Fumbled Love

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Fumbled Love Page 13

by Lila Rose

  He lifted his coffee cup to his lips, but I caught his lips twitching before he took a sip.

  “Thanks.” He picked up another mug and walked my way. My nipples hardened with every step he took. “White with one, right?” He handed me the mug.

  “Yes,” I whispered. When I grabbed the mug, my eyes had the chance to glance down his body. I locked my legs tight when I noticed some hardness going on in his shorts.

  Whoa. He was packing a big… package.

  My cheeks heated. I shifted my gaze to my drink. My hands shook as I lifted the mug to my lips and drank.

  “You okay?” he asked, and his voice was light, amused.

  “Fine,” I chirped. “Good.” I nodded, and took another gulp. “Ah, morning.”

  He laughed, and it was both deep and amazing. “Morning. I’m going to hit the shower.”

  “Good—I mean, okay, enjoy.”

  Another chuckle followed. “I will.” He moved around me. “Oh, I nearly forgot, I might not see you before you go. Needed to let you know we’re going to my parents’ house for dinner tonight.”

  I froze.

  Carter started whistling as he walked off.

  “Carter!” I yelled, ready to tell him I had mono.

  “See you later,” he called back, and then I heard the bathroom door close.

  Oh God.

  I was going to die.

  After my day at the library, I walked home planning my fake illness. I put my hate for lying aside. Like I usually did when I knew nothing good could come of situations I was forced into. Besides, it was a little one to get me out of something that could save Carter and myself from embarrassment. Carter wouldn’t be back yet, which would give me time to press a heat pack against my face and mix up a concoction to pour into the toilet—once he got home—so I could pretend I was vomiting. My acting skills were passable, and I was confident I could belt out a few loud heaves and groans.

  Unfortunately, as I grew closer to home, I spotted Carter’s truck parked in the driveway.

  “Shit,” I bit out. Think, Reagan, think.

  There wasn’t a chance I was going to his parents’ place tonight. Throughout the day, I’d broken out in sweats at random times when I thought about going and making a fool of myself. His family would think I was a mental case and in turn, would warn Carter to run as far away from me as he could. I was getting used to having Carter in my life. In fact, I liked having him in my life and my house. I didn’t want to give him up.

  Hopping on one foot, I slipped my shoe off the other and started to limp toward the house, up the pathway, and to the front door.

  A sprained ankle was all I could think of in my time of panic. I just prayed it would be enough to get me out of dinner.

  The door was already unlocked, so I opened it and limped in. “Oh, ow, that hurt,” I said loudly.

  “Reagan, are you okay?” Carter called from the kitchen. I limped my way in there, to find him leaning his butt against the kitchen counter. At least he was dressed in jeans and a tee so I wouldn’t be distracted.

  “Hey, I think I sprained my ankle.”

  “Really?” he questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Yeah, on the walk home. Hey, um, what are you doing home? I thought you had meetings after your game? How did you go anyway?”

  “We won.” He grinned, and added, “And I got out of the interviews early. Do you want me to look at your ankle?”

  “No! Ah, thanks though, I think I just have to rest it. But I don’t think I can go tonight. Should stay off it and all that.”


  “So, pass on my apologies.” Turning, I moaned and limped my way into the living room and sat on the couch, placing my shoe on the floor.

  Carter followed.

  “Reagan?” he said, stopping at the end of the couch.

  I winced and lifted my foot up onto the coffee table. “Yes?”

  His lips twitched. “You’re going to dinner.”

  “But… my foot.”

  “I’ll carry you.”

  “You can’t. I’m too heavy.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Never say that again,” he growled out from the back of his throat.

  Oh, wow.



  “Still, you can’t carry me into your parents’ place. It would be just weird.”

  He huffed out a breath. “Do you know I had an enlightening call just before?”

  “Really? From who?”

  His fingers played with the arm on the couch as he stared down at me. “Your dad.”


  “So my dad’s calling you now.”

  “Yep.” He grinned.

