Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention Page 21

by Pwyll Duggan

  Baron Laird comes towards me, hat in hand.

  "I cannot ever thank you enough" as I wave him away as I comment.

  "What I do Baron. What I do. Just get that outpost up and the rangers going. For everyone’s sake." He's nodding again, and I wave him off, straining my smile.

  After my own wounds and the villagers, I have only 2 heals left, and used two potions, already replaced. Careful use of the potions saved more lives than my heals, so I do need to get that potion supply up and running. Today just proves I need to head north asap.

  The Commander is killing it, totally on top of her troops. They cleared the remaining few Were's in the woods. Hopefully that will delay any reports to whom is commanding all this. It really pushes the need for me to get back and start protecting my home. Looking around just proves that. They need me, and I really need them, need that normal feeling of life and friends.

  Turning to the pile I repair the armour and shield, putting them in storage. I call Princess to my hand and I put her over to Doll, two spears joining her now on my back. I look to Sonya and whisper.

  "Time to go." I stroll over to the girls, put my arms down at my sides and bow deep.

  "Your Highness." And turn and leave, moving sounds starting behind me. I walk past the Dragon being pulled and pushed, bending over to rip out a handful of large scales, storing them, much to Sonya's delight.

  I come to the Duchess' command area and wait. All the officers go stiff at my presence and she turns. Feet are running up behind me, Sonya at my side.

  "Lord Shielder?" I bow deep to her. "

  Thank you for your hospitality. This event reinforces my need to leave. So, thank you again." She feels the steel in my voice and sees the look in my eyes. She reaches her hand out to me.

  "Good luck to us all." I grab her wrist and we shake.

  "Give my apologies to your busy Husband. You know how to find me." I turn as the girls arrive. I wave.

  "Seeya around. You know how to find me also." I bend and lift Sonya in my arms as they respond, shooting up, up and away.

  We speed over the lake, taking the straightest path, at speed. If anyone wants me, they can make it back in maybe half an hour at full speed on a horse. Not that it matters. As the palace comes into view it's a bustle of activity. We drop down into stable's courtyard and Sonya spots the carriage right away. She greets Tom the coachman and they rush to get ready as I enhance all the horses. Tom comes up to me, doffing his hat.

  "Sir? As soon as possible Lady Sonya said?"

  "Please Tom. I enhanced the horses. How far can we get today?" He thinks.

  "If we rest them well tonight, maybe halfway, getting to Kawaba tomorrow night."

  "Awesome, thanks Tom."

  The carriage it is drawn by four horses and seems rather dull compared to the others around. The wood is thicker and there's a strange chair the footman sits in, on top and not behind the carriage like normal. The coachman and the shield mage are up front, more armour plating around them. Multiple crossbows are stored in holders, like rifles would be on a stagecoach. Quarrels / Bolts in attached quivers to the seats. Mirrors around like they are towing a caravan. This is not something for show at all.

  Sonya wraps around my arm.

  "They'll go and load up. We just need to pack, and we can be off. Less than an hour I would think. You just worried about your home?"

  "Yeah. It's just so scary to think they got a force that big down here, 300 miles away. What could they have ready up there? I need to see what they have and what I need to do about it." She snuggles in and I get the feeling she's trying to reassure me it’s all alright.

  "Thank you for caring Sonya. You don't need to come with me." I get a surprised look.

  "If I don't come with you, who will pull out all the splinters because you can't dodge for shit... My lord..." she then rubs her stomach "and I need a little loving too. Spirit chosen don't get born by themselves you know."

  We go upstairs, and the guards are out in force, all the ones I have ever seen are there. One has the spear and goes to hand it to me. I push it back.

  "Keep it." And I open a palm and drop the last 15 on the ground in front of them all.

  "Look after this place while I'm gone. Watch out for the new Priest for me. Got this feeling I've started way more than I can deal with." They all stand at attention and salute.

  "Lord Shielder!" is the unanimous reply as I lead the coach crew into my rooms.

