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Page 14

by KJ Dahlen

  Judge growled and would have charged at him but Sage whispered, “Please don’t. This was meant to be.”

  “Fucking right it was meant to be.” Luke snarled in her ear. “You are one bitch that should never have been born!”

  “Why not?” Nelson scoffed.

  “I should be your only kid!” Luke cried out. “She’s alive today because as everyone in the fucking free world has pointed out, you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants. I lost half of your empire because you couldn’t be faithful to me mother.”

  “Is that what you think boy?” Nelson chuckled out loud. “I doubt there’s a man on this earth that could be faithful to that heartless woman. As soon as you were born, she lost interest in anything sexual. Her whole world revolved around you and you alone. She had no more use for me so yeah, I looked for comfort elsewhere.”

  Judge clenched his fists and went to step forward.

  Deke grabbed his arm and shook his head.

  Luke sneered at his father. “Makes no difference, you still should have been faithful. You gave her what should have been mine and mine alone.”

  Sage sat up a bit and turned to look at her brother. “What exactly did he give me? Huh? I’ll tell you what he gave me, absolutely nothing. Not one fucking thought. He never supported me as far as I knew, then I find out that he’s been paying my mother blackmail for my whole life, blackmail, not child support. She never spent one red dime on me that she didn’t have to. I have no clue what she did with the money but since I’ve been ten years old, I’ve been working to support us. I worked after school and nights to pay the rent and put food on the table. Don’t you tell me he gave me something he should have given you, you lousy bastard. He never gave me a damn thing! My own mother never told me his name. The first time I had a clue as to who he was... was when you told me and then I didn’t believe you.” She turned her head and glared at Nelson. “As far as I’m concerned, you don’t exist for me.”

  She took note of the fact that Luke’s fingers had loosened a bit and his hold on her throat was lax enough she could make a break to get away from him. Curling her fingers into claws, she turned and went for his eyes. When she dug into his skin, Luke screamed and pushed her away. Sage hit the floor with a thud.

  Judge rushed forward and snatched her out of Luke’s reach. He gazed at her for a second and searched her neck to see bruising from his hold. Growling, he gently moved her to Deke. He stepped forward and punched Luke in the jaw.

  Luke’s head hit the wall with such force he bounced back and hit the floor. Holding his jaw, he cried.” I...think you...broke my jaw!” Blood spilled out of his mouth.

  Judge stared down at him. “You’re lucky you’re going to prison you fuck! Cause I want to break every damn bone in that pathetic body of yours.”

  “Maybe he isn’t so lucky though, Judge,” Deke spoke up. “There are many in the joint that I know of personally that don’t like wimpy, women beating pigs like him. I wonder how he will feel when he is someone’s bitch?”

  Luke spat out blood and stared up at the huge man above him. He finally seemed to realize that this was all over for him. He started to cry.

  Sage shook off Deke’s hold and stepped closer. She grasped Judge’s steel like arm. “He isn’t worth your time.” She glared down at the man who’d bullied her for almost her entire life. “He ain’t worth it at all.”

  Aiden began laughing at the spectacle but didn’t make his move. So far, no one had suggested anything that would hurt him. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Now all that was truly entertaining, but I ain’t got all night here.” Looking over at Deke, he spoke, “So since you have all the answers Mr. Spawn what did really happen the night Star died?”

  “Nelson messed her up but he’d been roofied that night and passed out before he got very far into it. Your brother came in when he saw Nelson was down and he argued with Star then killed her. He kept quiet all these years because Nelson was paying him hush money.”

  Aiden turned his head and glared at his brother. “You fucking killed her? She was my woman not his and you killed her? I’ve hated that man for close to twenty-four years because you lied to me! I ought to kill you myself.”

  “What the fuck did you expect?” Simon shrugged. “When you were with her, you lost the focus you once had for the Lords. We could have been great and we were well on our way to be the best of the best. Then you met her and you lost it. I had to get you back on track man. I had to do something, even if it meant killing her.”

