A Duke in Time--The Widow Rules

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A Duke in Time--The Widow Rules Page 20

by Janna MacGregor

His concentration centered on the nub, where her pleasure was the greatest. He changed the pressure of his tongue against her slickness every so often, making her body clench and tighten in preparation for something. He entwined his fingers with hers, the touch incredibly tender. She had a hard time concentrating as the tension increased. He extracted the most delicate tingles, each one building on the other. She didn’t know if she was going to fly to the heavens or break apart into a million pieces.

  Any of it was fine as long as Christian was there with her.

  “Tell me if I’m pleasing you,” he whispered, looking at her.

  She nodded.

  “Are you ready to come?”

  “Are you?” In fairness, she pulled him forward and pressed a kiss against his lips. The taste of her was still on his mouth. She’d never done anything this forbidden in her life.

  And she wanted more.

  “Hmm,” he moaned in response. “I think you should find your pleasure first.”

  Katherine shook her head, then coaxed him to stand before her, putting his falls at her eye level. “I want to play some more.” She tilted her head and captured his gaze. “I’d like to touch you now, but only if you’re comfortable with me.”

  He pulled away and stared at her. The look of shock on his face melted away as his eyes blazed with a molten heat that sent more fire flowing through her veins. Without a word, he kissed her again tenderly on the lips, then whispered, “I’d like that.”

  Katherine slowly unbuttoned the falls of his breeches as he watched her. His eyes smoldered, and he never looked away as he made quick work of untying his cravat.

  In that moment, she was thankful she had kept a book of Meriwether’s erotic poems instead of burning it. One poem had been quite graphic about how to pleasure a man.

  She let out a tremulous breath as she waited. He pulled his shirt from his waistband, and immediately his member sprang forward.

  The crown glistened with his leaked seed. With such a resplendent display, she couldn’t help but moan softly. She cupped him in her hands and pressed a kiss to the head. He tasted of salt and musk. Without hesitating, she circled her tongue around him, desperate to savor every drop.

  He slipped his fingers into her hair, then cupped both sides of her head to hold her in place. “Lick me.”

  She rubbed a cheek against him and smiled, then ran her tongue along the length of him. He was all male—hard, hot, and wet. Holding him in the palm of her hand, she slowly exhaled and took him in her mouth, circling her tongue around him again and again.

  “Katherine,” he whispered. His breathing grew labored, and she relished the effect she was having on him.

  Over and over, she explored his length with her mouth. When she took him deeper, he gently removed his hands from her head and stepped backward. “I’ll come if you continue to do that.” A rueful smile broke across his beautiful mouth. “I haven’t been with a woman in … years.”

  “Oh.” Instead of a witty and sensuous response that a siren would say to her lover, it was the only word Katherine could think to utter until she blurted, “Would you be comfortable if we touched our own bodies as we watched each other?”

  “What?” His eyes widened.

  “I … I read about it in a book of erotic poems once.” She straightened slightly but refused to look away.

  Time stood still until a wicked smile graced his lips. “You do have a creative mind, Kat.”

  He knelt on the floor in front of her, then made a fist around his length and moved it up and down. The act so wicked and lewd, she’d never been so excited in her life at such a sight. But the hungry look on his face as he watched her made the room spin.

  “Let me see you touch yourself,” he whispered.

  Closing her eyes, she reached between her legs and slipped her fingers through her wetness. Her body hummed with pleasure as she found her body clenching and tightening in response.

  As she kept stroking herself, Katherine watched Christian’s face transform into a hundred expressions. Hunger, want, desire, heat, possession. All of it was pure heaven. She imagined him inside her, driving and pounding as they both found their releases.

  Christian gripped his cock while he rubbed his thumb against the wet crown. He reached over and kissed her again while he ran his fingers through her wetness. At his touch, she gasped.

  “I want a part of you on me when I come,” he whispered. He took her essence and rubbed it on his cock. He grasped his member, then moved his fist up and down, gaining speed. His gaze never left hers. The heat between them sparked, and she’d never felt so alive.

