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Historical Dictionary of Chan Buddhism

Page 39

by Youru Wang

  Mörth, Robert Christian. Das Lin-Chi Lu des Ch’an Meisters Lin-Chi Yi-Hsüan: Der Versuch einer Systematisierung des Lin-Chi Lu ( The Linji Lu of Chan Master Linji Yixuan: The Attempted Systematization of the Linji Lu ). Hamburg: Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, 1987.

  Myokyo-ni and Michelle Bromley, trans. The Ceasing of Notions: An Early Zen Text from the Dunhuang Caves with Selected Comments. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2013.

  Nakagawa Taka 中川孝, trans. Rokuso dankyō 六祖壇經 (The Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch). Zen no goroku 4. Tokyo: Chikuma shobō, 1976.

  Noguchi Yoshitaka 野口善敬, trans. Yakuchū Shisho sōsōki: Chūgoku Bukkyō no kunō to shitaifu tachi 譯注清初僧諍記: 中國佛教の苦惱と士大夫たち (The Translation and Annotation of Records of the Controversy of Monks in Early Qing: The Problems of Chinese Buddhism and Literati-Officials). Kyoto: Chūgaku shoten, 1989.

  Ogata, Sohaku, trans. The Transmission of the Lamp: Early Masters. Wakefield, NH: Longwood Academic, 1990.

  Ogawa Takashi 小川隆. “Rokuso dankyō no seiritsu katei ni tsuite《六祖壇經》の成立過程について (On the Process of the Formation of the Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch).” In Fo-kuang shan kuo-chi Ch’an-hsueh Hui-i shih-lu 佛光山國際禅學會議實錄, 132–44. Gaoxiang: Foguang Chubanshe, 1990.

  Okimoto Katsumi 沖本克己. “Zongjing Lu De Ziliao Jiazhi 宗鏡錄的資料價值 (The Value of Records of the Source-Mirror as a Source Document).” In Yongming Yanshou Dashi Yanjiu 永明延壽大師研究 (Studies on Great Master Yongming Yanshou), edited by Hangzhou Foxue Yuan 杭州佛學院, 544–53. Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2005.

  Ozaki Masayoshi 尾崎正義. “Rokuso dankyō ni okeru Butsu’i setsu ni tsuite 《六祖壇經》における佛衣說について (The “Transmission of the Robe” as Explained in the Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch).” In Fo-kuang shan kuo-chi Ch’an-hsueh Hui-i shih-lu 佛光山國際禅學會議實錄, 230–35. Gaoxiang: Foguang Chubanshe, 1990.

  Pajin, Dusan. “On Faith in Mind—Translation and Analysis of the Hsin-hsin Ming.” Journal of Oriental Studies (Hong Kong) 26, no. 2 (1988): 270–88.

  Pan Chonggui 潘重規. Dunhuang Tanjing Xinshu 敦煌壇經新書. Taibei: Fotuo Jiaoyu Jijinhui, 1994.

  Pan Guiming 潘桂明, trans. Zongjing lu 宗鏡錄 (Selected Translations of Records of the Source-Mirror). Gaoxiong, Taiwan: Foguangshan Zongwu Weiyuanhui, 1996.

  Park Sang-kuk 樸相國. “Yukjo Tan’gyŏng ŭi kanhaeng gwa yutong 《六祖壇經》의刊行과流通 (The Publication and Circulation of the Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch).” In Yukjo Tan’gyŏng ŭi se’gye 六祖壇経의世界, edited by Kim Chi’gyŏn 金知見, 159–94. Seoul: Minjoksa 民族社, 1989.

  Park, Sung-bae. “The Understanding of Platform Sutra in Korean Son Buddhism.” In Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch’an Buddhism, 304–13. Kao-hsiung, Taiwan: Fo Kuang Publisher, 1990.

  Pei Xiu 裴休. Tang Pei Xiu Shu Guifeng Chanshi Bei 唐裴休書圭峯禪師碑 (Epitaph for Chan Master Guifeng by Pei Xiu). Taibei: Xinshi Chubanshe, 1981.

  Poceski, Mario. “Guishan Jingce and the Ethical Foundations of Chan Practice.” In Zen Classics: Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, edited by Steven Heine and Dale Wright, 15–42. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.

