The Wages of War

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The Wages of War Page 8

by Saxon Andrew

  “Lead the way Admiral.”

  They arrived on the giant bridge and followed Terry around it to Sylvia’s office. Terry preceded them in and said, “Admiral Brown and his crew have arrived sir.”

  Sylvia looked up from her console to them, “Please come in and take a chair.” Everyone sat down and Sylvia turned to Justin, “I don’t like this one bit. That ship detected your communications from an extremely long range. That puts my ship in jeopardy and I’m not willing to run the risk it’s detected.”

  “Sir, you can move the Griffin further out from Andromeda,” Justin suggested.

  “And just how far would take it out of their detection range? Do have any idea how far away from you those ships were when they detected your communications?” Justin sighed and shook his head. “I think it’s clear we’ve run into a highly advanced civilization and that was our mission. I’m headed back to Britannia and the Senior Admirals can decide what to do next.”

  “There might be other advanced civilizations we’ve not found Sir,” Cami offered.

  Sylvia gave her a knowing smile and replied, “Dealing with just one is more than we can handle. Looking for more is asking for trouble. Notify your crews we’re headed home and they can stand down. Gerald entered the office and Sylvia said to him, “Commodore, your defensive forces will remain in position around the Griffin until I order otherwise!” Gerald nodded and left the office. Sylvia turned to Justin, “Prepare a presentation for Admirals Dunhan and Henricks to be delivered upon our arrival at Britannia. I’ll hear it the same time they do. You’re dismissed.”

  The crew stood up and left Major Admiral Tyers’ office. Justin stopped just outside the door and asked, “Is there anything we can add to the datacube that we’ve omitted?” Everyone looked at each other and Robert said, “I’ve been thinking about not seeing any missile ports on that ship. If the ship’s hull is as dense as Frank Suggests, it would severely weaken it to install missile tubes.”

  Justin stared at him for a moment and turned to Janie, “Add that piece of information to the data Janie.”

  “Yes Sir.

  Justin blew out a breath before saying, “You’re free unless I think of something else.” Justin turned and walked away from the crew.

  Cami looked at Robert, “I’d like to have a conversation with you.”

  “It will have to wait. I’m going to take another good look at the data and see if there’s anything we’ve missed.” Robert looked around, “I suggest all of you do the same.”

  Robert walked away and Janie turned to Cami, “You don’t like him having a longer range than you, do you?”

  “I just don’t understand how he managed to do the things I saw. I need to know how he did it.”

  “Well, it will have to wait,” Frank interjected. You’ll have your opportunity when we arrive at Britannia.”

  “Why do you think it will have to wait until then?”

  “I sense he doesn’t want to discuss it and he’ll put you off until you don’t give him an option.”

  “Frank, how can I force him to do that?”

  Frank smiled, “You’re an Admiral and he’s a Captain. Figure it out.” Janie laughed and after a moment, Cami smiled slightly.

  Charlotte and Graylin were waiting outside Justin’s quarters and he sighed, “Come on in. I know you’re wondering why our mission was ended early.” They entered Justin’s quarters and Justin nodded to a couch, “Have a seat.” They sat down and Justin took out a datacube and inserted it into is communication console. “My ship encountered an alien species that detected my ship from extreme range. I’m going to play what happened and I’ll answer your questions after it concludes.”

  Justin fixed a drink and sat down on the couch with them as they stared at the small wall monitor. Graylin stood up and poured a drink as he kept his eyes on the recording. Finally, Charlotte blew out a breath and poured herself a drink. The recording ended and Justin said, “Any questions?”

  “How did that Resource Officer detect those ships so far out?”

  Justin turned to Charlotte, “He says he has a well-developed telepathic talent.”

  “And you didn’t question him about it?” Graylin asked.

  “To what end. Do any of us question Cami on how she’s able to see things far outside our ability? I know Cami is hell-bound determined to find out and I’ll learn about it from her after she finds out. So far, Robert has avoided her.”

