Loot and Booty Box Set

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Loot and Booty Box Set Page 11

by Zeke Biddle

  Following close on the orcs’ heels is an enormous monster walking on its hands and knees through the arch leading to the tunnel on the opposite side of the chamber. Once it’s completely into the open space of the dome, though, it stands upright.

  “He’s got to be at least fifteen feet tall,” I say.

  “Fucking rock giants.” Alexandra spits to the ground beside her. “What’s the plan, Marcus?”

  Sometimes I forget I have to do things besides have sex and shoot fireballs.

  “Well…” I say sagely while scanning the room. “I don’t see any archers or magicians. We should probably stay close together. Might as well use this tomb thing as a barrier. Gillian, start shooting the fuck out of that big guy.”

  She starts firing immediately, but the arrows bounce harmlessly to the ground.

  “Scratch that. Hit the orcs. I’ll try to fry some, too, before they get to us. Eulalia, other side of the sarcophagus with me. Alexandra, out front, and just wait for them to get close enough to engage. We’ll deal with the big fuck when it gets within reach.”

  I send a lightning bolt into the crowd, hoping I can get away with killing several without wasting a lot of magic points. At least I think magic points are what the game is using. If only I could pull up the HUD and access the menus. Whatever is powering my magic, I know it has a limit, and not knowing that limit can get me killed.

  The lightning bolt zigzags until it finds an orc. The orc starts convulsing as the lightning passes through him. The electricity moves on in search of another target. In all, five of them take damage, and three die. The giant promises to be a real challenge, but at least his minions are weak.

  Since I can cast the weak lightning bolts pretty much all day, I unleash an electrical storm at the charging orcs.

  Between my magic and Gillian’s arrows, we kill all but three of the little fuckers before they reach us.

  Alexandra makes short work of those ones. Her sword flashes red with each hit. “Whoa, did you see that?”

  “Yeah, what’d it do?” I ask.

  “No idea, but it’s cool as fuck, huh? Now, what’s the plan for the giant?”

  I zap it with lightning, but it seems unaffected.

  I shoot it with fire, but that does no good, either.

  “Looks like you’re going to have to handle this one yourself, Alexandra.”

  “I hate you all,” she says, but drops down into a fighter’s stance and takes a few steady steps forward to greet him.

  When the giant swings his huge fist at her, she drops down under the punch and stabs at his legs, but her move doesn’t work. The sword clangs harmlessly against his rocky skin.

  “What if we just run across the room and through the opening they all came through?” Eulalia suggests. “If the door can open, it must be able to close. We’ll just trap it over here.”

  The giant has taken several more swings at Alexandra, and one finally hits, knocking her all the way back against the sarcophagus.

  “Wow. Guys, we might be screwed here,” she says with a groan.

  Eulalia jumps to Alexandra’s side and lays her hands on her to cast a healing spell, and just barely gets back to safety before the giant can crush her.

  “Maybe we just climb back up to the village on the ropes?” Gillian asks.

  “They might not even be there anymore,” I say. “But we should go back to the tunnel we came from. That thing probably can’t even fit in there.”

  “That’s stupid,” Alexandra shouts, dodging another blow. “If the ropes aren’t there, and the giant can get through the tunnel, we are literally dead. Besides, the doors are the same size. We have to go through the other door, and hope a better option presents itself deeper in the cave.”

  Just then, the door on the far side of the chamber slides shut.


  “God damn it!” Alexandra shouts. She uselessly stabs the giant’s toe, and rolls to the ground to avoid its fist.

  “To the tunnel!” I yell, dragging Alexandra back to her feet. “We’ll have to think of something.”

  Before we can make a move, the giant charges and shoves me backward, separating me from the rest of my party. The entrance to the tunnel we entered through is right behind me, and it’s the only hope I have of safety, so I turn and sprint through it.

  The giant drops to its hands and knees and follows me into the opening. Its body just barely fits, but somehow the fucker can still crawl forward.

