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The Wages of War

Page 2

by Saxon Andrew

  “It took some time but I’m able to get through the day without the perpetual sadness I endured the first several months. But enough about me; how are you doing?”

  Cami forced a smile, “Fine. I graduated number one in my class with the highest grades in Academy history. I was given a Senior Captain’s rank to start my career. I’ve received orders yesterday that I’m being assigned a wing in the new Scout Fleet.”

  “You’ll be reporting to me; that’s fantastic!”

  “I understand that we won’t be flying the new warship Britannia has developed. That concerns me Justin.”

  “I felt the same way initially, but my concerns have been put to rest.”

  “Tell me why?”

  “Cami, the Garrions have been updated with all the technology being used on Britannia’s new warship. They match up so close to the new warship that neither has an advantage over the other.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “I am.”

  “Then why weren’t we just assigned the new warship instead of a Garrion?”

  “Our fleet is going to be stationed on the new Stealth Carrier that just entered the service. It has been assigned to Britannia due to its close proximity to the two aggressive civilizations at the core. Lt. Admiral Sylvia Tyers will be commanding it, but she will directly report to Grady.”

  Cami’s eyes narrowed slightly, “If I remember correctly, wasn’t she the pilot of the first carrier Maranda commanded.”

  “Yes, she was.” Justin paused and then added, “I didn’t mention that the carriers are designed to carry the Garrions and it would have had to be gutted to build the racks to fit Britannia’s new warship. Trust me, you’ll like the new Garrions.”

  “What about their speed?”

  “Both have more than a pilot can handle.”

  Cami’s eyes narrowed, “What do you mean?”

  “Even in interstellar space there are some random pieces of rock and dust. It will take a brave pilot indeed to push the thruster handle fully forward. On paper, their top speed is so close as to be indistinguishable.”


  “Garrions have the edge on missiles; the new warship has three more small blasters.”

  “I think I’d prefer extra missiles,” Cami replied after thinking about it.

  “Missiles have a longer range than a blaster,” Justin agreed. After a moment, Justin’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Would you be interested in a proposal?”

  “Depends on what it is.”

  “Fleet has been hammering me to select my Second-in-Command and I’ve been going nuts trying to choose one; would you accept the position?”

  Cami immediately shook her head, “I’m far too young for the Fleet to accept me in that position.”

  “Cami! You’re a legend in the fleet. They’d feel safer knowing you were doing it!”

  “Why are you asking this?”

  “Because you’re perfect for the position.”

  Cami raised an eyebrow, “And you don’t have any ulterior motives?”

  Justin sighed, “I’ll never out live the Funny Man. Cami look at my thoughts.”

  Cami stared in his eyes and said absently, “You don’t want a woman on board that would cause a distraction…” After a moment she said, “You think I’d never be interested in you, don’t you.”

  “How could you?”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I saw your disgusted expression and remember what you said when Charlotte and I came back from Andromeda. You can see I look at you as a remarkable telepath and a friend. That’s all I feel.”

  “You know I won’t hesitate to call you a piece of crap when you’re acting stupidly.”

  “I genuinely hope you will. Right now, no one in my fleet has the courage to do it. I need someone to help keep me straight; too many lives are depending on me to make good decisions.” Justin paused and asked, “How’s the range of your telepathy?”

  Cami smiled and shrugged, “It’s gotten much longer as I’ve aged.”

  “Then you would be a great asset keeping the fleet safe. You’d be wasted commanding a squadron or wing. I’d probably order your ship to stay close to my flagship most of the time to keep me informed on what you see.”

  “That would be a bummer.”

  “My flagship has four officers in support roles on board, and you would be a tremendous addition. Please consider it.”

  “I’ll have to discuss it with my parents.”

  “I need an answer quickly; Fleet Operations is getting impatient.”

  I’ll let you know tomorrow.”

  “Good enough.”

  Cami left and sighed. Justin knew there was no possibility of her ever being interested in him, and he was right. Like Charlotte, she would never be able to completely forget what Justin was like when he was the Funny Man. She knew he had changed…but…memories just couldn’t be erased. She was interested in what her parents had to say about this.

  • • •

  Cami broached the subject at dinner and Taffy was surprised by it. Grady’s eyes narrowed but he didn’t respond. Cami looked at them and said, “I’d really like to know what you’re thinking.”

  Taffy turned to Grady, “Isn’t Justin reckless.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Grady, he volunteered to lead that Triangulum Fleet into the ambush we set up!”

  “It was the logical thing to do,” Grady replied. “He knew that his ship was the best one to do it; otherwise, Cami would have been placed in a high-risk situation.” Grady turned to Cami, “Did he want to do it?”

  “No, he didn’t. He knew he was putting Charlotte at risk but felt that I was more important than both of them. He also ran the risk of going slower than the ships pursuing him because he knew if he increased speed they would give up the chase. I had to admit back then that he was levelheaded and brave.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re attracted to him!”

  Cami turned to Taffy, “Never happen.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’ll never get the memory of who he was when he called himself Funny Man. I know it’s not fair, but I can’t help it. I suspect that’s why Charlotte left him for someone else.”

