The Tainted Wood

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The Tainted Wood Page 11

by Alara Branwen

  Lurupine held out her hand as Cleave unsuccessfully tried to unlock the rock for what seemed the millionth time. “Um, Cleave?”

  Cleave looked up and smiled at Lurupine. “Wanna try? I think I’m all out of ideas.”

  “I’d say. I don’t think ‘Potatoes growing in a field then get eaten by locusts’ is the answer to the mage lock,” Tarka said.

  Cleave handed the stone over to Lurupine and huffed. “Well at least it fit the theme better than ‘Mosquito drowning in a bucket of water.’”

  Lurupine rolled the stone over in her hand, admiring its smoothness, before slowly speaking. “Grove.”

  A soft white glow surrounded the rock. An elliptical window surrounded by white light arose from the rock and displayed the image of a clearing in the forest. A glittering brook ran through several beds of red and blue flowers. Dewdrops twinkled on thick blades of grass. Small forest creatures chased each other through the area, which was protected by huge, light brown oak trees.

  The party had seen many beautiful places in the forest before, but this place was amazing. It looked like a living still life painting with colors so vibrant it could strike awe in a stone heart.

  Lurupine gasped as her eyes feasted on the beautiful sight. “That grove, it-it’s so full of’s - I’ve never seen anything like that.”

  “I want to see it too,” Cleave said, his eyes bedazzled by the sight.

  “I do as well. It looks beautiful,” a smooth feminine voice said.

  Everyone in the hut turned to a figure robed in purple. The woman that brought them there was standing in Kurkmud’s hut, putting her slender hands out to enjoy the heat from the fire.

  Kurkmud rose from his chair. Paper flew everywhere again, and once more Tarka sprang into action to keep it from falling in the fire.

  “What are you doing in my house,” Kurkmud said, “you weren’t invited in.”

  “I know,” the woman said, “but it seemed like a good time to intervene. It sounds like you’re about to reveal the location of that grove in the Scrying Eye.”

  “Have you been listening to our conversation?”

  “Yes, via magic. You know you really should invest in an anti-audial spell. They come in handy.”

  “Get out of my house or I’ll throw you out.”

  “Such a sour temper. You know things like that can get a troll killed.” The woman reached into the fire and pulled out her hand. A small ball of flame danced on her palm. She held it toward a few pieces of parchment stacked on the hearth. “Or perhaps I should take my rage out on these stacks of parchment all over your house?”

  Kurkmud threw out his large hand. “No, do you have any idea how valuable the information written on that parchment is?”

  “No, and no one else will either unless you tell me where that grove is.”

  Lurupine clenched the Scrying Eye, and the window faded away. “No, don’t tell her. She and her friends will pervert it; just like they have this forest.”

  “My dear, please don’t tell me you still think you have a choice in this matter. You and your group will tell me where this grove is, or everything goes up in flames.”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “That is guild business I can’t reveal. Now, tell me what I want to know.”

  A small blue screen came up in front of Tarka. Her scaly brow furrowed as she read the message on the screen. She looked at Cleave, then at the woman in robes and grinned. She typed something, and a screen appeared in front of the robed woman. She chuckled and dismissed it.

  “What was that?” Cleave whispered.

  Tarka ignored his question and placed a diminutive hand on her larger than average kobold hip. “If you had an audial spell up, then you heard everything that was said. I’m sure Kurkmud would’ve told us where the grove was in due time. Why are you in here now? Do you have a thing for torturing people?”

  “I do derive quite a bit of pleasure from seeing people tremble, but I admit I did have an alternate reason to come here. I wanted to give your party a little encouragement to reveal the location of the grove.”

  “Oh, what are you gonna do, slowly torture us until we tell you?”

  “Why of course not.” The woman smiled beneath her cowl and dropped the ball of flame back into the hearth, “I’m going to have sex with you.”

  Everyone in the room, save for Tarka, was taken aback by this. The kobold wrinkled her snout. “I’m sorry, but I have to pass. I’m not into scat.”

  “Beg pardon?”

