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Culmination Page 16

by Selena IR Drake

  “This Seramahli. Home of Corundum. Welcome.” Without further explanation, Breccia led the way across the dangerous path to the city.

  Once we stepped foot on more sturdy ground, we could actually gauge the subterranean city. Compared to Hume cities, Seramahli was very plain and simple. Bizarre, glowing crystals dotted the area, providing just enough light to see by, but nowhere near enough to harm Wakari vision. Every building was a rock dome resembling the ancient-style igloos still used in the barren fields of the Southern Stretch. Each edifice was about a quarter of the size of any Hume dwelling.

  As we strode through the city to whatever destination Breccia had in mind, more and more Wakari took notice of us and followed. I was surprised to learn that they could move so quietly that nary a sound was heard.

  After a long march, we found ourselves at one of the immeasurably high pillars that pierced the darkness overhead. Breccia dismounted her tetrapex and motioned to a doorway in the pillar.

  “Breccia home.”


  It felt really weird being the center of so much attention. The Hume crowds of all the cities we’ve visited on the surface were nothing compared to the Wakari. It was as if the entirety of the subterranean city had shown up for the feast Breccia had had laid out for us in her vast dining hall.

  And they all acted like toddlers! They climbed over each other for a closer look, then argued and cried about it. When they weren’t doing that, they were trying to steal food from Breccia’s table. She immediately put a halt to that. But her temper did nothing to sway the countless questions fired at us. The Wakari asked about the surface, the dragons, my quest, rocks and gemstones, and countless other topics. I tried my best to keep a cool temper and accommodate their almost endless curiosity, but it proved to be too much.

  As if sensing my growing distress with the situation, Breccia banished every Wakari except her servants and guards from her dining hall. Once things had quieted down, I thanked her.

  “Breccia sorry. They not like that. Curious. Overlanders no come Seramahli.”

  “So they’ve never seen people from the surface before?” Thera asked as she nibbled on one of the several tubers laid out before us.

  “Only Rogue has. He under big blue long time.”

  I quirked an eyebrow at Breccia. “Rogue? Is that his name?”

  “He Pyrex. Outcast Wakari.” She waived her hand dismissively and ordered a servant to fill our cups.

  “Pyrex?” Thera sounded as if she didn’t believe what she had just heard. “Do you mean Pyrex Akregate?”

  Breccia frowned. “You know?”

  “My mother mentioned him a few times before.”

  “Who is he?” I inquired of Thera in Standard.

  “Pyrex Akregate is the Alchemist who helped create the Shadow Dragons.”

  Kitfox almost choked on his food in surprise. “He’s here? How can that be? It’s been almost 500 years since the Shadow Dragons were created.”

  Thera asked Breccia of the out-casted Wakari’s whereabouts. The Shaman snorted and muttered something to her servants in their guttural language. Thera pressed again for an answer.

  “Outcast. No in city. Outside.”

  “How far?”

  Breccia scratched her chin in thought. “Loud water.” She pointed in the general direction.

  “Is that the way to the surface?” asked Kitfox. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’d kinda like to get out of here as soon as possible.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “She said that’s where Pyrex can be found.”

  “Why would we want to find him?”

  “He might have information on the Shadow Dragons that we could use.” Thera smirked.

  “I never thought of that.”

  “Breccia, how do we get to the big blue?”

  She met me with a bewildered look. “You no leave.”

  “Oh, no. We didn’t mean this instant.”

  “No leave two waking.”

  Thera and I stared at her dumbfounded. “What?”

  Breccia spoke to her servants again in her natural language and they meekly answered back. She sighed and tried to explain in Kinös Elda. “Next wake rest. Wake after you leave.”

  I looked sideways to Thera to see if she understood what the Wakari was trying to say. They Feykin shrugged.

  Xyleena, Thedrún spoke up, The Wakari have a belief that every ninth day, called wakings due to the lack of a day-night cycle, is a day of rest and worship. Tomorrow must be their ninth day, so they are not going to let you leave until the day after.

