Nick's Snow Angel

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by ChaShiree M

  Nick’s Snow Angel

  A Forever Safe Christmas Novella

  ChaShiree M.

  KinkyBoo Publishing

  Copyright © 2019 by ChaShiree M.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Created by Dark Water Covers

  Created with Vellum

  Dedicated to you. All of my loyal readers. I hope your holiday is full of love, laughter and family. Thank you for continuing to read my work and being such wonderful readers.


  Special Note from the Author: I hope you enjoy this story. Nick and Snow were so excited to tell you their story and continue on with their love, that they made it short and sweet. This is indeed shorter than anything I have ever written that wasn’t in an anthology, but I hope it is still fulfilling, nonetheless. Thank you for reading Nick’s Snow Angel. ENJOY!!!


  1. Nick

  2. Snow

  3. Nick

  4. Snow

  5. Nick



  About the Author

  Other Books by ChaShiree M.

  Coming Soon


  “Ugh. I hate the holidays,” I grumble as I walk downtown. Walking past all of these smiling faces, stores with their displays flashing in my face, happy tunes blaring in my ears. Annoying is the first word that comes to mind. I know I know. I am used to people calling me strange, weird, grinch. Any name you can come up with to define the constant scowl on my face, I have heard it and I don’t give a fuck. Continuing to walk down the sidewalk, I shake my head at all the couples around me, hugging and kissing, getting swept away by the season. Don’t these dumbasses know it never lasts? You get the season fever and everything around you is great. You’re seeing hearts and stars and feeling gifty and full of love and then the next thing you know, your life crashes down around you and your left. Heartbroken. No thank you. I will pass. I don’t have time for the drama.

  I am the CEO of Frost RealEstate. I started the company fresh out of business school, working my ass off day and night. I started by investing in a hotel, on a Caribbean island. I went over there, oversaw the remodel and reopen and made back the money I put in in the first year. After that, I realized I had a talent for this type of business. It became my… thing, so to speak. Ten years later and my portfolio is well into the seven figures and my business is at the top of the pyramid. My mind wanders off as I walk through the park to my condo, thinking about the conversation I just had with my little sister. Grace has always been a little, flighty, of you will. Happy. Smiley. Full of life. She gets that from my grandma. I am almost to the street when a sound that stops me in my tracks. The melody of it sending goosebumps through me. It’s the softest, sweetest sound of laughter I have ever heard. Walking briskly back the way I came; I turn and almost miss her. Laying in the snow, making a snow Angel, is my Angel.

  I have never seen this woman before, but I know without a moment's hesitation that this was meant to be. I was meant to be walking through this park at this moment. Especially considering I never walk to and from work. My driver had a family emergency and couldn’t make it and I don’t trust others. Thus, being here at this moment. This obviously preordained moment. I don’t realize I am simply standing in one spot like a moron staring at her until she speaks. “You just going to stand there staring at me or are you going to lay down and make an angel?” I look around, making sure she is talking to me and turn back to her.

  “There is no way I am laying in the snow,” I tell her positive my face shows what I am feeling about the thought.

  “Those fancy pants will be just fine, mister. Besides, you look like you could use some fun.” I could use some fun alright. Just can’t engage in it outside. Is the first thought I have. “Ok. Well, I guess I have to get you in the spirit of some other kind of way.” Before I can respond I am smacked in the face with a snowball. My body freezes, literally as I stand here and try to wrap my head around what just happened. Ordinarily, if someone else had hit me with a snowball, I would be pissed. Like stark raving mad. But standing here, watching as she throws her head back in laughter, I can do nothing but stare. She is positively radiant. Her hair, black like the night, against her glowing shimmering halo. I can feel my heart thumping through my shirt. Swallowing, I feel my fingers twitch as I talk myself out of touching her. If I touch her now, I will never stop. So, instead, not saying a word, I dip down, grab a handful of snow and smile at my new angel.

  “You want to play baby?” I ask her, making the ball firmer and trying to keep my face straight.

  “I mean you definitely looked like you needed some playtime.” She cocks her head to the side, cheeks flush from the cold, smile covering her face. It is taking everything I have not to adjust my dick while her eyes are watching me.

  “You sure you ready for this? Because once I start, I won't stop.” I try to warn her. Give her an out. I know it just a snowball, but I am taking this as more and she needs to know it.

  “That sounds like a promise of something more. But so far, you seem like all talk, Mister.” With her hands on her hips, she issues the challenge and I aim to please. Pulling my hand back, I release the snowball, making sure to miss her face and hit her dead in the chest. She looks down, obviously not really believing I was actually going to throw it, looks back up at me and laughs. “It’s on.” She says before she runs and grabs more snow. Before I know it, we are running around like two kids, hitting one another with snowballs and laughing more than I have laughed in over 10 years. On the final launch, I dive to miss her toss and fall face-first into the snow. I just barely roll over when she falls on top of me, smashing snow into my face. Her infectious laugh, making what just happened more than beautiful.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.” She says wiping my face off. Once it is all off, we are simply left looking at one another and once again I am left in awe at her beauty. Moving her hair from in front of her face, I realize I still don’t know her name and given how young she looks, I am hoping that she is at least 18. It would be fucking torture having to wait until she is of age.

