Heart of a Devil

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Heart of a Devil Page 8

by Morgan James

  She sank down on the edge of the cushion and crossed her arms over her chest. “Would you like me to bark while I’m at it?”

  I pressed my lips together to keep from smiling. “If it makes you feel better.”

  Her eyes narrowed further, but I dismissed her ire as I did a quick scan of the main room. The house was built in a rough L-shape, with the living, kitchen, and dining areas combined into one large room. The living room was basic, with the couch curving around the front and left walls of the house. A lamp perched on an end table next to the sectional, and a coffee table sat between the couch and TV stand on the wall to my right. A small kitchen with bright white cabinets was situated in the far left corner, and a small dining table took up the space just to the right.

  Beyond the table, a set of patio doors opened into a small, fenced-in back yard, giving a spectacular view of the pool. I checked to ensure the lock was engaged before turning to inspect the rest of the small bungalow. A short hallway broke off the main room, leading to two bedrooms, a linen closet, and a bathroom. The bedroom at the back of the house had a sliding door that, just like the living room, stepped out onto the patio. Through the large bay window on the west wall, the ocean was just barely visible over the fence.

  I ruefully took in the queen-sized bed. Too bad the owner hadn’t thought to put two beds in here. I couldn’t let Jana sleep in here by herself with the door unguarded. She would either have to take the smaller bedroom at the opposite end of the hallway, or I’d be crashing on the floor in here for the foreseeable future.

  Once everything was cleared, I called for Jana. “Come on back.”

  In less than three seconds, she stood at my side, her eyes wide as she took in the vista through the large window. Her eyes lit up, turning the same sparkling blue as the ocean outside. “Is this your room, or would you mind if I take it?” She moved toward the window and gingerly laid her fingers on the glass. “Can you imagine waking up and seeing the ocean every morning?”

  I felt like an asshole shooting her down as I explained the problem. “I can’t leave you in here by yourself.”

  “Why not?” She glanced at me over her shoulder.

  I pointed to the door. “Because someone could come in through there, and I would never know.”

  She bit her lip and glanced around. I could see the disappointment written plainly on her face, though she tried to cover it well. Her eyes landed on the bed, then jumped back to me. “I guess... You could share the bed with me?”

  Sweet Jesus. There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of that happening. Not because I disliked the idea, but because I wanted to share a bed with her—way more than I should. I cleared my throat. “I can crash on the floor if I have to.”


  I waved away the rest of her words. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll figure it out later.”

  I had no idea how in the hell I was going to stand sleeping in the same room as her without being tempted. I remembered vividly the way her body looked naked and slick from the shower, the way her breasts felt pressed against my chest, the heat of her hand on my dick. There wasn’t a single damn thing about her that didn’t turn me on, and now I would be sleeping mere feet away from her—my temporary wife—for the next couple of weeks.

  Fuck my life.

  Chapter Ten


  I wondered what was going through Vince’s head at the moment, because whatever it was had twisted his face into an expression of... dismay, maybe? I couldn’t quite tell. He was probably disappointed at the prospect of having to put up with me for the next couple of weeks. Vince seemed to get tenser and more on edge each time I’d mentioned our fake marriage. I knew he was worried about doing his job and keeping me safe, but we were hundreds of miles from home. No one had noticed me at the airport or if they had, no one had approached to ask for a picture or an autograph. I’d caught Vince looking behind us from time to time during the car ride here, so I assumed he was checking to make sure we hadn’t been tailed.

  As for the bedroom situation... That was going to be a nightmare. Which was too bad, because for the next two weeks, it was just the two of us here in this tiny little house, with nowhere to go and nothing to do... except each other. The thought almost caused me to laugh out loud. Hey, a girl could dream.

  I turned to the man in question. “Can we go down to the ocean now?”

  “Not yet,” he replied. “This place has plates and cups and things, but no groceries to speak of whatsoever. Let’s order some food to be delivered, then we can go out later.”

  “Why don’t we just run to the store? That would save us a lot of time,” I pointed out. “Besides, it’s only right up the road.”

