Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention Page 7

by Pwyll Duggan

  "That's dissecting things stunty." A hand cups his ear.

  "Can you hear that? That’s the sound of ale crying out, not being drunk." His hand makes shooing motions.

  "Get that Ale boyo. Chop chop." I leave shaking my head.

  I weave my way thru the cottages and along the tiny streets, only designed for walking. Passing people, sometimes easily, others with a bit of sidestepping, gets me smiles and greetings. I return them as I get them, helm tilted back on my head. Laughing kids dart here and there, matching the new atmosphere around me. I make Merryn's cottage in quick time, her door is open, the smell of tea and pastries wafting out.

  I knock on the door frame. Merryn's voice drifts out.

  "Almost ready for you Paul, even if I did tell you to wait a few days. Come on in." I stroll in, Merryn sits with Carrol, at the small table inside. Carrol's floppy ears match her skin, slight fur all over her. The rabbit woman having white cotton tail. Her huge grin is contagious, as is her permanent cheerful attitude.

  "Today's problem solved?" she asks cheerfully. I return her cheeriness.

  "Sure did. Crossed a few Lamia of the danger list, most of the Dead there and Nyssa' sleeping off webbing up the mine. Only sore point is that Tali seems more, um, damaged than I thought."

  I stopped near them, putting the helmet on the table.

  "Nyssa keeps telling me not to try and save everyone. But it's hard. I know it'll take time, but you know, I don't like it." Carrol hops up, one hand pinching my left cheek the other caressing my right.

  "Your helping. That's all you can do." She turns to Merryn. "Thanks for the talk and the tea. I'll leave you to your enchanting guest. Well, enchanting your guest." She chuckles as she hops out, saying to herself. "That was funny. I'm funny."

  Merryn's shaking her head, clearing the table as the slab slides out of the back wall, water under it this time. A large water bowl is next to it also. I strip down as Merryn says,

  "Top only. Doing your ribs this time. No need to get me all flustered." My eyebrows rise, and she smiles all innocently, puppy eyes and all.

  "Yeah, no way I believe that." Is my reply.

  I lay down as she's getting tools ready.

  "This time is Antidote, Resistance to Toxins and Poisons and a Remove Toxin. And an Armour ability. Again, you'll need to charge them and if you can trance again so I can use your spirita, that would be really nice." I nod and lean back, closing my eyes. Some liquid splashes down on my sternum, top to bottom.

  "Relax and let it flow." I try and regulate my breathing, turning inward, listening to my blood, my heart. Headphones and music would make this much easier.

  Concentrating on my spirita again I form the water pool and the tap, this time making it a lake and the waterfall that leaves it. Trees, grass and flowers start to line the lake without me thinking off it. Some of the trees are Wattles, mixed in with Willows. The Wattles trees are in bloom, the little yellow tufts drifting around as some fall. The Willows have those thin twisting green leaves, fresh and new. Insects skip along the lake top, fish hunting from below. The waterfall is tiny, controlled and it's sound is so soothing.

  I'm totally disconnected from my body, mind wandering easily in this place. Vague prickles of pain come from somewhere. It's neither annoying nor distracting. I'm sitting on the lake edge, feet in the cool water. Next to me is a small doll, made of twisted twigs and vines, small green shoots poking out of its back and arms. Green vines making her long hair. On my other side is a little girl, maybe eight, black hair in a bob cut. She’s dressed in a short linen shift, arms and legs uncovered and dirty. Can't make out her eyes at all, hair covering it. Doesn't matter, her smile is huge, and happiness flows off her in waves. I lay back on the soft grass, plain blue sky above. Somewhere a voice says done and another voice whispers friends.

  I whisper "wow" as I open my eyes. I'm rested. Well rested. Haven't felt this rested in, well, years. I sit up and see Merryn sipping tea at the table. All her tools are away, my armour cleaned. Looking down there are no marks on my chest. Merryn smiles as she sees me stir.

  "You slept well. Seems you really needed that." I rub the back of my head, a little embarrassed.

  "Seems I did. Doll and Princess kept me company. It was rather... soothing." This time I'm not sore at all. I jump down from the table and get dressed quickly.

  "How late is it?" I ask.

  "Maybe 2 hours until sundown. You have time to say goodbye young man." I grin and start to leave. Merryn tuts.

