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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

Page 22

by Pwyll Duggan

  "Inside getting dressed and arranging the local town guards for a full patrol around the Inn. She also got the trunks to us. We can head out well before dawn if you like, take it slow ‘til lunch and then push on." I move back on the bed, noticing the pillows and blankets for the first time.

  "Sounds good. Don't risk yourselves okay." I see the nod as the door closes. I lay back and listen.

  "Holy fuck, these are true potions. And detection rings." Craig's voice is high pitched and ecstatic. Tom speaks.

  "And this is a Firebolt ring. That mage had a high-level Bright bolt one on. Those are Trade Lords only." Jim chimes in, serious.

  "Good riddance then. Maybe this guy will change things for the better. He is seriously pissing off all the people we hate. I like that. I like that a lot."

  Making friends and influencing people - the blasted almost to death way.

  Chapter 34

  "Pastry?" as one is waved under my nose is not a bad way to wake up in the morning. Not number one on my list, but close. Adding the smell of coffee makes it almost number one.


  I sit up, seeing thru both eyes now and all healed up. A tray is placed over my legs bearing a plate of pastries and a tall mug of coffee. I devour it as Sonya regales me with her exploits, sipping as she does so

  "The mage I brained is a wanted bandit king. Nice bounty and all and at least level 10. Since no trade lords have ever been robbed by him, we have no clue as to where his Bright Ring came from." She sips and winks.

  "I've drawn up additions for the carriage and Jim thinks it will work. Tom's sure the horses are fine, but they'll need a boost at lunch. Craig wants more firepower and they all have sworn to your service under my command as your Secretary and Personal Assistant. They are hereby assigned as Bodyguards and Transport experts." She looks up, sipping away.

  "They asked for farms for their families and a house in town each. Seems fair so I said yes." I just eat and listen.

  "Jim said his knee is hurting and Tom says that means rain, Craig grunted yup so we will put the covers on at lunch. I'm making a list of what you need in your storage, so it's done right and I'm going to organize more than one set of armour for you. Not sure repairing this one will make it any good." She looks up from her notes, question forming on her face.

  "What?" She coughs it up.

  "You are alright with me doing all this, right? Meaning me being with you, all the time." I nod and munch.

  "Sure. Looks like I will be traveling, and I'll need the help. We're a team, aren't we?" I ask. That gets me another one of her grins and her voice turns happy.

  "We're a team. We are a team." And she's all bouncy and clapping and happy. And so am I. Seems like this will be a better day.

  Sonya shares the coffee to the guys out the door, way too flexible and balanced now. She basically takes it in one hand and lifts herself out, bending her arm and sitting on the roof, not using her legs at all. As I finish my coffee, I need to step up with these guys. I re-enhance and hop out. Craig and Jim are there as I climb on top, chest free in the wind, feet bare and pants only slightly singed. Jim raises his cup in a toast.

  "Nice look, suits you." Craig goes "here, here" and swigs away at his drink.

  "Are you sure all of you wish to swear to me? Become my followers, bonded by honour and your word?" They look at each other as Tom's shouts over the wind.

  "Yes, we do my Lord." Jim and Craig nod, so I reach out and channel into Craig first, pushing Spirita into the 'up'. He looks down at his hand as I remove mine, white glow running up his arm and engulfing him. I turn to Jim and his arm is already out and waiting. Jim watches my power race up him as I go sit next to Tom, touching his shoulder and doing the same.

  "YEAH!" Craig shouts into the wind. Jim is standing on top.

  "FUCK YOU BITCH! I"M A MADE MAN!" and Tom rotates his fist in a circle. "Yeah, oh great. GET BACK TO WORK YOU DINGBATS!" but through all the sarcasm he is smiling. He starts chatting, comfortable in my presence.

  "I know you promised us farms and a life. And from that we will be way too busy to work them ourselves, we know this. It's for our families and their futures we do this Mr Walsh. We talked and know our chances of living a long life are pretty much gone. But the things you have done for people at the palace means you follow your word. To us that's golden. It'll be nice to have a decent human as a boss again. Decent human isn't being racist, just that you are good people, person, Shielder. You're a good Shielder."

