We Forgotten

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We Forgotten Page 19

by Richard Dusk

  "Garrett, you certainly did all you could," Jillian stroke back of his hand.

  "You don't understand. How could you? You know nothing about the feeling that overwhelms father watching his daughter facing her sealed fate. You don't know the powerlessness I felt when she cried from the top of her lungs, begging for her life, for my life. You can't understand the strength of chains that dominate and whisper to your mind. That moment you forget what the pain is," Garrett rubbed his wrists. "My daughter died because of me," he whispered. "I swore to myself to protect her till the end of all days, and I failed to do so."

  "Garrett, I-"

  "It happened in the sixth month after this hell began. The first thought that popped into my head when events began to appear, was to come back to Nest. I knew how many miles it will take, but I believed that it would be the best chance and place where I could hide with Sophie.

  In the beginning, we moved between emergency camps, getting closer every week, but they fell apart one by one, and then we had to stay only on the road. Alone. I didn't want anyone to come near us. I wouldn't sleep with a stranger lying a few feet aside. We always rummaged at the city outskirts to keep us not far from the track, but one day we found ourselves caught in a strong sandstorm. We had to run deeper in the suburb than usual and sheltered in ruins of a hospital. Of course, other people hid there too, and those moments turned tense. Several punches were thrown, and some people did bleed, but we managed to go through that storm unharmed. As we headed to quickly leave that place the next day, they swooped on us. They hit me in the head, and I fainted.

  After a few hours, I woke up to the worst nightmare I could ever dream about. I survived the hours of torturing, cruelty, and brutality, which they finished by dragging me in chains up to the highest floor, stretched me, and let me bleed there to death. There was the last moment when I saw Sophie alive," tears streamed down his face, and he firmly held Jillian's hand. "She lay tied on the ground. Her face, hands, and legs bled from cuts all over her body. They lifted her from the ground and put her into a wooden crate. She screamed and kicked, but it just provoked them to hurt her more. They put the lid on top and nailed it with ten nails. Her muffled screams were the last ones I heard. Then they took the box and threw it out of the window. She fell more than a hundred feet till she hit the ground," he bent his head forward to hold it over knees. "I spent there several more hours until I managed to escape and kill every single one of them. I took Sophie's body and buried her in the woods. She looked like a little angel. That moment I realized that the craving desire after revenge will never disappear."

  Jillian wiped her eyes, and Lex listened to him from the front seat with bated breath. Vince also looked uneasy after hearing those words.

  "What happened to Alice?" said Jillian, but Garrett just shook his head.

  "I- I-," he stuttered. "I don't know. I can't remember. My head erased her. Every memory I've had is gone. The things I know about her are just from Sophie's stories. She told me that she was a beautiful, devoted woman full of joy and love. And I don't even have a picture of her. Nothing. I know she existed somewhere, but I feel like I just persuaded myself about it."

  "Oh, Garrett," Jillian hugged him.

  "Jill, it's okay. It doesn't matter anymore because I don't believe that some freaky, make-do scrap like this will save us," a sign of coping with vain effort appeared in his voice.

  "Garrett, let me remind you that this is the only chance we have, and we'll beat the hell of that scrap as you named it if we'll need to," said Vince a bit irritated by his remark.

  "I agree," nodded Garrett to calm him down. He lightly smiled at Jillian, drying his face. She held the locket on opened palm to return it, but Garrett refused. "Jillian, please, keep it. If anything happens to me, you'll have at least something reminding-"

  "GET D-" yelled Hodge through the radio, but a burst of static shut his voice.

  A gap between two heartbeats wasn't long enough to react. Dazzling orange-yellow blaze with black smoke shot from beneath the IFV ahead. The tremendous explosion lifted the front of the vehicle into the air. Its weight succumbed to the strength of force pushing it upwards and tearing the armor. Vince slammed on the brakes, stopping Deimos a few feet behind Menhit. It took seconds but felt to be minutes during which Menhit fell with crushing impact back to the ground and broke its front wheels off.

  "Hodge, status, come in. Hodge, come in!" yelled Vince to the radio.

  "Copy. Everyone's alive," he sounded disorientated. "Hostiles identified. Get your asses ready and stay sharp. I am going to scan the area. Over."

