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The Assassins guild 3: The Rage of the brotherhood

Page 27

by Saxon Andrew

  “You should put your dresses back in the backpack.”


  “Because I like the way you look in them, Ryshana.”

  Ryshana smiled and said, “You could just leave them and the backpack and make it easier to get through the thickets.”

  “That backpack goes with me!!” Ryshana flinched at his tone. “That backpack brought us together and I knew at the first moment that I needed you to carry it. It’s something very special,” Jab added.

  Ryshana’s smile was soft as she packed her clothing again. She had tears in her eyes as Jab said, “Module, everything said on this ship is about to be recorded. I’m going to be Borgt now.” Ryshana nodded and saw him raise his hand. Jab said in Borgt’s voice, “There’s another ship moving toward us. I wonder why they followed us here.” He lifted her off the floor after he opened the entry port. “Let’s go see who it is,” he added as he took her hand and ran out of the entry port. He left all the systems active and he pulled her into the edge of the forest, as they ran away from the ship. They soon arrived where they had first met, and he shined a light out of his communicator on the ground; he smiled and found what he was seeking. He stripped off his uniform and boots to make a pile on the ground. He took the weapon he was carrying and fired it into the clothing. They quickly went up in flames and melted into the soil. He went over to where Ryshana had been laying when Borgt beat her and examined the ground. He made sure he was at the exact place and then turned to Ryshana, “Give me the dress you were wearing on the flight here.” Ryshana pulled it out of the backpack and handed it to him. He burned it and pulled her toward the thicket. The going was difficult, but the fabric of their grey outfits was not punctured. After a short time, they arrived at his ship and he opened the port. He crawled in and Ryshana followed him, “You call this a ship?” she asked with a sarcastic tone.

  “It’ll do in a pinch.” Jab began activating the tiny ship’s controls and said subvocally, “Lincoln.” He waited and received no response. He repeated, “LINCOLN, DO YOU HEAR ME!?” Once again, there was no response.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Ryshana asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “My pickup ship isn’t responding.” Jab raised the Ninja off the ground and moved it out from under the copse of trees. He lifted it above the thickets and moved it out into the forest continually moving upward when an opening appeared. He arrived above the trees and said, “LINCOLN, DO YOU COPY?!”


  Jab released the breath he was holding, “Frank! It’s so good to hear your voice!”

  “I’m having the Captain start moving the ship to where we dropped you off.”

  Jab whispered, “Connect Ryshana,” and then started speaking again; Ryshana was startled when she heard the new voice. “Frank, I tried to contact you on the ground and you didn’t respond.”

  “We’re a long way out from the planet, Jab. Something must have been blocking the signal. It shouldn’t be a problem as we move closer,” Frank explained.

  “I’m moving the Ninja in to orbit. I’ll contact you from there.”

  “We’re standing by.” There was a pause and then he heard Frank ask, “The Captain wants to know if you completed your mission.”

  “I did, Frank.” Jab moved the Ninja higher into the atmosphere while Ryshana stared out of the viewport. She watched the forest and community below them growing smaller by the second. Soon, she saw the curvature of the planet and the brightly glowing cities scattered on the surface far below them. She had never been in any ships but the small ships that ferried her family to the city to be with her father when he was alive. She flew in the ship Jab used to take her to the city and back, but she had never been this high in her life. She whispered, “How can something so beautiful be so ugly?” Jab heard her but didn’t have an answer to her question.

  Ryshana saw the stars appear all around them; they were brilliant against the darkness of space. Her mouth hung open in wonder as she heard Jab say, “Lincoln, I need a path to your location.”

  “Gibbs here, Jab. Are you out of the atmosphere?”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “I’m sending you a squeal transponder beam in three, two, one…”

  Jab focused on the small monitor on his panel and saw a bright white light stab across it. He dove the Ninja to it. turning toward the direction it originated. He picked up speed and said, “I need another beam,” Jab requested.

  Jab saw the beam shoot over the top of the Ninja and he raised the ship instantly and moved on top of it. He locked the controls and reduced speed.”

  “Why are you slowing down?”

