The Wages of War

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The Wages of War Page 15

by Saxon Andrew

  “The obvious answer is they didn’t like their life on Melbourne,” Cami replied.

  “Why wouldn’t they like it?” Robert pressed.

  Cami shrugged, “The Colonies do have numerous laws that govern their society.”

  “So, the two colonies didn’t like having their lives controlled or directed by an outside agency. For the Britannians, it was like being ruled by an outsider. For the Americans, it was similar to living as slaves under the Fagan; neither of them were comfortable with the culture on Melbourne.”

  Cami stared at Robert and he said, “What do you think Melbourne thought about that?”

  “They probably didn’t like New Britannia being independent.”

  “No, and they sent a fleet to investigate New Britannia’s defenses.”

  “But the Prime Minister that ordered it was voted out of office and imprisoned,” Cami interjected. “And now Britannia and the Colonies are close allies.”

  “I’ve not said anything about what motivates the Colonies. If you had to say, what would you believe does motivate them?”

  “They want to be safe, just like us.”

  “You’re partially right. The moment Melbourne was colonized, they began building up warships to use against Earth if it showed up. They focused on eliminating anyone that represented a threat to them. That feeling motivated them for centuries and it’s not something that disappears with time. That Prime Minister saw New Britannia as a possible threat, and he was only doing what the history of Melbourne drove him subconsciously to do.”

  “What are you saying Robert?”

  “If Melbourne and the Colonies that came from it are driven to be safe; who could possibly be a threat to them?”

  “Well, the Stealth Civilization, the two Core Civilizations, the civilization in Triangulum, and whatever is in Andromeda for starters.”

  “Ok; let’s assume all of those are defeated and removed. Who would represent a threat to them?” Robert asked.

  “You can’t be serious?”

  “Answer the question Cami!”

  “The only two civilizations that are powerful enough would be Earth and New Britannia. But neither of them are a danger to the Colonies.” Robert stared at her in silence and she started shaking her head, “Robert, you aren’t right about this. We’re all the same species.”

  “Earth was the same species and Melbourne built up their forces against them for centuries. Being the same species doesn’t hold the weight you think it does.”

  “But we’re close allies now!”

  “Cami, that’s why history is important. Look at where they came from and understand that those motivations will not go away. If we’re not a part of them, then we could be a threat.”

  “You have no proof of this; you’re purely speculating.” Robert was silent and Cami stared at him for a long moment before asking, “You know something?”

  “The Colonies elected a new Prime Minister six months ago. He’s more of a warrior than the previous PM and has taken over the leadership of the military from Admiral Tarangelo. A friend of mine from the Academy received a message from him three months ago and transferred it to Grady. He had to listen in; in order to transfer it. He contacted me and told me what was said.”

  Cami’s expression showed concern, “Go on.”

  “The Prime Minister told Grady that the use of telepathic communicators to contact the Colonies needed to end immediately. He understood that a civilization in Andromeda can track it and he didn’t want to run the risk of the Colonies’ locations being revealed. Grady responded that most of the military developments were shared over the telepathic communicator. The Prime Minister said that Britannia would need to develop their own fleets and the Colonies would do the same. If a clear and present danger or threat to either of them presented itself, then using the telepathic communicators would be acceptable. However, sending Britannia Warships to the Colonies should also be only done in extreme emergency. No one knew the level of technology of that civilization in Andromeda and he was charged with keeping the Colonies hidden.”

  “What did my father say?”

  “He agreed with the Prime Minister and thanked him for the Five Carriers. The Prime Minister deeded them to Britannia and said he needed the rest of his fleets to insure the safety of the Colonies.” Cami stared at Robert and he asked, “Does that sound like a close ally?”

  “They’re basically setting us up and only worrying about themselves.”

  “Yes, they are,” Robert replied. “I also suspect the Colonies have developed advanced technology they don’t want to share with us, and this gives them the perfect excuse not to do it.”

  “The Colonies forces tremendously outnumber us and if they have developed advanced technology they’re not going to share with us,” Cami paused, “Surely they won’t try to impose their will on Britannia.”

  “You’re leaving out Earth.”

  “Don’t tell me they’ve done the same thing to Earth?”

  “They have.”

  “How do you know?” Robert shrugged. “Don’t tell me your friend…”

  “Yes, he did.”

  “Why is he sharing top secret communications with you?”

  “Because he knows I’m going to Andromeda and doesn’t want me going there in the dark on what’s happening here.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “The Colonies know Britannia will be sending its most advanced Warship on this mission and I suspect the Colonies would love to see it and scan it. He was giving me a heads up to not allow that to happen. If we encountered a Colony Scout in Andromeda and didn’t know what was going on, we’d probably allow them to get a scan of this ship. That won’t happen now.”

  “The Colonies don’t have scouts in Andromeda, Robert!”

  “And you know this because…” Cami could only shake her head. “We’re back where we started Cami.” Cami stared into his eyes with a puzzled expression, “We’re a small island in space with only a powerful fleet to protect it against all outside threats. Our people have lived in that situation far back into humanity’s history and we’ll do it again.”