  Aiden glared at his brother then turned to Deke, “So how does this play out now? We all go to jail and you pick up the slack? How is that fair?”

  Deke shrugged. “Who said life was fair? I sure as hell know you never said that.” He looked over at the three Russian men who hadn’t said a word to anyone yet.

  The leader shook his head. “We have nothing to do with this situation and will be leaving here soon. We want no trouble here.”

  Deke nodded and glared at Aiden. “You’re done here too. When I took over the Satan’s Spawn MC, I vowed then that this town would be drug free. I hated the drug trade and told the men then that if they were caught in this town dealing, they would pay the price. They could deal in the next town over but not here in Troy. Then you and your MC showed up, bringing that shit with you. We almost went to war once over this and we’re about to again, only I don’t think it will come to that.”

  “You know my men are all over this town and if they don’t hear from me at some point, they will tear this town apart until they find me don’t you?” Aiden asked.

  “Well now, here’s the thing...” Deke began. “Your men are being gathered up by the State police on charges of drug trafficking.” Shaking his head, he smiled at Aiden. “That Brandi, she was a clever girl she was. She recorded every transaction you ever did with her in a nice little book. Then she hid that book so no one would find it.” He looked over at Sage. “But she never bothered to look at her daughter. Sage told us exactly where the book was, along with several bodies. We’ve already spoken to the State police and the FBI about what we found at her old house.”

  “Was it Brandi who knifed my VP in the back then?” Aiden wanted to know.

  “No,” Sage spoke up. “I did that.”

  All eyes swung over to her.

  She was standing in the safety of Judge’s arms but as she spoke, she stepped to one side. “He was hurting one of the girls you guys kidnapped and were going to sell. He was cutting her and he was about to rape her again. He threw down his knife and I couldn’t stand the screaming anymore. I picked up the knife and pushed it into his back. I was just a kid and that man was a monster.”

  Aiden nodded. “Did your mom ever find a key on his body?”

  Sage shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  Deke reached into his pocket and produced an old key. “Is this what you’re looking for?”

  Aiden turned his head and stared at the long lost key. “That’s the one.”

  “Well, I don’t figure you’ll need whatever this is to while being behind bars.” Deke slipped the key back into his pocket.

  “This isn’t going to go down the way you think it will.” Nelson growled. “I won’t go down alone or quietly and I’ll make this town pay for what they’re doing to me.” He turned his glare to Sage. “And she will be going to jail with us as well. She killed a man. Let’s not forget that.”

  “Oh, stuff it Nelson,” Sam snapped. “The man she killed was in self-defense and you fucking know it. Keeping him from raping a girl. You are so damn stupid it ain’t even real. You and your cohorts all are going down for what you did to this town. All of them will be ruined socially and all of them will spend at least some time behind bars. They’re going to regret ever working with your sorry ass.”

  “We’re taking back this town from the likes of you Mayor,” Deke informed him. “This is going to be our town now. And nobody messes with the Sin’s Bastards.”

  Sam walked to th
e door, opened it then stepped back. The room was suddenly filled with police wearing State uniforms and men wearing business suits. They stood behind Nelson, Luke, Kyle Milo and Jason. As each man was handcuffed, they began reading them their Miranda rights. The two men in suits did the same to Aiden and Simon.

  The only ones who weren’t handcuffed were Deke and his mean along with the three Russians.

  When the others were led out, Deke turned to the Russians. “I don’t know who you are or what you’re doing here but you’re not wanted here if it is your intention of opening up a route to bring guns and drugs to this town. Don’t do it or you could become one of them.” He motioned his head at the door.

  One of the men stepped forward and held out his hand. “Actually, my name is Viktor Slavic and I represent a man name Timor Maxim. Although Nelson Nichols believed we were willing to break the laws of this land, Timor Maxim sent us over here to search for new business opportunities. He wants to come and live in the United States as he has two sons that live here. He is the leader of the Bratva back in our homeland of Kazakhstan but wants to be closer to his children and grandchildren.”

