A Death in Texas (Heritage Book 1)

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A Death in Texas (Heritage Book 1) Page 7

by Ciana Stone

  Kalvin turned his attention back to Cici. “You look amazing.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls,” she teased as a way of distancing herself from the impact the compliment had on her.

  “You know that's a lie,” he held out his hand. “Dance?”

  “There's no music.”

  “Isn't there?” He looked over her shoulder, nodded and then smiled as the first notes sounded.

  Cici smiled, placed her hand in his and let him pull her into his arms. She gave him props as he danced her around the floor. He knew how to move. “I hear your family is getting into robotics,” Kalvin commented.

  “Oh? You hear that?”

  “I do.”


  “Any truth to it?”

  Cici smiled. “Really? After the weekend we’ve had so far, this is what you want to talk about?”

  “Not at all. Merely making small talk.”

  “Oh, of course.”

  “But seriously, I’m curious. Robotics?”

  It wasn't a secret, and she'd been given no directives to keep it as such, so she answered. “Yes. SynthBees. Patent and trademark pending.”


  “Synthetic bees. Two brilliant female scientists created them. They look like the real thing and are essentially AI devices that learn to mimic and perform like real bees. So, they can learn to pollinate, and with mass production, we have a better chance at keeping food production going on this planet for a while longer.”

  “Amazing. If it works. I heard Senator Walker was sponsoring a bill for funding of apiaries and butterfly houses across the country, using it as a way of breeding more pollinators and providing jobs.”

  “Yes, that's correct.”

  “So, when did your family become so concerned with the environment?”

  That comment annoyed Cici, and she wasn't hesitant to let Kalvin know. “My family has always been concerned. We're registered organic producers of a variety of crops. We also lead the nation in certified organic livestock.”

  “Is that so? I mean I know you’re organic, but I didn’t realize your status.”


  “And what exactly does that mean? Certified organic livestock. If you know, that is.”

  “Of course I know. To be certified, according to the USDA NOP or National Organic Program Standards, livestock is required to come from a completely verifiable production system in which information is collected on the history of every animal in the program, its breed history, feed, and veterinary care.”

  She paused as Kalvin swung her around and then continued. “Additional requirements include that livestock be produced without genetic engineering, use of sewage sludge or ionizing radiation, being allowed continuous access to outdoors except for periods of inclement weather, being raised on land that meets all organic crop production standards, fed with feed raised in the same manner, never receiving antibiotics, growth hormones, prohibited substances such as manure, urea or arsenic-containing compounds and finally being managed organically from the last third of gestation onward.”

  “I'm impressed. That's a mouthful to spit out on demand. How long did it take you to memorize that?”

  Cici laughed a humorless sound. “Honey, I was born a Walker. These things are drilled into us from birth. You should know that. The Walkers take their stewardship of the land seriously.”

  “I stand corrected. What can I do to make up for any offense I may have given?”

  “You can offer me a drink and a meal for starters.”

  “That I can.” He escorted her to their table, seated her and then poured them each a glass of champagne.

  “Hmmm, good.” She approved after one sip. “What is it?”

  “Salon Blanc De Blancs Le Mesnil-Sur-Oger 2002. “

  “I like it.”

  “It reminds me of you.”

  “Oh? How so?”

  “Hmm,” he sipped, then answered. “Powerful and lively but also delicately sensual.”

  “I don't think I've ever been described as delicately sensual.”

  “Perhaps no one has ever seen you clearly.”

  “No one but you?”

  Kalvin shrugged slightly. “I've often been described as astute, but I prefer to think of it as simply attentive. I pay attention to details.”

  “And what details lend you to consider me delicate?”

  “Perhaps it's because regardless of how lethal you plan on being in any situation, you always wear something quite soft and almost dainty against your skin, be it a blouse, a chemise or those silk stockings you favor. Part of you needs the softness and sensuality of that gentle touch on your skin even as you don your armor to lay waste to your enemies.

  “And then there’s the delicacy inside you try to hide. I saw you cry for people today who received an unexpected foot up in life, and I saw you go to bat for a man you didn’t know but who impressed you with his selflessness. There’s quite a bit delicate about you, Cici and I’m just beginning to understand how utterly indestructible that delicacy makes you.”

  Cici would not have admitted it for hard cash, but his words and the tone of voice with which he spoke them got to her. She'd had her fair share of men attempt to seduce her, but never had she had a man pay such close attention that he'd see through her shield and into the part of her she kept hidden.

  Is he the one? She'd honestly quit believing there was one for her. Every man she'd ever known had let her down. All but her father. He didn't let her down because he always called the shots, always manipulated so that it was she who vied for his attention and competed for his love.

  Could Kalvin be the one? The one man who saw her for who she was? That was both exciting and terrifying. It also made her eager to bypass the dinner and get straight to the main event. Namely, the two of them naked.

  “You see all that in less than two days?”

  His next words gave her a surprised start. “I see far more than that, Cici and I'll tell you all I see. In time. And in time you'll want to bare yourself to me so I can see and know all there is of you. And I will. I promise.”

