by J H Brennan
Steiner, Rudolph, 213
Steinschneider, Hermann. See Hanussen, Erik Jan
Strabo, 75
strappado, 109
Strieber, Whitley, 321
Study of History (Toynbee), 321
Sudras, 90
Sumerians, 33, 36–37, 42, 49, 291
Surgat, 336
Swaffer, Hannen, 208
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 154–58; Opera Mineralia, 154
Swedenborgian Exegetical and Philanthropic Society of Stockholm, 160
Sworn Book of Honorius, 147
tachyon, 355
Tai Chi, 97–98
Talbot, Edward. See Kelley, Edward
Tavibo, 200
Teichmanis, Atis, 363
telesterion, 70
Ten Commandments, 65–66
Tenth Aethyr, 246, 248
Tetragrammaton, 112, 246, 257
Thelemites, 252
Theodor, Karl, 159
Theosophical Society, 238, 239
Theosophia Pneumatica, 255
Theosophy, 203–4
Thera, 44
Thermutis, 60
Thessalos of Tralles, 105–6
Thévet, André, 24–25, 56
Tholos, 74
Thomas, Keith, 110–111, 152
Thoth, 46, 249
Thurn, Everard Im, 21–23
Thutmosis III, 59
Tiahuanaco, 302–4
Tibetan State Oracle, 101–2
Tiglath-Pileser, 44
“time slip,” 321–22
Todi, Iacopone da, 224
Tomás (shaman), 28
Tompson, Jo., 153
Tournet (Father), 230
Toynbee, Arnold, 321; Study of History, 321
trabea, 82
Tree of Life, 29
Trikka, 75
Trisong Detsen (king), 101
Tukulti-Ninurta I, 45–47
Tullus Hostilius, 83
Tungus, 25–26
Tupinamba, 24–25
Turin Papyrus, 303–4
tzenu’im, 88
Ubaidian, 33
Unas, 58–59
“uncertainty principle,” 356
Unhörbares Wird Hörbar (Raudive), 363
United Order of Enoch, 193
Universal Medicine, 170
Universal Mind, 351
Untouchables, 90
Upanishads, 91
Upuaut, 264, 278, 358, 374
Urban VIII (pope), 226–28
“urban shaman,” 30
Uriel (archangel), 145
Vaishyas, 90
Vallin, Pierre, 108–9
Valours, Madame de, 308–9
varnas, 90
Varney, Edmund, 320
Vasiliev, Leonid, 182–83
Vigoreux, La Dame, 229
Voice of Destruction (Rauschning), 218
“Voisin, La.” See Deshayes, Catherine
von Moltke, Helmuth, 213–15
Voodoo, 268, 269
vril, 204
Wagener, Otto, 219
Wagner, Richard, 211
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 185
Walsingham, Francis, 143
Walter, W. Grey, 353–54, 358, 360, 373–74
Waraqah, 116
Warren, Ed and Lorraine, 262
Wasson, R. Gordon, 27–28
Watt, H. J., 292
Weber (magician), 255–58
Wernicke’s Area, 297, 298, 299
White Bull, 242–44, 277, 278, 358
White Eagle Lodge, 199, 240, 275
White Eagle, 199, 240, 241, 277, 278
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 208–13, 221
Wilson, Colin, 175, 321, 323, 326
Wilson, Jack, 200–201
Winddrum, Shakmah (Anna Branche), 266, 268
Wise, Thomas, 153
Witch of Endor, 107
witch, 23, 107, 110, 181, 182, 224
witch doctor, 21, 24, 31, 338, 367
Withers, Frank, 241
Wodziwob, Hawthorne, 200
Wolf, Fred Alan, 358
Wolfegg, Maria Bernadine von, 159
Wood, William, 319
Woolongong, 305
Worth, Patience, 237–38
Wounded Knee, 201
Wovoka. See Wilson, Jack
Wriedt, Etta, 205
Wu Chi, 97–98
Wynants, Eric, 219
Xerxes, 139
Yangshao, 37, 95
Yarrow Stalk Ritual, 100–101
Yathrib, 118
Young, Brigham, 193
Yusupov, Felix, 179–80
Zen Buddhism, 295
Zenner, 256–58
Zeus, 68
Zipporah, 62
J.H. BRENNAN is the author of more than twenty books, including the New York Times bestselling Faerie Wars series of novels and many books on the occult, including Nostradamus: Visions of the Future, Occult Tibet, Tibetan Magic and Mysticism, and Death: The Great Mystery of Life. He holds a master’s degree in Western Esotericism from the University of Exeter. He lives in Ireland.