The Wages of War

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The Wages of War Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “Good evening Grady. I didn’t know you were present. The beauty of using this system is that it frees up all the reactors on the ship to power the blasters’ generators. The ship will be powered by the dark matter tanks and the weapons will be powered by the reactors. And since most space battles are never fought at maximum speed, the ship will be quite deadly.”

  “What do you mean by quite deadly, Joshua?”

  “The blasters will have a reactor powering each one of them instead of powering three like in our current warship.”

  “Are you suggesting it will be three times more powerful?” Taffy asked.

  “Taffy, it’s good to hear you. You must come visit soon.”

  “I will Joshua; is it?”

  “It can be, but we have to change the barrels in the blasters to take full advantage of the additional power. We’re hoping to complete the new barrels in another two weeks. We’ll make the changes to them then.”

  “I thought the blaster barrels we’re currently using were the best we could make,” Grady remarked.

  “They are for the power being fed to them. But if you need to punch a large hole in an enemy ship from short range, the focus has to be able to be changed. And if you want to hit a ship at long range, the focus must be tightened.”

  “What’s the range of this new blaster?”

  “Taffy, it has three times the range of the current blaster we’re using but that is only true if the ship is using the dark matter tanks to provide power to the generators and gravity drives. If the reactors have to be used, the range is similar to what it is currently.”

  “Why would you ever use the reactors to power the ship if that’s the case?”

  “You may be fighting a battle in open space between galaxies and there’s not much dark matter available there,” Joshua answered.

  “What about maximum speed?”

  “That remains the same when using the reactors to power the gravity drives Grady. That will only increase if we discover a more powerful reactor, which we haven’t done yet.”

  “So, if you had to say, what makes this new ship better than the current warship?”

  “That’s a good question Cami. For one thing, it will be the most powerful ship weapon-wise when operating inside a galaxy. And it will be virtually undetectable when using the dark matter tanks to power the ship.”

  “Isn’t our current ship undetectable?” Cami responded.

  “This civilization you’re going out to scout in Andromeda detected Admiral Brown’s vessel. And the Stealth Civilization could detect our gravity drives through our stealth technology. This ship will not emit anything that could be detected,” Joshua explained.

  Cami looked at Robert as she thought, “Thank you Uncle Joshua.”

  “No problem. Taffy, Grady, come to see me.”

  “We will,” Grady replied.

  Cami’s eyes narrowed as she said to Robert, “You deliberately made it difficult to understand.”

  Robert smiled, “Joshua has a way of explaining things that I lack.”

  “That’s not true! You wanted me to try and contact him telepathically! You were testing me!”

  Robert raised his hands, “and you came through like a champ.”

  Taffy watched them and asked, “What’s going on?”

  Cami turned to her, “Robert is trying to improve my telepathic talent. He set me up to see if I could contact Joshua.”

  Taffy glanced at Robert and said to Cami, “You’ve not been able to contact people in the past when there are large numbers of people around you.” She paused and remarked, “That’s what you did earlier today when you told me you were going to be late?” Cami nodded.

  “How do you do it?”

  “I block out the thoughts around me and focus on the one I want to contact.”

  Grady sat up straight, “You’re able to block the thoughts around you?” Cami turned to him and nodded. “Don’t you think the other telepaths would like to know how to do this? I know they have to keep their helmets on to block out the roar of thoughts around them.”

  Cami turned to Robert and he shook his head, “I don’t believe they can be taught how to do it Sir.”

  “Why not?” Taffy asked.

  Robert was clearly struggling to answer, and he finally replied, “It takes a powerful telepathic talent to do it. Most, if not all the other telepaths don’t possess that much power.” Taffy and Grady stared at him and both blinked at the same moment. “It’s like what RJ said. All humans will one day be telepaths and if he’s right they will appear in waves among humanity. The first wave of telepaths appeared about fifty or so years ago and they’ve continued showing up since that time. I believe that Cami and I are part of the second wave and possess a much more developed telepathic talent; Sweets’ baby is also going to be one of the second wave telepaths.”

  Cami turned to Robert, “Are you saying we’re the only ones?”

  “No, I said we may be the first ones.”

  “How do you know none of the other telepaths aren’t in the second wave?”

  “Cami, you’ve been around all of them and have you sensed any of them with your level of range and power?”

  Cami’s brow furrowed and then she started shaking her head, “No; I’ve not sensed anyone with my range…other than you. But your range is much longer than mine. I might be a part of the first wave.”

  “Cami, my range is no longer than yours and my telepathic power is not greater. The only difference between us is that my talent has been developed through a lot of work and practice. You will catch up with me if you continue to work on developing your skills.” Robert paused and his brow furrowed.

  “What are you thinking?” Taffy asked.

  “There might be some telepaths in the Colonies that are as powerful as we are. As I think about it, I suspect there probably are more than just two there.”