  Dear lord, how could words so pretentious manage to penetrate her defenses so easily? She almost squirmed in her chair at the rush of longing that seized her. “You seem quite sure of yourself, Kalvin. Who's to say I won't finish this fine Champagne, enjoy whatever sumptuous meal you're sure to have ordered and then leave?”

  “You won't leave.”

  “No? What makes you so sure?”

  “Because you haven't conquered me yet and you can't walk away until you do.”

  She laughed, but it sounded hollow to her own ears. “Right, because you know me so well.”


  “You're wrong.”

  “Am I? We'll see. Ah, here is our dinner. I hope you'll approve.”

  Cici pushed back her discomfort, determined that she'd never let Kalvin know he had the power to unsettle her. Over the next hour, he relieved any discomposure, charmed her with stories of his life, made her laugh and seduced her with tidbits of delicacies he fed her and soft kisses on her fingertips when she returned the favor.

  By the time the meal ended, Cici was primed and ready for the next phase of the evening. She'd already decided that if Kalvin was half as talented in bed as he was appealing, she was going to turn down any job he offered and counter with one of her own, namely that they team up in a more intimate manner.

  “Why don't we have dessert and after dinner drinks on the balcony in the penthouse?” he asked. “Or better yet, beside the pool on the roof.”

  “I wasn't aware there was a rooftop pool, but it sounds perfect.”

  “Did you bring a suit?”

  “Do I need one?”

  His smile told her more than words ever could, and her anticipation hitched up a notch. With his hand on the small of her back, he escorted her to the private elevator, his demeanor and touch every bit the gentleman.

  That changed
when the elevator doors closed. Cici bit back at least part of a gasp when he took her hands, raised them above her head and turned her toward the wall. With one hand holding her wrists, he ran his free hand along her hip, over the swell of her ass and then around her body and up to cup one breast.

  His lips caressed the side of her neck as the hand on her breast moved between her legs, stroking through the fabric in a way that made the friction all too erotic and nearly enough to make her climax.

  “I’ve been looking forward to having you alone. All to myself.”

  The car stopped, and he released her, all but one hand which he held to lead her from the elevator. Cici paused to admire the rooftop oasis, for that was the only way to describe it. Kalvin had spared no expense. A glass dome covered the expanse with intermittent panels that stood open to allow air from outside.

  The pool was surrounded by tile she would bet was imported from Italy. She wouldn't have known that had it not been for Delaney going on about it one evening. Just like she wouldn't have known that the scattered seating groups were also the work of one of today's most popular Italian designers.

  Soft lighting provided just enough glow to make it easy to navigate without detracting from the lights of the city below and the pool which seemed to be filled with luminescent water as there were no visible lights to be seen.

  “This is impressive,” she remarked.

  “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you for sharing it.” She released his hand and walked over to the edge of the building to stand in front of the wall of glass to look out over the lights of the city below.

  “You should be proud,” she said when he joined her.

  “So far it's going well,” he responded.

  “You don't have to be modest with me. Surely, you feel a sense of pride when you stand here and look out over what you've created?”

  “Yes. I am. But it's time for new accomplishments.”

  She looked at him. “Ah, so that's it. You're never satisfied. No matter what you achieve, it's not enough.”

  “Not at all. It's simply that once it's done and operating efficiently, it doesn't require much of my attention, so I focus on something new.”

  “Kind of sounds like the press you get for your relationships.” She couldn't resist pointing that out.

  “Says the kettle to the pot,” he came back.

  “Touché,” she acknowledged. “Now, didn't you say something about a swim?”

  “I did. There are a variety of swimsuits in the changing room, new and unworn of course if you'd like to change.”

  “Actually, I was thinking we didn't need to bother with that. Unless, of course, you're shy.”

  “That's not a word that's often used to describe me.”

  “Well, then...” she walked toward the pool, kicking off her shoes and shrugging off her dress as she went along.

  By the time she reached the edge of the pool, she was clad in only thong panties, a black lace garter belt, and shimmering silk stockings. Cici looked over her shoulder to see Kalvin following. His shirt was off, as were his shoes and he was unfastening his belt.

  When he reached her, he turned his attention to unfastening her stockings and removing them, before unclasping the garter belt and finally sliding the thong down over her hips and legs.

  “My god, you're incredible,” he said as his eyes traveled the length of her body.

  She smiled and reached for the button of his slacks. Kalvin didn't protest as she undid his pants and pushed them down, along with his boxers. What was revealed was a man in his prime. Not the overdeveloped muscles of what she called a gym rat, but a man who was fit and strong and sexy as hell in her opinion.

  When Kalvin pulled her to him for a kiss, she eagerly accepted and returned it. It took less than a breath for her to feel his excitement pressing against her and that was a more potent compliment than any words. She reached between them, and when her hand closed around him, she felt a welcoming throb.

  “Umm,” she pulled back from the kiss. “We don't have to swim. I'm betting we can come up with other ways to entertain ourselves.”