  “Will you tell me your name, beautiful and your age?” I whisper, not able to make my voice go up an octave.

  “Snow. Snow Angel,” she says. A soft smile showing up. “I am 19.” Thank fuck. Wait...what did she just say?

  “I’m sorry. What did you say your name is?” I ask, my shock showing on my face. She smirks and shrugs her shoulders.

  “I know. My mom was obsessed with Christmas and couldn’t help herself. Since my father was not in the picture, she didn’t have another parent telling her not to do it,” She explains giggling. Well hell. Here I was calling her ‘angel’ in my mind and it is actually her name. It’s meant to be. “You going to tell me your name, Mister?”

  “Nick. My name is Nick. And you, my angel, are mine.” Not waiting for her response, my mouth touches hers and everything in me wakes up. Parts of me that have been dead for the last ten years, has been given new life. I can feel the blood pumping through my body. The warm, thick feeling of being alive again after so long. I just have to find a way to keep her.


  Oh my. His mouth on mine feels so right. I know I should probably move or something, especially given that I don’t know him, but I can’t bring myself to stop this wonderful moment. As our mouths acquaint us with one another, his hands go on a venture of their own. He slides down my back, moving over my hips to my ass, where he rubs his bulging pa
nts against my own. The moan that leaves me cannot be stopped, but it also alerts me to the fact that I can barely breathe since neither of us has stopped to breathe. Removing my face from his, I gasp for air.

  “Wow. That was….”

  “Amazing.” He finishes, rubbing my cheek.

  “Yea.” Is all I can think to say. I move to get up, knowing he must have somewhere to go, dressed in his suit and all. Standing, I begin to fidget, not sure what to say. I want to ask him not to walk away. Take me with him. Something. But I have never been the outspoken one. The way I have acted with him, a snowball fight, kissing, so out of character for me. He stands up and brushes his pant legs off, his eyes never leaving me.

  “Where do you live, Snow?” His voice makes me shiver more than the cold weather.

  “Right over there.” I point to the little apartment building to the left of the park.

  “Very well. I will walk you home so you can pack a bag and then I will order us an Uber back to my place,” he says so matter of factly like all of this has been decided. I am momentarily stunned, my mind not wrapping around the words he just spewed. Am I going somewhere with him?

  “Uh...I don’t understand.” I roll my eyes at myself. Even to me, I sound immature. Way to go Snow. He smiles, rendering me wet and needy. He should walk around permanently like this. His smile is...everything. Striding directly in front of me, he grabs my hands and pulls me further into him.

  “I know we just met. I get how unorthodox this is. But I have never...and I do mean never felt like this before. When I walked upon you making that snow angel, something inside of me labeled you mine. That is not something I can ignore, and I am not willing to let you out of my sight for the rest of the weekend. Are you?” His eyebrow quirks up like he is challenging me. I could be a smart ass and tell him I don’t feel anything…but...what if...he is my future too? Am I willing to risk it just to appear in control?

  “What happens after the weekend?” I ask him, deciding to just be honest.

  “Well, I haven’t quite gotten that far, but why don't we discuss it over dinner and breakfast and lunch and dinner again. Sound good?” I can’t help but nuzzle my face against his hand that is holding my neck. I don't know what the hell is happening, but I know I don’t want this feeling to end.

  “Ok. I will come with you.” I answer right before his mouth touches mine again. My arms find their way around his neck and I simply bask in his embrace. The way he swamps me in his hold, making my whole body warm up and light up all at once is breathtaking. His tongue sending mine on a mindless chase full of promise. Pulling apart, he whispers in my ear, “It’s not like you really had a choice, baby” before popping my ass and grabbing my hand for the short walk over to my building.

  Is it really this simple? Have I just found my forever? Is the only thought I have during this five-minute walk. We hold hands the entire way, he and I exchange glances with one another that hold more than a few promises. I am so wrapped in being in his presence that I forget to be embarrassed by the shape my studio is in until it is too late. “Crap. I… didn’t expect to have any company,” I say to him as I pick up my pajamas and underwear off the floor, frantically trying to hide them from him. I don’t bother looking at his face, sure that is frowned up as he realizes what a slob I am.

  “I see I am going to have to hire a maid for our bedroom every day,” he says with a chuckle. Turning around to be sure I heard him correctly, I look in his eyes and see nothing but pure sincerity.

  “Did you just say…” I begin but he cuts me off his hands holding my face.

