The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series)

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The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series) Page 11

by Emma Shae

  When Vanessa realized that Sasha had no way of contacting Damon, she gave Sasha his information so that she could call him.

  When Damon found out that Sasha wanted him by her side, and with Emry no longer part of her life, Damon allowed his feeling to overtake him.

  With his confession of love, Damon asked Sasha to marry him, and she agreed.

  After being away from one another for over seven months, they could now rediscover each other.



  Damon woke the next morning, with his arm draped over Sasha. Her naked body warm against him, and so close, he could smell the lilac scent in her hair. A slow smile crept up on Damon’s face.

  He quickly realized, however, that something had awakened him as he then heard a beeping sound in his ear and saw the message light blinking in his face. Damon picked up the phone, and listened to the message from the front desk, telling him that he needed to call Vanessa before 10:00 AM, and it was urgent. Damon looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was already 9:30 AM.

  Nothing was ever imperative to Vanessa. She took life in stride, so for her to feel that something was urgent, it must be important.

  Damon eased his arm from Sasha's tempting breast, grabbed his cellphone, and quietly slipped into the bathroom.

  Vanessa answered the phone after only one ring. "Damon, stop whatever you're doing and meet me at Burton’s office at noon."

  Without saying another word, Vanessa hung up. Damon could feel the tension in her voice as she spoke, so he knew that something was up.

  Burton Brobridge was Lockheed International's company lawyer. With Burton involved in the urgent meeting that Vanessa requested, Damon knew that something significant was going on, and it did not feel like good news.

  Just before climbing into the shower, Damon ordered room service to bring up coffee, juice, fruit, and croissants. While he was in the shower, room service came up with the delivery.

  A gentle tapping on the hotel door woke Sasha. She grabbed the courtesy robe from the chair beside her bed, and after verifying that it was room service outside her door, she let him inside.

  Sasha would have waited for Damon before eating, but after seeing the tempting array of tasty delights on the trolley, she could not wait. There were fresh strawberries, piled high, warm croissants, and ripe yellow bananas. Everything looked delicious and was beckoning to Sasha to enjoy them. On top of all the mouth-watering temptations before her, Sasha was famished.

  She was just finishing up one of the bananas and topping it off with a glass of orange juice when Damon came out of the bathroom. His hair was still dripping slightly from the shower that he had just taken, and his errant curl was hanging low over his emerald green eyes.

  Damon was wearing one of the white hotel bathrobes, and his dark, bare chest, was peeking out at the top of the loosely tied robe. Sasha could not help but stare. He was such a fine specimen of a man. Just looking at him made her desire him.

  Damon had not noticed Sasha staring at him, ogling him, and wanting him. His attention was on the food tray by the bed, and since his stomach was angry at him from being neglected, he started to eat.

  When Damon finally looked up, Sasha was still watching him. He instantly smiled at her, and she smiled back. Damon was not used to anyone watching him eat, so he paused, mid-bite, and said, "I hope that you enjoyed last night as much as I did.”

  Sasha quickly responded, "I can safely say that last night was the most enjoyable night, not sleeping, that I've spent in a long time."

  Damon smiled, saying, "I 'm so glad that we were able to have that alone time together. I think that we needed it."

  Sasha was still smiling when she said, "Oh, I agree, and even though I only had about three hours of sleep, I feel refreshed and invigorated."

  Damon smiled then and said, "Well, I have to agree with you.”

  Then the smile slowly left Damon’s face as he lowered his head, saying, “I’m sorry, but I have to cut our morning short, Sasha. I just found out a few minutes ago that I have an emergency meeting at the office for noon. I would reschedule it if I could, but I have to be there.”

  Damon grabbed Sasha’s hand and looked down at her, saying, “I had planned to spend the entire day with you and Trenton, and now this has changed everything plans, I’m so sorry, Sasha. I don’t know how long this meeting is going to last, but just as soon as it’s over, I’ll call you, and we can maybe have some family time later on today.”

