Noble Line of de Nerra Complete Set: A Medieval Romance Bundle

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Noble Line of de Nerra Complete Set: A Medieval Romance Bundle Page 81

by Kathryn Le Veque

  Braxton’s first order of refreshment was the wine. He poured, and drank, two big cups before pouring himself a third and slowing down his intake. He sat next to Gray, his focus on the open entry door and the commotion going on down in the bailey as he slowly swallowed his third cup of wine. He was thinking on the siege engines his men were quickly constructing, wondering if they would do the damage to de Clare’s incoming army as he hoped, when he glanced over at Gray and noticed how the woman was wolfing down her bread. Her starving actions brought waves of remorse, of guilt and sadness, and he reached up a big hand and put it gently on the back of her head, affectionately, as if to silently apologize for what she had been through.

  He glanced over his shoulder, looking across the table to Brooke and Dallas; his knight was perched on the table next to his wife, cutting off only the best pieces of jerky for her. Brooke gobbled them up like a little bird, fairly starving herself. His gaze met with Dallas’ and the younger knight wriggled his eyebrows as if to acknowledge what horrors the women must have endured closed up in the keep while the men were down in the ward fighting off de Clare’s army. It frustrated Braxton all the more; he only wanted to spoil and pamper his wife and daughter, not force them into hardship. He found himself cursing Constance yet again for bringing all of this upon them; even though she was no longer present at Erith, she was still wreaking havoc. Like ripples on the water, the repercussions kept coming and coming.

  But Braxton was still determined to emerge the victor, no matter what the old woman had started. He began to rethink his strategy of forcing Gray away from Erith. Perhaps if he put it to her another way…

  “Sweetheart,” he leaned over, kissing her on the temple. “Can I make a suggestion?”

  Gray was chewing on an apple. “What is that?”

  He watched her cut pieces of apple with a small knife. “Well,” his free hand began to stroke her shoulder; he wanted to come across gentle and persuasive, which seemed to be the best way to deal with her. “I know of a wonderful place in Lancaster where you and Brooke could go for a time until this madness is over. It is an inn built on the foundations of an old Roman bathhouse and they have the most marvelous amenities.”

  Gray was looking at him curiously but across the table, Brooke had heard him also. She perked up. “Amenities? What does that mean?” she asked.

  Braxton was smart enough to capitalize on Brooke’s interest; he thought that if perhaps he got the young woman interested, then Gray would surely follow.

  “It means services and features,” he told her. “First of all, every bed chamber is luxurious with silks and furs, and the food is the best in the city. They serve things like baked fish with raisins and onions, and sweets made from pears and honey. They also have women whose only job is to bathe you, massage you, dress you, and tend to your every need. If you want them to scratch your back all day, they will do it without complaint.”

  By this time, Brooke’s eyes were alive with delight. “Truly?” she sighed.


  “Have you been to this place?”

  He nodded. “I was there once for a meal,” he said. “I met a baron there who… well, suffice it to say that we supped together and the food and accommodations were remarkable.”

  Brooke shoved a piece of cheese into her mouth, chewing as she hung on his every word. “What did you have to eat?”

  He thought a moment. “I had beef soaked in wine with peppercorns and pine nuts, and apricots with mint and honey, and other delights,” he cast a glance at Gray to make sure she was listening. “But the accommodations were surely the best in the world. I slept on a bed of silk, bathed in an enormous bath with painted tiles, and was surrounded by a half dozen servants. I never had to lift a finger for any want or need; they ensured every wish was fulfilled.”

  Brooke swallowed the food in her mouth, obviously entranced by his description. She looked at Dallas. “Have you been there also?”

  Dallas nodded, looking drolly at Braxton. “I was there, but I remained outside while Braxton lived like an emperor. I was not fortunate enough to be treated to such luxury.”

  Brooke giggled. “Do… do you think we can go there someday? I want to see the Roman baths.”