  "Nice recovery there."

  "Thanks Boss. It's gonna be a change, being on the side of good."

  "I'm the good side?"

  "Yeah, you are. Scary thought isn't it." All I can do is agree and ride on in silence, sharing their cheer.

  We stop for lunch, rain clouds to the east and a strong breeze coming up. We put the road covers on the wheels, like snow chains for the snow. It's explained as helping with the mud, like small paddle wheels. We'll be on the riverbank road for the last of the journey and it gets all the run-off water heading to the river. With the wind comes the chill and Sonya's all rugged up in a few blankets demanding I keep her warm as we eat, much to Jim's delight.

  "Under the thumb laddie, be careful!"

  I don my gambeson, using its thickness to keep me warm enough for Sonya and hop on inside. We've got 4 to 6 hours to go in this weather.

  I should be reading about this land, or at least looking at the map, but I am way to comfortable. After swatting away Sonya's hands and few times she calms down and sleeps, wrapped as much around me as she can. It's nice and I start drifting off again, thinking of the huge Oak on the lake I need to stay at for a very long time. And the farm and office I want to set up. And Coffee, so much coffee.

  The banging on the roof and shouts of "Boss!" wake me. The carriage is stopped, and Tom has opened the river side door. Jim's hauling someone out of the river. I race over as he turns the person over, furs and all. Blood merc with an arrow embedded in his chest, lips blue with foam. He drowned, after being shot. Near the River Highway. Kawaba.

  I'm off and over the river at high speed before I even hear the shouting of what to do. Extra spears are in the Carriage and I call Princess just before I exit her range, looping her over to my back. Rain starts and lashes my face and body. I ignore the cold, try and push down my worry and fly as fast as I can. Within 10 minutes I can see the glow of the city, the eastern side in flames, and I push the limits again.

  As the city grows, I watch streaks of light fly out of the darkness, arcing up and then down onto the village. Siege engines are pummelling fire down on my little village and the rage builds. Off to the east an army stands, neatly in lines, skirmish lines out front defending the siege engines, all with tents for protection from the rain. Spear wielding troops are slowly entering the town, surround the Tanaka estate and heading for the bridge. At this height and distance, I can see fighting, people holding back the tide of Vy Kings and Blood mercs, bodies falling every second. My voice is raw as I have been screaming the whole time, Princess in hand and Tower shield out as I dive to the bridge.

  I hit charge and fall from the sky, fury all that I can see and hear. All that I become. I crush whoever was unlucky to be under me and lash out, Princess in an arc in front of me, then turning and culling the ones near the defenders. I step forward, battering as I go, cleaving anything in my way. Barin's in the defenders, bandages on his chest, fighting one handed. Chel next to him, bow singing. I face away and hit the next wave, hard.

  They come in, spears low. I just step in, spears trailing down my side, too slow to get me. I don't try to cut off the spear’s heads, won’t work unless there's something stopping them from going down-wards with the hit - like a chopping block. Instead I kick and bash, knocking the spears into each other’s path and step closer, cutting off any arms in reach, feeding as I do so. Princess gets launched horizontally in a wide throw, spinning and cutting as she goes. Left hand grabs a spear, ripping it from the owner’s hand. I toss it up, r
eversing it and catching it, all in one motion. I start rapidly punching it forward, breaking their ranks as I break their armour, not stopping when they fall.

  A horn breaks the chaotic screams and yells from the East and crossbowman race out of the darkness. A hissing flaming ball leaps from my hands, streaking thru the rain and hitting the rank as it forms. Debris sings as it passes me as I let loose another, scattering the troops as I near the end of the bridge. Princess arcs again, getting a few more as they come down the northern path to the bridge and I see the boats lining the shore, troops heading to the far side.

  I leap off the bridge and slam feet first into the leading rowboat. I ignore the troops and plunge thru the deck and into the river. I breach the water a few feet away, spinning, Princess out. I hit nothing but sight the next boat. Bolts twang from the bows but I don't care and crash thru another boat, going numb on the outside, inner rage burning me up. And again, I come up, this time next to a boat. Two heads bounce into the water as I cleave downwards with the spin, taking a rower to the depths of the river.