  “In other words, I don’t fuck pieces of shit.”

  There was a momentary silence in the room as everyone stared the robed woman down, waiting for her to respond. A large blue window appeared in the middle of the hut.

  I calculated that level of burn to be about a 5.0 out of a possible 10, but the crowd still loved it. So I’m gonna say its Tarka - 1, weird robed lady - 0.


  “You’re free to accept or decline at your discretion, but I feel you’re missing out.”

  The woman raised her hands and snapped her fingers. Her robes folded in on themselves and disappeared from her body. Cleave’s eyes went from normal to saucer sized when he realized the woman that stood before them was completely nude.

  Her breasts were large and perky, with bright pink nipples. She was very shapely, with perfectly toned thighs and calves that stroked and tantalized Cleave’s lust. On her right and left thighs, equidistant from each other, were two blue roses. The woman shook her long, shining, raven-black hair that fell to her waist. Clint saw her pointed ears and confirmed that she was indeed an elf.

  Damn, what an elf. Cleave’s thoughts raced at the many fun and perverse things that body was begging him to do. His member pressed painfully against his pants. An urge flared in his loins; the same urge he’d been feeling all game. He was feeling pent up, and he really wanted to take his sexual frustrations out at that moment.

  “Enjoying the sight of me?” The woman purred at Cleave. She sashayed over to him and ran a finger under his chin. She smirked when she could hear his heart frantically beating.

  Tarka shot Cleave an angry glare. “Geez Cleave, slobber on her why don’t you.”

  “Don’t mind if I do,” thought the more perverse side of his mind. He huffed to himself. No, he’d have to resist. No matter how much he wanted this woman, he couldn’t give in to his base desires.

  The woman walked to Krug, and he snarled at her, even though his eyes were traversing her body. “What about you big boy?”

  “Touch me, and I’ll pound you into jelly,” Krug said.

  “If I touched you, I could turn you any way I wanted.”

  “Don’t even think of coming near me if you value your life,” Lurupine said.

  “If you value your face, you’ll stay away from me,” Berryl growled as her claws came out.

  The woman smiled at the three of them and showed them her supple ass before walking back to Cleave. “I guess we have no takers, save for the handsome elf.”

  “I didn’t say I was interested,” Cleave said as convincingly as he could. Tarka still soured when she looked in her direction.

  “What about you troll? Interested in joining a couple of elves for a little fun.”

  “Rude bitch, you come in my hut uninvited and turn it into a brothel. I have half a mind to tear you in half.” Kurkmud took a step toward her, his eyes glued to her chest. “But yes, I’d be very interested.”

  Blue screens appeared in front of Krug, Lurupine, and Berryl. They all placed their hands over their mouths. Cleave thought he could see them smiling. What the hell was going on?

  He looked down at Tarka who openly grinned. When their eyes met, her face instantly soured again. “Don’t look at me like that you fucking horn dog.”

  “I’m not a horn dog, I didn’t even say yes.”

  “Maybe you didn’t, but this certainly did. The woman ran her slender fingers across the bulge in Cleave’s trousers, and he thought his h
eart would explode out of his chest.

  “Come on guys, let’s get out of here; this is sickening me,” Lurupine said.

  Lurupine stomped to the door, opened it and walked out. Krug and Berryl joined her, leaving an uncomfortable Cleave and the rest in the hut.

  Cleave’s eyes went to the woman’s chest, and he quickly looked up to her mysterious dark eyes. Damn, everything about this woman was gorgeous.

  Tarka watched Cleave, eying the woman with pure disgust. “Oh my fucking God, I can’t believe you.”

  Cleave looked away from the woman and down at his girlfriend. “I’m sorry, but she has a nice looking avatar.”

  “So, doesn’t mean you should be eyeing it.”

  “Why not? I see you doing it to others all the time.”

  “Not like you’re doing to her.”

  The dark eyed elven woman moved her chest a few inches closer to Cleave. “I don’t mind. I find it very flattering.”

  “I certainly don’t, and I wasn’t asking you anyway.”