  I scowled at him. “And what did he have to say that was so enlightening?”

  “I mentioned about dinner, and my concerns about you being too scared to go.”

  How did he know me so well already?

  The ass.


  “School debate team? School dance? Your cousin’s wedding? Dinner with the Morrisons? When work has their swimming carnivals? Any of them ring any bells?”

  That asshole father of mine sold me out.

  I stood abruptly, with my hands on my hips and leaned toward Carter. “The debate team did so much better when I wasn’t there fumbling through things. I couldn’t dance to save my life, so there was no way I was going to that school one. My cousin, who’s a second cousin really, is a pecker head. He tried to shove his hand down my bra one day. I would have drunk too much to get through the night and then probably would have told his wife exactly what I thought of him. Dinner with the Morrisons, our old neighbors who were nudists… no, just no. And the swimming carnivals, well, it’s in the heart of summer, and the teachers don’t get to take a dip, only the students, so why would I want to go?”

  “And my parents?”

  “I’ll make a fool out of you and me by saying or doing something.” I thinned my lips. The bastard caught me on a roll, and I just blurted that out. “Damn it.” I stomped my foot.

  He gazed down, and then back up with a smug smile on his face. “Your foot seems to be better. Fancy that.”

  “You… I….” I threw my hands up in the air and growled under my breath. I picked up my shoe, put it on, and stomped my way to the front door. “Fine, you want me to go, I’ll go, but don’t blame me when your mom thinks you’ve lost the plot for having me in your life.”

  Still wearing a smile that I wanted to smack off his face, he came toward me. Picking up his phone, wallet, and keys from the stand near the door, he swiftly touched his lips to my cheek and said, “You have nothing to worry about. She’ll love you.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Actually, I couldn’t say anything because I was still focusing on how his lips felt against my skin. How his kiss sent my belly dipping, my skin tingling, and my panties melting.

  He walked out the door and started down the path, only to look back and see I was still in the same spot inside the front door. Rolling his eyes, he made his way back, took my hand in his and tugged me out the door, locking it before he led me to the side where his truck was parked.

  If the age-old “don’t get in cars with strangers” would have worked, I’d have tried it, but I had the feeling nothing I did or said would matter. Carter wanted me to go to his parents’ for dinner, so I was. Though, I supposed it was fair. They should meet the person he was living with.

  Gasping, I turned to him as he climbed into the driver’s side. “Tell me you’ve told them you’re living at my home.”

  He paused.

  And that was all I needed.

  Unclicking my seat belt, I nearly made it out of the car when the back of my shirt was snatched.

  Laughing, he said, “Relax. They won’t care. Actually, they’ll like the idea I’m no longer living in a hotel.”

  With a sigh, I wiggled back in the seat and said, “They’d better or you’ll pay.”

  Chapter Eight


  I gripped my seat belt and stared up at the beautiful home. My body jolted when Carter was suddenly at my side and opening my door.

  When had he got out of the car or even turned it off?

  “Come on.” He smiled warmly at me.

  “I think I’m good here.”

  “Reagan,” he scolded. “This is my family. They’re like me, and I like you the way you are, so I know they will as well.”

  He liked me the way I was.

  That was nice.

  If I wasn’t on the verge of freaking out, I would have pondered on those words for a bit longer. Carter reached around me and unclipped my seat belt. I still clung to it like it was my lifeline. He tried to pull it from me, but I didn’t let go.

  He snorted. “Reagan, let go.”

  “No. I can’t do this to you.”

  “Reagan,” he said with a sigh.

  I shook my head.

  “Right. You leave me no choice. Just remember that.”

  “What— Carter no!” I yelled when the belt was yanked from my hand and in the next second, I was out of the car and up and over his shoulder. He slammed my door closed and started for the front of the house. I slapped his back, wiggled around and pushed up to see if he’d let me down. No luck. “Let me down, please. I promise I won’t run. I promise I’ll be good, just let me down.”


  “Carter, I’m not having your mom meet my butt first.”

  He laughed. “Why not, it’s a fine one.”

