
Home > Other > Bequeathed > Page 24
Bequeathed Page 24

by Melinda Terranova

  “Surely someone knows it is him? He took me to his apartment here in Rome. He lives here.”

  “He is good at deception, Kat. His ability to slink into the city undetected shows just how much power he has. No doubt thanks to a witch who has most probably cast a glamour spell on him and put up wards around his apartment. If that is his apartment?”

  I push the thought of it being someone else’s apartment to the back of my mind.

  “If you can refrain from contacting him again, that would be very wise. Allegra will not be happy about this.” Maria’s stare is direct.

  I simply nod in agreement. I don’t understand the necessity, but I trust Maria’s word. “What about Dominic?” I barely whisper.

  “He may still be alive and well.” Maria looks at me with sympathy. “For all we know, the guards have Dominic for reasons that aren’t linked to you.”

  “Who were you on the phone with before?” I ask.

  “I don’t want you girls to leave the apartment. Okay?”

  Both Sofia and I nod in agreement before Maria disappears into her office again, hopefully working out how to make this situation better. My eyes scan the rooftop; all is well and unchanged to the rest of the world while it feels as though my world continues to fall apart. My phone’s vibration pulls me from my self-wallowing, but before I can see who is calling, Sofia has answered it. I stare at her in disbelief and hope that it is Dominic.

  “It’s your mom.”

  I shake my head. I don’t want to talk to her. I can’t talk to her. “No” I mouth at Sofia and push the phone back toward her.

  “Kat, it’s your mom,” she sings out as though I am at the other end of the apartment.

  I take the phone and glare at her. She smiles and shrugs before retreating inside.

  “Hey, Mom.” I try to sound as normal as possible.

  “Happy Birthday!” they all shout into the phone.

  I realize I have not spoken to my family in days. The last time was when I was still human. I sigh. “Thanks everyone. I miss you all.”

  “Honey, it is so good to hear your voice.”

  “It’s so good to hear yours too, Mom. I miss you and Dad and Nicolette.”

  “How was your birthday?”


  “Is everything okay? You sound…different,” my mother whispers into the phone.

  “Everything is great.” I plaster a fake smile onto my face, hoping it transfers to my voice. “How is everyone back at home?”

  “Same old, same old. When are you coming home, sweetheart?” I hear the desperation in her voice.

  “Soon. I still haven’t seen all the landmarks yet. I want to see the Colosseum next,” I chime in, the fakeness seeping through.

  My mother is silent on the other end. I can hear her breathing.

  I clear my throat. “Mom, I love you. Tell Dad, Nicolette, and Nonna I love them too and that I miss them.”

  “I will, sweetheart.” Her voice is soft. She knows.

  “I have to go. Bye.” I quickly end the call as tears well in my eyes. I dart for the front door and hear Sofia’s soft voice as I fly down the stairs. She doesn’t come after me. I enter the busy piazza, which is full of tourists and noise, mind-numbing noise. I’m on sensory overload and seek a quieter spot away from the maddening crowds. I stalk down the street until I find a small alleyway between two buildings. I run my fingers along the stone wall, slowly making my way further away from the main street behind me. I stop midway and sink to the ground. The anger bubbles in me and my hunger stirs. I close my eyes and sit for a while to clear my head. I hear footsteps approaching. Pools of saliva fill my mouth and I swallow carefully. The human has stopped, and I hear the creak of a screen door. I open my eyes with new clarity and scan the area for movement. I see the foot traffic along the main road but do not see anyone close. I stand without thinking and find myself stalking toward the sound of a steady heartbeat a few yards away. My breaths come in quick successions the closer I get to the pulsating blood source. Tingles spread from my fingers and toes toward my center, the feeling exhilarating as I approach my victim. I hear not the noise of the traffic or the draining noise of the crowds. The only sound I hear is the steady staccato rhythm; it rings in my ears loud and clear. I stand with my back against the stone wall. The door is merely centimeters away. The human stops what they’re doing.