  “That doesn’t bother you Sir?”

  “No Charlotte, it doesn’t. I can’t tell you how our telepathy machines function, I just use them. I am rather glad he’s on my ship after what happened.” Justin paused and then continued, “Admiral Tyers is concerned that the Griffin might be detected by those new aliens and come under attack. I didn’t have a means of disproving her belief, so she made the decision to end our mission and bring this information back to present to our Senior Admirals.”

  “But we were making great progress Sir!” Charlotte said firmly.

  “And what happens if we encounter another highly advanced civilization? Now there are two and we won’t know anything about either of them. You know our orders if we encountered a more advanced civilization were to run and not be detected. Andromeda will still be there when we’re sent back.”

  “Do you think we’ll be sent back to scout that civilization Sir?”

  “No Graylin. We’ll send in a ship to take a good look at it before we make another move. So relax and I’ll keep you informed on what’s happening. We carried out our mission, and just like most things military, now we hurry up and wait.”

  Charlotte and Graylin left and Justin sat back and closed his eyes; perhaps this drink was a bit too strong. He needed to be fresh for the meeting in the morning. He shook his head and poured another one.

  The Griffin arrived at Britannia and Cami left her quarters and extended her mind to find Robert. After a few minutes, she couldn’t detect his thoughts anywhere on the carrier. She frowned and connected with Justin, “Sir, I’ve been looking for Captain Robertson and I’ve been unable to find him.”

  “He asked permission to leave early to visit his mother and I agreed for him to take a shuttle to see her before our meeting with the Senior Admirals. He left two days ago.”

  “Thank you Sir.” Cami now knew he was deliberately avoiding her. But that was going to stop after the meeting was over!

  • • •

  The meeting took place at Grady’s conference room and it looked like a Henricks and Dunhan family reunion. Cami sat with Justin, but all the others were seated next to each other. Sweets had welcomed Cami with a hug and kiss on the cheek but then went to her chair beside Charlie. Now that they were married, he held the first place in her heart. Rory and Abbey sat next to RJ and Candy. Grady and Taffy sat on the other side of RJ with Sweets and Charlie next to them. Robert sat next to Joshua Goldman, Admirals Tyers, and Adams at the end of the table.

  RJ waited until everyone renewed old friendships and then he stood up. Grady has agreed for me to lead this meeting. Sylvia, it’s good to see you again; it’s been a long time.”

  Sylvia smiled, “Far too long, Sir.”

  RJ turned to Grady, “Please share the information on what we’ve discovered in the Triangulum Galaxy.”

  Grady looked around the table and said, “Charlie and Sweets have returned from the Triangulum Galaxy with disturbing news. It appears the civilization there isn’t just planning to invade the two aggressive civilizations on the other side of the core. They discovered millions of large colony ships close to the core of Triangulum and it’s clear they intend to leave Triangulum and move to the Milky Way.” The room was silent, and Grady nodded to Charlie.

  “I think from what we uncovered, once the two civilizations at the core are defeated, the civilization in Triangulum will begin a mass exodus to the planets around the core of the Milky Way. They certainly have enough colony ships to make that happen and I believe it’s because they fear something in Androm

  Rory spoke up, “But that’s not going to happen until they defeat the Stealth Civilization and replace the warships they’ve lost in the war with them.”

  Grady nodded, “I agree. However, what Charlie is suggesting might be accurate. The data Admiral Brown collected appears to support that belief. So for the moment, we are frozen from taking any action against the aliens at the core or in Triangulum; we may need them as a buffer against an advanced civilization in Andromeda invading the Triangulum Galaxy. We are forced to remain in hiding until we determine what we’re up against in Andromeda.” Grady turned to RJ, “I’m turning the meeting back over to you.”

  RJ nodded and looked around the table, “May I assume all of you have viewed the data collected by Justin?” Everyone nodded and RJ turned to Grady, “I think that our best course of action is to send a scout out to find that advanced civilization and determine what we’re facing.”