  “How is he taking that?” Grady asked.

  Cami shrugged, “He blames himself and not her. He knows the selfish things he did before was just not something Charlotte could let go. He’s suffered but he’s doing ok now.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Taffy asked.

  “Mom, his primary concern is the safety of his sailors. I saw it in his mind, and he has no desire to end his life. He see’s me as a great asset in keeping his fleet out of danger.”

  “You’ve been assigned to report to his fleet, haven’t you?” Grady asked. Cami nodded. “Well, if you’re going to be there anyway, why not do it as an admiral.”

  “Admiral?” Cami asked.

  “A fleet Commander’s Second is always a junior admiral. I suspect you might be the youngest admiral in the Colonies or Britannia’s history. The pay and benefits are enough for you to want to do this.”

  Taffy turned to Grady, “You hated Funny Man.”

  “I did.”

  “And you’re now suggesting our daughter report to him?”

  “She’s going to be reporting to him either way. I talked with Justin after he returned to Britannia and, though I didn’t want to be, I was impressed. He took a huge risk to keep Sweets, Cami, And Charlie safe. I believe he’ll do the same with her on board his flagship. He won’t take the same risks he’d take if she wasn’t there.” Grady looked at Cami, “Am I right?”

  “I did see in his thoughts that he had to make sure he didn’t do anything that would run the risk of losing me. I don’t know if I like that. I want to be a warrior pilot fighting our enemies.”

  Grady laughed, “You’d take much larger risks than he would.”

  Cami smiled, “Sweets told me during our last missi
on that I’m all bravery and no common sense.”

  Taffy nodded, “You’re just like her and her mother.”

  “And me!” Grady added.

  “So, are you telling me to do this?”

  Grady glanced at Taffy and then nodded, “Yes, I guess I am.”

  “Grady, you really think she’ll be safer on Justin’s ship?”

  “I do. And she can have a larger impact on what happens.”

  Cami saw Taffy nod and sighed, “I just wasn’t sure about this. But what you’ve said makes sense…besides; I do like being the youngest admiral in history.”

  “Just another star in your high-achievement crown,” Grady said with a smile.

  Cami lifted her communicator and said a moment later, “I’m in.” Even Taffy and Grady heard Justin’s shout from where they were sitting.

  • • •

  Sylvia Tyers sat on board the new stealth carrier and sighed. She really didn’t want this command, most of the crew would be telepaths and she didn’t like them being able to see her thoughts. She struggled with accepting the position, but Richard told her that if she kept her combat helmet on, they wouldn’t be able to see her thoughts. “Syl, I’m planning to retire in a few years, and I’ve slated you to be my replacement. All of our future carriers are going to be stealth carriers and you must learn the capabilities of this ship.”

  “Sir, I’m nowhere near capable of taking your place.”

  Admiral Tarangelo smiled, “I felt the same way when Maranda and Andrew retired. But you’ll manage just like I’ve done. You are the best Admiral I have, and you must accept this assignment.”

  “I guess I’ll just have to shave my head if I’m forced to wear that helmet at all times.”

  “Your personal quarters have a coating of the material that blocks your thoughts, so you won’t have to wear it there.” Richard paused and added, “There’s an easier way.”

  “Oh? What is that?”

  “Make your second a telepath and they’ll know if any telepath tries to look at your thoughts. If one does, they’ll be busted out of the service.”

  Syl nodded slightly, “I’ll consider it.”

  “Have you decided what you’re going to name the ship?”

  Syl knew that if she agreed to a name, she’d be telling Richard she was going to accept the position. She sighed and replied, “It will be named Griffin.”

  “Griffin? Where did you come up with that?”

  “An ancient story written before the colony ships left earth thousands of years ago was about an invisible man; his name was Dr. Griffin.”

  Richard chuckled, “I’ve read that story. That’s a remarkable choice…and it fits. Plan to take the carrier out for initial trials tomorrow. Once you’re satisfied, bring it back and Admiral Brown will bring his fleet of Garrions on board.”

  “Yes Sir.” Richard left and Syl sighed. Her hair was starting to turn grey and she was far too young for that. Maybe shaving her head would be a way to hide it.

  • • •

  It only took a week after the Garrions arrived on board that she realized wearing the helmet wasn’t a good option. The officers commanding the telepath fleet would try to contact her telepathically and then try to work their way through normal communications. It just wasn’t efficient, and it didn’t take her long to realize it. She contacted Britannia’s Fleet personnel and asked for a list of officers with the right credentials to interview to be her second-in-Command. None of them were right for the job out of the first five she interviewed. Another officer arrived and she had him meet her in her office. The young man arrived, and she was startled by his apparent youth. She looked at the file on him and looked up, “Take a seat Captain Adams.” The young man sat down in a chair in front of her desk and she stared at his file, “According to your records, you were one of the first four telepaths to come out of hiding.”

  “Yes Sir; I was.”

  “Care to tell me why you made that decision?”

  “I discovered that Grady and Taffy Henricks were the leaders of the project trying to find us.”