  I thanked Thedrún for the info and announced it to my teammates. Shazza swore loudly, earning a dirty look from Breccia and her guards.

  “Breccia,” my summons tore their attention away from the Dákun Daju. “will we be allowed to visit Pyrex next wake, or will we need to wait?”

  She frowned. “Why visit Rogue?”

  “He may have some information that we can use in our battle.” Thera explained.

  The Wakari was silent while she thought things over. Finally, she nodded. “Wakari no allowed. Overlander ok.”


  It was several hours after the feast before sleeping arrangements had been made for us. It came as no surprise that the Wakari didn’t have any spare rooms for Overlander visitors, so they had amassed to sing a larger dome from rocks on the outskirts of Seramahli.

  As I laid down on one of the many wool blankets provided, I couldn’t help but think about what Dimitri was up to. Had he managed to find the Shadow Dragons while we were in the Arctic Prison? And, if so, what were we in for when we finally made it to the surface?

  Rest, Hatchling. Do not trouble yourself with such dark thoughts. Came Vortex’s gentle reply.

  I sighed and snuggled into to Kitfox’s warm embrace as he lay down beside me.

  It had been a chance meeting; coming face-to-face with the Dákun Daju named Solahnj. She had been thrown into the cell directly across from mine. What she had done to end up in the Arctic Prison was beyond me, and she never spoke of it. But I was eternally grateful that, when she managed to break out, she took me with.


  Dimitri stifled a yawn. It had been three long days since he had freed the Shadow Dragons from the Gate. When he told the dragons of his plans for revenge, Hyperion insisted on some training beforehand. So Dimitri and his team had snuck out of Bakari-Tokai, to the foothills of the Eyes of the Ages so he could train.

  The days and nights that followed had been harsh. Each Shadow Dragon had drilled him over and over, making sure he memorized everything from summoning and basic flight maneuvers to complex spells and battle tactics. Finally, Hyperion had deemed the new Keeper ready for the battle ahead.

  Now Dimitri stared across the grassland at Bakari-Tokai snuggled in the dark of night. Thanks to his Dákun Daju vision, he could see every one of the city guards as they made their rounds. But it was what he couldn’t see of the city that made him hesitate; reliant on his dragons’ previous experience.

  Hyperion stood behind him, watching silently; ready to fly in and aid his sister should the need arise. He had sent Nightshade of Shadow out ahead of everyone to do a little reconnaissance on the Hume city. Now, over an hour later, he was quickly growing impatient for her arrival.

  Hyperion’s attention on the city was averted when a soft whistle on the wind passed overhead. A moment later, something big and heavy slammed into the ground a few meters away. Naturally, Dimitri’s team reacted to the event quickly. They gathered their weapons and prepared to battle the unseen creature that had roused them from slumber.

  “It is only me.” As she spoke, a portion of darkness shimmered, revealing the plum- and navy-scaled dragon known as Nightshade.

  Dimitri watched as the Dragon of Shadow settled on her haunches. “Well?”

  “The Humes have modified the city since we razed it five centuries ago.” Replied the dragon.

sp; “Is that a problem?” Godilai asked as she took her place at Dimitri’s side.

  Nightshade snorted. “Even with their improved defenses, taking the Grand Capital will be easy.”

  Dimitri tried to suppress his growing excitement as he looked to Hyperion. “When do we attack?”

  “Under the cover of absolute dark, when the last moon has set.”

  Dimitri’s crimson gaze settled on the moons. Only two of the three were out at this time of night and the smaller of them was about to set. That only left the biggest of the three, the full-phase Noralani, with a few hours in the sky.

  Dimitri sat and resigned himself to wait.


  “It is time.”

  Dimitri’s eyes slammed open. A quick glance towards the horizon verified Hyperion’s words. A mere sliver of the moon remained above the horizon. By the time he and his team geared up and reached Bakari-Tokai, the dark would be absolute.

  “It will be less than an hour before Rishai begins to break the horizon.” Announced Nightshade. Dimitri frowned as he got to his feet.

  “Will that be enough time to take the city?”

  Hyperion chuckled darkly. “More than enough.”