  "Spirita - back wall."

  "Oh, yeah. Thanks." Merryn stares off at the roof.

  "Too be young and in love again." I blush as I put my hand on the tree trunk, refined spirita adding to my total. Running out the door I wave, armour disappearing into storage as I do so.

  Niall has left bundles on the table for me as I race in thru the open lab bay doors, well windows. I slow and quietly climb the stairs to see Nyssa lying on our bed, sheet covering her. I stop at the top and go to turn around as I hear the sheet ruffle.

  "Here I was waiting and you're going to leave?" her breasts hang loose, elbow propping her up, smile on her face. I get the hint and strip, moving forward and trying not to trip over my feet.

  Chapter 10

  Storing the items on the lab tables as I munch on a riceball, I pick up the note Niall left me. Nyssa's sleeping upstairs, now even more exhausted, and me with a huge grin. His note explains the trinkets, the few boots and armour pieces he left me. And only twenty spears of the forty we collected, the rest he says are for 'research purposes'. Right. More like ale purchasing purposes. I pop the note into the trinkets bag, reminding myself to read it later as Mary trots up, fully armed for war. As is usual for her.

  "Ready when you are, Master." I acknowledge her presence, buckling down my breastplate, Doll holding my helm back on my head. I rock my head forward, helm sliding down, and we head to the new dock. The jetty is now larger, and a wide flat 'ferry' connects to the other side via a long cable-like silken steel rope. I pull us across, and we run off thru the farmlands, keeping to a steady pace. Ideas are shooting thru my brain, problems to solve and things to do. So many things. Before I realise, I am running down the roadway, Mary galloping along beside, carts behind her.

  "Forgive me asking Master, but what is troubling you? You have not commented the whole trip." Like waking up I look at her, pushing my helm up.

  "I'm sorry Mary. I'm worried about what the Lamia are up too. And worse I have an experiment I wish to try with your help. I don't know if it will harm you or not." She straightens herself, galloping taller if that’s at all possible.

  "It would be an honour Master. Nothing less." The carts are only just handling the speed, bouncing around as they travel. I slow down, and Mary matches me. I was really in my own little world again.

  "When I first gave souls to The Stone, it 'said' something about my followers and companions. I want to see if that’s true." I pause, slowing down more as the Wall looms once more in front of us.

  "I want to see if I can take you through the wall with me." She almost comes to a complete stop at that. The carts skid to the side and she sees that and acts accordingly. She stops at the Wall with me.

  I can't read her expression, her eyes a steely blue. Her face is still, then she starts grinning in pride, anticipation floods her face. She drops to one knee, spear going across her body and shield.

  "Thank you for such honour. For being the first." Without pausing she rises and walks thru the Wall, before I can say anything. Well that works, and I jump thru.

  Once more I arrive to chaos of my making.

  Mary's moving forward, spear held high, moving the carts onward behind her. Chen's fallen on his butt, scrambling for his dropped spear. Rose's jaw has dropped, her water horse snorting a greeting. Reiji is laughing loudly, and Mari is gasping. As I walk thru, Reiji is stepping forward, hand outstretched.

  "Hello again Mary." He bows slightly. Mary goes down on one knee again.

iest Reiji I present myself to the village as a servant of my Master, Shielder Walsh. I request permission to enter and continue with my service." Her spear is again saluting across her shield, head bowed low. I walk past her, snickering at the sight before me and grab Reiji's wrist and shake.

  "Keeping Mari out of trouble?" He gives me a shit-eating grin and he runs with it.

  "Oh, you know these Priestess'. Gone for two years and they think they can run everything. You know she lost all my books, right? Not like they needed to go anywhere." He pumps our hands up and down once, breaking our grip and putting an arm over my shoulder, turning to face Mary.

  "So how is our ‘Mary the Ogre Thrower’ this fine evening? Staying for dinner I hope." He leans into her, arm dragging me down. "We need more gossip on this guy’s women on the other side. Keeps the village humming that does." Mary stands and tries to regain control of the conversation, stammering too much to do so.

  "Um, ahh, he doesn't have women?" Reiji has managed to disarm the situation, Chen and Rose no longer reaching for weapons.