  Tom and Jim start to load the trunks, but I grab them and do it myself. They weigh nothing for me and lets me send them to the kitchen to stock up on food. I shouldn't have bothered as most of the kitchen staff have come out with meals and boxes for us to store and eat on our trip, even another storage trunk of pastries for the village when we arrive in a few days. I end up spending my time shaking hands and saying goodbye to people I don't think I ever really met. Seems I changed a few lives again. It makes my spirits soar as we get ready to go. As we do so, a line of horses gallops across the garden roads to us.

  Sara's in the lead and vaults off her horse before it even stops. Tumbling to us she jumps to her feet, eyes glaring.

  "You're leaving. Just like that." I answer fairly emotionless.

  "Yes, just like that. Kawaba needs me. If a dragon..."

  "immature dragon." Interjects Sonya.

  "can get down here, then I need to go Beyond The Wall again and stop them. It's what The Stone bought me here for." I point to Charlotte.

  "You have your responsibilities. I have mine." I small smile spreads on my face. "Nothing stopping you coming to visit in a few days once your duties here have ended."

  Mish walks her armoured butt up behind her and places a metal covered fist on her friends’ shoulder.

  "Girl, he just invited you to stay. You get your non-existent panties out of a knot and get the hint. Do what we need to here and go for a nice quiet country stay. I'm sure they have ale, so the rest of us will be fine will you try and jump his bones with your 'body temple'. Spiritual Monk powers and all that pure life stuff means little once someone finally kicked that cute butt." She slaps her friend again, drops a quick salute my way and walks off.

  I watch the Twins dismount, turn to me and bow, then walk off. Red pauses, turns back and blows me a kiss, a quick wink and smiles as she goes and runs to catch her twin.

  Marylou comes over to me.

  "You are a total pain in the ass, especially my ass. Try and stay alive for a few days. Sara NEVER has emotions for anyone but her friends. And I have never seen her smile as much as the last few days. Thank you for that." She starts to turn and stops, face going hard.

  "If you hurt one scale on Sonya's body..." she pokes my chest with a finger. "I will use my claws to skin you alive, and not in a fun way." I perform a mock salute and bark out.

  "Yes, Ma'am." That gets me a small smile and a wave over her shoulder as she leaves.

  Princess Charlotte is just standing there, her robe dirty, eyes tired and wired at the same time. We're a few yards apart as she starts.

  "I could order you to stay, but you'd ignore it and go. I could ask, and you would say all those things you just did. They all like you and I just think you could be the most important thing in this kingdom right now." She steps closer.

  "Do what you do Lord Shielder. Protect those people without regards for yourself, see what's going on and report it. That's my Order."

  I drop to my knee in courtesy and in the respect so earned today.

  "As you command, I will try and obey."

  Sonya rushes past, hugs Marylou and I go and hop up into our carriage. Sonya jumps in, sits at the window seat and pokes her head out. She starts waving as I sit inside. It has nice seats, no island desks or anything and feels more spartan than the others. The seats are soft leather, and I whack the front wall and Tom gets it started going. I lean out the other side and wave too. Off on another adventure we go.

  Sonya pulls her head back inside and bounces on the seat, testing it.

  "Good, this will do nicely." She says and then looks at me, her eyebrows go up and I know just what she has in mind.

  No rest for the wicked indeed.

  Chapter 33

  Sonya dozes on my arm as we hit mid-afternoon, horses not stopping for anything. We passed Crossing a few hours ago, horses making a blistering pace. Sonya decided to show me why she liked this carriage, the rear seat slides out to form a bed, which she had much fun using. I won't say it was just a nice distraction, but it helps she sees thing so much differently than me, when it comes to relationships. She can't wait to meet Bunny and teach her to 'groom' me so someone else can 'look after me properly too.' Not sure what Bunny will think about that.

  I start to drift off as the carriage screeches to a halt. I'm up and out before I know what's going on. Twin twangs and a loud grinding noise buffets me as Princess comes to my hand, pants the only thing I am wearing. Two bodies are on the road, tree down as cover for the other three bandits, light mail shining in the sun. Jim has his hands out, shield covering the horses and the whole front of the carriage. Tom's reloading his crossbow as the top of the carriage slides down a little to cover the doors with a steel shield. The chair Craig is sitting in is coming around, dual heavy crossbows, more like mini ballista, come to bear.