  “I’m running to the ropes, I guess. Follow us, and pray for me!”

  The giant moves with ridiculous speed considering how awkward he looks, but I guess it makes sense: it’s a rock giant, after all. It forces me to sprint down the corridor and curse in a very Alexandra-like way. “Fucking rock giants.”

  There’s comfort in the curve of the hallway. As long as I don’t see the opening at the edge of the cliff, I’m relatively safe. Once I can see the mouth of the cave, I’ll officially be trapped. Even if I can grab a hold of the ropes, I won’t be able to pull myself up fast enough to avoid being grabbed by the long-armed monster grunting loudly behind me.

  I can’t just jump into the chasm. I’d rather get crushed or eaten than fall forever.

  Although, if there’s one cave, maybe there are others below. It’s not a risk I want to take, however. One cave system under the starting-point village is probably all the game developers designed.

  As I run, I keep my eyes open for any hidden doors, or even nooks I might be able to sneak into without the giant noticing, but the smooth walls are perfectly plain the entire way.

  “Lazy developers. Would it have killed you to—”

  My words are cut off when the opening to the cliff appears in the distance.

  I’m going to die.

  The giant hasn’t slowed one bit.

  Left with no time to come up with a plan, I decide to jump onto a rope and hope the villagers are still holding on and can pull me up. In other words, my plan is suicide.

  Or an eternal plummet if they aren’t there or I can’t hold onto the rope.

  My last few steps are choppy as I line up my leap. As soon as I jump, the crosswind from the chasm blows through my hair. Sunlight explodes all around, blinding me. I flail my arms, and grab the first thing I touch.

  It’s a rope! I’ve managed to grab the rope, and I swing out over the chasm.

  The giant continues charging straight after me. It shoots out of the opening, and then like a cartoon character, futilely pinwheels its arms and legs.

  I can’t help but laugh at the ridiculous sight and allow myself a chance to believe I’m going to survive the ordeal. I just need to wait for the tension in the rope to swing me back into the mouth of the cave. I’ll let go, and we’ll continue on our merry quest.

  Time slows down. It feels like I jumped yesterday, but I’m just starting to realize whatever the villagers tied the rope to wasn’t strong enough to hold me.

  I’m not swinging.

  I’m falling with the giant.

  Desperate for help, I summon my familiar.

  Taking control of the eagle so I can see through his eyes and control his body, I make him dive straight at the rope, unsure what the point is, but knowing any chance of me surviving hinges on him catching the end.

  I grab it with his beak and claws, and hold on like my wizard’s life depends on it. I mean, my life. The process of jumping into his head is very disorientating.

  Good bird.

  Already facing the cave, I see my party skid to a stop a few feet from the edge.

  Fly to them.

  The eagle banks and dives, and disobeys me. Instead of flying the rope to them, he flies it straight over their heads and keeps going deeper into the cave.

  Dumb bird.

  When he flies away from me as far as the rope allows, my falling body rips it from his beak, but the dumb bird’s plan ends up being way better than my own. He’s given the party much more time to find a section of the rope to grab.

; They don’t miss a beat, either. The last thing I see before I lose sight of the entrance as I continue falling is all three of them diving for the rope.

  And then my body jerks to a stop. I just barely manage to hold on, earning a nice rope burn for the effort.

  The giant reaches for me, reminding me of how little time has really passed, but because of my sudden stop, mistimes its grab. It grunts and screams as it continues to tumble.

  But I’m not falling anymore.

  It only takes a few seconds for the women working together to pull me back to the relative safety of the cave.

  We all grab each other for a group hug.

  Tears stream from my eyes as my adrenaline starts to fade, and I realize how close I was to death…or eternal falling.

  God, what a horrible way to die that would be.

  Alexandra is the first to break free from our huddle. “Wait a second. Did we get any experience for defeating the rock giant?”

  It’s interesting hearing her using more game lingo the longer we’re together.

  Gillian cocks her head. “But it’s not dead. It’s just falling.”