  Jab glanced over at Ryshana, “The ship we’re meeting to is difficult to see. I don’t want to run into it.” Ryshana nodded and turned her eyes outside of the viewport. Suddenly she pointed and yelled, “There it is!”

  Jab squinted as he searched to see what she was pointing at. After a few moments, he finally saw the Lincoln directly ahead; her eyes were better than his, a lot better. He moved the Ninja in closer, “Frank, I’m moving the Ninja in; lower the antenna and I’ll grapple the Ninja to it.”

  “Damn, that ship is impossible to see!” Frank muttered. “Lowering the antenna. Let me know when you’re attached.”

  Jab flew in slowly and used the bow grapple to grab the base of the antenna, “We’re on! Time to get out of here!”

  Gibbs started the Lincoln moving forward maintaining a slow acceleration; he didn’t want to cause the Ninja to snap off the antenna. He smoothly accelerated, while keeping his eyes on his monitor, and said, “Frank, give me an escape track!” Frank pressed the green button on his console and a green track appeared on Gibb’s monitor. It moved at a ninety-degree angle directly below them. Gibbs shook his head, “That one won’t work, Frank. I may lose the Ninja if I make that radical of a turn.” Frank pressed the green button again and Gibbs saw the track moving gently above the Lincoln. He moved the ship to it and slowly increased the power of the gravity thrusters.

  The Lincoln picked up speed and Frank announced, “We just passed the orbit the Brotherhood warships are maintaining. You’re clear to increase speed.”

  “I can’t go to phase speed,” Gibbs replied. “The ship must remain in normal space until the Ninja is on board.” The Lincoln increased speed and the planet disappeared far behind it.

  • • •

  Finally, Gibbs pressed the communicator, “Jab, I need to get you on board. I’m going to turn the ship, so the bay door is on the opposite side of the ships in orbit around the Brotherhood planet. Move around and be prepared to move the Ninja onboard. Frank, let me know immediately if any of those warships start moving.”

  Jab released the grapple and moved the Ninja slowly around to the port side of the Lincoln. He saw the landing bay door slowly opening and he quickly slid the Ninja inside before it opened half-way. “I’M IN! CLOSE THE DOOR!”

  Gibbs started the door closing and heard, “Captain, one of the Brotherhood warships is powering up its thrusters.” As soon as the door closed, Gibbs went to full phase speed and glanced at Frank seeing him glaring at his monitor. “It’s turning around, Sir.”

  Gibbs released a breath and turned to Harmony, “Go and greet our prodigal son. Lena, take her console.”

  • • •

  Jab moved the Ninja to the deck and used the grapple to lock the Ninja to a support post he originally used to anchor it. He waited and Ryshana asked, “Aren’t we getting out?”

  “Not until the landing bay pressurizes. All the atmosphere left when the bay door opened.” Ryshana nodded and watched Jab staring at his panel. Suddenly, a green light illuminated, and he started shutting down the ship’s systems. He slid out of his chair and smiled, “Follow me,” as he bent down and started moving toward the rear of the small ship.

  Jab crawled back toward the now open entry port and Ryshana crawled behind him. He arrived at the port and looked up to see Harmony standing
in front of him with a big smile. She reached in, snatched him out of the ship, and planted a huge kiss on his lips. Ryshana saw the kiss and her head flew back in surprise, as she heard the large woman say, “Welcome back! I’ve missed you!” Harmony hugged Jab so tight that he lost his breath. Harmony looked over Jab’s shoulder and saw a woman glaring at her in the open port, “Hello! Who are you?”

  Harmony dropped Jab and he bent over saying, “This is Ryshana, Harmony. Jab straightened up and managed to say, “I’m going to marry her.”

  Harmony jerked her head back around to Jab, “I told you to give me a chance before you left!”

  Jab bent over again and shook his head, “Sorry.”

  Harmony stepped around Jab and snatched Ryshana out of the port. Ryshana’s eyes flew wide open at her strength. Harmony put Ryshana on her feet and looked her over. She turned to Jab, “How do you expect me to compete with someone that looks like this?!”

  “I don’t, Harmony!”