  “But we’re so outnumbered and outgunned.”

  “Not really.”

  “How can you say that?!”

  “Cami I find it interesting that Joshua and Grady didn’t update our warship with Dark Matter until after the Prime Minister stopped communications. The ship we’re on is only the first of all the others that will be converted to the new technology. Our blasters are more powerful than any ever built; our speed is faster as well. With dark matter drives, we’re truly undetectable and I suspect there isn’t an advanced civilization in Andromeda that can match up against us. It’s not how many, it’s what you have that counts.”

  “You can’t know that?”

  “Cami, I know that ship you recorded can’t stand up to this ship.”

  “How do you know that?!”

  “The data doesn’t support it’s more powerful. I’ll show you what I mean but do you understand why history is so important?”

  “It explains what’s happening now.”

  “Without it, we may have bought into the Colonies’ explanation. With it we know they’re setting us up for a future date after all the conflicts have been resolved. You must know where you’ve been to know who you are. That applies to us, the Colonies, and Earth.”

  Cami nodded and knew that Robert was far more educated than her. It troubled her that he had that advantage but for the moment she was thankful he knew what was going on. She thought about it for a moment and then asked, “Why didn’t my father warn us about this?”

  “Because he couldn’t run the risk that what the Colonies are doing would get out to our forces; remember the five carriers have Colony Crews. I suspect Ronald ran by Grady telling me what he knew, and Grady agreed.”

  “What are we going to do about the crews on the Carriers?”

  “Give them the option of going home or serving in Bri
tannia’s Navy. Their families came with them to Britannia and I expect most of them will prefer to stay here. Those that don’t, will be sent home in the last ships we send to the colonies. At least that’s what I expect will happen.”

  “How do you know that ship won’t stand up to our weapons?”

  “I had the computer do an analysis of the lines around the landing bay and missile ports. Put enough pressure on them and they’ll collapse into the ship. I had the computer make a conservative estimate on how much blast pressure would be needed and its estimate was far below our current maximum blaster pressure. We can blast our way through its hull and without a force field, it can’t prevent it.”

  “Why didn’t you tell my parents about this discovery?”

  “Cami, you’re assuming that civilization is the most advanced in Andromeda. We have no real evidence that it is.”

  Cami was forced to agree with Robert. Cami sighed and remarked, “I’m really glad you are in command of this mission.” Robert smiled slightly and turned back to his console.

  Chapter Ten

  Two days later, Cami saw Andromeda filling the viewport and she focused her attention on it. After a few minutes she turned to Robert, “I’m detecting a loud roar of thoughts moving out of the interior of Andromeda and headed out high above the galaxy.” Robert looked at her as Cami closed her eyes and said, “The thoughts are coming from beings from the Stealth Civilization.”

  Robert’s brow furrowed and he focused on what Cami was hearing. After a moment, he said, “It appears the Stealth Civilization is making a run out of Andromeda with a huge number of colony ships. Can you get a line on the course they’re moving on?”

  Cami turned to her console and closed her eyes. “ I don’t need to; I’ve just heard the Fleet Commander say that they were to set course for the Small Magellanic Cloud.”

  Robert nodded and sat back in his chair. After a moment, he said, “One of our scouts is following that fleet.”

  Cami’s eyes widened slightly, and she nodded, “What do you think is going on?”

  “Contact the scout and ask them what’s going on.”

  “Why don’t you do it?”

  Robert smiled, “It will carry more weight coming from you; you outrank me.”

  Cami shrugged and thought, “Captain, I’ve detected you following the Stealth Civilization Fleet out of Andromeda. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “Admiral Henricks, I’ve been ordered by Senior Admiral Henricks to follow this fleet to the Small Magellanic Cloud and inform the Colony Forces there of the course they’re taking. How were you able to detect my scout?”

  “I didn’t detect your scout; I heard your thoughts; do you have your telepathy shield operational?”

  “No Sir. We’re far outside the range of the Stealth Civilization’s telepathic range.”

  “I would highly recommend you activate it and keep it on until you contact the Colony Forces.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  Sharon looked up at Linda, “Oh that’s just great!”

  “Relax, she’s going on a scouting mission to Andromeda and won’t be thinking about our mistake.”

  “You better hope so, Linda.”

  “What’s done is done. I’m activating the field.”

  • • •

  Cami looked at Robert and smiled, “I’m not going to report them. They’ve done an outstanding job of scouting the Stealth Civilization.”

  • • •

  Linda suddenly heard another thought, “Captain, I want you to do something for me.”

  “And you are?” Linda asked.

  “Senior Captain Robert Robertson; I’m on the scout with Admiral Henricks. We believe that the Colonies have developed advanced technology and I want you to record the coming confrontation between the Colony Fleet and the Stealth Fleet. Once you report the course the Stealth Fleet is taking to the Colony Commander inform him you’re headed back to Andromeda to continue your scouting mission. Do not allow your ship to be detected near the battle and send your recordings directly to Senior Admiral Grady Henricks once it’s over.”

