Complete Works of Charlotte Perkins Gilman

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Complete Works of Charlotte Perkins Gilman Page 189

by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

  Showing for all historic time

  In folly, cruelty and crime.

  Their Nordic shame.


  In a very lonely forest,

  Beside a lonely sea,

  I found an ancient woman once,

  Beneath an ancient tree.

  She was laughing there more wildly

  Than I had ever dreamed.

  At first she only sat and shook,

  And then she rolled and screamed.

  So I naturally accosted her,

  And asked if I might share

  The source of inward merriment

  Which kept her screaming there.

  She straightened up and looked at me

  A moment — hardly more —

  I seemed to make the lady laugh

  Worse than she did before.

  But finally, with gasps for breath,

  And lips that twitched and curled,

  Said she, “I’m Grandma Nature,

  And I’m laughing at the World!”

  “The world!” said I. “The world’ said she,

  “Especially your half —

  I used to rage and grieve for it,

  But now I only laugh.

  I used to suffer fearfully

  To see your needless pain,

  To see you mortify the flesh

  Because you had a brain.

  To see you stultify the brain

  Because you had a soul,

  To see you try to save a part

  By injuring the whole.

  You stunt the brain with foolishness,

  You stunt the soul with lies,

  You stunt the body with disease,

  And then you seek the skies.

  You’re sickly when you might be well,

  Fools when you might be wise,

  And wicked when you might be good,

  Yet you expect the skies.

  You hedge yourselves with needless walls,

  You bind with needless chains,

  You drive away your natural joys,

  And court unnatural pains.

  Why do I laugh?” — she shook again —

  “Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!

  Because your hell is such a farce,

  Your heaven is so near.”


  ’Tis an amusing sight to see

  The topmost twigs on a growing tree

  Look down with freshly-worded scorn

  On the boughs by which they are up-borne.

  Below, beneath contempt, is sunk

  The twigless mid-Victorian trunk;

  While as for roots — how should they know

  There must be roots for them to grow.

  “We Twigs are Youth! Are Life!” they say,

  “We are the World! We are Today!

  This talk of boughs and trunk bark rough —

  And tribal myth of roots — old stuff!”

  The tree minds not the little dears;

  It has had twigs in previous years.


  The little front wave ran up on the sand

  And frothed there, highly elated;

  “I am the Tide!” cried the little front wave,

  “The waves before me are dated!”


  The people people work with best

  Are often very queer

  The people people own by birth

  Quite shock your first idea;

  The people people choose for friends

  Your common sense appall,

  But the people people marry

  Are the queerest folks of all.


  Child, said The Earth to me,

  What can you do?

  Why do you try?

  Can you not see

  That all you are and can ever be

  Is the product of Heredity? —

  Merely the outcome sure and true

  Of other lives gone by?

  Because your ancestors were such —

  Back to primeval slime —

  Therefore you ail and sin so much,

  Therefore ’tis waste of time

  For you to try to steer your course

  Free of this cumulative force

  Beast, plant, and rock your story runs

  Back to the powers that swing the suns.

  And can you disobey the laws

  That move you from the primal cause?

  Peace fretful child! be still!

  And do my will!

  Said I to The Earth — Dear Dirt —

  Your remarks do not hurt,

  Being peacefully perfectly true —

  But the fact of my coming from you

  Does not alter another, my dear —

  This fact, — I am here

  Evolution’s long effort To Be —

  Has resulted in me

  And I hark with respect to your tones

  As I would to my bones,

  Should their feelings new utterance give —

  Should they say “we allow you to live!”

  Heredity? Yes, I admit

  All you’re claiming for it.

  The “first cause” is still running your ranch,

  But I’m a collateral branch!

  In which the same power is set free

  To be handled by me

  You don’t see it? No matter old friend

  It’s all one in the end.

  Child, said The World to me,

  What can you do?

  Why do you try?

  Can you not see

  That all the effort you have spent

  Is the product of Environment? —

  That your surroundings govern you,

  And circumstances nigh?

  Because you’re born in such an age,

  Because you’re taught from such a page,

  Because your friends are so and so,

  Therefore you act and feel and know

  Just as you do. In vain you’ve tried

  To throw this influence aside.

  Fruit of your century and race,

  Your family and dwelling place,

  Your education work & friends —

  You have no individual ends!

  Peace fretful child! Be Still!