  Harmony went back to checking out Ryshana. She knew she’d need an ax and a blaster to take on this powerful woman. “Oh well. Ryshana, you’ve got yourself a good man,” Harmony proclaimed with a big smile.

  Ryshana returned her smile, “I know.”

  “Well, let’s go introduce you to the crew; you are going to make quite an impression.” Harmony turned and headed toward the bridge.

  “What did she mean by that?” Ryshana asked and Harmony answered over her shoulder, “You need look nowhere but down.” Ryshana looked down and saw herself in the skintight grey outfit. She looked up with raised eyebrows and pursed lips as Jab responded, “You look fine.”

  Harmony looked back again and snickered, “Better than fine, Jab.” Ryshana jerked her head up to him and he could only shake his head. Harmony entered the bridge first and announced, “It appears our hero has found himself a wife!” Harmony walked to her weapons console and Lena stood up looking toward the portal as Jab stepped through holding a woman’s hand. Her eyes flew open; the only difference between her and the male members of the crew was their mouths also dropped open.

  The bridge was so silent you could hear the silent air handlers operating. Jab looked around and said, “This is Ryshana. She worked with me in carrying out my mission. Ryshana, this is Frank.” Frank’s face didn’t move. “This is Captain Gibbons.” Gibbons could only nod. Jab introduced Ryshana to the rest of the crew. Frank finally found his voice, “Did I hear Harmony correctly that you intend to marry her?”

  Jab nodded, “As soon as I find someone authorized to do it.”

  Harmony interjected, “Captain Gibbons can do it.”

  “Nope!” Frank chimed in immediately. “The Admiral will have to do it.”

  Gibbons and Jab turned their attention to him. “Why do you say that, Frank?!” Gibbs asked.

  Frank shrugged, “Well. Figure it out. She’s a member of the Brotherhood and we’re currently at war with them. I suspect he’ll want to question her before he authorizes them to get married.’

  Ryshana’s eyes narrowed and she spoke up angrily, “I am not a member of the Brotherhood!!”

  Frank sat back, “Uhhh…did you come from the planet that Jab just scouted.”


  “And does the Brotherhood control that planet?”

  Ryshana glared at him, “Yes!” she answered harshly.

  Frank shrugged and raised his hands, “Well, there ya go. You’re a Brotherhoodette.”

  Jab glared at Frank, “She wants them dead more than anyone on this ship, Frank?”

  Frank turned to Ryshana, “Is that true?”

  Ryshana’s expression showed something very few ever saw, pure, unadulterated hatred. Her eyes narrowed, and her smirk was something dangerous, “Indeed I do!”

  Frank turned to Gibbs, “OK. You can marry them. I’m on her side.”


  “Captain, that look can’t be faked. That lady really does want them dead. I believe that she wouldn’t hesitate to press the button to nuke their cities.” Frank turned to Ryshana, “Right?”

  Ryshana smiled, “Just show me how to do it!”

  Gibbs sighed. He had lost control of the moment and then Harmony added her two cents, “Why Jab, I do believe you’ve chosen a woman I can appreciate. She’s not as soft as I thought.”

  Ryshana turned to Harmony, “Thank you…I think.”

  Gibbs stood up, “Enough! Jab take her to your quarters and both of you change into a flight uniform. Lena, take one of your uniforms for her to put on. The Admiral will make this decision. Frank is right, this is not something I’m willing to risk.”

  Jab nodded and led Ryshana off the bridge. Gibbs turned to Frank, “Why do you always have to stir things up?!”

  “Comes with the job, Sir. I don’t know what the Brotherhood did to that woman, but I have absolutely no doubt that she would kill them all given the opportunity…or do you see it otherwise?”

  Gibbs saw the crew staring at him and he exhaled sharply, “Yes, I believe she would do it. But there’s more to her than just her hatred for the Brotherhood.”

  “Why do you say that?” Harmony asked.

  “Because Jab is in love with her. We all know who he is and know about his first marriage. If she was able to bring his heart back to life, then there’s a lot about her we don’t see…yet.” Gibbs returned to his console and said, “Frank, connect me with the Admiral.”