  “We never would have gone along with Nelson’s plans of snuggling in drugs or guns,” another one of the three told them.

  “What was it you saw on your phone that stopped you before?” Sage asked.

  Viktor smiled and held out his phone. One the phone was a short simple message from Timor. Three small words that said, ‘Don’t get involved.’

  Deke tipped his head to one side. “What kind of business is your boss interested in?”

  “Only legitimate ones,” Viktor told him. “We did not know this was a deal for drugs or weapons. We would have left as soon as they brought it up. So, we just want to have something to start with.”

  “Oh, I think we can work with that.” Deke grinned. “Tell me something, does your boss like speed? On two wheels or four? We are looking to expand our custom built cycles and hot rod vehicles...”


  Judge pulled up in front of his house.

  Sage got off from behind him and stood there searching the house. She turned to Judge and found him watching her. “Where is Runt?” she whispered as fear gripped her.

  “Raine was examining him when we left,” Judge told her. “They stabbed him to get you away without alerting us.”

  Sage hung her head. She’d caused this. “Is he still alive?”

  “I don’t know but I hope so.”

  She raised her head and looked at him. “So do I. He protected me the best he could. He was rushing Luke when he got stabbed. I will never forget that. You promised me you would always be there and you were.”

  Judge frowned. “But he still got to you. He would have killed you tonight, you know that right?”

  Sage smiled. “I know he would have tried but he’s like everyone else, he underestimated me the whole time. He didn’t realize I’m tougher than he will ever be because I’ve had to be.”

  Judge shook his head. “We are a pair aren’t we?”

  “Is that what we are? A pair?” she whispered.

  “Damn right we are.” He growled. “You are more like me than you realize, babe. You stood your ground tonight and I’m damn proud of you for that.”

  “And you came after me, just like I hoped you would.” She pointed out. “That’s love isn’t it? You stood up for me too.”

  Judge pulled her into his arms. “Yeah Angel, that’s love.”

  “Will you teach me all there is to know about love?” she asked him softly. “I think I’d like to learn about that.”

  Judge smashed his lips down on hers and took her breath away. When he broke the kiss, he promised, “I’ll gladly teach you whatever you want.”

  Then his front door opened and Runt came bounding out. He had a bandage wrapped around his belly but he seemed none the worse for wear. He jumped up on Sage and began licking her face.

  Sage laughed out loud and knelt to hug the dog back.

  “Damn, I’ve never seen him do that with anyone except me.” Judge chuckled.

  She looked up at Judge. “Does that mean I get to keep you and him too?”

  “Hey, accept me, accept him, we’re a package deal.” Judge grinned.

  She looked down at the dog. “Well Runt, I suppose I will have to keep the man that comes with the dog.”

  Runt yelped as if he got the joke.

  Sage laughed loudly.

  Judge felt happier than he ever remembered while hearing her beautiful laugh. “You are a clever woman, Sage Billingsly. I cannot wait to find out just how clever you really are.” His gaze grew heated as he looked into her silver-gray eyes.

  “Yeah...I think that might be fun for me.” Sage smiled as she stood and kissed him soundly.


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  K.J. Dahlen

  Bratva Blood Brothers Serie

  About K.J Dahlen

  Author of the bestselling, award winning Bratva Brothers and Satan Spawns MC Series...

  I live in a small town (population495) in Wisconsin. From my deck, I can see the Mississippi River on one side and the bluffs, where eagles live and nest on the other side. I live with my husband Dave and dog Buddy. My two children are grown and I have two grandchildren. I love to watch people and that has helped me with my writing. I often use people I watch as characters in my books and I always try to give my characters some of my own values and habits.

  I love to create characters and put them in a troubling situation then sit back and let them do all the work. My characters surprise even me at times. At some point in the book, they take on a life of their own and the twists and turns they create becomes the story. Of all the stories, I could write I found I like mystery/thrillers the best. I like to keep my readers guessing until the very end of the book.

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