  "Lock and load everyone," sounded Kaiden in earbuds.

  Vince and Lex climbed over the seats to the back doors of Deimos.

  "Shit! This wasn't planned. Lex on me, we're coming in hot on my command," said Vince. "Kaiden, after we clear the back, you guys open and join us. Advance with the line we make. Garrett, Jillian, cover yourselves in front seats till I give you the order to come out," he said, but they both stayed, still frozen from the sudden turn of events. "Now!"

  Garrett grabbed Jillian by the arm and pulled her to climb on the seats.

  "Switch beacons and IR on," said Vince while Lex unfastened and pulled out a box from below of the bench and took a pair of goggles.

  She threw one to him, and they strapped them on. It looked like they wore two wide-angle lenses. The right one for night vision emitted red light and projected the bullet heading with a green dot. The other one glowed blue and scanned the area in the infrared spectrum to mark targets.

  "Hodge, what's the status?" said Vince impatiently.

  "We have twelve hostiles encircling us. Three are within sight in front of us; others are hidden at a tree line – four on the right, five on the left. Three armor-piercing rocket launchers – one on the left and two in front, five automatic rifles; rest are light SMGs. Grenades, pistols, regular vests, and one armored vehicle blocking the road," said Hodge, and Vince lightly nodded while considering options.

  "Orders?" said Hodge.

  "Vince, the RPGs termination is a top priority," said Kaiden. "Other threats will be locked with near-position targeting. Pace, open the cages for Hunters. Hodge, program the path for them. Choose the full-termination profile. Lead them back behind Deimos and make a wide turn into woods. Run the trajectory within fifty yards from the road and set directional caging. We will keep them as close as possible to the road. Hunters carry three hundred rounds, so make this quick. Protect Deimos, and don't think about taking a bullet. Garrett, get ready behind the wheel and wait for my order."

  "Got it, chief," said Hodge and Pace at the same time.

  "What do you-" began Garrett, but Hodge interrupted him.

  "They're trying to communicate, listen," he channeled the external microphone. They heard a gruff voice of stranger standing outside.

  "You are not allowed to pass further anymore. You've done too much harm already. Abandon the vehicles, or we'll burn you alive."

  "They are approaching Deimos," said Hodge.

  Jillian looked out of the window. Men in military clothes, holding rifles, appeared by her right side, aiming directly at her head.

  "Don't worry. It's bulletproof," said Vince watching the same men.

  "Hodge, how long?" said Kaiden.

  "Ten seconds."

  Vince looked at everyone inside Deimos. They didn't see his eyes, but Garrett would swear that Vince regretted forthcoming seconds.

  "Hunters are ready," said Hodge.

  "Copy that. Let's hunt down these bastards," said Kaiden eagerly, and they heard him cock the rifle.

  "Hunters released," said Pace.

  Garrett and Jillian watched the metal boxes on the back of Menhit open, and two spinning single-wheeled turrets landed on the road. The spokes between axle and rims missed, and bodies levitated in the air. One barrel on each side was supplied by cartridge belts running inside the top case skirting both sides of the wheels. The moment they touched the ground, they revved up
and disappeared in the darkness behind Deimos, leaving black marks on the road. Men outside fired a few rounds but had no chance to hit them.

  "Hodge, engage the target elimination," said Kaiden.

  Jillian pictured in her head how Hodge pressed the button on the screen. The second later machine gun mounted on Menhit's roof swiftly turned at three biggest threats. Trees reflected yellow flashes of short, ten bullet bursts shooting down the men standing right at the nose of vehicle buried in the road. Swift counter-attack, mowing enemies down to the ground, set off hostiles to fire. Two RPGs fell to the ground at once. The rocket of the third one, designated to annihilate the crew inside, got into the air, but Menhit's defense system shot it down this time before it could cause any damage. Explosion and flames wrapped the vehicle in fire veil and burned everything in striking distance.

  Screams from outside drew Jillian closer to the window. She saw a yelling man, tearing down the clothes burning all over his body, running headless into the woods. Other hostiles shot furiously, covering their retreat. Machine gun locked on targets hiding in the forest and cut down a few needleless pine trees. Enemies covered behind the fallen trunks and threw explosives to destroy the red glowing gun.