  Dallas smiled, stroking her soft cheek, which was starting to regain some color to it. “Of course,” he said. “If that is your wish.”

  “Perhaps you would like to go now until this business with de Clare is finished,” Braxton suggested. “You and your mother could live the life of luxury while your husband and I finish off Gloucester. We will come and join you when we are finished.”

  He threw out the big bait and held his breath as Brooke looked at Dallas and then to her mother. In fact, he turned to look at Gray, too, as if she was the deciding factor in the vote. But Gray remained focused on her apple, chewing slowly and thoughtfully. Gently, Braxton collected her free hand and kissed it.

  “I am sure you would enjoy it,” he said softly. “It would be much better than staying here in this dank place, starving for days on end while a battle goes on around you. You could be treated to the finished luxury England has to offer; food aplenty, soft beds, fine clothes, and servants tending to your every whim. And you and Brooke could go shopping daily and buy more finery than you know what to do with; a new surcoat for every hour, a new necklace for every mood, and perfumes for every day of the week. Does that sound appealing, sweetheart?”

  With all eyes on her, Gray could see what he was doing; she wasn’t stupid. She knew he was very nicely trying to convince her to leave Erith. She looked at him, her amber eyes glimmering.

  “It does,” she said quietly. “And you are most sweet and generous to suggest it. But I would be living like a queen, wondering if I still had a husband. Braxton, none of that means anything without you. I could not be living a carefree life knowing that you were fighting for your every existence. What kind of wife would I be if I could forget your peril so easily?”

  Braxton could see that she wasn’t being deliberately stubborn; she truly meant what she said. He kissed her gently.

  “You would a wife giving her husband peace of mind,” he whispered. “If I know you are happy and well, I can move mountains. Please do this for me.”

  She set the apple down on the table and hung her head. Braxton put his arms around her, his forehead to hers, feeling her body as it began to shake with soft sobs. He knew she was distraught; he was distraught, too, but he truly believed it was best for her. The mood of the room turned painful, uncertain, as Braxton tried to comfort his wife. Across the table, Dallas suddenly spoke.

  “Although I will respect Lady de Nerra’s decision to remain or to leave, I intend to make the decision that I feel best for my wife and I,” he cleared his throat as he looked at Brooke, taking her soft hand in his. “I, for one, do not want you here when Gloucester returns. I intend to send you away until I can come for you. If you wish to go to Braxton’s inn in Lancaster, I will send you there happily. It would bring me comfort knowing you are content and well cared for.”

  Brooke’s luminous blue eyes bulged. “You… you would send me away?” she looked at Gray, almost in panic. “But what about my mother?”

  Dallas was firm but not unsympathetic. “What she and Braxton decide is their own affair,” he said, caressing her hand. “But I must do what I feel is best for you.”

  Brooke bolted to her feet. “I am not leaving without my mother.”

  By this time, Gray had lifted her head to look at what was transpiring between her daughter and Dallas. “Dallas, she is my daughter and…”

  “It does not matter if she is your daughter,” Dallas cut her off, his attention returned to Brooke. “She is my wife and I will make the decisions for her. She will go to Lancaster until this madness is through.”

  Brooke burst into tears and Gray looked to Braxton in a panic. “I do not want her away from me,” she said, her lower lip quivering. “Please do not let him send her away.”

tried to soothe her even though he completely agreed with Dallas. “Then your only choice is to go with her. Dallas says she is going and she is.”


  “Go with her, sweetheart. It is what I want.”

  Gray hung her head and now the men had both women in tears. Braxton cast a long glance at Dallas, silently urging the man to take Brooke away. As it was, the two women were playing off each other’s emotions and Braxton needed Gray’s full attention. He knew that ultimately she would do as he asked but he didn’t want her being hysterical about it.

  Dallas stood up from the table he had been perched on and put his big arm around Brooke’s shoulder, leading her away from the table. But Brooke resisted so he swooped down and picked her up, carrying her off towards the spiral stairs that led up to the bedchambers. When Dallas and Brooke were free of the hall, Braxton put his big hands on Gray’s face and forced her to look at him.