  “Chi e la?” the human speaks. They are probably wondering who is there.

  I lick my lips but don’t move. I wait for them to resume their mindless activity. Seconds pass before moving and I stand in the doorway of the back entrance of a restaurant. The human is not in sight. I allow my hearing to zone in on any noise to show where they may be found. Ah, there it is, the steady heart rate, although a little quicker than before. The human is scared, and this excites me. I step inside, careful not to make a sound, and stalk my way down the hall until I reach the opening to the kitchen. I watch the human push and pull at boxes on a shelf, unaware of my presence. I push a large pot off the shelf and watch it crash to the ground. The piercing noise alarms the human. She spins on the spot to come face to face with me.

  “Sorry.” I smile sweetly.

  The human lets out a few profanities in Italian before addressing me. I have no clue as to what she is saying, her ruby-red lips move, but all I can hear is the accelerated pumping of her blood through her veins. I stare at her, my head tilted slightly with a small grin on my face. This seems to ease her anxiety—silly human. I step forward. She waves her arms at me to get out and proceeds to come toward me, yelling in Italian.

  “I can’t understand you.” I shake my head as she stands in front of me. Her scent is intoxicating, her proximity dizzying, and I lick my lips in anticipation. “I’m sorry,” I whisper baring my fangs as I descend upon her.

  She attempts to run away from me, but I am quick and surprise even myself as I appear in front of her shaking my head and pointer finger. “Uh-uh.”

  She retreats backwards. Tears sting her eyes and her lip quivers. How cute, I think to myself. I take her hand in mine as she looks up at me, crying and blubbering.

  “No, no, no!” the human shrieks.

  My fangs connect with her neck and it’s like biting into butter, salty butter. The free-flowing liquid enters my mouth and I suck greedily. All the while she writhes and screams in my arms. I get a better grip on her to try to stop her from moving and slowly her screams become gargled cries. I tear at her throat with my strong jaw and watch as she falls to the ground. Her lifeless body lies in an awkward position. I spit out the flesh in my mouth, wiping the remnants of blood on a nearby tea towel.

  “I hope that’s feral enough for you, Donato,” I say to no one as I step over the dead girl.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Vincent growls. His broad chest takes up the entire doorway.

  “What does it look like?” I spit.

  “Do you have a death wish, vampire?”

  “They have Dominic. I thought I’d give them a reason to regret their decision to let me stay in Rome.”

  “By becoming feral? You know I have every right to end you here and now for what you just did?” He crosses his arms.

  “I know.” I swallow the uneasy feeling in my throat.

  “I won’t, this time. You need to stop and think. You may be the only one who can get Dom back safe and sound.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They captured him for some reason that connects with you. We hunters have no concerns with the ruling family or their guards. What do they want from you? That is the question we need to ask here.” His brow furrows, his mouth set in a straight line.

  “I don’t know. I have to get back.”

  “Be smart about this, Katalina. If I thought for one instance that you couldn’t help Dominic then I would kill you without hesitation. Do you understand? If you continue feeding in broad daylight and are caught by another hunter, I will not be able to save you.”

p; “I understand.” I nod.

  “I have your number. I will be in touch. Leave now before I make you clean up your mess,” he says with gritted teeth.

  I take one last glance at the human on the floor, feeling nothing, before I stride to the door without looking back.

  “Where have you been?” Maria sounds angry as I enter through the door.

  “I needed air.”

  “And a feed from the look of it.” She scowls at me. “This came for you by courier while you were out.”

  I take the thick envelope from her. The smooth paper feels expensive and my heart sinks. I open it and pull out a thick cardstock invitation with gold embossed cursive writing. “It’s an invitation to the Grand Masked Ball.” I look up, confused.

  Maria takes the invite from my hands and studies it. “The ruling family in Venice has requested our company.”

  “What is it?” I look at her for answers.

  “It is the annual gala for our kind. We don’t usually attend events like these. I prefer to stay here in Rome away from all the vampire politics.”