  “I hate this quest,” Alexandra says.


  We walk back to the domed room in silence. When we get there, the sliding door is still shut.

  Alexandra bangs against it with the butt of her sword. “Now what?”

  I shrug. “We waste a bunch of time figuring out how to open it. Come on.”

  A five-minute inspection yields nothing.

  Alexandra is the first to give up. She sits down a few feet away with her back to the wall. Eulalia, and even I, eventually join her.

  “New plan,” I say. “We wait for the door to open again, let the orcs storm past, and sneak through behind them.”

  “That’s a good plan,” Eulalia says.

  “Kill me now,” Alexandra groans.

  I snap. “What the hell’s wrong with you? You’re supposed to be the brave warrior. Can’t you just shut up and swing your sword at everything without all the moping? I never once bellyached like you’re doing back when I used to...be...a warrior.”

  “I’m just frustrated. We’re wasting time. This quest won’t get us any closer to the witch.”

  “But without quests like these, we’ll never grow strong enough to challenge Esmeralda. Last time we saw her, she laughed at us and only let us live out of pity. We’ve got to get much stronger before we should even think about approaching her again.”

  “Whatever. Fine. We’ll climb around in the caves like vermin just so we can someday challenge the witch, but you better be ready for an anger-fuck like you can’t even imagine once we get there, Marcus. I’ve got a lot of built-up frustration.”

  “Why don’t you just join in with us?” I offer once again. “Why put yourself through that misery? If this is a saving-your-virginity by avoiding dicks thing, I’m sure Eulalia and Gillian will happily pleasure you.”

  “Absolutely,” Eulalia says, threading her fingers through Alexandra’s.

  In the most shocking moment of the entire day so far, Alexandra doesn’t pull away, and instead rests her head on Eulalia’s shoulder. “I’m sure it would be amazing, but I can’t. It’s a long story. I don’t want to get into it.”

  “Hey!” Gillian shouts from over by the sliding wall where she’s been investigating for the last few minutes. “I found a button. Stand up and get ready, because I have no idea what’s going to be standing on the other side waiting for us when the door opens.”

  “Hold on,” Alexandra says in a numb voice. “You can’t go through there yet.”

  I groan. “We’ve been over this. Going back isn’t practical. Besides, even if we could, I wouldn’t. There’s an elf somewhere past that door who needs our help. If it were any of you, I’d fight through heaven and hell to save you. She doesn’t have anyone coming to rescue her if we abandon the quest. We’re her only hope of escaping the orcs and whatever else is down here.”

  Alexandra shakes her head. “That’s not what I meant. If we’re going to keep fighting shit, you all should fuck so we can use your harem buffs.”


  It’s all I can manage to say.

  Especially after her earlier melancholy about not being able to participate.

  “Go ahead. It’s for the benefit of the team. I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay.” I stretch the word out. “As long as Eulalia and Gillian are…oh.”

  Gillian has already stripped, and Alexandra is helping Eulalia out of her tight clothes.

  “I guess this is going to happen, isn’t it,” I say while removing my robe.

  “It’ll be fun,” Alexandra says. “Besides, since I’ll be in this harem someday, I might as well start paying attention to what I’ll have to work with.”

  When she cups her hands over Eulalia’s full breasts, my dick springs to attention, silently begging them to start making out.

  “Okay, ladies,” Alexandra says while flashing me a smirk. “Go work that dick. I’ll be over here taking notes and offering suggestions.”


  Knowing we could be attacked at any moment, I hurriedly slide my dick between Eulalia’s warm, soft pussy lips.

  We both moan in pleasure. Her hands clamp against my ass, and she pulls me deeper into her.

  “Fuck me hard, Marcus.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Alexandra cuts in. “That’s how you all fuck? Just wham bam to get to the buffs as quickly as possible? I might need to reconsider my harem options, if that’s the case.”

  Gillian, two of her fingers already deep inside herself while she waits for Eulalia and me to finish, blushes.