  Cleave’s erection jerked painfully as some kinky images of him and the female elf played through his mind. “You’ve done it with this guy while I was close by,” Cleave said to Tarka while pointing to the troll.

  Kurkmud held up his hands. “Hey keep me out of this.” He then looked to the elven woman. “While these two are having a spat, care for a go?”

  The elven woman shrugged. “Sure, maybe after a round they’ll finally come around - or not, either way, it’s fun for me.”

  There was a lot of fun Cleave could be having, but Tarka was having none of it. Cleave felt a little bad for looking at the woman; but moreover, he was angry. His girlfriend had all sorts of fun with other players, and he never cared. The same should be true for him. Why was she having a problem now? He asked, and Tarka turned her glowering visage to the female elf.

  “Because, not only has her guild attacked us, but she put us in danger and forced us to give her vital information. She’s a horrid bitch, and you want to sleep with her.”

  “Sorry if I have natural urges,” Cleave said sarcastically.

  “Yeah, I’m sure you want to do all kinds of things to her, like tie her up, spank that luscious ass, or run your tongue around those pert nipples, too.”

  That would be a start. Cleave’s mind raced faster as wanton lust slowly emerged on his face. Tarka used even more descriptors to draw out even more desire within him. With each thing the kobold said, the elf wanted her more. Beneath his lust, a well of anger grew. It was one thing to get angry with him for his natural urges, but to tease him about it. That drove him to the breaking point.

  He wheeled on Tarka to find the kobold grinning. She tried to continue talking but a bout of laughter took over.

  Cleave gritted his teeth. “What the fuck is so funny?”

  “You,” Tarka said between bouts of mirth.

  Cleave looked up at the elven woman and found her grinning at him. The elf’s anger slowly dissipated, replaced with a nugget of humiliation. “There’s a joke I’m not in on isn’t there,” he said.

  Tarka burst out laughing. “Obviously. My God Cleave you are so gullible. You should’ve seen your face.”

  Cleave frowned and the elven woman giggled. Kurkmud leaned against the table and smirked.

  Tarka wiped moisture from her eyes and sniffed. “Cleave, I’m just screwing with you. This bitch thought you were hot and wanted to do you, and I said I was cool with it. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”

  The elven woman walked over to Cleave and took his hand. The male elf looked over the beautiful woman, still a little shocked and humiliated from what’d just happened.”

  Tarka huffed as she saw Cleave staring at the elven woman’s beautiful body as she presented it to him. “My God Cleave, what are you waiting for? Start screwing her already!”

  Cleave’s excitement quickly overwhelmed his humiliation. He pulled the female elf close to him, and their lips came together, as if magnetic. The elven woman was forceful with her kissing, and she quickly backed her male counterpart to the wall.

  Her lips captured his lower one and toyed with the flesh. The tongue brushed across the small grooves, savoring the taste, before moving up and connecting both lips together again. The elven woman’s hands pressed her breasts together, her thumbs teased her ripe pink nipples, gently twisting.

  That was all the encouragement Cleave needed. His shaking hands took hold of her breasts and his fingers overtook the duties his partner's once had. Her tits were cushiony to the touch. He burrowed his fingers gently into the soft flesh. Small lines of electricity shot through his fingers, up his arms, while others shot lower and sizzled around his erect member.

  He kissed down the woman’s neck. She moaned as his tongue met the top of her left breast and glided down, coming to rest on her nipple. He latched on with his lips, sucking tenderly as his fingers quested down her curves and squeezed her luscious hips.

  The elven woman pressed her breast more firmly into Cleave’s mouth, and he firmly pulled on her nipple. He gently ran his teeth over it, playing over the soft skin with the tip of his tongue.

  Tarka rose and walked over to the pair. She took hold of Cleave’s belt, unfastening it and pulling his pants down to his ankles. His member sprung out and was tickled by the cool air. The elven woman reached out and wrapped her hand around the heated shaft. She massaged the skin, squeezing and twisting when the edge of her hand brushed across the sensitive pink crown.