  "She can't stay Reiji. Back before the Night Ones are out. Okay?" he nods as I continue. "Mary, the lady with the water elemental horse is Captain Rose St James. The Soldier getting up from the ground is Lt. Chen and the lovely lady in priestly robes is Mari, Reiji's sister." I leave Reiji, walking up to Mari.

  "Make sure the carts are loaded for the morning and let Mary pick them up. If she can't make it through the wall at dawn have a group of guys drag it across, please." I turn to Mary. "Dawn pick up of the carts please. I should be back in 3 or 4 days. Play nice."

  "Yes Master." She bows low again then starts unhooking the carts.

  "Off to the temple for me" I say out loud to no one as I step past them all and up the temple steps, the pull dragging me inside.

  The seven-foot cube of black rock kicks into life as I near it. The green cursor starts scrolling across leaving words behind as I sit.

  Operational Power at 02:170:17:42:37

  Shielder Container #57824 Present

  Soul Refinery #0008 Present, bond detected to #57824

  Heartwood Present, bond detected to #57824

  ID: Paul Walsh, System: Sol 00548, Sol III

  Current Level: 18, Battle Mage(S) Fighter(S)

  Harvested Spirita Aqua Detected

  Prepare for Spirita Aqua Removal.........3...2...1

  Genus: Demi-humanoid

  Lamia, soldier: 37 - total 48

  Bane II achieved, boon granted

  Lamia, leader, small unit: 3 - 7 total

  Lamia, mage: 3

  Genus: Humanoid

  Corrupted Lords: 1 - total 4

  Genus: Undead

  Dead: 187 - total 250

  Bane IV achieved, boon granted

  Spirita Aqua Deposited Value: 3010

  Operational Power Now at 03:106:17:42:30

  Boon granted, 500 deposit

  Boon granted, 1000 deposit

  Boon granted, 1500 deposit

  Boon granted, 2000 deposit

  Boon granted, 2500 deposit

  Boon granted, 3000 deposit

  Adjusting Shielder Container: Spirita Aqua Deposit: 3010xp

  Total Adjustment: 3010 xp added 19355 xp total

  Shielder Container #57824 XP at 19355xp

  Level 19 reached - one power point

  7 Boons boon tables generated for after power selection.

  Leveling in 3...2...1

  Power flows thru me. A steady current, refreshing by body and draining worries from my soul. I'm an old hat at this now.

  Level 19 - Ability Increase or Power Choice?

  What to choose, what to choose. Well if I'm going to be a superhero...

  "Power, Fly."

  Fly (30) added.

  Boon List Complied. 7 Boons available. Convert or use or store?

  "Ability, Strength and store remaining."

  Fly (30) added

  Strength increased by one.

  2 Boon(s) stored.

  Updating and resetting container.

  I ignore the slight twinge as I change.

  Operational Power Now at 03:106:17:40:28

  #57824 now at: Level 19, Battle Mage; specialist

  Fighter; specialist

  Fighting 9 Strength 8 Agility 6 Constitution 6

  Intellect 3 Reason 3 Spirita 15 Leadership 4

  Abilities: Wilderness Survival


  Speed +5%

  Regeneration 0.1% per minute

  Archer (Fighting +1)

  Healing, 15% total health, 6/day

  Shatter (x19 power), touch, 1/day

  Arcana Spirita

  Increased Foci Use

  Increased Scroll Use

  Small Arms


  Staff Specialist. (Fighting +1)

  Enchantable Skeletal structure.

  Stones Blessing.

  3/day, limited based on object size or amount or a 10-foot radius. Resets at midnight.

  Power Strike, 12 second cooldown.

  Charge, 12 second cooldown.

  Force Shield, 3/day half sphere, boosted by Spirita, 10 Damage absorbed per Spirita, base 100. Resets at midnight.

  Repair Items, 3/day. Resets at midnight.

  Spirita: Icy Sphere (40)

  Fly (30)

  Fireball (30)

  Tongue (20)

  Enhancement (20)

  Enhance Companion (20)

  Delay (20)

  Invisibility (20)

  Icebolt (10)

  Special: Level Advancement on non-shield container, charges 3.

  Permanent Tongues and Tongues(hidden) power

  Convert refined Spirita to Forced Level advancement on non-shield container. Now 0.2% chance per Refined Spirita Aqua.