  The carriage even rocks as they shoot, blowing through the top part of the tree trunk, lifting two bandits off the ground. They fall back as the last turns to run, bolt entering his neck and stopping. Craig is cranking and reloading as Tom drops off the cab seat next to me, grabbing the tip of his hat.

  "We have this sir, go and relax." And almost shoos me away. Craig reloads and peddles himself in a circle, checking the surroundings. He mutters something about the 'joys of summer ending' as I re-enter the carriage.

  Sonya's resting up on an elbow, sleepily. She yawns.


  Nothing else to say but "Yes".

  "Good, back here, lay down. Pillows aren't supposed to run away." That I can agree to.

  I get rocked awake later, Sonya now dressed in her leathers. "Wakey wakey Lord. Get dressed, we’re at the Inn."

  What, I slept for hours then? I don't do that now. She sees my questioning face.

  "You were tired and with less stress going home, you just slept. I didn't want to wake you." I get dressed as she talks. "The horses are stabled, trunks in our room and the boys are eating, with extras from the cake trunk."

  We head in and I sit with the boys, Sonya pouting as she goes upstairs. Tom starts.

  "Don't leave her alone too long to pout or you'll be in more trouble." Getting laughs from his men.

  "Somewhat used to that now." Gets a few more. I go on. "Thanks for today guys." They look at each other and Tom answers.

  "What ya pay us for, so far." I sense more is coming and wait, indicating him to go on.

  "We know who you are and what you can do. We were thinking you would have use for men of our... skills. Fast transport, protecting people and, um, bring people to you." I lift the drink before me, sipping my tea.

  "And what people would that be." Jim looks around, leather overcoat still on and speaks quietly.

  "All your lady friends and other people of in power. You're gonna be a mover and shaker in the north, and we three thought better get in first, on ya good side and all that." They all nod, Craig the only one not watching me, scraggly beard being pulled by his hand. He talks low.

  "We got made. Four guys just entered. Waitress pointed us out to them and two went back outside. The other two are sitting close to the door watching us. One's good, others a thug." He chugs his mug, lifts it up for the waitress to see, beckoning.

  "As much as I want this talk, we need to move." He stands up. He says rather loudly.

  "Gotta take a leak." Slightly slurring and heads out back.

  Tom taps the table and Jim's casting on him.

  "I'll go stables, you follow Craig and my lord goes upstairs. No leaving, split them and see who they have outside." Tom looks up at me.

  "Try not to kill them. Jim's a wiz at getting people to talk, really, he is." I smirk at him and get up, heading for the stairs.

  Once up the stairs a lovely maid directs me down the hall to the left, saying,

  "Your lady has already ordered a lot of hot water for her bath. You may not want to miss it." Adding a huge grin at the end. Our rooms are at the end of the hall, a little roped off barrier in front of it. I walk down, passing several rooms and as I get to the barrier most of the rooms open, men pouring out, small weapons in their hands. Bugger Me. Time for my Marvel Netflix hall-scene.

  They rush at me as I kick forward, knocking the first one back with a crack, onto his fellows. I stand waiting, doing the boxing bounce as they roll him off, dead. They look back to a guy in a cloak and as he nods, they rush. I don't try and dodge. I go straight thru, quite literally. I lash out as a dagger comes in low, fingers in a knife hand, stabbing forward. He hits my silk armour and I stab thru his rib cage and watch the life leave his eyes.

  I scream "Sonya!"

  And stamp down, shaking the hall and getting one’s foot. It's crushed as I uppercut, throwing this one to the ceiling.

  I cross my forearms and block a club, watching it shatter on my wrists as curved metal flashes by me, lodging in his head. I pull out the kurki and start slashing back and forth, forcing them back at the cost of my armoured gambeson and some blood. I slide to the side, missed by a lunge forward, kurki going down, hard. The arm falls fast, owner screaming and the guy at the rear flinches at that. They were supposed to be quiet? Too late now and using the wrong tactics for that.