  "Hunters, now!" yelled Kaiden when detonation ripped out Menhit's gun and flung it into the air.

  Hunters moving among trees on both sides of the road came back and began shooting at remaining hostiles crouching behind their wooden shelter. Bullets flying above their heads and shattering wood into raining splinters, forced them to fall back, leaving everything behind and dash away.

  "Go, go, go!" yelled Vince, opened the door, and shot down the man at the rear wheel. He split with Lex to opposite sides of the road, shooting to force hostiles to flee from the crew.

  "Hodge, keep them on the road!" shouted Kaiden.

  Hunters moved closer and closer to enemies, firing ahead of them to scotch the intention of runners to flee farther into the forest.

  "Second squad, move!" shouted Kaiden, and Menhit's doors opened.

  The rest of the team joined the fight. Advancing by the tree line, seeing red-green targets running down the road in the distance, they fired at receding backs.

  "Sir, Hunters' ammo is almost depleted. We got to act quickly. We can't just run after them," Pace watched the status on his PCA.

  Kaiden looked at hostiles with a plan in his head, "Ceasefire. We'll catch them. Garrett, step on it."

  "They're half dead. What can they do now?" said Garrett.

  "Do it!" shouted Kaiden to the microphone.

  Garrett grabbed the steering wheel and drove Deimos right next to them.

  "Vince on me. Others stay here. Hodge, follow targets with Hunters and wait for my signal," he said, and both entered the back. "Go!"

  Garrett pushed the gas to the floor, bursting out with screeching tires.

  "What do you plan to do?" said Garrett gaining speed, closing to five running objects.

  "Drive. Vince, reload. Prepare the door and get on it."

  Vince locked the door in the open position. They both climbed the ladders attached to the inner side and laid their weapons on edge.

  "Hodge, shoot to the last round. Keep them in the middle of the road," he stood on the rung, a few feet above empty space beneath him. "Vince, shoot at your will."

  Hunters shot short bursts. Bullets coming from the forest hit one man in the leg, and he fell on the ground holding his bleeding gunshot wound. When they drove beside him, Kaiden aimed at his head and with three bullets ended man's life. Four remaining men began to yell when massive front bumper gained on their backs.

  "Hunters are done," said Hodge.

  "Drive them over," Garrett heard Kaiden's words in his earbud. He looked at Jillian thinking the same.

  "Are you crazy?" replied Garrett.

  Swift, heavy steps approached him. A strong arm grasped his collar and threw him on the ground to the CHED. Kaiden sat in his seat and quickly caught up the lost distance.

  "Vince, shoot to cluster them," he watched repetitive shots on the left and right side forcing men to run like sheep in a herd.

  "Perfect," said Kaiden and pressed the pedal to the ground.

  The engine roared, and Deimos shot out, knocking down the running men. Two men died immediately under the weight of robust off-road wheels rolling over their bodies. The third died, smashing his head against the road. The fourth managed to jump aside, but his leg got caught under the wheels and broke his knee to pieces. Kaiden fiercely pressed the brake and sharply U-turned Deimos that Vince almost fell. Kaiden jumped out the front door, and pulling out the gun, he rushed to the last man alive. The rest of the crew followed him to the crying man banging the ground with his fist and holding his shattered knee. Suddenly he pulled out a gun, but Kaiden moved quicker. He shot his arm that limply fell to the ground. Kaiden stood over the man and aimed the pistol.

  "Why would you oppose?"

  "Go to hell!" yelled the man in pain at him, and Kaiden pulled the hammer.

  "No," shouted Garrett and start running to stop him.

  "As you say," Kaiden shot the bullet above his nose.

  The man fell to the ground in the blink of an eye. Abrupt shock hit Garrett who froze on the spot and sliding on the grit he stopped running. Man's crying went silent, leaving the crew in the sound of the whirring engine and watching the blood burst on the ground.

  "He suffered anyway," concluded Kaiden.

  Garrett reached for his pistol, but Vince grabbed his arm and said through his teeth, "Are you crazy?" They stared at each other calmly, fighting over Garrett's hand.

  "Let's go get others," Kaiden returned in Deimos.

  They silently followed him, and Kaiden drove them back to the rest of the team. Garrett concealed his anger, while Vince and Jillian sitting opposite to him watched his jaw muscles clench the teeth.