  Poceski, Mario. “Mazu Yulu and the Creation of the Chan Records of Sayings.” In The Zen Canon: Understanding the Classic Texts, edited by Steven Heine and Dale Wright, 53–79. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

  Poceski, Mario. The Records of Mazu and the Making of Classical Chan Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.

  Powell, William F., trans. The Record of Tung-shan. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1986.

  Powell, William F. “The Record of Tung-Shan: An Analysis of Pedagogic Style in Ch’an Buddhism.” PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley, 1982.

  Qian Xuelie 錢學烈. Hanshan Shide Shi Jiaoping 寒山拾得詩校評 (Edited and Annotated Poems of Hanshan and Shide). Tianjing: Tianjing Guji Chubanshe, 1998.

  Red Pine (Bill Porter), trans. Collected Songs of Cold Mountain. Port Townsend, Wash.: Copper Canyon Press, 2000.

  Red Pine (Bill Porter), trans. The Platform Sūtra: The Zen Teaching of Hui-neng. Emeryville, CA: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2006. [English translation of an early manuscript from Dun-huang (Dunhuang County Museum, no. 77), very close to the text used by Yampolsky (S. 5475)].

  Red Pine (Bill Porter), trans. P’u Ming’s Oxherding Picture and Verses. 2nd ed. New York: Empty Bowl Press, 2011.

  Red Pine (Bill Porter), trans. The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1987.

  Reischauer, Edwin O., trans. Ennin’s Diary: The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law. New York: Ronald Press, 1955.

  Rentian Yanmu 人天眼目 (The Eyes of Human and Nature). Translated by Fang Ming 方銘. Taibei: Foguang Wenhua Shiye Youxian Gongsi, 1997.

  Rong Xinjiang 榮新江. “Youguan Dunhuangben Lidai Fabao Ji De Xin Ziliao 有關敦煌本歷代法寶記的新資料 (Concerning New Materials on the Dunhuang Manuscripts of the Lidai Fabao Ji).” Jiechuang Foxue 戒幢佛學 2 (2002): 94–105.

  Sabashi Hōryū 佐橋法龍 and Masunaga Reihō 增永霊鳳, trans. Keitoku dentōroku 景德伝燈錄 (The Jingde Records of the Transmission of the Lamp). Kokuyaku issaikyō 國訳一切經, Shiden bu 史伝部, vols. 14 and 15. Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha, 1986.

  Sasaki, Ruth Fuller, trans. The Record of Linji. Edited by Thomas Yūhō Kirchner. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2009. [Previously published as The Recorded Sayings of Ch’an Master Lin-chi Hui chao of Chen Prefecture. Tokyo: The Institute for Zen Studies, 1975.]

  Sasaki, Ruth Fuller, Yoshitaka Iriya, and Dana R. Fraser, trans. A Man of Zen: The Recorded Sayings of Layman P’ang. New York: Weatherhill, 1971.

  Schloegl, Irmgard, trans. The Zen Teaching of Rinzai. Berkeley, CA: Shambhala, 1976.

  Schlütter, Morten. “The Record of Hongzhi and the Recorded Sayings Literature of the Song-Dynasty Chan.” In The Zen Canon: Understanding the Classic Texts, edited by Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, 181–205. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

  Schlütter, Morten. “A Study in the Genealogy of the Platform Sūtra.” Studies in Central and East Asian Religions 2 (Autumn 1989): 53–114.

  Schlütter, Morten. “Transmission and Enlightenment in Chan Buddhism Seen Through the Platform Sūtra (Liuzu tanjing).” Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal 20 (2007): 379–410.

  Schlütter, Morten, and Stephen F. Teiser, eds. Readings of the Platform Sūtra. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012.

  Sekida, Katsuki, trans. Two Zen Classics: Mumonkan and Hekiganroku. Edited by A. V. Grimstone. New York and Tokyo: Weatherhill, 1977.

  Shaw, R. D. M., trans. The Blue Cliff Records: The Hekigan Roku. London: Michael Joseph, 1961.

  Shibayama, Zenkai, trans. Gateless Barrier: Zen Comments on the Mumon-kan. New York: Mentor, 1973. Reprint, New York: HarperCollins, 1984.

  Shiina Kōyū 椎名宏雄. “Baso shike roku no shobon 馬祖四家錄の諸本 (Different Editions of the Recorded Sayings of Mazu and Four Houses).” Zenbunka kenkyūjo kiyō 24 (1998): 161–81.