  I fly backwards and spin, heading for a boat hitting the far shore. Blood flecks my lips as I cough, wiping my mouth with my sword arm. I throw Princess at the boat, spearing the tiller man into his human cargo. I rip the bolts from my chest as Doll pulls the one's from my back as I heal, crashing down thru the next boat. I leap out of the river, landing as mercs head into the town. No, they're running. For the temple. Coughing water, I take off after them, flying low.

  I dart after them fast, as a force drops around me. Fly disappears and I'm doing that whole tumbling down the road thing again, shield clanking and dragging me its way, Princess careening off down the street, bouncing along. I whip the shield up, just in time to block a great bearded axe from splitting my bare skull.

  A foot kicks the shield, yanking the axe free. A huge mountain of a man looms above me, horned helm looking down at me, furs and boots everywhere else.

  "Stay still. This won’t hurt me at all." As he drives the axe down again into my shield, cutting it a little, getting stuck again.

  I push against him, just enough for it to look like a struggle to stand. He kicks out again and I go back with it, right hand going over the shield, grabbing the pick on the back of the axe head, pulling. The handle flies up unexpectedly, smashing him in the chin. I land on my feet and push forward, shield bashing the axe away, right hand going high. I heave downwards from the horns on his helm, knee going up to intercept his face. The blow knocks him back, so I keep up the attack, staying in close to give whatever allies he has no chance.

  I drop the tower shield hard on a foot, planting it with my right hand on top. I use the shield to throw a right spin kick, letting it free of the ground as the kick hits his helm, knocking him of balance again. I keep up the motion as I land, turning around at speed to follow-up with the side of the shield, slamming his hip.

  Not stopping, even if I heard a crack as I spin, gaining speed with the shield, going full circle and slamming him again on the other side. Shield comes up to guard my front as Princess comes back and I cut low, swing wide. She goes up into this guy’s hip, ending in his stomach. I twist her and rip her free, feeding as I do so. The worlds more red, black highlighting it's edges. A "Nooo" is screamed from the doorway across the road, flaming bolts slamming into my shield. I spot the mage as she ducks behind the door frame, so I trigger charge. Not aiming for the door.

  I crumble the wall next to the door, the mage rag-dolling into the far wall across the room. I don't care to see her move, so I stab down hard as I step there. Princess feeds as I grunt, pain in my guts. Looking down there's a blade sticking out of it. Seems the axeman left his weapon in me. I drop to my knees, pulling out the blade. I get off a heal, then another, wound closing over and the dizziness fades. I stomp the mage, grab Princess as she finishes feeding and exit thru my hole in the wall.

  Out on the street I pick up the axe, then toss it over to Doll. The sounds of battle are ahead, around the corner at the temple. I look at the axeman's body.

  Delivery time.

  Chapter 35

  There's probably two full units of mercs attacking the temple. Various townspeople are defending it, led by my Bunny and Reiji. They're keeping them back, civilians still running to get inside. There’s a group of bowmen at the rear and they get my delivery.

  The huge bulk of the axeman soars at them, crushing the first one it hits.

  "That's Bjorn!" is the shout and Bjorn answers for himself - going all land mine on the group as the fireball explodes, body parts and armour flying all over. Princess sings, arcing into the first spearman as I run in, slapping another back, head over heels, with my damaged shield. Another horn blows, nearby this time as I call Princess and go to work.

  Parry sword, knock spear and slash, clearing a path to the temple. They see my goal and start pulling back, clearing the way for me. They harass with the spears, so I grab the spearheads and pull them from their grasp. Those that I manage to hold get either a shield or punch to the face. They don't get up afterwards. Bunny is holding her own against the spearmen, pulling or pushing spears aside for Reiji, who grabs them, sending electricity arc along the shafts. He gets the spears, pile growing behind him. The Vy Kings get burnt, or dead. Fair trade I reckon.

  Princess is arcing at more of these mercs when a whip wraps around her handle and pulls, sending her up and away. My hand goes out to call and an arrow sinks into my palm. As I go the call the arrowhead crackles and I'm spasming, barely staying upright. A cloaked blur leaps up at me, a small blue neon trail tracing twin blades as they come down at me. I put my shield up and yank in my hand, just in time, arrow breaking on the side of the shield. The blades bite deep, going down 6 inches past their width, carving the shield. The wielder lets go as they stick, dropping low and I feel a hit on my ankles.