  “We have to go.” I take it back out of her hands and examine it. “I’ve always wanted to visit Venice.”

  “Okay then.” She looks at me confused. Worry lines form on her otherwise perfect face. “We need to go shopping for gowns and masks. I will start organizing everything. Just don’t leave this apartment.”

  Only a couple of hours have passed since I last fed. The hunger pains tend to reach a peak and then subside. I long for the warm, free-flowing blood straight from the source, but I sit patiently and wait my turn to be fitted for my gown for the gala. I have chosen my mask: an intricate lace-patterned mask in black with plaited velvet ties. Sofia has chosen a pink gown and I am left with either a black or lilac one. I prefer the black as the lilac does not match the mood I am in. My phone buzzes next to me and I look at it with hatred.

  “See you in Venice. —Donato”

  I throw the phone at the pillow and scowl at it. I wish I knew what he was up to, kidnapping Dominic. The mere thought of Dominic and what he may be going through in the clutches of those savage vampires causes my anger to resurface. I am interrupted from my thoughts by the lady who is fitting our gowns. I choose the black strapless gown to Maria’s dismay. The fitted bodice makes breathing difficult, but I do not complain. I am on a mission to save Dominic and I will do anything to ensure he is safe. If going to Venice for this gala and pretending like everything is normal between Donato and I—if this is the answer—then that is what I am willing to do. It is becoming clearer that what Donato wants Donato seems to always get. Once the lady with the gowns has left, we pack our bags and leave for the airport. My mind wanders back to the night I arrived. It both saddens and excites me that I am not the same person anymore.

  The private water taxi awaits us, bobbing gently in the water. Our suitcases are loaded on first and the skipper of the boat proceeds to hold our hands as each of us boards the small vessel. I seat myself at the rear of the boat next to Sofia, the striped cushions faded from constant sun exposure. We cruise toward the islands at a steady speed passing other vessels. As we approach, my eyes are drawn to the magical scene before me. The city of Venice glows under the incandescent rays of the setting sun; the view is truly spectacular. We slow to enter the mouth of the Grand Canal. The buildings on either side are straight out of a fairy tale. I take out my phone and take a few photos, a simple activity I realize I have not done this whole trip.

  “It’s nice to see you smile.” Maria grins at me.

  I hadn’t noticed I was smiling. “It’s beautiful,” I say as I stare at the buildings we pass. Sofia sits in silence next to me.

  Our boat slows and stops at the steps to a grand palace; its many arched windows facing the canal glow under the setting sun. Maria leads us through the intricately carved front doorway to the foyer. A grand foyer is decorated elaborately with ornate gold carvings, murals adorning the walls, and too-expensive-to-sit-on furniture. I notice Sofia standing away from us as we collect our swipe cards for our rooms.

  “What’s wrong?” I sympathize.

  “Last time I lived in Venice I had my heart broken. I haven’t been back since.”

  “Is he still here?” I ask out of curiosity.

  “I hope not.” Sofia pouts.

  “Come on, girls,” Maria calls to us as she heads toward the lift.

  Maria has her own room and Sofia and I are sharing a two-bedroom suite. The rooms are decorated in the same grandeur as the foyer and I wonder to myself if all of Venice is like this.

  “Freshen up and meet me in the foyer in an hour. We have dinner reservations,” Maria informs us as she retreats to her room.

  “I can’t be bothered going out for a dinner I have no interest in eating,” I complain.

  “Order a rare steak. It’s not the same, but you’ll be able to stomach it better than anything else on the menu.” Sofia slumps into one of the armchairs.

  It is early evening and we pass others of our kind on our walk to the restaurant; a courteous nod is exchanged between them and Maria. I presume the whole city is teeming with vampires now, all here for the gala. Venice is like another world. Rounding each corner is like stepping into another fairy tale. The restaurant is quaint, decorated with green vines and candelabras. We are shown to our seats by a cute, young waiter. I smile up at him longing to taste his blood. He smiles back unaware, I presume, of what I am.