  And do my will!

  Said I to the World — I can take

  No offense at the statements you make,

  They are truthful as far as they go —

  But there’s much you don’t know.

  Your power you correctly define —

  But you fail to see mine.

  You make me, in part, it is true —

  But my friend — who made you?

  The environment strong on our race

  Is not climate or place.

  So much as each new demonstration

  Of our social relation

  Our strongest impressions we take

  From conditions we make —

  And when we don’t like the effect,

  We can change — can select,

  Can unmake and remake and choose

  The conditions we use!

  Just think what the product will be

  When I make you make me!


  Men have long fought for their flying flags,

  They have died those flags to save;

  Their long staves rest on the shattered breast,

  They are planted deep in the grave.

  Now the world’s new flag is streaming wide,

  Far flying wide and high,

  It shall cover the earth from side to side

  As the rainbow rings the sky.

  The flag of the day when men shall stand

  For service, not for fight;

  When every race in every land,

  Shall join for the world’s delight;

  When all our flags shall blend in one,

  And all our wars shall cease,

p; ‘Neath the new flag! The true flag!

  The rainbow flag of peace.

  On a field of white that bow above

  Shall arch the world across,

  And all the colors that we love

  Glow there without a loss.

  Orange and green in union new,

  Proud gold and violet fair,

  With world-beloved red white and blue

  Shall shine together there.

  Green for the earth that holds us one,

  All blue of sky and sea,

  And the golden hue of that great sun

  In whose light our life must be.

  Red for the blood of brotherhood,

  White for the soul’s release, —

  The new flag! The true flag!

  The rainbow flag of peace!


  As the green earth shines in the star-filled sky,

  Our white world shines on the blue;

  Each free land with its star on high,

  All held close by the crimson tie

  Of one blood, strong and true.


  Union! Union! States of all the World!

  Union widening fast!

  One is the Power that made mankind,

  One the human heart is! One the human mind!

  One is the World at last!

  White blood of progress, blue blood of pride,

  Black blood of service and cheer,

  Yellow, red, or brown man, white man beside,

  Room for them all in the world so wide —

  Red blood of brotherhood here.


  Union! Union! States of all the World!

  Union widening fast!

  One is the Power that made mankind,

  One the human heart is! One the human mind!

  One is the world at last!


  “Where is Heaven?” asked the Person.

  I want Heaven — to enjoy it;

  I want Heaven, recompensing

  For the evils I have suffered —

  All the terrible injustice,

  All the foolish waste and hunger —

  Where is Heaven? Can I get there?”

  Then the Priest expounded Heaven:

  “Heaven is a place for dead men;

  After you are dead you’ll find it,

  If” — and here the Priest was earnest —

  “If you do the things I tell you —

  Do exactly what is ordered!

  It will cost you quite a little —

  You must pay a price for Heaven —

  You must pay before you enter.”

  Am I sure of what I’m getting?”

  Asked the mean, suspicious Person.

  “What you urge is disagreeable;

  What you ask is quite expensive;

  Am I sure of getting Heaven?”

  Then the Priest prepared a potion,

  Made of Concentrated Ages,

  Made of Many Mingled Feelings —

  Highest Hope and Deepest Terror —

  Mixed our best and worst together,

  Reverence and Love and Service,

  Coward Fear and rank Self-Interest —

  Gave him this when he was little,

  Pumped it in before the Person

  Could examine his prescription.

  So the Person, thus instructed,

  Now believed the things he told him;

  Paid the price as he was able,

  Died — the Priest said, went to Heaven —

  None came back to contradict him!

  * * *

  “We want Heaven,” said the People;

  “We believe in God and Heaven;

  Where God is, there must be Heaven;

  God is Here — and this is Heaven.”

  Then they saw the earth was lovely;

  Life was sweet, and love eternal;

  Then they learned the joy of living,

  Caught a glimpse of what Life might be,

  What it could be — should be — would be

  When the People chose to have it!

  Then they bought no further tickets

  Of the sidewalk speculators;

  They no longer gave their children

  The “spring medicine” of Grandma.

  They said, “We will take no chances

  Of what happens after dying;

  We perceive that Human Beings,

  Wise, and sweet, and brave, and tender,

  Strong, and beautiful, and noble,

  Living peaceably together,

  In a universal garden

  With the Sciences for Soldiers,

  With the Allied Arts for Angels

  With the Crafts and Trades for Servants,

  With all Nature for the Teacher,

  And all People for the Students,

  Make a very pleasant Heaven.