  Shiina Kōyū 椎名宏雄. “Hōrinden itsubun no kenkyū 宝林伝逸文の研究 (A Study of the Survived Fragments of the Baolin Zhuan).” Komazawa daigaku bukkyo gakubu ronshū 駒澤大學佛教學部論集 11 (1981): 234–57.

  Shiina Kōyū 椎名宏雄. “Hōrinden makikyū makijū no itsubun 宝林伝卷九卷十の逸文 (The Recovered Chapter Nine and Ten of the Baolin Zhuan).” [Komazawa daigaku] Shūgaku kenkyū [駒澤大學] 宗學研究 22 (1980): 191–98.

  Shiina Kōyū 椎名宏雄. “Hōrinden no ihon 《寶林伝》の異本 (Different Editions of the Baolin Zhuan).” Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度学仏教学研究 49, no. 1 (2000): 68–72.

  Shiina Kōyū 椎名宏雄. Sōgenban zenseki no kenkyū 宋元版�
��籍の研究 (Studies of Song and Yuan Chan Texts). Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha, 1993.

  Shinohara Toshio 篠原寿雄 and Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭, eds. Tonkō butten to zen 敦煌仏典と禅 (Dunhuang Buddhist Manuscripts and Chan). Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha, 1980.

  Sørensen, Henrik H. “The ‘Hsin-Ming’ Attributed to Niu-T’ou Fa-Jung.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 13, no. 1 (1986): 101–19.

  Sørensen, Henrik H. “Observations on the Characteristics of the Chinese Chan Manuscripts from Dunhuang.” Studies in Central and East Asian Religions 2 (1989): 115–39.

  Tanaka, Kenneth K., and Raymond E. Robertson. “A Ch’an Text from Tun-huang: Implications for Ch’an Influence on Tibetan Buddhism.” In Tibetan Buddhism: Reason and Revelation, edited by Steven D. Goodman and Ronald M. Davidson, 57–78. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992.

  Takemoto, Melvin M. “The Kuei-chan ching-ts’e: Morality in the Hung-chou School of Ch’an.” Master’s thesis, University of Hawai’i, 1983.

  Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭. “An Historical Summary of Research on the Texts of the Platform Sūtra.” In Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch’an Buddhism, 46–50. Kao-hsiung, Taiwan: Fo Kuang Publisher, 1990.

  Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭. Hōrinden yakuchū 宝林伝訳注 (An Annotated Translation of the “Baolin Zhuan”). Tokyo: Uchiyama shoten, 2003.

  Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭. “Shōchū shū no rekishiteki seikaku 聖冑集の歷史的性格 (The Historical Characteristics of the Shenzhou Ji).” Komazawa daigaku Bukkyō gakubu kenkyū kiyo 駒沢大學仏教學部研究紀要 60 (2002): 31–52.

  Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭. “Tonkō zenseki no kenkyū jōkyō to sono mondai ten 敦煌褝籍の研究狀況とその問題点 (Some Questions Regarding the State of Research on Dunhuang Chan Manuscripts).” Komazawa daigaku Bukkyō gakubu ronshu 20 (1991): 41–55.

  Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭. Tonkō zenshū bunken no kenkyū 敦煌褝宗文獻の研究 (Studies on Dunhuang Chan Manuscripts). Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha, 1983.

  Tan Wei 譚偉. Zutangji Wenxian Yuyan Yanjiu 《祖堂集》文獻語言研究 (Philological and Linguistic Studies of Patriarch’s Hall Collection). Chengdu: Bashu Shushe, 2005.

  Tiantong Zhengjue 天童正覺. Tiantong Zhengjue Chanshi Yulu 天童正覺禪師語錄 (Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Tiantong Zhengjue). Translated by Du Hanfeng 杜寒风. Gaoxiong: Foguang Chubanshe. 2003.

  Tokiwa, Gishin, trans. A Dialogue on the Contemplation-Extinguished, Translated from the Chüeh-kuan Lun, an Early Chinese Zen Text from Tun Huang. Kyoto: The Institute for Zen Studies, 1973.

  Tokiwa Daijō 常盤大定. Hōrinden no kenkyū 寶林傳の研究 (Studies of the Baolin Zhuan). Tokyo: Kokusho kankōkai, 1934.