  Grady nodded, “I agree. We need to wait to send our Scout Fleet back to Andromeda until that has been determined. Who do you intend to send?”

  Charlie raised a hand and RJ nodded to him, “I believe that Cami, Sweets, and I are the best qualified to do it.”

  RJ glanced at Robert who was sitting with a neutral expression and replied, “It appears Cami is no longer the telepath with the longest telepathic range.”

  “Even so, we’re experienced working together and make a great team,” Charlie replied

  Justin raised his hand and RJ nodded. “It seems rather short-sighted to send Cami instead of Robert.”

  “Why do you say that?” Charlie asked.

  “Because he detected those alien warships long before Cami or our scanners did. You run a larger risk of being detected if your scanning range is shorter than that of the aliens.”

  Taffy looked at Cami, “Is it true he has a longer range than you do?”

  Cami glanced at Robert still holding a neutral expression and turned to Taffy, “His range is almost double what mine is.” Taffy looked at Robert and everyone in the room saw her expression turn angry.

  RJ turned to Robert, “What do you think about this?”

  “I believe the obvious crew for the scout would be Cami and me. Meaning no disrespect to Admiral Grinstead, but he and his wife wouldn’t provide any additional support to justify their being present on the mission.”

  Charlie immediately responded, “Quite the contrary Captain; you lack real combat experience and our being there would be a real asset to the mission.”

  Cami suddenly heard in her mind, “You need to tell them.” She glanced at Robert and shook her head.

  Taffy spoke up, “Before I agree to sending you out on a mission with my daughter, I need to know more about you.”

  Robert turned to Taffy and saw her tight lips, “What more do you need to know? You have my personnel file and training records.”

  “I want to know why you remained in hiding while I was forced to allow my daughter to go out on dangerous scouting missions endangering her life. You are the one that should have gone but you chose not to reveal yourself. You are the one that should have gone on those missions!” Robert stared at her and the room was silent. Taffy sneered, “You were a traitor to mankind to keep yourself hidden and a coward to boot.”

  Cami spoke up, “MOM!” Everyone turned to her. “He is not a coward and you should apologize!”

  “From where I sit, that’s all I see Cami,” Taffy replied.

  Robert’s eyes narrowed and he said very deliberately, “My reasons for not revealing myself are personal and are none of your business.”

  The room was deathly silent by the confrontation and RJ turned to Robert, “I would also like to know why you waited to reveal yourself.”

  Robert turned to him, “I intend no disrespect but that is also none of your business. My personal life is my own and I choose to keep it private. Either I’m qualified for this mission or I’m not!”

  Justin interrupted the confrontation, “Captain Robertson has been an invaluable member of my crew. He has performed admirably, and I am fortunate to have him on my ship.”

  RJ looked at Justin, “With the fate of humanity hanging on the crew we choose to send to scout this civilization, I want to know more than what’s just in a personnel file; I want to know the person.” RJ turned to Robert and said, “Answer the question on why you waited so long to reveal yourself!”

  Robert’s expression turned angry and it was the first time Cami had seen that happen. He started to speak, and Joshua interrupted him, “Robert, you need to tell them.” Robert jerked his head around to Joshua and he repeated, “Tell them!”

  “It is absolutely none of their business.” Robert pointed at Taffy and said, “She calls me a traitor and coward and could care less what my reasons might be.” Robert looked at RJ, “And you could care less as well. Choose someone else for this mission!”

  Taffy blurted out, “I told you he was a coward.”

  Grady stood up and raised his hands. The room grew silent and he turned to Robert, “I have not said anything about why you didn’t reveal yourself, right?” Robert nodded. “I’ve not said anything because your reasons have no bearing on choosing the best crew possible for this mission. I happen to believe that you should be one of those chosen and I’m certain my daughter will also be chosen to go on the mission. Joshua says you should tell us something that’s relevant to this issue and if he’s telling you that, I believe it’s something important. But even putting that aside, my daughter is going to be on this mission and I sincerely believe you should go with her.” Taffy opened her mouth and Grady said, “Shut your mouth! You’ve already offended Robert with no evidence and I’m ashamed of your behavior.” Grady turned back to Robert, “Please tell us why you waited.” Robert stared at Grady and Grady said, “Please. I don’t want to send Cami out without the best person going with her.”