  "What was that about?" said Vince.

  "An adequate response to the enemy threat called self-defense," said Kaiden irritated.

  "That certainly wasn't!" shouted Garrett and stood up. "You slaughtered them all."

  Kaiden slammed on the brakes hard, and Garrett fell down while Jillian with Vince slid to another end of the benches. Kaiden pulled Garrett up with one arm and threw him on the floor again.

  "Listen, this is not a game! I gave you an order, and you refused to do it. Do you wanna join them?" he yelled and pulled out his pistol.

  "Easy, man!" Vince stood between them. "We can't see it done this way. Understand? We need both of you. So act that way."

  Garrett stared at heavy breathing Kaiden and his widened nostrils. He saw in his eyes that this task is only a mission to be done for him. Nothing more, nothing less. And no one will be standing in his way. The back door opened, and Lex with others stood there surprised by what they saw. She rose her rifle and aimed at Kaiden's chest.

  "So what's it gonna be?" said Vince calmly. "Do you want a gunfight among us?"

  Kaiden looked at Lex, who had finger securely placed on the trigger, ready to pull at any sign of sudden movement. The tension and silence among them were unbearable. Everyone wished that he'll come to reason.

  "All right. I'm sorry. I've lost my temper," he slid pistol back to holster and buckled it. "This slaughter had a point. Look over there," he turned to others, while Lex kept pointing the rifle at him. "We've lost Menhit, and it's a sheer chance that we are still all standing here. If anything happens to Deimos, we're done. I just protect our highest interest, and that is saving this world. I had to kill them all. What would you do if they had the option to follow us all the way to the bay? I don't expect anyone to understand my actions, but I'm not sorry about them. Leaders have to make choices. I agree, I overstepped the line, but let it be a message for them and us, that we're not here for games. And if we are, let the game be by our rules."

  Nobody reacted to his words but Lex. She lowered her gun and came inside to them.

  "I'm glad I didn't have to shoot you."

ou wouldn't have a chance," he said cockily. "Okay, everybody. Let's move."

  "Come. Don't sweat it," Vince helped Garrett to stand up.

  "Why did they attack us?" said Garrett. "They were too well equipped for a bunch of roamers."

  "There are many kinds of people these days," said Kaiden. "They just wanted everything we have."

  Garrett said nothing more and sat with others on the benches, leaving Kaiden alone in the front. His foot pressed the gas pedal, and Deimos moved, leaving bloody tire tracks on the ground.

  Chapter 18 Crazy For A Good Reason

  The dawn of a new day came as a red shining circle brightening the gloomy gray morning sky overcast of feathery clouds. A fresh scent of maritime rainfall coming from the other side of the hills lingered in the air and streamed inside Deimos through the opened roof window. Jillian dreamed back to teenage outings in a forest, eating wild spring chive and tracking does. For a moment, she emptied her mind and forgot the life in the world, where nature hits out everybody with no exception. Her body and spirit relaxed, and vivid memories came in front of her eyes. She felt Lex sleeping on her shoulder do the same. Their lungs filled with that little miracle. Three hundred and fifty miles spent on the highway didn't make the rest of night driving anyhow extraordinary. Overturned trucks crashed into cars with disfigured or burnt bodies, and endless rows of cars stuck at the city exits were all well known to them. Jillian opened eyes to look at everyone strapped to the bench, sleeping or dozing, except Vince lying on a mat on the floor, and Pace driving the car. She carefully leaned Lex's head on the other side and walked crouched to Pace.

  "Hey," she said quietly and sat next to him.

  "Hey, slept well?"

  Jillian didn't answer, just shrugged, "I've never been to New York till now. It's strange to enter a city when I avoided them for the past year," she looked at a half-torn, almost broken off overhead welcome sign.

  "Yeah, whether you go through capitals or villages, they're all the same. When we set to prepare the ship a few days ago, it took us five hours to get through the snow and cars on the streets. Then we found the harbor frozen with a few inches thick layer of ice. We had to cut through the door to open them. When we were leaving the other day, ice and snow melted already. I hope all stayed the same as not that much time has passed. But I want to ask, why did you join us? Do you owe him something or what? If I were you, I would stay in Nest and move with people to another base."


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