  Ui Hakujū 宇井伯壽, trans. Denshin hōyō 伝心法要 (Essential Teachings on the Transmission of Mind). Ui Hakujū yakuchū zenseki shūsei maki 2 宇井伯壽譯註禪籍集成卷二. Tokyo: Iwanami shoten, 1990.

  Ui Hakujū 宇井伯壽, trans. Tongo yōmon 頓悟要門 (Essential Teachings of Sudden Enlightenment). Ui Hakujū yakuchū zenseki shūsei maki 3 宇井伯壽譯註禪籍集成卷三. Tokyo: Iwanami shoten, 1990.

  Ui Hakujū 宇井伯壽, trans. Zengen shosenshū tojo 禪源諸詮集都序 (Prolegomenon to the Colllection of Expressions of the Chan Source). Ui Hakujū yakuchū zenseki shūsei maki 4 宇井伯壽譯註禪籍集成卷四. Tokyo: Iwanami shoten, 1990.

  Waley, Arthur. “A Sung Colloquial Story from the Tsu-t’ang chi.” Asia Major n.s. 14, no. 2 (1968): 242–46.

  Watanabe Masahide 渡部正英. “‘Den hōbōki’ to ‘Rekidai hōbōki’ ni tsuite ‘伝法寶記’と‘歷代法寶記’について (Regarding the Chuan Fabao Ji and the Lidai Fabao Ji).” Shūgaku kenkyū 宗學研究 22 (1981): 212–16.

  Watson, Burton, trans. Cold Mountain: 100 Poems by the Tang Poet Han-shan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962.

  Watson, Burton. The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-chi: A Translation of the Lin-chi Lu. Boston: Shambhala, 1993.

  Welter, Albert. “Lineage and Context in the Patriach’s Hall Collection and the Transmission of the Lamp.” In The Zen Canon, edited by Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, 137–79. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

  Welter, Albert. The Linji Lu and the Creation of Chan Orthodoxy: The Development of Chan’s Records of Sayings Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008

  Welter, Albert. The Meaning of Myriad Good Deeds: A Study of Yung-Ming Yen-Shou and the Wan-Shan T’ung-Kuei Chi. New York: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 1994.

  Welter, Albert. Yongming Yanshou’s Conception of Chan in the Zongjing Lu: A Special Transmission within the Scriptures. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

  Whitfield, Randolph S., trans. Records of the Transmission of the Lamp. Vol. 1, The Buddhas and Indian Patriarchs. n.p.: Books on Demand, 2015.

  Wick, Gerry Shishin. The Book of Equanimity: Illuminating Classic Zen Koans. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2005.

  Wittern, Christian. Das Yulu des Chan-Buddhismus (The Recorded Sayings of Chan Buddhism). Bern: Peter Lang, 1998.

  Wright, Dale S. “The Huang-Po Literature.” In The Zen Canon: Understanding the Classic Texts, edited by Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, 107–35. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

  Wu Ping 吳平, trans. Xinyi Biyan Ji 新譯碧岩集 (A New Translation of Blue Cliff Record). 2 vols. Taibei: Sanmin Shuju, 2003.

  Wu Yansheng 吳言生. Zhaozhou Lu Jiaozhu Jiping 趙州錄校注集評 (A Collection of the Commentaries and Annotations on the Recorded Sayings of Zhaozhou). 2 vols. Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe. 2008.

  Xiang Chu 項楚. Hanshan Shi Zhu 寒山詩注 (Annotated Poems of Hanshan). Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 2000.

  Yamada, Koun. Gateless Gate: The Classic Book of Zen Koans. New ed. Somerville, Mass.: Wisdom, 2004.

  Yamauchi Shunyū 山內舜雄. Zen to Tendai shikan: “Zazengi” to “Tendai shōshikan” to no hikyō kenkyū 禅と天台止觀: 《坐禅儀》と《天台小止觀》との比較研究 (Chan Buddhism and the Calm and Contemplation of the Tiantai: A Comparative Study between the Regulation on Sitting Meditation and the Brief Teaching on the Calm and Contemplation of the Tiantai). Tokyo: Daizo shuppansha 大藏出版社, 1986.