  Sasha nodded her head that she understood. Damon had said family time, which made the smile return to Sasha’s face. It made her feel good all over, knowing that Damon wanted their day to continue.

  She hoped that Damon would be able to rejoin her later, but she could tell that he was concerned about something, so she didn't press the question.

  “It’s okay, Damon, I understand. You must attend your meeting. When it's over, you can join Trenton and me back at the estate.”

  Sasha eased out of bed, wearing nothing but a smile, and then slowly walked toward the bathroom.

  Daman could not help but watch as Sasha's long, lean legs glided away from him. Just as Sasha was about to go inside the bathroom to take her shower, she slowly turned to face Damon. She hoped that his eyes would be on her, watching as she slinked away from him. Having Damon's eyes on her was her plan. When Sasha turned to face Damon, she was not disappointed. His eyes were fixed on her. Sasha smiled, blew Damon a kiss, and then eased the door shut.

  Damon smiled as Sasha slowly disappeared behind the bathroom door. The little minx, arousing him when she knew that he was in a rush, was cruel. Damon sighed, took a slow deep breath, and began to dress.

  Leaving Sasha was not part of his plan for today. Damon had intended to spend the entire day enjoying time with Sasha and his son. After hearing the urgency in Vanessa's voice, though, Damon knew that he couldn't skip the meeting.

  Damon finished dressing, and shortly afterward, Sasha rejoined him. She had showered and was ready to go. Sasha looked so tempting. She was wearing the floor-length dark green dress and shiny green shoes that she had worn the night before. She had her long hair piled up on top of her head, with a few errant tendrils hanging down framing her face. Sasha was so alluring. Sasha was a beautiful woman, and it was hard for Damon to walk away from her, but he had to get to the meeting.

  He called down for Thomas to bring the Limo to pick them up, and then he escorted Sasha downstairs and opened the door for her.

  While Thomas drove back to the estate, Sasha and Damon remained silent. Sasha could tell that Damon had something on his mind that was troubling him. She had enjoyed her time with Damon so much and couldn't wait to be back in his arms again.

  Damon was the first to speak, saying, “After Thomas drops you off at the mansion, I’m heading straight to my meeting. I don't know how long it will last, but I’ll call you just as soon as it’s over. We can spend the afternoon together. Does that sound like a good idea?”

  “That is great, Damon. I’ll be waiting.”

  Sasha was happy that Damon wanted to spend more time with her and the baby. Hopefully, his meeting would not last too long, and nothing terrible was going on to keep him from returning to her. Sasha could hardly wait to be back in Damon’s arms again.



  When Damon walked into the conference room at Lockheed International, Burton and Vanessa were already there waiting for him. The room was silent, and Damon could tell from the look on Vanessa’s face that she was upset.

  “So, what is all of the cloak and dagger about?” Damon asked as he set his briefcase down on the conference table in front of him.

  Vanessa was the first to speak, saying, “Damon, I’m sorry that I messed up your weekend with Sasha, but we have a problem that I don’t quite know how to handle on my own. Burton called me with a legal matter that has created a situation requiring our immediate attention. I brought you in on it because this ma
tter involves a family problem, and I would like to handle it without outside intervention, if possible.”

  Vanessa slid a legal-size envelope across the conference table toward Damon, saying, “This letter was delivered late Thursday afternoon to Burton’s office, from Emry’s marriage partner, and it was labeled URGENT. When Burton received it, he read it and immediately realized that there was a problem and contacted me. When I read it, I agreed and called your hotel.”

  Damon picked the letter up and began to read:

  To whomever, it may concern. I, James Edward Bonet, married Emry Wayne Lockheed on December 25, 2019.

  I was sworn to secrecy by Emry regarding his health when I first met him. You need to know that Emry never had cancer, and he wasn’t dying. I knew this because I helped him fake his sickness and subsequent death. I did what I did for him because I loved him. I was a nurse and had access to medical forms and medications.