  We can see and understand it,

  We believe we’d really like some,

  Now we’ll set to work and make it!”

  So they set to work together,

  In the Faith that rests on Knowledge,

  In the Hope that’s born of Wisdom,

  In the Love that grows with Practise —

  And proceeded to make Heaven.

  And God smiled. He had been tired

  Of the everlasting dead men,

  Of the hungry, grasping, dead men;

  He had always wanted live ones —

  Wanted them to build the Kingdom!


  That which mankind from birth forever seeks,

  All men, all women, in the dark or light,

  This common voice must be where Nature speaks,

  This common need is surely proven right.

  Deep in the human heart lies one demand,

  One simple natural longing all confess,

  We ask of life, of love, of God’s high hand,

  This one thing only — perfect happiness!


  Man, the hunter, Man, the warrior;

  Slew for gain and slew for safety,

  Slew for rage, for sport, for glory —

  Slaughter was his breath:

  So the man’s mind, searching inward,

  Saw in all one red reflection,

  Filled the world with dark religions

  Built on Death.

  Death and The Fate of The Soul; —

  The soul, from the body dissevered;

  Through the withering failure of age,

  Through the horror and pain of disease,

  Through raw wounds and destruction and fear: —

  In fear, black fear of the dark,

  Red fear of terrible gods,

  Sent forth on its journey, alone,

  To eternity, fearful, unknown —

  Death, and The Fate of the Soul.

  Woman, bearer; Woman, teacher;

  Overflowing love and labor,

  Service of the tireless mother

  Filling all the earth; —

  Now her mind, awakening, searching,

  Sees a fair world, young and growing,

  Sees at last our real religion —

  Built on Birth.

  Birth, and The Growth of The Soul; —

  The Soul, in the body established;

  In the ever-new beauty of childhood,

  In the wonder of opening power,

  Still learning, improving, achieving;

  In hope, new knowledge and light,

  Sure faith in the world’s fresh Spring, —

  Together we live, we grow,

  On the earth that we love and know —

  Birth, and the Growth of the Soul.


  Given a central sun — and a rolling world;

  Into the light we whirl — and call it day;

  Into the dark we turn — and call it night;

  Glow of the dawn — glory of mid-day light —

>   Shadow of eve — rest of the flower-sweet night —

  And the dawn again!

  Given a constant Soul — and a passing form;

  Into the light we grow — and call it life;

  Into the dark we go — and call it death;

  Glory of youth — beauty and pride and power —

  Shadow of age — rest of the final hour —

  And are born again!


  O, never mind what the world has done


  As a matter of fact, we’ve just begun —

  No more!

  The glory of life is ours to take;

  The world we want is for us to make;

  The loveliest faith of all the lands

  Is true,

  And the building of heaven is in our hands

  To do!


  We want to vote for a bright tomorrow,

  Dawn of hope and end of sorrow!

  Happy day! Happy day! Happy day! For the world!

  Vote for the men who will do their duty,

  Country’s good and city’s beauty!

  Happy day! Happy day! Happy day! For the world!


  See us coming all together! Hoo-ray! Hoo-ray!

  And hand in hand we’ll take our stand

  To win the vote for women!

  Today! Today!

  To win the vote for women!

  Today! Today!

  To win the vote for women!

  We want to vote as wives and mothers!

  With our husbands, fathers, brothers!

  Happy day! Happy day! Happy day! For the world!

  To save the home and the children in it!

  Work to do, so now begin it!

  Happy day! Happy day! Happy day! For the world!

  We are not fools and we are not crazy;

  We’re not bad, corrupt, nor lazy:

  Happy day! Happy day! Happy day! For the world!

  We’ll use our power when the power is given;

  Make this world more fit to live in!

  Happy day! Happy day! Happy day! For the world!

  In Honor, Truth and Right our trust is;

  Give us Freedom! Give us Justice!

  Happy day! Happy day! Happy day! For the world!

  The People’s Voice is Freedom’s axis!

  All should vote who pay their taxes!

  Happy day! Happy day! Happy day! For the world!



  I was well born....

  A wise, free maiden grew to womanhood,

  Guiding and training her young life for me;

  With splendid body, vigorous and strong;


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