  Sonya spins over the top of me, dagger flashing down into the head of another. She then jumps up, a leg on each wall, allowing the thrust at her to go thru her legs. I answer with a punch straight to the nose, dropping another. Sonya's in a robe as I pass under her, grinning wildly as I toss up her dagger, and she has two again. Only two left in front of that leader at the back and he knows he's in trouble. He ducks down below a spinning kurki and comes up casting. I push Sonya into an open room as a white bolt blast thru the guy in front of him and hits my chest dead on.

  I'm thrown back down the hall, tumbling to a stop, fires burning my surroundings and me. The force pushed me back so much I end up tumbling to my feet, pain all across my chest. I go to heal as another hits me and I'm outside, falling with glass around me. I try turning on the way down and only get my feet lower as I hit the ground. I bounce back and over again, slamming my face into the gravel out here. I start rolling as heal kicks in, throwing up my last force sphere as I go splat on the ground.

  The flames lick all the sides of the half-sphere as I look up. The cloaked guy is at the remains of the window, casting again. Then he slumps, kurki embedded in his forehead. From behind.

  As the body collapses, Sonya's head pokes out, then she leaps down to me, landing on the shield. She slides down it, robe open in the night, looking for more, daggers reflecting light from their curves. One of my eyes starts to close as my last heal kicks in, leaving me looking out my left eye. I don't even look down at my chest, fearing what I'll see.

  Sonya wraps the robe back around herself as Craig races around the corner. He looks at me, then the window and back at me.

  "Explains that then." He turns, guarding that side as Tom's head pokes out the window, waving.


  With that Sonya goes from violence mode to caring as she is tapping on the force sphere and I let it down. She fusses over me as I stand.

  "Hope the water's still hot, you really need that bath now." I cough instead of laughing, all aches and pains now. Craig helps me move, carrying me from the side as I stumble along.

  "Okay, you have some FUCKING serious enemies." He says, eyes sparkling. "I'm gonna enjoy this job."

  Do I just attract the weird, strange and mentally deranged? The new headache pulls at my eyeballs, especially the one I can't see out of. Tom comes running out of the panic that is the Inn and h
elps Craig.

  "Why didn't you, you know, blast them." I shrug or try to.

  "Didn't want to hurt other people." He's shaking his head now.

  "Fuck other people man. Staying alive is more important. Guess that means no more Inn's in our future, gotta stock up on the ale then." Craig nods at that, adding

  "Bandages and potions too, this one’s leaking everywhere."

  Tom pops a potion, pouring it down my throat.

  "Not the best but should stop you leaking." Tom motions to the stables. "Be a few days before he's ready to go. Shit. They'll know where we are."

  I gasp out "Hours" and Sonya explains.

  "He heals fast." Then she puts her hands on her hips, arms out and leans over me.

  "WHICH IS GOOD, AS HE'S AN IDIOT. We'll be ready to go in four hours or so. As long as he rests. AND USES HIS POTIONS!" I answer with a "yes, dear." As they lay me down in the carriage.

  I get my bracelets out of storage and drink two potions, restocking them as I go. I pass three to Sonya.

  "One for each of the guys., please." And lay back. I'll need to be a monster to survive then. Put myself first... crap, I don't like doing that but there's more at stake than just me. The guys are back, and I hear metal fall to the ground.

  "Few coins or good stuff on the fodder, but that mage was loaded." Craig says. Jim's next.

  "Pity we traded that ring. We could ask the Lord to detect for us, maybe?" hearing all this I pop out Niall's note and pack of accessories. I match three rings of detection and three of firebolt and put them aside. I add three of the minor gloves of dispensing and an extra potion each. Down to six of those now, gonna need a serious restock and carry a few more boxes, I think.

  I knock on my door and Jim opens it.

  "My Lord?" I pass him the items.

  "One each of Detection, Firebolt and dispensing, with an extra potion for storage." Craig's face lights up and Tom mumbles a "told you so" as Jim hands them out.

  "Where's my lady?" Jim answers straight away.


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