  In concert, they increased their pace, ready to find their pleasure.

  Katherine’s body had started its spiral to oblivion. The sensation quickened as she watched Christian pleasure himself. Unable to hold his gaze, she leaned her head against the back of the chair as her body tightened in orgasm. She closed her eyes as a thousand shards of light burst through her vision. She couldn’t catch her breath, but she continued to gently rub her center as she slowly fell back to earth like a feather in the air.

  “Katherine, look at me,” Christian growled softly.

  It took a Herculean effort, but she lifted her head. His eyes bore through hers, and his face slowly grew taut. One muscle in the side of his jaw twitched. His fist worked harder and harder, and she could tell he was close. Within seconds, he leaned his head toward the ceiling and opened his mouth in a silent scream.

  In a flash, he put his cravat over his cock as he spilled his seed. The raw power of his release seemed to reverberate through the room.

  He sat motionless, then lowered his head as he gained control of his body again.

  It was humbling and the most beautiful thing she’d ever witnessed in her life. He stood slowly, and Katherine rose when he held out his arms. He pulled her close, then kissed her as if this were their last hour on earth.

  Finally, when their heartbeats returned to normal, he swept her into his arms, then seated himself in the slipper chair with her reclining on his lap. They stayed that way as they both caught their breath. In a paradise of their own making, she was nestled by his side with his arm around her.

  He exhaled with a deep sigh. “I’ve never in my life done anything like that before.”

  The glow from her own release had started to fade. Silence settled around them. Neither spoke, and for a moment, she thought he might regret what they’d done. “I haven’t either.”

  He turned his attention back to her face and brushed his fingers across her cheek, where an unruly lock of hair had escaped the confines of her simple chignon. After he pushed it behind her ear, he continued to caress her. “You never did anything like that with your husband?”

  Automatically, she tensed at the reference to Meri. “Never. Nor did I want to.” Immediately, she regretted saying such a thing, but he smiled gently.

  He bent down and brushed his lips against hers in reassurance. “Come. Let’s set ourselves to right. We can’t let your Willa find a way to unlock the door and catch us in such shocking dishabille.”

  She stood, and he followed. With a tender touch, he helped straighten her skirt and bodice, then fiddled with several lost curls. Only then did he tuck his shirt in and button his falls.

  It wasn’t embarrassment that stole between them, but the awkwardness of what to say next that kept her silent. Christian must have sensed it too. He reached for his soiled cravat, then stuffed it in his pocket before he smoothed his hands over his coat. Only then did he look at her.

  “Would you like to come to my house tomorrow and finish going through my brother’s papers and other personal items?”

  “I’m done with all of that.” Then as if to ensure he understood, she rephrased it. “I’m finished with him.”

  Christian stared at her, not saying a word, but his gaze questioned if she was certain of her decision. With her resolute silence, she convinced him she was serious. His shoulders relaxed, and he nodded.

p; Without a word, he picked up his hat from the side table, then moved toward the door. He unlocked it and turned to her once again.

  “I wasn’t going to say this, but I changed my mind. A duke’s prerogative, so to speak.” He exhaled deeply. “I’m glad you’re finished. If he’d lived, he would have never come to appreciate your beauty and your grace.” He turned and grasped the handle, then hesitated. He dipped his head and regarded her. His heavy lids didn’t hide the brilliance of his eyes. “It would be remiss of me not to say one more thing.”

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “You’re breathtaking when you come,” he said softly. “I’ve never seen a more exquisite sight.”

  Before she could answer or even react, he was gone.

  In his wake, the room grew quiet. Her heart swelled with an admission dredged from a place that defied all logic and reason. She had fallen in love with Christian tonight.

  Nothing good would come from it except the folly of heartache.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The following day, Christian sat at his desk reading a letter from Sykeston. Wheatley knocked on the open door and entered.