  “Listen to me,” he murmured, kissing her wet cheeks. “I will send you to Lancaster with Edgar and a few soldiers as escort. I will also send you with enough money to keep you well supplied for months. You can stay at the inn and indulge yourself until I come for you. All that matters to me is that you are safe, happy and whole. It will ease me tremendously so I can focus on more important matters. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, wiping at her eyes. “But I do not want to leave you.”

  “And I do not want to leave you. But I must have you safe. You are the most important thing in the world to me, Gray. Without you, there is nothing to live for. I could not bear it if something happened to you.”

  She looked at him, the amber eyes spilling over, silently conveying all of the emotions that a thousand words could not adequately express. After a moment, she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly, her mouth by his ear.

  “I love you, Braxton,” she whispered. “My life was reborn the day I met you. Please… please do not leave me.”

  He held her tightly, the pain of their impending separation already filling him. “I will never leave you,” he murmured. “I will always be with you, until the end of time, in this life or in the one beyond. I will always be there.”

  His words brought her sweet and painful comfort. Gray knew there was nothing more to say. Nothing would change his mind and the decision had been made. She was distraught, exhausted and ill, her head eventually coming to rest on his shoulder as Braxton held her tightly. Eventually, he stood up and scooped her into his arms as Dallas had done with Brooke. Gray simply wrapped her arms around his big neck and lay her head on his shoulder as he carried her towards the spiral stairs.

  Just as Braxton mounted the bottom step, Geoff mounted the top rung of the ladder and appeared in the entry. His pale face was lined with exhaustion and there was a big, dirty bandage on his neck, but he was surprisingly alert and strong. Braxton caught sight of him and paused before he took the stairs.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  Geoff had an odd expression. “We have a rider, Braxton,” he said, moving to scratch his red head as if greatly confused. “De Aughton is here. He says he needs to speak with you.”

  Gray’s head shot up and she focused on Geoff with surprise. Then she looked at her husband fearfully. “De Aughton?” she repeated.

  Braxton wasn’t particularly surprised but he was curious. “Did he say why he needs to speak with me?”

  “He did not. Shall I bring him to the hall?”

  Braxton nodded. “Bring him in,” he said, swinging back around for the stairs and beginning to mount them. “I will settle my wife and be down shortly.”

  Geoff nodded sharply and was gone. As Braxton mounted the steps to their third floor chamber, Gray watched his expression with a mixture of curiosity and fear.

  “Why do you suppose he is here?” she asked.

  He reached the landing and moved to their chamber door, kicking the panel open as he entered.

  “I could not guess,” he set her down gently, realizing that their small bed with its warm linens looked quite inviting; he was absolutely exhausted. “But I intend to find out. Now, I want you to lie down for a time. I will be back shortly.”


  He looked at her sharply, his expression laced with fatigue. “Please, Gray,” he snapped softly. “Does everything have to be an argument with you today?”

  She blinked, hurt by his tone but realizing he was right. She had done nothing but argue with him since the moment he had climbed off the ladder from the bailey. She didn’t want any more harsh words or bad feelings between them. She hadn’t seen the man in days. Contrite, she shook her head.

  “Nay, Braxton,” she said obediently. “It does not. I apologize.”

  He looked at her, realizing he’d been snappish, and leaned over to kiss her cheek. “As do I,” he murmured, kissing her again. “I did not mean to be curt. Please lie down and I will return as soon as I know why de Aughton is here.”

  She smiled at him and he returned the gesture, winking at her as he quit the room and quietly closed the door behind him. Gray stood there a moment, her thoughts going with him, wondering with increasing trepidation as to why Niclas de Aughton had reappeared. But her curiosity wasn’t enough to overcome her fatigue and she obediently took to her bed just as she had promised him.