  “Why do you think that?” Cami inquired.

  “Because their populations are a lot higher than Britannia’s. If the second wave is starting, then there must be some in the Colonies.”

  “Do you think you could find them?”

  Robert turned to Grady and shrugged, “Probably. But not before we leave to carry out this mission. When we return, we’ll go and see what we can find out.”

  Grady nodded and looked at Taffy. She read his expression; Sweet’s baby was one of them and might be forced into dangerous missions in the future.

  • • •

  Robert and Cami were in orbit above Britannia on board their new ship. They were running it through its initial trials, and they had been at it for six days. On the first day, Robert turned to her and said, “You have all you need now to start increasing the range of your telepathy.”

  “Tell me how to do it.”

  “The things that most shortens your range are thoughts around you. Even the thoughts of your crew can limit your range due to having to block them out. Now that you know how to block out thoughts, you can start working on extending your range. Start by blocking all the thoughts emanating from Britannia. Once you do that, focus on the thoughts of the crews in warships above Britannia. Then work on finding the commander of each warship one-by-one. You’ll have to block all the other ships out and focus on finding the individual you’re seeking. You can work on that for a while until you get the feel for it.”

  • • •

  Cami worked on finding the ship commanders for three days until she had it down pat. She told Robert and he smiled. “Next, block out all the thoughts close to Britannia and see if you can find the scouts out holding position at the edge of Britannia’s star system. Once you find them, and you will, search for the commander of the scouts stationed there.”

  Cami found the scouts a day later and began searching for the officer commanding the scouts. She had to sleep during the process and discovered that finding the scouts again was easily done. Apparently her range had been improved dramatically when she sought them the day before. She found th
e commander on the sixth day when she didn’t block any of the scouts’ thoughts and wished she could hear the commander.

  She saw Robert was close to finishing the systems check out and she wondered if she could hear any thoughts beyond the scouts. She blocked out the scouts’ thoughts and looked out of the viewport toward the distant black hole. She closed her eyes and listened carefully. Robert saw her and wondered what she was doing; what was she focusing so hard on hearing? He turned back to his console and checked the integrity of the dark matter tanks. Everything was checking out perfect.


  Robert jerked his head around and Cami started speaking rapidly, “I wanted to see if I could hear anything beyond the scouts and I focused on the black hole. I didn’t sense anything but a few moments ago, I began hearing thoughts and they’re coming from a Grang Scout. I can’t believe that…”

  “Cami! Slow down.”

  Cami stopped talking and Robert looked out of the viewport. After a moment he turned to her, “You’re right and he’s not the only one. The Grang are sending numerous scouts over the black hole to search for habitable planets and the one you’re hearing is headed directly toward us.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  Robert shook his head and pressed the communicator. After a moment, he turned if off and said, “What the hell am I doing?” He looked toward Britannia and Cami listened in to his thoughts, “SIR! CAMI HAS DETECTED A GRANG SCOUT MOVING OVER THE TOP OF THE BLACK HOLE HEADED IN OUR DIRECTION. THE GRANG ARE SENDING OUT SCOUTS TO SEARCH FOR HABITABLE PLANETS!”

  “Where is it?” Grady asked in surprise.

  “It just moved over the top of the black hole and should be here within seven to eight days depending on whether it stops to investigate another star system.”


  “Yes Sir, both of us are hearing the scout.”


  • • •

  Cami looked at Robert, “Do you think Britannia can avoid being detected?”

  “You know we’ve practiced shutting everything down since the first settlers arrived. We’re about to find out if it’s possible.” Robert’s expression changed and he pressed Grady’s frequency.

  Chapter Seven

  Grady appeared on the ship’s wall monitor and Robert quickly said, “Sir, I believe that Cami and I should go out and follow it into Britannia. If it detects anything, we’ll destroy it.”

  “That should only happen as a last resort,” Grady replied.

  “I know Sir.”

  “You will remain in orbit above Britannia until the planet goes dark. You will then move around the planet and perform an active scan to see if you can detect anything on the surface. Once that’s done, you may go out, intercept the scout, and follow it in.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Cami was focused on the scout and said, “It appears the Grang Leaders want to find a habitable planet to build a military base to act as a buffer to anyone moving toward the galaxy’s core.”

  “Since the Triangulum Scouts stopped coming five years ago, they feel safe enough to start expanding to this side of the black hole,” Robert remarked. “Cami, have you checked out your weapons?”

  “I completed that six days ago.”

  “Did you fire the blasters?”

  “The protocol didn’t call for it.”

  “Start firing them and adjust the settings until you know them like the back of your hand.”

  Cami stared at Robert and then said, “You know I outrank you, right?”

  Robert shrugged, “Ok.”

  He turned back to his panel and Cami sighed, “Rank is about the only thing I have on you. I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

  “That was then; this is now. You detected that scout and I have nothing on you anymore.”