  Robert stared at Grady and Joshua said softly, “Robert, tell them.”

  Robert glanced at Cami and saw her staring at him with wide eyes. He blew out a breath and turned to Grady. “When I was ten-years-old, my father contracted Lyricks disease.” Robert saw everyone’s expression and explained, “Lyricks Disease is caused by minute radiation particles that enter the blood stream. My father worked at one of the construction facilities on New Britannia fueling the reactors. A sharp piece of metal punctured his suit and the particles entered his blood, there is no cure for Lyricks. The particles move through out the body adhering to the major organs and immediately start degrading them. The pain isn’t too bad at first, but it grows progressively worse over time. By the time I was twelve, his pain was intolerable. My mother was grief stricken by what he was going through and considered killing herself numerous times but refused to leave him alone. She suffered greatly watching him wither away.”

  Robert took a deep breath and then continued, “There was only one way to reduce his pain. I would enter his mind each day and numb the pain centers in his brain; it allowed him to rest and at times sleep. I entered New Britannia Tech when I was thirteen as a day student. I lived with my family and went home every day to help my father with his pain. I graduated with a doctorate when I was sixteen and my father died the day I graduated. I stayed with my mother for two years stopping her numerous times from ending her life.” Robert’s eyes were moist and he forced himself to continue. He took a breath and released a huge sigh, “When I was eighteen, she had come to terms with his death and I entered the Academy and revealed my telepathic ability.”

  Robert’s head was down, and the room was silent. Taffy was shaking her head and she said, “I apologize. I was wrong for what I said. Will you accept my apology?”

  Robert looked up at her, “No, I will NOT! You made a mockery of what I went through caring for my family and forced me to relive it. I don’t know what’s inside you, but I believe it’s evil.”

  Taffy lowered her head and Grady turned to Robert, “You aren’t the only one that has been forced to suffer becaus
e of your family!” Robert turned to him, “My wife was forced to stand by and allow our ten-year-old daughter to go out and put her life in danger. She didn’t sleep much while Cami was gone, and she prayed every night that she wouldn’t be killed. Now you show up and it’s clear if you had revealed yourself she wouldn’t have had to endure those sleepless weeks and months. She’s suffered every bit as much as you have and if you can’t understand her reaction, you need only look at your reaction to her apology. There is nothing evil in my wife’s heart. If anything, she loves too much.”

  Robert stared at Grady, then looked at Cami and saw her tears for her mother. He took a breath and turned back to Taffy, “There’s been too much suffering for all of us. I understand why you said what you did. I accept your apology and ask that you forgive me for my reaction.” Taffy looked up with tears in her eyes…and nodded.

  Charlie waited a moment and then said, “I still believe we should go on this mission.”

  The tense atmosphere cleared, and Robert jerked his head around to Cami. She lowered her eyes and Robert said, “You need to tell them!”

  Cami looked up at Robert and then at Charlie and Sweets. She turned back to Robert and shook her head, “I just can’t.”

  Sweets watched them and said, “Tell us what?”

  Robert stared at Cami and said, “This should come from you.”

  “What should come from her?” Charlie demanded.

  Robert saw Cami wasn’t going to do it, so he turned to Sweets, “You’re pregnant and your child is a telepath; a rather strong telepath.”

  Sweets’ mouth fell open and she shook her head, “I’m not pregnant!”

  Cami sighed, “Yes, you are.” Sweets looked at Charlie with his mouth open and she turned back to Cami shaking her head. Cami released a large sigh, “It’s only been going on for about four weeks. But I can sense the growing telepathic aura coming from you.”


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