  Cleave’s desire grew more intense, a fire fueled by the firm yet gentle ministrations of the elven woman. She pressed her fingers into Cleave’s member, teasing the little nerves deep in the shaft. The male elf felt his knees buckle, and he gripped the woman’s hips. He steadied himself and slipped the fingers of one hand toward her snatch.

  Heat pulled at his fingers, beckoning them forth. He didn’t bother to tease the swollen labia but plunged into the moist depths, feeling around deep within the woman. The elven woman took in a sharp breath and trailed kisses down Cleave’s neck before gently biting.

  Cleave responded by furiously rubbing the woman’s tender inner flesh. The spongy skin submitted to the pressure, allowing him to explore the entirety of the inner depths. The tip of Cleave’s forefinger came across a patch of skin that was a little rougher than the rest. The elven male grinned. He knew what this was.

  He focused his attention on the small area, gently circling it with his fingertip before moving in and gently pressing down. The elven woman wrapped her arms around Cleave’s torso and shuddered. Cleave bore down on the point and rubbed it furiously.

  The woman’s juices leaked from her pussy, drenching it in sticky clear juices. Her limbs quivered furiously. She tried to keep her composure but it became impossible. Her face screwed up as the pleasure overtook her.

  She pulled her body away from Cleave and took hold of the table, angling her legs outward, fully exposing her ass and dripping cunt. She looked back over her shoulder at the male elf; the come-hither look in her soft eyes drove him to near madness.

  Tarka had removed her clothes, and now she toyed with her womanhood. She touched all of the special spots that made her body turn to jelly. She rubbed her breasts and moaned, teasing Cleave and Kurkmud, intensifying their interest in the scene playing out in front of them.

  Kurkmud slowly pumped his large green member. It stood out a foot in front of him. A pearl of precum balled on the dome shaped head. Tarka smiled when she saw this and made her way over to him. The troll quickly cleared a section of the table, sending sheets of paper floating to the floor.

  He picked Tarka up and placed her on the table. The kobold spread her legs as far apart as she could to accommodate the Troll’s body. He situated himself between her hips and pushed the head of his member against her small cunt. Though it seemed like it couldn’t fit, the massive head pressed past the kobolds red pussy lips.

  Kurkmud groaned and brushed his hands over the kobold’s tiny breasts as his member
sank halfway into her velvety cunt. Her pussy muscles clenched, gripping him like a vise.

  Cleave slid up to the elven woman, admiring her large ass, running his hands over it before reaching between her legs and spreading her soaked, soft pussy lips. He brushed the head of his firm cock against her opening, garnering a small moan from the woman, before thrusting his hips forward.

  Cleave’s mind quickly became addled as his member invaded the woman’s snatch. His entire body grew stiff as extreme pleasure coursed through him. He pulled back a few inches and pumped forward with all his strength. The elven woman let out a sharp gasp and leaned forward further.

  Cleave and Kurkmud thrust their members into their respective partners, allowing the excitement to take over their actions. Their first few thrusts were rigid as they got used to their partner's bodies, but soon hips slapped fluidly together and steady moans echoed around the room.

  The womens’ tits bounced jovially as the males pounded their pussies. The elven woman grabbed her boobs and squeezed, massaging them in small circles while Cleave slapped her bountiful ass. Kurkmud’s mouth went to work on Tarka’s body. She giggled as his tongue touched sensitive parts on her body, sending little fluttering wisps into her stomach.

  Cleave managed to work his way over to Tarka and leaned in. Their lips met, connecting all four in the tryst. Their tongues played together while their bodies moved to the rhythm of the encounter. Time seemed to pass without notice as all four allowed themselves to be carried away on the currents of their pleasure.

  Cleave stayed lost in his excitement until he felt a small twinge in his gut. It twisted and his muscles tightened. He thrust his throbbing cock quickly into the elven woman, and she moaned under the pressure. Her body began to quiver, and a similar feeling crept into her stomach.

  The elves cried out together as they came. Cleave launched a jet of hot cum into his partner as she released onto his member. Tarka and Kurkmud experienced a similar release. Together, all four released sounds of rapture that echoed throughout the hut.


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