  I’d seen a little plaza on the way in that contained a grocery store as well as a handful of various other shops dedicated to beachwear and such.

  He shook his head. “Not a good idea.”

  “Seriously?” I propped my hands on my hips and scowled at him. “Am I allowed to do anything?”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Right now, I’m the only thing standing between your and some psychopathic stalker.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I wasn’t suggesting we announce my identity over the loudspeaker.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “You wouldn’t have to. Beautiful women attract attention everywhere they go.”

  He thought I was beautiful? My heart warmed at the compliment, and I forced myself to tune back in to what he was saying.

  “Anyone who listens to country music or has picked up a magazine over the past two years knows your face. Plus, you have social media followers everywhere. They all saw your posts, and you never know where you might run into one of them. It’s safer for now just to stay in.”

  I made a little face, and the corners of his mouth twitched. “Listen. Just let me get a better feel for the place, then we can discuss it.”

  “Fine,” I sighed, turning toward the door. “I’m going to go sit by the pool.”

  “Hold up.”

  I threw my arms up as I whirled back to him. “What now?”

  His lips pressed together for a moment, and I wondered if he was fighting a smile again. Jerk.

  “Let’s make a list of the things we need to order, then you can unpack and do your thing.”

  Without another word, I traipsed back to the living room and pulled a notebook from my purse. I kept it handy in case any good lyrics ever came to me, so I could write them down before I forgot. Taking a seat at the dining room table, I flipped it open to a blank page then jotted down a few basic items. Eggs, milk, cereal, bread.

  “Bacon,” Vince added from over my shoulder.

  I lifted an eyebrow and glanced up at him. “I can’t eat that stuff.”

  “Why not? Does it make you sick?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “But Harvey would kill me if he found out.”

  “Harvey can go fuck himself. Besides, you’re on your fake honeymoon. Live a little.”

  I dropped my eyes back to the paper in front of me, my cheeks burning at his teasing remark. This was such a strange situation we’d found ourselves in. How in the hell we’d gone from practically enemies to married in the span of less than two weeks, I would never be able to comprehend. I wished I could get a better read on him, because I had no idea what he was thinking half the time. Sometimes he was such an asshole. Other times, he acted like a doting boyfriend. I’d caught myself in the car when I’d laid my hand on his leg, and I was surprised he hadn’t pulled away. Maybe he hadn’t wanted to say anything in front of Donald. Or it could be because, deep down, he was as attracted to me as I was to him. I couldn’t be sure, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to ask. He wasn’t exactly communicative on a good day, and I wasn’t about to make things more awkward by bringing it up. What I did know for sure was that he never would have come to me on his own. Had the situation with my stalker not escalated, he would probably have just gone on living his life without giving me a second thought.
br />   I tapped the point of the pencil against the page several times before scribbling bacon on the blue line. We added several more items for dinner plus fresh fruits and vegetables. As I wrote, he pulled out his phone and began to text rapidly.

  I couldn’t help but wonder who he was talking to. A girlfriend? Jealousy burned through my veins like fire. I had no claim on him whatsoever, but I hated the thought of Vince with another woman. It would explain why he’d never made a move on me, though. I couldn’t help the words that spilled from my mouth before I could stop them. “Are you letting her know you’re here?”

  Icy blue eyes lifted to mine. “Who?”

  I nodded toward the phone in his hands. “Your girlfriend.”

  He pinned me with a hard stare. “Do I seem like the type of guy who would marry you if I had a girlfriend?”

  He had me there. “No, I—I’m sorry. It’s just...” I bit my lip. “It sounds strange, but I keep forgetting we’re... married.”

  “I get it, believe me.” A small smile teased his mouth. “It’s kinda weird, right?”

  “Little bit.” We shared a smile, and I dipped my head, happiness unfurling in my chest. No girlfriend. Check.

  “I can call that in if you’re done with it.” He finished typing, then gestured with his chin toward my list.

  “It’s okay.” I shook my head. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “If you’re sure.”

