Step Into the Wind

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Step Into the Wind Page 19

by Bev Prescott

  Zoe stretched her legs out in front of her and crossed her feet at the ankles. “If he’s going to get back into the nest, he’s going to have to do it by himself, hopefully with the encouragement of his parents. He’s ten days behind in his development. That’s nearly forever for an eaglet.”

  “Why is leaving him on the ground to fend for himself better than putting him in the nest where he can at least be fed by his parents?”

  “His parents or sibling might decide that after all this time, he’s an intruder, and try to kill him. If he has to get into the nest himself, it’ll force him to use his wings and instinct. It’s going to come down to how good his instincts are and whether his family will accept him back into the fold.”

  “That’s interesting to consider,” Alex said. “It doesn’t seem so different from what happened to Jake. He’d be alive if my parents hadn’t rejected him. What do you think Dac’s chances are?”

  “Fifty-fifty. It’s not only about being accepted. Dac’s survival also depends on his will to live. He’ll need both if there’s going to be any hope for him. By the way, your parents rejected you too, but you’re still alive. Let’s hope Dac has a little of your grit.”

  Alex had often wondered about the disparity between her and her brother. They were twins and virtually identical in so many ways, yet their fates couldn’t have been more different. “I always thought I was the coward. As bad as things got, I never could’ve taken my own life.”

  “It’s not about being a coward either way. Jake didn’t want to live anymore. You did. If you ask me, I think you were pretty fearless under the circumstances.”

  “I don’t know about that. In fact, I dream of the day that fear is no longer a prominent emotion in my life.” Alex turned her head and squinted against the sunlight so she could look at Zoe. “May I ask you a question?”


  “Is there anything you’re afraid of?”

  “Everyone is afraid of something, even me.”

  “Like what?”

  “When I climbed my first tree, I was scared out of my mind. I was sure I’d either throw up from nerves or pass out before I got safely on the ground. But I was too high up to back out. I had to go all the way. I’ll never forget that feeling of getting past being afraid and making it to the top of the tree. Once I did, I had to go higher. It was exhilarating to be figuratively and literally on top of the world.”

  “I want to feel that someday.”

  “How about now?” Zoe pointed at a maple tree near the edge of the woods. “It’s only forty feet high. You see that big branch coming off the trunk about fifteen feet up? I could rig a rope over it and teach you to climb.”

  “I’m not ready to climb trees.”

  “What’s to be ready for?” Zoe stood. “Now’s as good a time as any.” She grabbed her backpack and extended a hand.

  Alex looked up at her smiling face. Even though they were adults, Zoe made her feel like a kid, carefree and fearless. The nagging voice in her head reminded her she wasn’t a kid and a lot could go wrong with climbing trees. “I really don’t think it’s a good idea.” She paused. “You have a rope in your pack?”

  “I never go anywhere without enough rope to climb a tree.” Zoe grinned. “Come on. Indulge me.”

  Alex took Zoe’s hand and let her pull her to her feet. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to say ‘no’ to you?” She followed Zoe to the maple tree. “What if I fall?”

  Zoe dropped her backpack onto the ground and opened it. “I’ll catch you.” She pulled a long, soft, tightly woven rope from her pack. She made a knot in the end of it, tossed it over the large maple branch, and caught it as it came down.

  “Are you sure that branch will hold my weight?”

  Zoe put her hands on her hips and sighed. “That branch is probably ten inches in diameter. The tree is healthy, and you are a nervous Nellie. Yes, it will hold your weight.”

  “I just don’t want to break my neck.” Alex studied the branch for any cracks that would make it weak. “I don’t think this is a good idea for me.”

  “The branch is only fifteen feet off of the ground.” The tone of Zoe’s voice hinted at exasperation. “Will you please trust me? Better yet, trust yourself. You can do this. It’ll be fun. You said you wanted to be Batwoman, remember? Now’s your chance.”

  Anxiety slithered along the back of Alex’s neck leaving her queasy. Instead of letting it seize her as it always did, she fought back. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. She would not let anxiety get the better of her. If she couldn’t do it for herself, at least she could make the attempt for Zoe. “Okay, I’ll try.” Her throat went dry. Anxiety would not go quietly.