  “I was just trying to get it over with so you wouldn’t feel awkward,” I say sheepishly while looking straight down at Eulalia to avoid any eye contact with Alexandra.

  “Do I look like I’m feeling awkward?”

  I expect to see her staring judgmentally at my ass, ready to say something like I need to do more squats.

  Instead, she’s kneeling nearby, completely naked, pinching her nipples and giving them a rough tug.

  “Oh,” Eulalia says with a gasp. “You’re gorgeous.”

  “Damn right I am. And I’m sopping wet. I’ve been horny ever since we all met and haven’t touched myself once. That ends today. I can at least take care of my own needs no matter what the…well, never mind that. Now give me a show. Marcus, eat her pussy.”

  “You sure you don’t want me to just take care of—”

  “Did I stutter?” she asks, her voice nearly a screech as her fingers twist her nipples back and forth, and she bucks her hips against the air. “Lick that sweet pussy so I can imagine what it will feel like when I allow you to service me.”

  Blood pounds in my ears. The thought of being man enough for Alexandra and her aggressive demands makes my heart flutter. How can I possibly ever measure up for a woman who survives by wielding a sword for a living?

  Her demand is easy enough to comply with, though. It’s not like she told Gillian to stick the handle of her dagger into my ass or anything like that.

  Before she can get any ideas, I pull out of Eulalia and crawl down until my mouth hovers over her delicate folds. Allowing myself a slight hesitation, I bask in her musky scent before wrapping my lips over her pussy and sucking it all up.

  “Mmm,” I moan as much for Alexandra’s pleasure as mine. “Delicious. So wet.”

  Eulalia props herself up on her elbows and looks down at me. With a wink, she blows a kiss at Alexandra. “Enjoying the view?”

  “Mmmhmm,” she says.

  Hearing her voice behind me, I realize that from where she’s sitting, she’s able to look right up the back of my legs and straight at my ass, but it’s easy to push aside any embarrassment while surrounded by so many horny women. Even more so when Eulalia pulls me back down and wiggles her hips, grinding herself against my mouth.

  Happy to make any of my women come however they want to have their orgasm, and know
ing I won’t be fucking anyone if Alexandra has her way until Eulalia comes against my mouth, I start back to work.

  Within seconds, Eulalia’s thighs tighten against my head, but I know that’s too quick for Alexandra’s pleasure. I pull my head up with a faked gasp.

  “No, no, no! Don’t stop!” Eulalia cries out.

  I lightly slap her hard clit with my fingertips. She tries to grind against my hand, but I pull it away too quickly. When she stops squirming, I tap her again.

  “I like that,” Alexandra says.

  When I look back over my shoulder, one of her hands has traveled down between her legs and is rubbing tight little circles. With a smirk, she spanks her own clit. “Oh yes. That is a good one. What other tricks do you know, wizard?”

  “I don’t know.” I’m not sure why, but I’m suddenly shy. “Why don’t you tell me what you like, and I’ll do it to Eulalia while you do something similar to yourself. You can pretend it’s me.”

  “I don’t know what I like. Fucking wizards. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  “What?!?” the three of us call out at once as we scramble to face her.

  “You’ve never masturbated?” Gillian asks.

  “How could that be?” Eulalia asks.

  I’m so stunned I can’t even think of a way to express my surprise. It’s inconceivable to me that a woman as voluptuous and bold as Alexandra hasn’t bedded dozens of men and women, much less never taken care of her own needs.

  “Poor baby,” Eulalia eventually says.

  “No wonder you hate me,” Gillian says. “If I’d known, I would have never taken your spot in the harem.”

  Alexandra’s smile is friendly. “Thanks. It wasn’t your fault, though. I don’t blame you. How could you have known? We’ll get there soon enough.”

  “Hell yeah, we will,” I say. “Let’s get back to work here, and then we’ll tear down whatever is living under this pile of rocks until you can join the harem.”

  I lower my face down between Eulalia’s legs again and add my fingers, curving them to hit that special spot she likes so well.


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