  After we moved to Turks island, we married and were happy, at first. However, Emry started to change once he received his inheritance. He was no longer the man I loved and married. He was different. Emry has always had a gambling problem, but he became more flippant and too free with his spending. Then he told me that he wanted to see other men, and he stayed out late partying all the time.

  With Emry’s flagrant spending, the money began to run out, but Emry told me not to worry that he had a new plan to make a lot more money, and I would benefit from it too if I kept my mouth shut and fell in line. I didn’t want to share my husband with anyone else, and I didn’t like the direction that things were going in.

  Emry told me that his brother had a son that he would pay big money for if we kidnapped and then ransomed him.

  I did not want any part of kidnapping a child, so coupled with the crimes I had already helped Emry commit, I wanted out. When I threatened to leave him, Emry just laughed at me and said that if I did not help him, he would make sure that I didn’t see the light of another day.

  I now fear for my life, but I hope that giving you this information may help save a child. I am leaving Emry. I may turn up dead, but I cannot be a part of any kidnapping. I hope this information is helpful, and you can perhaps use it to save a life. I do not believe that Emry plans to return the child alive.

  “Vanessa, is this information real or some sort of sick joke?”

  Vanessa shook her head, “It’s no joke, Damon. I sent my private detective, Steve Bowman, to Turk island, where Emry moved when he left us, just as soon as I read the letter Thursday. Steve located the address where Bonet said that he and Emry lived and verified that Emry was indeed there, and alive. With that part of the information that Bonet shared with us legitimate, I think that we have to assume that the rest of the letter is probably true as well.”

  Damon was amazed, and could only shake his head, saying, “I can’t believe that Emry faked his death.”

  “Well, I can. Your brother is not the mild-mannered person that you think he is, Damon. Emry is a bitter man. Just before your parents died in that car accident, your father and grandfather had a horrible argument. Your father wanted Emry to take over the control of the company, but your grandfather held the controlling interest in Lockheed International. Trenton was adamant that you be the one to take his place when he retired, so your father had no choice but to agree. When Emry found out, he became outraged and even more spiteful. Your father had groomed Emry for the C.E.O. position, so when Trenton opposed his choice, Emry was beyond upset.”

  “I never knew that there was a clash over the leadership of the company.”

  “Of course, you never knew, your grandfather put a lid on it and had all of the dissension cleared up before you returned from your sea cruise with Carma. During that time frame, Trenton put all his company stock into your name in trust to safeguard your control. That is when the accident at sea happened, and we almost lost you. You were so distraught after losing Carma and the baby, Emry saw his opportunity to step up. He pressured your father to fight your grandfather’s authority. Edward realized at that point that Emry only wanted the position for the money and the power and that Trenton was right not to back Emry to run the company. Once Emry realized that Edward would not go against Trenton’s edict, Emry packed his bags and left the estate, and no one saw or heard from him for several months. Your mother and father were killed in that car accident about that time, and your grandfather desperately needed your help. He sat you down, and the two of you had a lengthy talk. Somehow, he was able to snap you out of the lethargic state that you had lapsed into and brought you back to reality. Though you were still heartbroken at that time, you stepped up and took the reins of the company and turned everything around. Thank God you came back to us when you did because shortly after that, Emry showed back up on our doorstep, saying that he was dying with cancer and needed our help. Of course, I could not turn him away and did everything in my power to try to help him through his illness. Then, I lost your grandfather, which forced me to return to the board of the company and submit my backing for you to become the C.E.O.”

  “I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this, Vanessa. First, I find out that my brother is alive and gay, and then I find out that he probably hates my guts, and now he wants to kill my son. We must contact the police and let them know about the kidnapping threat on Trenton. I have to call Sasha. She needs to know what is going on.”