  2 Boon(s) Stored

  Storage, 50 slots

  Storage Arm, 1 slot

  Storage Arm, 1 slot

  Shield (10) each arm - charged

  Armour (10) chest - charged

  Resistance to poisons / toxins

  Antidote x3 - charged

  Remove Toxins - charged

  1720 Refined Spirita Aqua.

  Great, I can 'up' 6 people with what I have, and I can fly. Gotta test that when I have a chance, which at this pace will be the day after never. I stroll outside to the waiting small crowd.

  Rose is all set to go. Reiji and Mari are chatting with Chen. Mary is at attention, waiting for me. I walk over to Mary.

  "Please don't tell the others about traveling thru the wall yet. I want to use it as a surprise. You fine with that?" She salutes.

  "Yes Master." Smiling I send her off and turn to the others.

  "Right, let me say goodbye to Bunny and we can go." Rose sends me a hooded glare from under her cloak. Ignoring it I head to the blacksmiths and knock, waiting.

  Bunny bundles out, arms around me in a hug. Lucky she's in her work clothes, leather apron flat on her body. Helmet tilted back I kiss her on the forehead before she looks up.

  "Got to go Bunny. Three days maybe. Maybe longer. Be good." She squeezes me.

  "More like you be good." She leans her head back. "Just come back okay. Nothing else matters. We'll have most parts of a home by then and you can spend time making grandkids." She kisses me and whispers. "One day here, one day beyond. Sounds fair?" I smile and agree.

  "Sounds fair."

  Disentangling myself I walk to Water-rose and Rose. There’s some kind of saddle on Water-rose. More harness than I am used to seeing. Rose puts a foot in a stirrup and gentle pulls herself up.

  "Behind me, hold on and no ideas. Are we clear?" I mock salute her.

  "Yes Ma'am." That gets a giggle from Bunny and I grab Rose's offered arm and swing up, using my strength to push off the ground. The saddle is semi-extended, a small part designed for an extra passenger. I reach around the Captain, only at her waist and only grab her sword belt. Turning to Bunny I go to say bye, but Water-rose shoots of and it ends up more of an "Argh..."
and all I see is her laughing at me.

  Water horses are fast, my big blue Water-rose is faster. We don't even turn at the end of the street, she just vaults over the raised riverbed and lands on top of the water. ON TOP OF THE WATER. And keeps galloping. She turns wide and shoots downstream, leaving a white tipped wake behind us. I'm barely hanging on to Rose as she's leaned down on the mane in front of her. I can guess she's smiling with an evil gleam in her eyes. Something just tells me that's going to be true.

  I lean forward, wishing for goggles, as we leave the village behind. It's exhilarating, wind whipping by. Must be pushing 30 or 40 mph. Umm, I might be able to increase that. Concentration on my knees I push an Enhance Companion down, doing Con first, then Agility and finally strength. Water-rose snorts, throws her head down and RUNS. Our speed almost doubles, and Rose is whooping and cheering her horse on. I rock left and right and grab Rose tighter, so I don't fall. Laughter is left behind in our wake. Lots of laughter at my expense.

  Lights appear on the river’s edge 15 or so minutes later as we blast past a large town with a huge port. Must be Daisen, the local trading hub. Rose dodges around a few barges on the river and shoots thru the conflux with a tributary river as it joins to this one, making it wider. We speed off into the dark, leaving a few shouts and prayer's against evil behind us. Rose and her horse act as one, not having any problems running along the flat river, or seeing its twist and turns. I lean in close, lay me head on her back and just let it be. And no, not like that bloody song.

  Chapter 11

  Rose nudges me as she sits up, slowing right down on the river and aiming for the shore. Rosie jumps up onto the bank and drops her head to the grass as Rose pulls my hands off her belt.

  "Off." She commands, and I just slide off backwards, onto the dark bank.

  I push my hands into my lower back, and stretch, leaning my head back. I stay quiet, not sure if I'm dealing with the Lady Rose or Captain St James. Best to play it safe. I pull out Princess from storage, tossing her casually over my shoulder as vines reach out and grab her lovingly. I pop down on the grass of the small clearing, watching Rose stroke Rosie's muzzle and whisper to her. I so should have called her horse Rosie earlier, much easier in my head.


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