The Records of Mazu and the Making of Classical Chan Literature. The third type is the anthology, or collection of works, such as Egan’s Clouds Thick, Whereabouts Unknown: Poems by Zen Monks of China, and the Chan section in Karetsky’s Chinese Buddhist Art. For the study of different Chan schools and individual figures, readers may start with McRae’s The Northern School and the Formation of Early Ch’an Buddhism, Jia’s The Hongzhou School of Chan Buddhism in Eighth- through Tenth-Century China, and Gregory’s Tsung-mi and the Sinification of Buddhism. These works demonstrate the achievements of contemporary scholarship and are accessible to a variety of readers. Foulk’s “Myth, Ritual, and Monastic Practice in Sung Ch’an Buddhism” is a classic for the study of Chan institutional practice. Those who are interested in social-political, cultural, and gender studies would benefit greatly from works such as Faure’s The Rhetoric of Immediacy: A Cultural Critique of Ch’an/Zen Buddhism, Welter’s Monks, Rulers, and Literati: The Political Ascendancy of Chan Buddhism, and Schireson’s Zen Women: Beyond Tea Ladies, Iron Maidens, and Macho Masters.


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