  She was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

  In Brooke and Dallas’ chamber on the floor above, it was anything but still and quiet. After a temper tantrum and tears, Dallas had made up with his wife the only way he could think of; he was preparing to make love to her. But he wasn’t moving fast enough pulling off his armor and Brooke almost ripped his ears off again removing his hauberk. They laughed as the hauberk hit the floor, he rubbed his ears, and pulled Brooke into his arms once more, kissing her amorously. But there was more clothing that needed to come off, so in between heated kisses, they managed to rip off every last stitch of clothing and fall together on the bed.

  Dallas was grimy and sweaty, but it didn’t matter to Brooke. She was just glad to have him warm and alive in her arms. Over the past several weeks, she had become sexually insatiable and Dallas, although understandably overjoyed, found himself aroused in the oddest situations; he’d taken her several times in the stables, in the kitchens, once in Erith’s big armory in the southwest tower, and at least twice a day in their bedchamber. Her young, nubile body was agile and responsive, so much so that Dallas was finding himself a slave to her desires. All she had to do was look at him or touch him and he was instantly aroused, visions of mounting her sweet body filling his brain. He couldn’t get enough of her.

  But it was more than that now. Even as he pushed her onto her back and suckled her tender nipples, he felt more emotion for the woman than he had ever felt in his life, for anyone. He tasted her flesh, listened to her soft grunts of pleasure, and it overwhelmed him. When he rose to his knees and wedged himself between her slender legs, pulling her pelvis against his, all he could think of was how beautiful and sweet she was. And when he finally buried his manhood deep inside her slick body, all he could think of was how much he loved her.

  Dallas thrust into her repeatedly, feeling her body respond to his as if God had made her for him exclusively. She wrapped her legs around his buttocks, keeping him buried tightly inside of her as their bodies moved together as one. In little time, he could feel her multiple releases and it threw him over the edge, spilling himself deep. He lay against her afterwards, feeling their hearts pounding, smelling her gentle musky scent and wishing that he could spend the rest of his life with her just as they were.

  Brooke’s small hands caressed him, moving over his back, his arms, finally coming to rest on is buttocks, which she stroked gently. He could tell by her touch that she felt for him as he felt for her. Their feelings for each other were strong and enduring, growing more solidified by the day. In little time he was hard again and he resumed making love to her as the day began to wane.

  After the third round of lovemaki
ng, they lay sweaty and intertwined in each other beneath the linens. Brooke’s eyes were closed and he was sure she was sleeping, but he couldn’t help touching her face as he studied her. She was such a lovely creature. When he touched her nose, she wrinkled it up and scratched at it. Then her blue eyes opened, fixing on him.

  Dallas smiled at her. “Did I wake you?”

  She returned his smile. “No,” she whispered, taking the hand that was on her head and putting it on her bare breast. He squeezed and she wrapped her legs around him, arching her pelvis against his. “I have missed you.”

  He fondled her pert and perfect breast gently. “And I have missed you,” he murmured. “In fact, there is something you should know.”

  She closed her eyes as he began to play with a taut nipple. “What is that?”

  “You have my heart, Brooke.”

  She paused in her pleasure, opening her eyes to look at him. Her expression morphed into one of surprise.

  “I do?” she asked, amazed.

  He nodded, smiling at her reaction. “You do,” he whispered. “I love you very much.”

  She stared at him. Then, the most miraculous smile came over her lips and she threw her arms around his neck, enthusiastically strangling him. “Oh, Dallas,” she murmured. “I love you also. I love you more than anything.”

  He laughed low in his throat, holding her close. There wasn’t much more he could say at that point so he let his body do the talking for him. He made love to her once more, every move and every sensation infused with the deep love they felt for one another. Dallas had never been happier or more content, knowing he shared something with Brooke that few people ever experienced in their lifetime. He felt blessed. But he refused to think on the upcoming separation, knowing it would probably hurt him more than it hurt her. Already, it was killing him.


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