  “Excellent.” Zoe grabbed the ends of the rope hanging from the tree branch and tied them together to make two large loops with a tight knot above them. “This is a little tricky since I don’t have my other climbing gear, but it’s still doable.” She untied the laces of her boots and kicked them and her socks off. She stepped through the two loops and slid them up her legs to the tops of her thighs. She glanced at Alex, who was watching her every move. “I’ve tied the rope so it serves as a harness.”

  “What’s the knot for?” Alex asked.

  “It’s a special knot called a Blake’s Hitch. It will hold you in place along the length of the rope and let you go up or down when you want to. You pull yourself up the rope and slide the hitch as you go. When you want to come down, you gently push down on it.” Zoe pulled on the rope, hoisted herself off of the ground, and demonstrated the use of the hitch.

  “Why did you take your boots off?”

  “You’ll see.” Zoe pulled a few more times on the rope until she reached the branch. She climbed up onto it and wriggled out of the rope’s makeshift harness. “Now comes the fun part.”

  When Zoe stood on the branch without the safety of the harness, Alex’s heart fluttered. “What are you doing?”

  Zoe raised her arms parallel to the ground. She put one bare foot in front of the other, pointed her toes, and walked gracefully along the branch like a gymnast on the balance beam. She pivoted before the branch narrowed and sauntered back to where she’d started.

  Alex was mesmerized. She found herself smiling at Zoe’s elegant athleticism even though her gut clenched in nervousness over her safety. Zoe was beautiful in more ways than she could articulate. “Don’t fall.”

  “And now for the grand finale.” Zoe stood on the branch about two feet from where it met the trunk of the tree. She bent her knees, threw her body into the air, and did a somersault to the ground.

  A flood of instinct and fear propelled Alex to Zoe. She put her arms around her. “Are you okay?” Her voice shook. “What were you thinking? You could’ve killed yourself.”

  “Stop already. I didn’t. It was a blast. Remember, I’m a gymnast. I know how to fling myself into the air and not get hurt. You have to try it.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” Alex stopped short of hugging and kissing her. A jumble of emotions ranging from awe, to affection, to fear jostled her.

  “I’m not saying you should walk along the branch and jump off. But, trust me, there’s nothing like the feeling of being in a tree. It’s your turn to climb.” Zoe made some adjustments to the rope and held the loops out to Alex. “Put a leg into each of the loops and pull them up as high as they’ll go.”

  Alex hesitated.

  Zoe flapped the loops toward her, gazed up at her, and said in a teasing tone, “Come oooon. I’ll be right here.”

  Alex took another deep breath and wondered what the hell she was doing even thinking about climbing a tree. But she found it impossible to refuse Zoe’s invitation. She stepped into the loops and pulled them up her thighs.

  Zoe reached down. “I hope you don’t mind.” She grabbed the loops and slid them higher.

  Her hands brushed along the skin of Alex’s bare thighs. Alex admitted that attraction was among the mix of emotions rattling her.

“Okay, now hold onto the rope and lean your weight into the loops as if sitting down.”

  Alex was surprised that the rope held her. “Not exactly comfortable.”

  “I know. Next time we’ll use a real harness.”

  “Don’t be so sure there’ll be a next time.”

  “Don’t be so sure you won’t love it so much that you’ll be the one asking me for a next time.” Zoe put her hand on the knot she’d called the Blake’s Hitch. “Grip the rope with a hand just below this knot. As your body moves up the rope, slide the knot up with you. It will hold you in place if you take your hand away from it. To come back down, put your hand on top of the knot and slowly push down. Be careful not to go too fast.”

  Alex did her “breathing in deeply and slowly exhaling” routine. She pulled hard on the rope, amazed when her body lifted off of the ground. She pulled again and went higher. A smile spread across her face. “This is awesome.” She felt free and pulled a third and fourth time until she was almost to the bottom of the branch.

  Zoe laughed. “I knew you could do it.”

  The rope loops around Alex’s thighs were uncomfortable, but she was actually doing it. When she glanced down though, her stomach did a flip and she froze. She gripped the rope tighter and closed her eyes.