  “Indeed we can.” He swept her up in his arms and carried her to an oversized and deeply padded chaise.

  “I think I'm ready for dessert,” he said as he laid her down.


  “This instant.”

  She was a bit disappointed but wouldn't show it for the world. “Fine. What are we having?”

  “Well, I'm having you, sugar.”

  “You're—” Her words were cut short when he leaned over and ran his tongue over one breast then took the nipple into his mouth. Cici got the message and approved his choice.

  She forgot about the week she'd had, what was to come and everything else as she surrendered to the sweet sensations Kalvin roused with his mouth and hands. Clearly, business wasn't his sole talent. Cici could honestly say, she'd never experience such pleasure from the touch of a man's hands on her body, or the administrations of his mouth.

  When she shuddered in climax for the third time, he sat back on his heels, picked up a glass of champagne and drank. Cici stretched, sat, pushing him back and climbed on top of him. “Ready to ride, cowboy?”

  “I am.” He replied, then added. “But I won't.”

  That shocked her sober. “Pardon?”

  “You heard me, gorgeous. We're not taking it that far.”

  “Why not?” She took him in her hand and started stroking.

  Kalvin stopped her. “You said we needed to get it out of our system before we talk business.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Well, I've changed my mind. We're not going to do business.”




  “Because I want you for more than an attorney.”

  “Then I don't see a conflict.”

  “You're right, there isn't one.”

  “Okay, I'm confused. Have I missed something? We're obviously attracted to one another, you have no issues getting it up, so what's the problem?”

  “I'm not going to be your latest conquest.”

  “My latest—” Suddenly she was angry. “My latest conquest?” Cici scrambled away from him. “You've got a nerve considering your track record.”

  “You're right. I'm no better, but I want to be. And I want you. But not as a conquest.”

  “You think that's what you are to me?”

  “I told you that one of my abilities is that I'm observant. I pay attention, and I've paid attention to you for a while. You're, and don't take offense, a man-eater. You chew us up and spit us out for fun. You'll fuck our brains out and then deride us for lacking the strength to resist your charms and wiles.

  “And holy hell is that a turn on, Cici. I mean it. You're in a class by yourself, and I want you in a way I don't think I've ever wanted a woman, but not as an acquisition and sure as hell not as a trophy.

  “I'll make love to you one day, and it'll be something you won't forget because tonight was just a mild sample of the pleasure I want to give you. But I want it to be clean and by clean I mean, I don't want it to be for anything other than us wanting to be together.”

  Cici had no clue how to address what he'd said. Kalvin got to her in a way that made her uncomfortable because he had the ability to peel back the facade she wore so religiously. She didn't know how to be stripped bare this way, to have her feelings so close to being revealed.

  It scared her. And when she was scared, she either struck out or ran. “Fine. As it turns out, I have an important case I need to get started on so I wasn't going to be able to stay.”

  “I can have my plane made ready for you if you want to spend the night and leave from here.”

  “Really? And what will we do to entertain ourselves until then, Kalvin?”

  “You could sleep in my arms.”

  “No.” She stood and started gathering her discarded clothing. “I don't think so.”

“I'd like for you to stay.”

  Cici wanted to stay, she was just annoyed that he’d abandoned the sweet talk and rather than singing her praises, chose to lay out her faults like the next course of a meal. She knew she had faults. Who didn’t? But she didn’t want him pointing them out.

  She had to have been suffering a brain fart to think he was the one. He didn’t even want to have sex with her.

  “I'd like to get laid. You want to make a deal?”

  “No, I don't make those kinds of deals.”

  “Then if you'd be so kind as to call a car for me, I'll get dressed and be on my way.”

  He stood and stopped her from walking away. “Don't leave. Just because we're not going to make love-”

  “Make love?” She cut him off and then delivered the blow she knew was sure would hurt. “Honey, I never said anything about making love. I just wanted to fuck.”

  Cici almost regretted her words at the expression that came on his face but wouldn't back down now. “I hope one day you'll feel different,” he said and stepped away from her. “I'll have my driver take you to the airport. I’ll make sure there’s a car waiting when you land to take you home.”

  “Thank you.” She hurried to the changing room and when she entered, caught sight of her reflection in the ceiling to floor wall of mirrors. Cici hated that she saw tears beading in her eyes and that her chest and gut hurt from holding in the emotion that so wanted to escape.

  Crying wasn't in her wheelhouse of emotional release. She ranted, cursed, threw things, hit people and destroyed lives, but she didn't cry. She might not have a penis, but she was damn sure the strongest of all the children her father had sired, and she'd never show weakness.

  Not even to a man she now knew could well be the one who'd see beneath all her armor and uncover the woman who was too scared to allow herself to love.

  Chapter Ten – March 8th, 2019

  It was rare that a smile didn't rise on Cici's face when her car stopped in front of the building at 123 Lexington Avenue, where she owned a penthouse condo on the top floor. Today was one of those rare days and that was because Kalvin Burton stood outside the entrance.

  “Thanks, Dave,” Cici thanked her driver. “Have a great evening.”


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