  Yampolsky, Philip B., trans. The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch. New York: Columbia University Press, 1967.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. “Dai zōkyō to zenroku no nyūzō 大藏経と禅錄の入藏 (The Buddhist Canon and the Inclusion of Chan Records).” Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度学仏教学研究 20, no. 1 (1970). Reprint, Yanagida Seizan shū 柳田聖山集 2. Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 1999.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. “Historical Introduction to The Record of Linji.” In The Record of Linji, translated by Ruth Fuller Sasaki, edited by Thomas Yūhō Kirchner, 59–115. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2009.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. “The Li-tai fa-pao chi and the Ch’an Doctrine of Sudden Awakening.” In Early Ch’an in China and Tibet, edited by Whalen Lai and Lewis R. Lancaster, 13–49. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series, 1983.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山, trans. Rinzai roku 臨濟錄 (The Record of Linji). Tokyo: Daizo shuppan kabushiki kaisha, 1972.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. “Shike roku to Wuke roku 四家錄と五家錄 (The Recorded Sayings of Four Masters and the Recorded Sayings of Five Houses).” In Zen bunken no kenkyū (jo) 禪文獻研究(上), 578–608. Yanagida Seizan shū 柳田聖山集 2. Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 1999.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山, ed. and trans. Shoki no zenshi 初期の禪史 (Early Chan History). Vol. 1, Ryōga shiji ki, Den’hōbō ki 楞伽師資記, 傳法宝記 (Records of the Masters and Disciples of the Laṅkā [vatāra], Annals of the Transmission of the Dharma Treasure). Zen no goroku 禪の語錄 2. Tokyo: Chikuma shobō, 1971. Vol. 2, Rekidai hōbō ki 歷代法寶記 (Records of the Dharma-Jewel through the Generations). Zen no goroku 禪の語錄 3. Tokyo: Chikuma shobō, 1976.

p; Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. Shoki zenshū shisho no kenkyū 初期禪宗史書の研究 (Studies in the Books of Early Chan History). Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 1967.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山, trans. Sodōshū 祖堂集 (Patriarch’s Hall Collection). Daijō butten: Chūgoku, Nihon hen 大乘仏典-中國-日本篇, vol. 13. Tokyo: Chūō kōronsha, 1990.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. “Tonkō-bon Rokuso dankyō no shomondai 敦煌本《六祖壇經》の諸問題 (Problems with the Dunhuang Edition of the Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch).” In Tonkō Butten to Zen 敦煌仏典と禅, edited by Shinohara Hisao 篠原壽雄 and Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭, 19–50. Kōza Tonkō 講座敦煌 8. Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha 大東出版社, 1980.

  Ye Wansong 葉萬松 and Shang Zhitan 商志譚. “Luoyang Longmen Chutu Shenhui Taming Kaobien 洛陽龍門出土神會塔銘考辨 (Examinations of the Newly Discovered Epitaph of Shenhui in Longmen, Luoyang).” Wen Wu 文物 11 (1994): 81–83.

  Yifa. The Origins of Buddhist Monastic Codes in China: An Annotated Translation and Study of the Chanyuan Qinggui. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2002.

  Yü, Lu K’uan (Charles Luk), trans. Ch’an and Zen Teaching. 3 vols. London: Rider, 1960–1962.

  Zhang Meilan 張美蘭. Zutang Ji Jiaozhu 祖堂集校注 (The Edited Patriarch’s Hall Collection with Annotations). Beijing: Shangwu Yinshu Guan, 2009.

  Zen no bunka kenkyūban 禅の文化研究班; Yannagida Seizan 柳田聖山, ed. Zen no Bunka: Zenrin sōbōden yakuchū (1) 禅の文化: 禅林僧寶傳訳注(一) (Chan Culture: The Translation and Annotation of the Biographies of Monk-Treasure in the Chan Grove [Part I]). Kyoto: Kyoto Daigaku Jinbun kagaku kenkyūjo 京都大學人文科學研究所, 1988.

  Zeuschner, Robert B. “The Hsien Tsung Chi (An Early Ch’an [Zen] Buddhist Text).” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3 (1976): 253–68.

  Zhang Baiwei 張伯偉, trans. Linji Lu 臨濟錄 (The Record of Linji). Taibei: Foguang Wenhua Shiye Youxian Gongsi, 1997.

  Zhang Mantao 張曼濤, ed. Chanzong Dianji Yanjiu 禪宗典籍研究. Taibei: Dasheng Wenhua Chubanshe, 1977.


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