  “Mine is what I called you and I meant it. Did you think a few glimpses of your lace panties on the floor were going to stop something? Being honest I would tell you that you won’t need those. At least not for a while, I like easy access. But nothing is going to change the direction this is headed. Understand?” He asks his eyes never leaving mine. I am more than stunned by his words and the pure devotion this man I just met is showing me. I simply nod, words escaping me. “Good. Now hurry up baby. Seeing your unnecessary panties, just made me thirsty.” His voice suddenly much deeper sends chills up my spine and makes my pussy pulse. I take a second to make sure there is no uneaten food in the sink and that the dishwasher is up and running before trotting to my dresser and grabbing a few things. I figure for the weekend I need pajamas, undergarments, t-shirts, jeans, a pair of leggings, slippers and all of my toiletries. In less than ten minutes I am back in front of him.

  “Ready,” I say simply, feeling more than anxious. I mean, what do I really know about him? Nothing. Other than the fact that he makes me feel things I have never felt. He could be a serial killer for all I know. But somehow, I just don't get that vibe from him.

  “Good. Let’s go, baby.” He holds his hand out, giving me the chance to walk away from this situation. I look at it briefly before taking a deep breath and grabbing it. “Thank God.” I hear him mumble. I can’t help but smile. It feels good knowing he wasn’t sure I would come. Now I am just praying I don't end up hurt.


  The entire Uber ride I am talking to my cock trying to remind him someone else is in the car with us. Ever since I saw her underwear on the floor, I have been a bundle of nerves hell bent on fucking my kid into her and never letting her off my cock. Watching her walk around her place all full of nerves and shit made my chest puff out. It also reminded me that I have to be gentle with her heart. She is an angel. Literally. A little snow fairy sent down here to bring me out of my funk and give me a reason to smile again and to be honest, I don’t think I have stopped smiling since I laid eyes on her. My sister would be checking my forehead for fever or something equally as annoying if she saw me right now. Speaking of, I should probably call her and let her know I am getting married. I won’t bother telling my parents. They probably would be too busy working to take the call. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents. But they weren't the most...affectionate...if you will. They were very cold, distant, exacting. Basically, they were me. If it weren't for my grandmother, Grace wouldn’t be as soft and emotional as she is either.

  Huh. It doesn’t occur to me to slow down. I have never been the type of guy to let anything like that stop me in business and I am not going to let it stop in love. The Uber driver gets out of the car to open her door and something in me snaps. “Get back in the damn car. Don’t look at her. I got the door.” I growl out, not giving a shit that I am being unreasonable. Trying not to piss his pants, he hops his scrawny ass back in the car as I open her door for her.

  “Was that entirely necessary?” she asks rolling her eyes at me. Why does that turn me on?

  “Yes,” I say not bothering with hesitation, my hand on her back leading her inside the building. On the elevator, I move to the corner, putting my hands in my pockets trying not to drop her on the elevator. But the look she is giving me is not helping. “Don’t look at me, baby. I am not sure I can keep my hands to myself.” I whisper trying to keep the beast inside of me at bay.

  “I know it's crazy, but I am not scared of you.” She whispers back, playing with her hair as her nose flares and her eyes dim.

  “That’s so good to know my Angel, but you should be.” Hey, my mom always said honesty was the best policy. She squeals as she scampers into the condo and begins looking around. I adjust my cock while my back is turned locking the door. When I turn back around, the air is ripped from my lungs. There she stands, bathed in a glow of light as she spins in front of my window.

  “Wow! This is a beautiful view. You are so lucky. I would die for a view like this.” She whispers that last part as she turns back toward the window staring out of it wistfully. I walk up behind her, my hands itching to touch her once again.

  “Can’t have you dying on me before I get a chance to build a life with you. But would you settle for screaming for a view like this?” I ask her before I kiss the side of her neck.

  “Wh-what?” She asks as she quivers from the feel of my mouth in her neck.

  “You heard me, baby. Are you going to scream for me?” I remove her coat no longer able to wait. She turns, her cheeks red and stained. So fucking cute. “Answer me, Snow. I need to know you are with me, baby. I am mere seconds from taking you down on this floor and having my way with you. I want to swell your mouth with my cock as I fill mine with your sweet sticky juices, before shooting my seed into your womb and filling you with my son. I need to hear you say you want it as well.” I find myself asking her as my chest heaves up and down, my control snapping faster than I can reign it in. Right as I think I can no longer hold it in, she answers me.

  “Yes. I want that too, Nick.” She says pulling off her clothes slowly, her eyes glistening as she licks her lips. I watch, my eyes enjoying the show, taking a moment to gather myself before I drop my pants and rip my shirt open not giving a shit about the buttons or anything. We stand there in front of one another, neither of us with any clothes on, and I can’t help the wetness slipping from my mouth. Standing before me is my future, her body blushed and ripe. Her hips, wide and ample for breeding, as her nipples show me how plump and ready they are for my child to feast upon them. Hell, for me to feast upon them. I grip my cock telling him to calm down as I make sure she is ready. “Get on the bed baby, with your legs facing the headboard and your head hanging off the bed.” She bits her lip as she contemplates my demand before turning to do as I just said. I watch as she turns and her ass sways as she walks away from me. I picture my handprints on her pale bottom, red from me smacking her over and over again. Jesus. I need to stop. Shaking my head, I look down and note how fucking sexy she looks doing as I asked her to.


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