  "He's got Adventurer's boots!" a female voice yells, leaping up, using my shield for leverage and getting her machetes back. I hear a heavy "Mine!" as an armoured form heads my way. I drop a Force Shield as two arrows explode on them, arcing again. The form smashes into the shield and yells.

  "Shield's up." And he leaps back. Twin fireballs shoot down from a roof opposite the temple. The first hits the ground right before the shield. The second hits the same spot, now a little hole in the ground from the roaring flames.

  Dirt and smoke blow through under the shield, blocking my sight and sending shards everywhere. I watch the last spearman fall to it, Bunny taking a chunk in her shoulder, making her go one handed. I pop my fourth heal and start Fly again when I hear another voice. "Dispel! Dispel!" and before I'm off the ground it's gone again. The tank is banging on the force sphere, cracks starting from his bastard sword. The cloak blur is running around the side, Bunny's side. Reiji's casting and I leap backwards, another fireball hitting the top of the force sphere and splashing over it, almost forcing it to fail.

  The cloak slashes as she passes Bunny, hitting her thigh at the cost of a slash to the upper arm. Princess is back, and I stop at the spears, turning and throwing her. She spins end over end at the tank as cloak comes in on me. I ground my shield in her path, Princess back and sweeping out at her. She slides under Princess and runs her blades into the side of my shield, going deep enough to almost get to my hand holding it. She uses the movement to swing around the shield, hand holding on to swing in and stab me.

  And I call back the tower shield to storage, her blades going with it, as does her hand holds so she's in the air with no control. I charge, left elbow out and also trigger Power strike. She has nowhere to go as the elbow hits her twisting body across her upper arm, bone breaking and being shoved into her chest armour. My right-hand whips around, grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her to me, as my new shield. Arrows going to hit me and the two ice bolts, instead find her body, face first, as my new shield.

  As a whip goes for that arm, I let her go, grabbing her leg with my other hand as my arm is pulled away. I wrap the whip in my hand I hear someon
e shout "Nooooo!" form the roof top as I pull, hard. The owner of the whip decides to try using it to leap at me, my strength propelling her at me faster. Cloak gets to intercept her as I swing her by her leg, bodies going off at an angle, piling into each other. No shield and I get a firebolt to the chest and an arrow thru the thigh.

  As I go down on one knee the Tank is coming at me again. That saves me from his swing, and he dodges my punch, falling as he does, too near to Reiji for my liking. I'm throwing another force Sphere out as more arrows and bolts come at me. I snap the arrow off at my thigh and get up. The tank is righting himself, grin coming from him, visor only covering his eyes. He points his sword at me, arrows and bolts smashing the sphere next to us. I brace, and he turns to Reiji, bolt shooting out the end of the sword slamming into Reiji’s legs, breaking one and sparking electricity covering his body as he falls.

  Bunny screams, raining blows down on him, keeping him busy. I grab two spears from my feet, looking for the whip girl, but I can't find her. So, I bend low and put all my effort into a spear throw, at the building opposite. I aim for the wall, hoping to take down the building. Both mages see me, hands going out in shields. The first spear destroys part of the wall going up, thru the roof tiles, and keeps going off into the night. The second hits just near that, mages reacting too slow at their wall supports are gone, roof falling back into the house below.

  Another spear in hand and the archer is running off the roof, diving for safety. I grin, trigger armour and my twin shields and concentrate. The fireball I shoot off for the hole in the roof, adding fire and debris for the mages to contend with in the rubble below. Turning to the tank, he's on the back foot from Bunny. She's raining blows down, buckling his shield. But he's not attacking, and too late I see why.

  Whip strangles her throat as it goes around her. It gets pulled tight as the Tank steps forward, Bunny's sword knocked aside by his shield. My ice bolt is too slow as his sword goes through her and up, slicing her rib cage. The ice bolt hits his helm, metal going inwards as he goes down, like a rock.


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