  “Yes Sir. I’ve always sort of worshiped them and jumped at the chance to possibly meet them.”

  Syl stared at the young man and asked, “And what did you determine after that meeting?”

  “They were far more than I ever imagined Sir. I was struck by their intensity in keeping humanity safe.”

  “And how do you feel about that now?”

  “Sir, whatever it takes to defend mankind, I’ll do whatever I can to make sure it happens.”

  “I have to tell you that I’m nervous about someone looking at my mind.”

  “I do not allow myself to look at other’s thoughts without their permission. And that’s especially true with you.”


  “You have to feel safe when you’re deciding what to do in a dangerous situation. You’d take too long if you worried about being second guessed if your plan doesn’t work out. You’d take too long to make a decision with that hanging over your head.”

  “Can you see if a telepath tries to look in my mind?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Syl nodded slightly, “Why did you volunteer to do this?”

  “I know that all the telepaths are being gathered into one unit to determine if there is another danger out there somewhere threatening humanity. This is my place to help make sure there isn’t a threat.”

  “What do you know about this ship?”

  “Nothing.” Syl’s eyes narrowed and he smiled, “But in less than a week, I can learn from the crew flying it everything I need to know and more.”

  “You sure about that?”

  Terry smiled, “Yes Sir.”

  “If I accept you, you’ll be promoted to admiral and will have to go to learn advanced fleet tactics at the Academy’s Advanced Learning Center. If it takes too long, I’ll be forced to choose an officer that’s been through the training.”

  “Sir, if you’ll allow me to look in your mind at what you’ve learned about tactics, I suspect the Learning Center would be a waste of time.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You’ve been in the fight since the start of the war with the Core Civilization. I suspect you’ve forgotten more than they know at the Learning Center.”

  “You’ve done your homework on me.”

  “Yes Sir, I have, and I’m impressed with what I’ve learned.”

  Syl stared at him and made a decision, “Look at my mind at what I’ve learned about tactics.”

  “Now Sir?”


  Terry looked at her thoughts and after an hour, that seemed much shorter to Syl, he smiled, “Wow!”

  Syl burst out laughing and began questioning him. After another hour, she had her telepath; and he was right. He got permission to look at the minds of the bridge crews and after a few days, he was making corrections to their orders. Syl took off the helmet and, for the first time, could relax and totally focus on her new ship.

  Chapter Two

  Cami arrived in Justin’s office the next morning and smiled, “What’s up?”

  “I’m glad you’re here. I need you to stick around until Charlotte and her new man arrive.”

  Cami’s expression showed confusion, “Why on Earth would you want to speak to her?”

  “I have to choose two commanders for my two task forces. She’s going to be one of them.”

  “Why?! You know there will be issues between the two of you.”

  “Not on my end.”

  “But if she has issues, why even consider promoting her?”

  “Cami, I need someone who understands how to scout an alien civilization; whose better prepared to do that than her? Can you think of anyone more qualified?”

  “Sweets and Charlie are probably more experienced.”

  “Yes, but they’re not telepathic and the new commanders must be able to communicate directly with the ships under their command

  Cami shrugged, “You and Charlotte are the only ones other than you and me that have gone out and scouted an alien civilization.”

  “And Charlotte is the best possible candidate to command a task force,” Justin remarked.

  “Do you think she’ll do it?”

  “She won’t be given an option.”

  Cami shook her head, “There’s always an option, Justin.”

  “Yes, but I don’t believe she’ll take it.” They heard the door chime sound and Justin said, “Enter!”

  Charlotte and a young man walked into Justin’s office and they went to attention in front of his desk, “Reporting per our orders, Sir.” Cami noticed that Charlotte’s expression showed anger and the young man standing at attention next to her was clearly not liking being present.

  Justin nodded to two chairs, “Take a seat.” They sat down and Justin ignored their obvious angry expressions. “Captain Kessler, you’ve been ordered to report to my office; I don’t remember asking for you to bring your weapon’s officer.”

  “Sir, under the circumstances, I felt it required his presence.”

  Justin glanced at the Lieutenant and then turned back to Charlotte, “I’m sure you’re aware that Fleet Operations has formed a scout fleet with me in command. The fleet’s personnel are all telepaths and you will be under my command.”

  “Yes Sir. I’m aware of that.”

  “My fleet will have four-thousand warships which will be divided into two Task Forces. You have been chosen to command one of them.”

  Charlotte was expecting a speech on how to conduct themselves professionally since their breakup and his statement startled her. “What?”

  “You are going to take command of a task force and prepare the ships under your command to go out to scout alien civilizations.”

  The young man sitting next to Charlotte said, “So, you’re trying to bribe her to come back to you with this offer.”

  Charlotte jerked her head around to him, “JOHNNY!”

  “Charlotte, you know that’s why he’s doing this.”

  Charlotte turned to Justin and saw him smiling, “What do you find humorous, Sir.”

  “I would have thought you’d have him better trained than this. However, let me put it to you this way; who are the best qualified telepaths to command one of my task forces?” Charlotte was silent and Justin added, “I prefer a telepath that has gone out and scouted an alien civilization in one of our scouts.”


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