  “La bistecca al sangue,” Maria orders, pointing to all of us, without looking at the waiter.

  My eyes don’t leave him as he takes his small notepad and heads toward the kitchen. I can hear his steady heart rate and his intake of air when one of his colleague’s glances at me, whispers to him, and chuckles. He doesn’t turn around. Instead he continues to the kitchen with his heart racing. I hear Maria clear her throat and my eyes snap to hers. She shakes her head at me, warning me to behave. I sit at the table whilst Maria and Sofia discuss the gala. I am so immersed in the conversations around me that I am unaware that the cute waiter is back with our meals.

  “Grazie.” Maria thanks him as she glares at me.

  “Grazie.” I take my plate from his hand, purposefully brushing his fingers with mine.

  I watch him watch me. A smirk appears on his face and he turns the lightest shade of red before placing Sofia’s plate in front of her and darting back to the kitchen.

  “Katalina.” Maria’s eyes are upon me. “Don’t even think about it,” she grits through her teeth.

  “Too late.” Sofia giggles.

  I don’t react to either of them. I pick up my cutlery to cut into the rare steak and hold my breath before placing it in my mouth.

  “It’s not so bad,” I mumble whilst still chewing.

  Sofia shakes her head and dives into her meal. Maria glares at me. I’m sure she too is wondering why I am behaving so strangely.

  I watch his every move for the rest of our meal. I know he can feel my gaze upon him from the way his heart rate speeds when he’s near. He does not look in my direction until we are leaving the restaurant. Our eyes lock for an instant before he breaks my hold on him and turns his back to me. I tense as Maria places her hand on my arm and leads me out of the restaurant.

  “It’s too beautiful a night to go back to the hotel. Can we roam the streets for a little longer, Maria?” Sofia bats her eyelashes.

  “Don’t we need to be indoors soon?” I question.

  “No, not here. Venice has its own set of rules. There are no hunters here,” Maria explains.

  “Kat and I will be fine. I know this city like the back of my hand.”

  “All right. But do not feed on anyone.” She directs that straight at me. “Don’t be out too late.”

  We watch as Maria heads back toward our hotel, and as soon as she disappears around the corner, Sofia is pulling me back toward the restaurant we just ate at.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To a bar near here.” She giggles.<
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  The place is dimly lit and packed with locals. I follow Sofia through the crowd to the bar at the back. The bar man places two drinks in front of us and Sofia pays him. I grab mine and swallow it without thought. Sofia smiles at me as she sips her drink.

  “Wait here.” She disappears into the crowd on the dance floor.

  I stand leaning against the bar, unsure of where she went or what I’m supposed to do. I watch and listen to the meaningless conversations amongst the humans. I wonder if I was this annoying as a human. I wonder if I’m this annoying now. Before I can get too caught up in my thoughts, Sofia appears with two extras. My eyes light up when I see she has brought the cute waiter and his colleague with her.

  “You’re welcome,” she whispers in my ear.

  “Hello.” He smiles at me.


  He motions with his hand if I would like a drink. I nod in response and turn to the bar where he has joined me. His arm rests against mine, and I can feel the warmth of his skin. I lean back and lock eyes with Sofia who winks at me. The cute waiter hands me my drink.

  “Thank you,” I mouth. His eyes don’t leave my lips as he sips his drink.

  I watch him hesitate before he leans in toward my face. I feel his warm breath on my neck and saliva pools in my mouth. It takes everything in me to concentrate on my drink and not on his proximity, so I have no idea of what he is saying to me. I can feel the vibration of his voice against my ear. I shake my head to show that I can’t hear him, to which he laughs—a beautiful musical laugh that lights up his face. He nods with his head to his friend before taking my hand in his and pulling me after him. I look to Sofia.

  “I’ll wait here.” She winks.

  I allow him to lead me to the balcony, which is shrouded in darkness. A couple huddles in the corner, smoking and giggling. He leads me to the barstools, pulling one out for me to sit on.


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