  “No, Damon, don’t call Sasha, go to her. She needs you by her side now, besides this isn’t something that you should break to her over the phone. I’ve already alerted the police, and they are aware of the threat to Trenton. They are looking for both Emry and James Bonet. The entire estate is under surveillance, and I have posted a private guard for Sasha. He is discreet, so she will never know that he is there. Steve and his men have been alerted as well, and they are specifically looking for Bonet. I need to find out what other information he can share with us about Emry. Go back to the estate and stay with Sasha and your baby. Sasha will be frightened when she finds out what is going on, so you need to reassure her that everything is going to be alright. Don’t leave her until we can locate Emry.”

  “Vanessa, I have to tell you, this all sounds crazy to me, but I’ll go home and stay with Sasha. You’re right, though, I need to be with my family right now.”

  “I agree, Damon, it does sound crazy, but we don’t know where Emry is at right now, or what he is planning next. Until we know what his next move is going to be, we need to prepare ourselves for anything. As of right now, we do not have any evidence against him to prove that he is dangerous should be in jail. Bonet’s letter is not enough proof. It is only a warning. That is why we need to find Bonet. If Emry does love him, he will probably try to find him, and then Steve can notify the officials and let them handle him from there.”

  “I hope your right, Grams. If anything were to happen to Sasha or the baby because of my brother, I don’t know what I would do to him.”

  As Damon was about to leave the board room, he told Vanessa, “Let me know the instant they find Emry, or if they locate Bonet. I do not know what to expect next, but I’m going to prepare for the worst. If Steve finds out anything else, please call me.

  “I will let you know just as soon as I find out anything. Try to relax, Damon. Your being tense will not help Sasha or the baby. We have some excellent people working on this, and I’m sure they will find out something for us fairly quickly.”

  “I sure hope so, Vanessa, I don’t like living in fear for my son's life. He is a part of me now, and I would do anything in the world for him.”

  Vanessa’s heart swelled, hearing Damon’s heartfelt confession. She was so glad that he felt a nurturing bond with Trenton, that was what she was hoping for, but she never dreamed something horrible would have to take place to show Damon his true feelings.

  Emry was obviously insane. He had allowed his desire for money and power to drive him over the edge. Vanessa could not believe that she hadn’t seen this sooner. She wa
s usually so astute and able to read people well, but this revelation smacked Vanessa in the face. Emry had her fooled and being fooled was not something that Vanessa took lightly.

  Vanessa hugged Damon, and in her parting words, said, “You go now and leave everything up to me. I know how to handle Emry. This isn’t the first time that Emry and I have clashed heads over something, but I assure you, it will be his last time.”



  Damon drove himself back to the mansion, not bothering to phone Thomas. He wanted his personal transportation in case he had to move fast if Emry showed up.

  Damon phoned Sasha when he was nearing the estate to let her know that he was on his way. He needed to hear Sasha’s voice to assure him that she was okay.

  Damon knew that Sasha wanted to know what was going on, but he did not want to alarm her over the phone. “When I get there, I’ll explain everything to you. Are you in your room right now?”

  “Yes, I just put Trenton down, and I thought that I would step down to the kitchen for some fruit.”

  “No, let Maida bring it up to you. I’ll be there in just a few minutes, and I need to talk to you.”

  “Okay, I’ll call down. Is everything okay, Damon, you sound upset?”

  “I’ll explain everything when I get there. Do not worry. I’ll be there in just a few minutes.”

  Sasha could tell that something was very wrong by the tone of Damon’s voice. The fact that he wanted her to stay in her room also alarmed her. She hesitated to speculate because all that would do would be to frighten her even more, so she would wait and let Damon explain everything when he got there.

  When Damon arrived at the estate, he was met at the front gate by two guards. They knew him because they worked for Lockheed International, so they waved him through. Sasha was standing at the window and saw his car as he drove up. Damon usually did not drive his own vehicle, so that was a little out of character behavior for him.


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