  If another bequest from Meri had arrived, Christian would simply refuse it.

  “Pardon me, Your Grace,” Wheatley said. Sweat glistened across his brow. “An urgent message has arrived that needs your attention.”

  Christian cocked an eyebrow. In his entire life of living at Rand House, he could not recall a time when his butler had interrupted him in such a harried tone of voice.

  Panting as if he’d run a race, Morgan suddenly appeared beside Wheatley. “Captain, if I might have a word?”

  Christian stood immediately and walked around the desk. Today was his valet’s normal day to shop on Bond Street. If Morgan had foregone the trip, then it must be something dire.

  Christian motioned for the door to be shut. “What is it?” he asked.

  Wheatley closed the door, and his valet pursed his lips, then handed a note to Christian. “It’s from Willa. She says Lady Meriwether needs you now.”

  “Is she all right? Do you know what has happened?” Christian asked as he took the note. A burst of nervous energy accompanied by a thrum of unease overtook him. Much like what he experienced when he was about to lead his men into battle.

  Morgan shook his head. “Willa’s note is very vague. I took the liberty of ordering your carriage.”

  “That’ll take too much time. I can walk there before they even have the horses completely harnessed.”

  “I’ll accompany you,” Morgan offered.

  Christian nodded. On the way out, he refused the great coat that Wheatley held out to him. Once he reached the street, he turned left and started toward Katherine’s town house. After two steps, he cursed, then started to run.

  He couldn’t have cared less when two of society’s most influential matrons dropped their jaws and halted their walk as they saw him running at full speed through the streets of London. Having his one-eyed valet beside him keeping pace probably added to their shock.

  They’d have fainted on the spot if they’d seen him in battle. Nothing kept him from protecting his men.

  Now, nothing would keep him from protecting Katherine.

  He only slowed down once he reached her front walk. The two blocks shouldn’t have been too strenuous, but he was breathing heavily as his heart had already been pounding in alarm when he left Rand House. Morgan tried to catch his breath as he knocked on the door. Immediately, Beth opened it and waved them inside.

  “What’s happened? Is it Katherine?” Christian’s heart was ready to burst through his ribs.

  “No, it’s Constance.” She closed the door.

  He and Morgan followed her into the sitting room where he’d first met the wives.

  “Katherine.” As soon as her name escaped Christian’s lips, she turned and ran to him. He held out his arms to embrace her, but instead, she took one of his hands in hers and squeezed.

  Of course, they were back to formal appearances in front of others.

  She dipped a deep curtsey. “Your Grace, thank you for coming.”

  A week ago, he would have accepted it as a proper greeting, but after yesterday, this formal air between them could not continue. Obviously, something had upset her since the normal brightness in her eyes had dulled.

  Morgan nodded at the ladies, then turned to Katherine. “My lady, shall I find Willa?”

  “Thank you, Mr. Morgan,” she said gently. “Willa has had little sleep and some added chores this morning. I’m afraid she’s tiring. Any help you could give her would be a favor to me.”

  Morgan nodded, then stepped toward the kitchens.

  “Is Constance all right? The baby?” he asked in rapid succession. Things had to be dire with Constance if both Katherine and Beth were away from work.

  “Constance may be having the baby.” Lines of worry marred Katherine’s eyes. “I thought you needed to be here.”

  “You did the right thing,” he said.

  Katherine turned to the stranger. “Your Grace, may I present Mrs. Love? She’s a midwife I’ve hired to help.”

  The woman dipped a curtsey.

  “Mrs. Love.” Christian nodded.

  The midwife didn’t bat an eye his way as her attention turned to Kat and Beth. “As I was saying, I’m not certain the baby will be born yet, but each birth is different.” Her lips turned down in a slight frown. “However, I don’t like the way the babe is resting. It’s too early for it to have dropped so low in Miss Lysander’s belly. That’s what makes me think she could possibly deliver within the week.”