  “I’ll get Pox and the fat Hume ready.” Godilai said as she strode away. Dimitri watched her for barely a moment before starting the task of affixing Hyperion with the riding saddle he had altered from wyvern use.

  “While you meditated, we dragons developed an attack strategy.” Dimitri nodded in understanding as he ducked under the dragon’s chest to tighten the leather straps. Hyperion continued, “We will circle the city and attack from twelve points, culminating at the Grand Palace. Once there, we dragons will fend off any attackers while you find and kill the King. With his death, Bakari-Tokai will be yours.”

  Dimitri grinned as he thumped Hyperion’s neck, signaling the saddle was in place. The Dragon of Apocalypse crouched low enough to allow his Keeper to climb up. Dimitri glanced over at his three teammates as he hauled himself onto the dragon’s back. All of them were packed up and lashing themselves to the saddles astride Nightshade, Inferno, and Maelstrom.

  The eight riderless dragons sauntered up to stand beside Hyperion in an arc. They stretched their limbs in preparation and waited. When Dimitri finished lashing the last strap around his legs, he looked back at his team, then at each dragon. Everyone was eager for his next command. He thumped Hyperion’s neck and the dragon stretched his wings to their fullest.

  Dimitri settled his gaze on the city ahead and exhaled slowly. He raised his right fist over his head. The dragons crouched low. He brought his fist down. The dragons sprang forward as if one body. All twelve dragons took to the air in an impressive formation. A moment later, they broke apart from each other to circle Bakari-Tokai. They would be upon the city in mere seconds.

  Dimitri felt the presence of each dragon pulling on him in twelve different directions. They weren’t quite in position yet, so he ordered Hyperion to hold back. The dragon obliged, hovering just far enough away from the city walls to remain unseen. One by one, the Shadow Dragons reached their positions and mentally sounded off.

  Let’s go! Hyperion’s voice boomed in Dimitri’s mind so loud he covered his ears by reflex. The great dragon surged forward at breakneck speed, flying low enough that when he passed over the outer wall of the city, his wings cut the guards clean in half. Seconds later, Hyperion loosed a huge energy ball on the unsuspecting city.

  Twelve explosions rocked Bakari-Tokai simultaneously.


  Dimitri yanked his sword from the remains of the guard and shoved the ornate doors open. He passed over the threshold and paused as he met the King’s cool, sepia gaze. The old man was still dressed in his sleeping robes, yet he looked impressive and proud as he sat on the throne.

  Dimitri scoffed and finally approached him. “Well, if it isn’t Djurdak Za’Car V. How nice of you to meet with me on such short notice.”

  The King did not move. “You must be Agasei.”

  “Not quite. I am his son, Dimitri.”

  “I wasn’t aware he had an heir.” Djurdak rose regally from the throne, causing Dimitri to flinch. The King smirked at the reaction before turning and taking a few strides to a table leaden with goblets and wine canisters. As he poured himself a drink, he looked Dimitri over. “I heard stories of a man resembling my son attacking the Temple of Five Souls and chasing a girl all over the world. That man also murdered my son and my mother.” Djurdak eyed the Shadow Keeper over the lip of the goblet. “I take it you are he?”

  Dimitri watched as the King took a long drink. “You are correct.”

  “Then I am the last of my bloodline.” Djurdak gently set the goblet down. He sighed and looked away from Dimitri as three new warriors entered the throne room. “Ah, Vincent DuCayne. So you are the one who turned against my son and led him to his demise.”

  “What are you waiting for, Dimitri?” Vincent spat as he glared at the King. “Kill him and take control.”

  “There is nothing wrong with granting an old man one last pleasure before sending him to Havel.”

  Djurdak chuckled at Dimitri’s words, stealing the attention of all in the room. “How civil of you.” He took a moment to glance out the window. The first rays of morning had come at last, but it wouldn’t be a cheery day. Thick, grey clouds had consumed the sky, threatening rain. Djurdak smiled gently as the first rumble of thunder echoed in the distance. “You may have your victory today, Dimitri,” he met the Shadow Keeper’s gaze and held it, “but it will not last. Surely as the suns set, so will your reign over this world. She will defeat you.”