  “Wouldn’t it be easier to just ask them about any technological advances Sir?”

  “Possibly, however, carry out my orders.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “You may put up your blocking field now.”

  Linda activated the field and their thoughts disappeared.

  • • •

  “Why would he issue those orders?”

  Linda shrugged, “I have no idea and honestly, I don’t want to know. We’ll keep our distance from the coming battle and do as we’re ordered. We’re shutting down our power at the edge of our optical scanning range and keep it off until the battle is over.”

  “I hate living in a space suit.”

  “Get over it, Sharon. Make sure you eat a huge meal before we shut it all down. Before we transmit any information to Grady Henricks, we’ll wait until there’s no one around to hear us do it.”

  “We’re spying on our allies.”

  “I know that Sharon! But there has to be a reason for it and I’m not going to question what those reasons might be. I’m also not taking any chances we’ll be detected doing it.

  • • •

  “Robert, you know the Colony Fleet will have telepathic scouts with them.”

  “I do. But now that they’ve activated their telepathic blocking field, they won’t be detected. Those two scouts are experienced enough to not be detected.”

  “Do you think the Colony Warships will be using advanced technology?”

  “Cami, I’m just guessing that they’ve developed something new because it’s the only thing that makes sense to cause the Colonies to stop communicating with us. I could be wrong, but we’ll see after this is over.”

  “We won’t find out until we get back to Britannia.”

  “That’s ok; Grady will know and that’s what’s important.”

  Cami sighed and said, “You were right.”

  “About what?”

  “There are four Colony Scouts located near the course we’re going to take to the location of those twelve warships we encountered.”

  “How were you able to detect them?”

  “They’re using telepathy to communicate and set up on the course we’ll be taking. The Commander just ordered them to go silent and to keep their new scanner searching for our approach.”

  “That would indicate they have a means of detecting us in spite of our stealth systems,” Robert replied.

  “That’s not something we can do,” Cami remarked.

  “We need to see if we can find out what they’re using.”

  “If it works, they’ll be able to scan our new warship,” Cami mused.

  “Cami, I believe this new Colony scanner must be able to detect the energy being used by our ship. We’ll shutdown the reactors and go to the Dark Matter power system. Let’s see if they can detect us if we do that.” Robert looked up, “Computer, I want you to scan every possible frequency and tell us if you detect anything out of the normal frequencies.”

  “Working,” the computer answered.

  “Where are they Cami?”

  Cami put four blue dots on the tactical monitor, “That’s their last locations before they started blocking their telepathy.”

  Robert turned the ship toward them, “They’re expecting us. Evidently, someone on Britannia has sent word to the Colonies of our departure and they’ve estimated the time of our arrival.”

  Robert activated the optical scanner and focused it on the closest blue dot. “I’m moving in on the closest scout and see if it can detect us.”

  “How will you know if it can?”

  “They’ll activate an active scan attempting to get a look at our ship.” Robert looked up, “Computer, if you detect an active scan, immediately activate our force field to full power.” Robert looked at Cami, “I don’t think they’ll be able to see through the force field and with
the new adapter Joshua put in the system, their scans should be routed around us. Are you ready?”

  “I’m on the optical scanner at maximum range. Do you think we’ll be able to see them?” Cami asked.

  “We’ll have to get really close for that to happen. Let me know if you see anything.” Cami nodded and focused on her combat helmet.

  • • •

  Jamison stared at the new scanner’s display and his weapons officer looked at him, “Why are we here?”

  Jamison sighed, “Because we’ve been ordered to do this.”

  “Britannia is not an enemy of the Colonies!”

  “Bill, I know that but evidently Britannia has the Prime Minister worried for some reason.”

  “I hate this!” Bill paused and asked, “When do you anticipate their arrival?”

  “Tomorrow or the next day. That’s why I’ve ordered communication silence now.”

  “We’ve only just arrived.”

  “I know; evidently our Commanders only just received word that Britannia’s scout was launched three days ago.”

  “Do you think they could possibly get here sooner?”

  Jamison shrugged, “Their scouts have the same maximum speed of our Garrions. It would take them this long to arrive. We were with the fleet outside the Milky Way which gave us enough time to get here and set up.”

  “What happens if we detect them?”

  “I’ve been ordered to do an active scan of the scout they sent.”

  Bill scowled, “And just how are you going to explain that? You know they’ll detect it.”

  “I’ll simply say we’ve been watching for that advanced civilization in Andromeda to send more ships on this course. If they don’t like it…,” Jamison raised his hands and shrugged.

  “This is stupid!”

  “I told you we have no choice; we must follow our orders.”

  “That’s one reason this is stupid, but have you figured out why they want us to scan this scout they’ve sent?”

  “Fleet must believe that this new scout is more advanced than their other ships. They want to find out if Britannia has developed anything and withheld it from us.”

  “Well, if it’s more advanced, do you not think it might also be faster and has already arrived and passed us?”


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