  “Too early,” Katherine repeated, as if trying to get the words to sink in. “Is there anything we can do to help her?”

  The midwife nodded. “She should stay in bed until the babe decides to make his appearance in the world.”

  “You think it’s a boy?” Christian asked.

  “I’ve never seen a baby girl anxious to escape its mother’s womb. It’s always the baby boys.” She grinned. “We have to keep the mother-to-be comfortable and nourished.”

  “We’ll keep her in bed,” Kat promised.

  “Willa and Venetia can stay with her during the day and make certain she eats. I can stay with her at night,” Beth declared.

  “You know where to find me if there’s trouble.” The midwife put on her hat and coat. “The pains she’s having might be real, or they might be an exercise for the body to prepare itself for the birth.”

  Both Katherine and Beth walked Mrs. Love to the back door, and Christian overheard the midwife promise to check on Constance every day. After goodbyes were exchanged, they came back to his side.

  Beth regarded him without any hint of emotion. “Mrs. Love is one of the most talented, not to mention successful, midwives in all of London. Even if she comes through the back entrance, if anyone recognizes her, then the proverbial cat is out of the bag.”

  “Meaning?” Christian asked.

  Katherine huffed out a shallow breath. “Meaning, neighbors will come calling to find out who is having a baby. Then the talk will start, and we won’t be able to keep quiet about Lord Meriwether’s marriages.” She turned to Beth. “I’ll help you with Constance.”

  Beth took her hands in her own. “Concentrate on your winning the Prince Regent’s contract and the duke’s charity. You’ve been so generous already. However, I think we should be better informed of your schedule in case something happens…”

  She didn’t finish her thought, as they all knew what she was saying—if something happened to Constance and her babe.

  “I’ll also send you mine,” Christian offered. “I could take a turn sitting with her.”

  Katherine smiled slightly. “Thank you. But only if it becomes too much for all of us.”

  Beth looked toward the stairs. “I should go to her now. I know Aunt Vee is probably worried sick.”

  “I’ll be up shortly,” Katherine said.

  Beth nodded a
t Christian, then took the stairs.

  “Aunt Vee?” Christian asked after she departed.

  Katherine nodded. “That’s Constance’s aunt who traveled with her from Portsmouth. She’s staying with me also.”

  “Aha. Venetia. She’s the one who let me into your house yesterday.” He didn’t miss the sudden blush that colored her cheeks at the mention of last night. “Katherine—”

  “Your Grace, would you accompany me upstairs to my study?” Her voice was all business. “We must talk.”

  With his hands clasped behind his back, he leaned forward and lowered his voice. “I adore it when you take charge.”

  She dipped her head, but he still caught the beautiful smile that graced her lips.

  “Just like you did yesterday,” Christian murmured.

  Without saying a word, Katherine led him upstairs to the second floor. With each step, her delightful backside swung with a perfect rhythm. His palm itched to reach out and touch her. Before his thoughts became too outlandish, they arrived at her study.

  As soon as they were inside, she closed the door, then sat behind the Louis XV turquoise and gold gilt desk. “Shall I ask Willa to bring us tea?”

  “No. But if you have any whisky, I would appreciate one.” Christian took the chair opposite her desk and inhaled. Her signature violet perfume filled the room unobtrusively. Immediately, he felt himself harden. Last night, the room had smelled differently. Her violet and musky scent of arousal had combined into a mind-altering fragrance that had brought him to his knees—literally.

  For all his days, it would be a scent he would never tire of, and one he’d always remember, along with the elegantly appointed room. It suited Katherine.

  How would Rand House suit her? Most likely, it would suit her like her business. She’d manage it with an aplomb and grace that would rival any past Duchess of Randford.

  From a bottle on the side table, she poured a fingerful of whisky, then brought it to him. Within seconds, she started to pace.

  He stood and placed his untouched drink on the drum table, then reached her side. Gently, he held her upper arms to stop her frantic to and fro movements. “What can I do to help? Hire full-time nurses?”


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