  I’d brought my phone along, mostly to take pictures since Con had asked that I not speak to anyone while I was here, but it was still in my bag. I retrieved it and handed it to Vince. “Here, I’ll trade you.”

  He cocked a brow. “What do you want me to do with it?”

  “Just hang onto it. I won’t need it, right?” I wanted him to trust me. Mostly, I wanted him to know that I trusted him to keep me safe.

  With a slow dip of his chin, he tucked my phone into his back pocket, then held out his phone for me to take, and I slipped it from his hand, my fingers brushing his in the process. Intent on ignoring the fluttering in my belly at the sensation of his warm skin against mine, I focused on the task at hand. I quickly scrolled through the closest grocery stores according to Google, then held the phone to my ear as I waited for the call to connect.

  “Hi,” I said when a man on the other end answered. “I’d like some groceries to be delivered to...” I threw a look at Vince, and he rattled off the address. I relayed it to the man, then rose from the chair, notebook in hand as I began to recite the items one by one. I felt Vince’s eyes on me as I moved toward the bedroom.

  I sat on the edge of the bed, and my gaze fell to my left hand where it rested in my lap. The diamond sparkled in the sunshine pouring in through the window, and it shot little rainbows against the bedroom wall as I turned my hand left and right, examining it. The ring felt odd, yet my pulse kicked up each time I looked at it. I couldn’t stop myself as I spun it around my finger and made a final request. “Um... One more thing if you have it...”

  The delivery man confirmed my order, and I hung up, clutching Vince’s phone to my chest. Through the sliding doors, I stared out over the back yard, practically salivating at the thought of getting out into the afternoon sun and relaxing for a bit. The past few days had been stressful, and I was grateful that the studio had agreed to send me away. They could just as easily have sent me to a hotel, but somehow Con had managed to convince them that it was safer here. I definitely owed him for that.

  Motion from the corner of my eye caught my attention, and I watched as Vince opened the doors in the dining area and stepped onto the patio. God, the man was gorgeous. He moved with the powerful, innate grace of a man who’d been trained to fight and defend. His eyes never stopped roving over his surroundings, searching for danger even in the most unlikely of places.

  I wondered what he was truly like, deep beneath the layer of cool indifference he wore like a cloak. I’d seen glimpses of that man over the past few days, and it’d only served to pique my curiosity. I wanted to see him relaxed, wanted to see him smile—truly smile—and enjoy himself. I decided it was my new mission. By the time we left here, I was going to figure out who the real Vince Incarnato was.

  Flipping the lock, I slid open the glass door that led to the patio and crossed the brick patio to where Vince stood. “This is beautiful.”

  “It is.” He glanced down at me. “Did you get everything taken care of?”


  He studied me for a long moment, and my heart banged against my ribcage like a child terrified of being caught. Finally, he turned his gaze back out over the pool. “Make sure you let me pay for it when it comes. I’ll forward the expense report to Con, and he’ll take care of it from there.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” I nodded before heading toward the pool. I stepped close, then dipped my toes in, loving the way the sun had heated it to the temperature of bathwater. I glanced back at Vince. “Since we can’t go to the beach yet, can I at least hop in the pool for a bit?”

  He dipped his chin in a curt nod. “Let’s go change, and I’ll come out here with you. I should be able to hear the delivery guy well enough when he arrives. Did he give you a timeframe?”

  He held the door for me as we entered the house, and I threw a look at him over my shoulder. “He said it would be about an hour.”

  I paused in the living room, one hand on my suitcase. I should do the right thing and take the back bedroom. But doing so would put more distance between us than I wanted—and I desperately wanted to use this time to find if the attraction was mutual, or if I was the only one who felt something.

  Slowly, I lifted my gaze to Vince’s. He watched me with those intriguing blue eyes that didn’t miss a thing, and butterfly wings battered my insides under his scrutiny. The way he watched me sometimes... His actions didn’t quite line up with his words. Heat flared over my skin, and my fingers twitched at the memory of his muscular thigh beneath my palm. I had a golden opportunity to explore whatever this was between us, and I wasn’t going to pass it up.