  “You’re okay. Remember, you’re only fifteen feet off the ground. Open your eyes and enjoy the view. Think about Dac. You’re getting to experience being in a tree like he is. Climbing is like flying.”

  “I want to come back down.” Panic edged through her words.

  “Okay. Hang onto the rope with your left hand and slowly push down on the knot with your right hand.”

  Anxious to get to the ground, Alex put her hand on the knot and pushed down hard. She slipped down the length of rope so fast her left hand burned from trying to hang on.

  Zoe caught her in her arms as Alex touched the ground. “You did great.”

  Alex struggled to get free from the loops her legs were in. She pulled each leg from them and stumbled in the process. “Damn.” She fell backward onto her butt.

  Zoe rushed to her side. She put a hand to Alex’s cheek. “Are you okay? I’m sorry for pushing you to climb the tree.”

  Alex put her hand to Zoe’s, and her entwined fingers tingled. A rush of desire overwhelmed her. She wanted to escape with Zoe from all that made her afraid. “I want to kiss you.”

  “Then do it,” Zoe breathed.

  Alex pulled Zoe to the ground and rolled on top of her. The kiss was gentle at first. Zoe stirred beneath her and pulled her closer. Something in Zoe’s response rushed into her, summoning her to escape her burdens. To run, not with her feet, but by taking Zoe’s body.

  She pressed herself to Zoe and kissed her without restraint. The closer she got to Zoe, the less fear and sadness she felt. She desperately wanted to be free from those emotions, yet deep down, the thought of taking anything from Zoe in a bid to free herself felt selfish.

  Zoe ran her hands along the sides of Alex’s body, brushing her breasts as they went.

  Wetness surged between Alex’s legs, and her breasts ached to be touched again. “I need this,” Alex whispered. Her words mocked her.

  What was this need? Was it selfish? Was it that and so much more? She considered stopping what was happening before it went any further. Zoe deserved better. But fear threatened to dominate her once more. She wanted, needed, an escape.

  She didn’t stop. She ran a hand over Zoe’s shoulder, feeling the solid muscle beneath the T-shirt’s sleeve. “Your body is so hard.” Her hand continued a path over Zoe’s breast. It had been so long since she felt a woman’s body under her own. Need crowded out her desire not to hurt Zoe’s heart.

  Zoe whimpered, put her hands on Alex’s waist, and worked her fingers beneath her T-shirt.

  Alex pressed her pelvis into Zoe when she writhed against her. Raw lust took over. She felt her clitoris swell with the need to be satisfied. She ignored the voice inside that begged her not to hurt Zoe. Her body’s cravings drove her on. She rose off Zoe and put a knee between her legs before grabbing the bottom of Zoe’s T-shirt and yanking it up to her neck.

  She wasn’t surprised to find that Zoe’s stomach rippled with muscle. Even under the thick material of Zoe’s sports bra, she could see the hardening nipples. She slid both greedy hands beneath the bra cups to fondle them. “So perfect,” she whispered near Zoe’s neck.

  Zoe caressed her back and unclasped her bra.

  As much as Alex wanted Zoe to touch her, not letting her might somehow keep Zoe at a safer distance, might prevent her from getting hurt. She removed her hands from Zoe’s soft breasts and stiff nipples and took her by the wrists, bringing up her arms to rest above her head. “You’re distracting me.” She leaned down and kissed Zoe’s stomach. “Don’t.” She fumbled with the button and zipper on Zoe’s shorts and tore them open.

  “Touch me,” Zoe pleaded.

  Alex put her hand inside Zoe’s shorts and into her underwear. White-hot need exploded inside her when she felt Zoe’s wetness. She thrust two fingers inside that warmth, in and out, again and again.

  Zoe spread her legs. She brought her hands from above her head and dug her fingertips into Alex’s back. “Faster,” she whispered.

  Her hurried panting encouraged Alex. She thrust harder and brushed her thumb back and forth over Zoe’s swollen clitoris. Zoe’s muscles tightened around her fingers, and her body tensed.