  Cami shook her head slightly, “You’re able to see things I miss. Firing the blasters is something I should have thought of and didn’t. In the future, we’ll work together as equals in getting things done.”

  “While you’re working with the blasters, I’m taking the ship out to see how it handles at top speed with the reactors and dark matter systems.” Cami nodded and powered up her console. Robert found a group of asteroids closer to Britannia’s star and Cami practiced targeting them and vaporizing them as he flew past them at high speed. After several hours, Cami remarked, “I’m glad we’re doing this; it isn’t easy to lock on a target at this speed.” Robert nodded and continued moving around the asteroids.

  • • •

  The five days passed quickly, and Grady contacted Robert, “You may start your active scan of Britannia now.”

  Robert moved the ship into orbit above Britannia and started the scan. After three orbits, he contacted Grady, “Sir, I’ve scanned three locations on the surface of Britannia.”

  “Where are they located?”

  “All three are located next to the former capital city.”

  “What you’re seeing are the last remaining above ground doors that are moving the last of the farm equipment underground; they’ll be closed tomorrow. You are free to go and follow that Grang Scout into our star system.”

  “Thank you Sir. We’re leaving now.”

  “Stay safe.”

  Robert turned to Cami as he moved out of orbit and increased speed, “Keep your weapons on standby and we’ll take our sleep in our chairs until this is over.”

  Cami’s brow furrowed and she said absently, “The scout is still three days out from Britannia.”

  “I know. We’ll try to get enough rest over the next two days before it arrives at the planet. If you need to sleep let me know and I’ll do the same.” Robert paused and smiled slightly, “I’m issuing orders and you’re the ranking officer here.”

  “Will you just forget that! We’ll both make suggestions and do what we think is best. You’re piloting the ship so you will be in command of any combat maneuvers we engage in.”

  “I’ll still let you know what I’m planning before I make any moves.”

  “That’s fine but once the blasters start firing, you will make the critical decisions.”

  Robert nodded and turned back to his console. He thought, “We should listen to the two Grang on that scout until this is done.”

  “I’ve not stopped,” Cami replied. “Britannia is as far as the scout is moving away from the galaxy’s core.”

  Robert smiled, “Let’s hope they don’t decide to use Britannia to settle.” The ship flew out at full speed and moved in outside the scout’s scanning range. Robert turned to Cami, “I’m going to take the first rest break. Let me know if you need to take a break.” Cami nodded and activated the pilot controls on her console.

  • • •

  They took rest breaks until the scout approached Britannia’s star system. Robert woke Cami and said, “They’ve begun their approach to Britannia, and they’ve determined that it is a habitable planet.” Cami focused and nodded as she put her combat helmet on.

  • • •

  The pilot of the scout saw the planet growing larger on the scanner’s monitor and turned to his scanning officer, “Can you detect anything from this far out?”

  “There is a low level of residual radiation on the planet’s surface.”

  “Is it dangerous?”

  The Scanner looked at his display and turned back to him, “No, it’s not at a dangerous level. It appears the former Core Civilization attacked this planet some time ago. I’m seeing numerous cities that have been blasted into ruins.”

  “Any intelligent life on the surface?”

  “We’ll have to get closer to make that determination.” Two hours passed and the Scanner said as he stared at his monitor, “I’m not detecting any intelligent life on the planet. The Core Civilization was extremely efficient at removing intelligent civilizations from a planet’s surface.”

  The pilot nodded and turned to his controls, “I’m going to make an orbit around the planet and let me know if you detect anything.”

  • • •

  Robert looked at Cami, “Be ready to attack that scout if they decide to notify their leaders about using the planet for a military base.”

  • • •

  The pilot completed the orbit and the Scanner said, “This planet will be a good site for a base.”

  • • •

  Robert reached for the thruster controls and Cami raised a hand, “Hold on!”

  Robert’s eyes narrowed and he heard the Pilot say to the Scanner, “What are you going to put in your data about this planet?”

  The Scanner shrugged, “That it is habitable and has been attacked in the past by the Core Civilization.”

  “And what do you think will happen if you do that?” the Pilot asked.

  “What are you saying?”

  “If this planet is chosen to be a forward base, who do you think will lead the builders here?”

  The Scanner paused and then replied, “We would lead them here. We found the planet and we’ll be ordered to lead our forces here.”

  “Have you considered how far out this planet is from our families. We will be ordered to remain here until the base is built and we’re too far away to make trips back to be with them. We could be forced to remain here years while the base is being built.”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “The other scouts have found habitable planets for a base and none of them are this far out. The odds are good they will choose this planet. Why don’t we just say the planet will be habitable after the radiation fades?” The Scanner stared at him and the Pilot added, “We wouldn’t be lying…the planet still has residual radiation. Just say it will be ready in a few years for habitation and they’ll select another planet to build the base.”


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