  I tipped my head, peering up at him through my lashes. “Where are you sleeping tonight?”

  Chapter Eleven


  Where are you sleeping tonight?

  The words echoed in the silence between us, and I swallowed the answer that immediately sprang to the tip of my tongue. She looked innocent, almost subservient, and it raised my suspicions tenfold. Surely she didn’t mean it the way she sounded. Right?

  Of course she didn’t. After I’d explained everything to her earlier, I was certain she was just trying to follow the rules we’d set in place to keep her safe. I was glad that, for once, she seemed to be taking it seriously. Those slumbrous bedroom eyes, though, were nearly my undoing. She was a potent combination of naivete and sensuality, and I swore if I spent a hundred years with the woman, I could never figure her out. She’d acted like a self-absorbed princess most of the time I’d known her, but there were rare, unguarded moments when I thought I saw the real Jana.

  From beneath those long lashes, she eyed me expectantly, and my gut twisted. I didn’t have the heart to kick her out of the bedroom overlooking the beach. We could figure out the sleeping arrangements later. “Take the one you want. I’ll use the one in the back.”

  With a tiny smile, she rolled her suitcase down the hall and shut the door behind her. I retreated to the second bedroom, changing as quickly as I could, keeping one ear tuned to the opposite side of the house as I did so. Leaving my clothes on the floor, I tugged on a pair of swim trunks then headed down the hall. Noticing Jana’s door was still closed, I stopped in front of the linen closet and pulled out two pool towels, then moved into the living room to wait for her.

  The soft pad of footsteps had me lifting my head, and I damn near swallowed my tongue. I was not at all prepared for Jana in a tiny red bikini. I’d seen her naked, but somehow this was even more erotic. The triangular top showed off her tits to perfection, and the skimpy bottoms were slung low over he
r hips and decorated with a gold chain. I wanted to grab that chain and yank her close, peel that tiny excuse for a swimsuit off her. My dick hardened, and my balls grew heavy at the thought of stripping the fabric down her silky-smooth legs, running my hands over the lean muscles and soft curves. I could practically feel her round ass and full tits filling my palms. I wanted to put my mouth on her, taste her, fucking devour her—

  No. No, my brain repeated emphatically. Hands—and mouth—off. My fingers twitched, and I gritted my teeth against the urge to reach out and touch her. Damn it, didn’t she have something more appropriate? Like a one-piece suit? With sleeves? I knew they made those fuckers—I’d seen one in the most recent issue of Sports Illustrated. I’d thought at the time that it defeated the purpose of wearing a swimsuit at all, but now I was beginning to see the merit of covering every inch of skin.

  I clutched the towels in front of me, praying to God that she wouldn’t see the hard-on pressing eagerly through my shorts. My body’s reaction to her pissed me off, and I squared my shoulders. “Ready?”


  Her smile lit up her entire face, and I forced myself not to smile back. “Good. Let’s go.”

  “Okay...” Her brows drew slightly together as she regarded me like I was giving orders to march off to battle instead of twenty feet outside to the patio.

  I opened the door and held it for her as she moved past me and, against my will, my eyes dropped to her bottom. Pert and round, gently swaying from side to side as she walked, her ass looked like a cherry ripe for the picking.

  Fuck. These next few days were going to be a hell of a lot harder than I’d anticipated—in more ways than one.

  I settled into a chaise lounge beside the pool, and Jana wasted no time slipping into the water. Sinking beneath the crystal blue surface, she pushed off the wall and glided gracefully to the opposite end. The pool wasn’t terribly deep. About three-and-a-half feet at the shallow end, the deep end would barely cover the top of her head. When she reached the far edge of the pool, she turned and swam back toward me. I glanced from side to side under the pretense of taking in our surroundings, surreptitiously watching Jana from the corners of my eyes. I was grateful for my sunglasses as she threw a look my way, like she could feel my stare on her.


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