  All of Alex’s demons were blotted out. With each thrust, she extinguished them. She was startled when that little, carefree girl inside—whom she’d always hidden from—laughed.

  Zoe cried out and her body trembled in climax. She hugged Alex tightly against her. “Oh, my God,” she moaned.

  Alex pulled away and covered her own mouth with her hand. The sweet smell of Zoe’s fluids on her fingers made her heart hurt. She sat back and tried to catch her breath. “I’m sorry.”

  “What are you talking about? You just made love to me.” Zoe sat up and scooted next to her. “Don’t be sorry. I’m definitely not.”

  “I used you. That’s not love,” Alex whispered. “You were a means of escape.”

  Zoe bristled. “That’s not what happened, and you know it. I wasn’t an escape. You wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with you. What you did was panic like happened to you at the top of the tree.” Zoe pounded a fist on the ground. “Maybe fear is a crutch you use so you won’t have to face the things you don’t want to. You don’t want to admit you have feelings.”

  Alex considered whether Zoe might be right. Even if she were, Alex was angry that she’d had the nerve to suggest it. “It wasn’t about fear.” Was this another lie among the many she was so good at telling herself?

  “Really? What was it then?”

  Cold denial spread over Alex. “It was selfish of me. I don’t ever want to use you. You deserve more.”

  “You’re not the only one who gets to decide.” Zoe stood. She pulled her shirt down and zipped and buttoned her shorts. “You asked me earlier what I’m afraid of.” Her jaw clenched. Anger and hurt simmered in her eyes. “You coming close, and then pushing me away. That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  Alex felt Zoe’s anger and disappointment. “Then it’ll never happen again. I tried to tell you I’m a mess.”

  “You don’t understand at all,” Zoe said. “I’m not sorry about what just happened. So much time to live, really live, is passing you by. You’ll only have yourself to blame if you decide to spend the rest your time on earth letting fear dictate everything that happens to you.” Zoe yanked the rope from the tree branch and coiled it up. “You lose, and so do those of us who want to be in that time with you.” She placed the rope into her backpack. “I’d better go. I have more work to do at the island, and I want to paddle across the lake before it gets dark.”

  “I could take you back.”

  “That’s okay. I need to be alone right now. I’ll let you know about Dac.”

ex’s heart pounded in her chest. She stood and reached for Zoe’s hand. “Please, believe that I’m trying.”

  Zoe yanked her hand away, turned her back, and wiped her cheek. “I’ll see you.” She disappeared into the woods.

  Alex slumped to the ground and put her head in her hands. She huddled alone under the chestnut tree, unable to move.

  Chapter 26

  “He looks great,” Zoe marveled.

  The eaglet sat poised for his future of flight. His black feathers and gray beak looked healthy, and he’d gained a couple of pounds in the days he’d been away from the nest. With the leather hood covering his eyes, he sat motionless inside the pet carrier.

  “It’s his big day of freedom,” Daniel said.

  “He doesn’t have any more time to lose. It’s now or never for him to live. If he isn’t able to get back into the nest within the week, he’ll die not long after that.”

  “Why take such a chance with him, then?”

  “Animals all want the same thing we do.” Zoe dropped the corner of the blanket draped over the carrier, which sat in the back of her truck. She’d parked in front of the camp. It was early enough in the morning that the campers and their counselors had yet to stir.

  “Which is?” Daniel asked.

  “They just want to live free and be happy. If he has it in him to do so, we should let him try.”

  “So let him find his own way in the world, even if it turns out to be much more difficult?”

  “It depends on what you consider difficult. From his perspective, I suspect difficult would be having to live in captivity. Trust me, he’ll find his happiness flying free in the sky as opposed to sitting trapped on a perch all day with an unlimited supply of food.” Zoe patted the top of the carrier. “I really appreciate your agreeing to keep things quiet about the eaglet coming back today. It’s so important that we keep people away from him and the island if he’s going to have any chance at all.”

  “I’m glad to do it. It’s the only common ground Alex and I seem to have these days.”

  Zoe was relieved he had agreed to help bring Dac back to the island. His truce with Alex, as she considered it, was fragile at best. She was glad the three of them would take Dac home.


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