  A scowl consumed Dimitri’s features. With an enraged roar, he launched himself across the room. A flash of steel and Djurdak was no more. The Shadow Keeper faced his team as Godilai stopped the King’s rolling head with her boot. Her cyan gaze looked up from the head to meet her mate’s furious glare.

  Dimitri sheathed his sword. “Go with Pox to the Arctic Prison. Make sure she is still there.”

  Godilai nodded. Pox quickly gripped the Dákun Daju’s arm and uttered her teleportation spell. In a flash of light, the two girls were gone. Dimitri glanced at Vincent before striding out of the room. The old Judge looked down at the beheaded Djurdak. With a smirk, he turned and scuttled after his new King.


  The twelve Shadow Dragons greeted their Keeper as he entered the palace courtyard. He glanced at each one to make sure there were no injuries. As expected, each dragon hide was flawless. Dimitri smirked and turned his attention to the guards and civilians that had been captured.

  “Your beloved Djurdak is dead.” He watched in delight as the faces of those present grew distraught or vengeful. “Those of you who oppose me as your new High King will join him in Havel.”

  Slowly, most of those gathered fell to their knees and wept. Only a few dozen stood defiant, glaring at the Shadow Keeper and muttering curses. Dimitri smirked and waved for his dragons to take care of the problem.

  “Taimat.” Hyperion gave room for the skeletal dragon as he jumped down from the wall around the courtyard. Dimitri watched in interest as Taimat looked at each one of the men and women still standing. With a snort, the undead dragon flicked his tail at them.

  “Soul Collapse!” A red aura engulfed each person the dragon selected. En masse, the few dozen slumped to the ground and were no more. Those still kneeling cried even harder.

  “That is what will happen to you should you defy the will of High King Dimitri!” Vincent bellowed over the wails.

  “In a moment, they will not be able to.” Said Hyperion. Dimitri looked up at the dragon in time to see his eyes flash red. A few moments later, the crying of those gathered died away.

  “What did you do, Hyperion?”

  The dragon looked down at his Keeper. “I simply made them your loyal servants.”

  “Mind control.” Vincent nodded in approval. “Try it out, Dimitri.”

  “There y
ou are!” Dimitri turned to the voice as Godilai and Pox jogged out of the palace. The look in their eyes told him something was amiss.

  “What did you find out?”

  “That wretch, Xyleena, and her entire team managed to break out of the Arctic Prison!” Godilai shouted. “They even slaughtered the army of Dákun Daju guards stationed there!”

  “What?!” Vincent exploded. “I thought you said no one could escape from that prison!”

  “Under normal circumstances, they can’t.” Pox said quietly. “But the prison doesn’t have wards against dragon use and we didn’t take that into account.”

  Godilai locked eyes with her husband. “What do you propose we do about this, Dimitri?”

  “Simple.” The Shadow Keeper smirked. “Vincent, Pox, you two take one hundred of our new soldiers to the Ancient City to await Xyleena and her team.” He paused while they nodded in understanding. “While you’re at it, take a pair of the dragons of your choice with you.”

  “I request Nightshade.” Pox said with a smile.

  “I’ll take Wyrd.”

  “Alright.” Dimitri glanced at the dragons named long enough to see them nod in understanding. Then he turned to the hordes of soldiers still kneeling before him. “I need one hundred volunteers to go with my commanders to defeat our enemies!”

  Everyone stood.

  I called for my father after I had dispatched of the ‘royal’ family and taken the throne. He was escorted in by a trio of guards. I bade them leave, and my father and I were alone. He asked why I had done what I did, and I told him. I told him about the murder of my wife and unborn child. I told him that I was unjustly imprisoned by the king he called friend. I told him exactly how hard I had worked to ensure what happened to me would never happen again. He only said that I was being a stupid, selfish child. I could have killed him for that. Instead, I had him shipped to the Southern Stretch. If he survives the frigid cold, the bone-chilling winds, and the Dákun Daju, I might even be impressed.


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