  “Coming right up!”

  • • •

  Tal watched the brotherhood fleets blasting the derelicts and heard his monitor ping. He looked up and saw the Lincoln’s monitor flashing. He touched it and smiled, “Captain Gibbons.”

  “Admiral, Jab has returned from the Brotherhood planet he was scouting.”

  “Do you know if he completed his mission?”

  “He says he did, Sir.”

  “Where are you headed?”

  “I’ve laid in a course to the Brazil’s current position, Sir.”

  “How long before you arrive”

  Six days, Sir.”

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Tal turned to Katy, “Lay in a course to the Brazil and Mila get us moving.”

  Ka turned around, “What’s going on?”

  “Jab is back on the Lincoln and Gibbs says he completed his mission. I want to sit down with him and see what he’s learned.”

  “Do you mind if I listen in?”

  “Not at all. I want you there.” Tal touched Jan’s monitor on his console, “Admiral. I’m headed back to the Brazil. Once everything is cleared up here, take your unit to the Brazil and have your ships provisioned.”

  “Yes, Sir. It shouldn’t be long.” Tal nodded and sat back in his chair. He arrived close to the same time as the Lincoln.

  • • •

  “Sissy!” Frank muttered. Gibbs rolled his eyes and turned to Frank as he continued poking him. “Why didn’t you tell him about Jab’s new friend.”

  “I believe I’m going to leave that up to Jab, Frank.”

  Frank stared at Gibbs for a long moment and then smiled, “I apologize, Sir. That is the right thing to do.”

  Gibbs looked around the bridge, “Alright, we have six days before we arrive. I want you working on the newest simulations and see if any of you can possibly beat one of them, how about it.”

  Harmony shook her head, “Those software scientists are demons.”

  “Give it your best effort. I know they’re impossible.” Gibbs set the autopilot and started his own simulation. The crew wasn’t alone in failing to complete the new simulations.

  • • •

  Ryshana sat in their quarters for the second day and was bored to tears. Jab was consolidating all the recordings he made, and she had nothing to do. She kissed him on the cheek and stood up, “Where are you going?”

  “I thought I’d walk up to the bridge and look around.”

  “Try not to disrupt them, love.”

ll stay out of the way.” Ryshana walked to the bridge and saw everyone staring intently into their consoles. Gibbs glanced over at her standing in the entrance and she asked, “Do you mind if I just look around.”

  “No, go ahead.” He turned back to his console and saw he had failed the simulation again; he had to start over. Ryshana walked up behind Harmony and asked, “Do you mind if I watch?” Harmony was focused on her monitor and quickly replied, “Go ahead.” Ryshana watched Harmony moving her head and body as she worked through the simulation. Ryshana saw a red dot moving around the monitor in front of her. She quickly figured out that the helmet Harmony was wearing projected the red dot wherever her eyes were pointed. She also noticed that when the red dot moved over a white or blue colored object on her screen, she would press a clicker in her right hand that left a red dot on the object. The number of white and blue objects moving toward Harmony on her screen were growing by the second. Ryshana thought this was really something. Suddenly, the screen turned bright white and the screen read, “Simulation Failed-Ship destroyed.”

  Harmony fell back in her chair and heard Ryshana giggle, “That looks like a lot of fun!” Gibbs and Frank didn’t look up from their monitors but both of them mumbled together, “Uh-oh!”

  Harmony turned around and smiled sweetly at Ryshana, “Fun, you say?” Ryshana nodded. “Would you like to give it a try?”

  “May I?” Ryshana asked excitedly

  Harmony glanced at Gibbs and Frank as she took off her helmet and said in a smooth voice, “Certainly. Take a seat.” Ryshana was oblivious to Harmony’s sarcasm and sat down in her chair. Harmony began, “This helmet…”

  “Emits a red dot where you turn your eyes,” Ryshana interrupted. “And if you press the clicker when the dot is on top of one of those white and blue thingies, it will stay on it.”

  Harmony glanced at Gibbs as she continued, “Those white and blue thingies are called blips. The white blips represent an enemy warship moving in to attack. The blue blips are missiles fired at your ship.”


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