  My struggles stopped.

  “What did you say?”

  “Oh, look there are Dad and my brothers in the front window.” One hand dropped from my thigh. He must have waved.

  “Carter, I swear to God, if you don’t put me down—” He placed me on my feet on the front steps just as the front door started to open. Before it came all the way open, I smacked my palm into his rock-hard stomach hard. He grunted.

  “Patty,” I cried. “It’s good to see you again.”

  His lips twitched. “You too, Reagan. It seemed you were having trouble walking up here.”

  “Oh no.” I laughed humorlessly while hitting Carter in the gut again. “My feet were just sore from being on them all day… ah, teaching at the study group I run and… um… running, and Carter was concerned. I told him not to worry, but your son doesn’t listen.” I laughed again and went to hit Carter once more, but he took my hand in his and led me into the house once Patty stepped aside.

  “Hey, Reagan,” Casper greeted.

  “How are you, Reagan?” Calvin grinned, and it was just like Casper’s.

  “Hi, guys. I’m fine. Great.” I nodded and glanced around the foyer. Already it felt homey. There were stairs just inside the door that led to the second story. To the left was a living room, where Carter’s brothers were standing. To the right was a study, where there was a desk up against the front window with papers and such scattered over it.

  I didn’t get to see much more because Carter, still with his hand in mine, dragged me into the living room. When I noticed his brothers looking down at our hands, I tried to pull mine free. Carter refused to let go. He even shot me a glare.

  I harrumphed and scowled right back. I thought I heard some chuckles, but when I glanced at the other three men, they had straight faces. Well, except for the twitching lips.

  “Where’s Mom and Court?”

  “In the kitchen with the monsters,” Patty said. I must have reacted to it because Patty added, “Court has two kids. Crispin’s six and Caitlyn’s four.”

  “They sound cute.” They all gave me a look.

  Carter snorted. “You’ll see.”

  “Is Courtney the eldest?”

  “Nope, Carter is, then Calvin, then Court and finally me, I’m the sweetest baby brother there is,” Casper explained.

  “Is that my boy?” was called from down a hall.

  “Unka Cart is here. Unka Cart,” was screamed just before the one who must have been Caitlyn came running down the hall. Carter dropped my hand, braced, and as Caitlyn jumped, Carter swung her up into his arms.

  “How’s my favorite niece?”

  “She’s your only one, Uncle Carter,” a boy I assumed was Crispin said as he entered the living room. He was so adorable. Both of them were, with freckles on their noses and cheeks. Both had dark brown hair, only Caitlyn’s was curly and long, and she had big caramel-colored eyes.

  “And she’ll always be my favorite,” Carter cooed at Caitlyn, and my heart melted.

  Crispin rolled his eyes, and then he noticed me. “You Uncle Carter’s girlfriend?”

  I waited.

  And waited for Carter to deny it.

  When he didn’t, I shook my head and said, “No, we’re just friends.”

  It was at the same time as Casper muttered, “He wishes.” But I brushed it aside, sure I heard him wrong.

  “Cool. Wanna be my girlfriend?” Crispin grinned.

  “Crispin,” Patty warned.

  “No way, kid,” Carter said with a bite to his tone.

  Calvin started laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” a woman asked as she entered. It was Carter’s mom. They had the same eyes. Her graying brown-blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun. She was shorter, like me, and also fuller in her figure.

  “Crisp’s trying to get Reagan to agree to be his girlfriend,” Casper explained.

  Her eyes came to me. “Reagan, so good to meet you. I’m Beth.” She came forward, and I held my hand out. She looked at it and grinned. Taking hold of it, she used my hand to tug me forward into a hug.

  Heck, why not? Dad did hug Carter.

  I placed my arms around her and patted her back. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Anthony.”

  She pulled back. “Bah, I’m just Beth here.”

  “And I’m just Reagan,” I said lamely. Everyone chuckled. I shot dagger eyes to Carter. As if to say, “See, I’m already messing up.” I quickly added, “Or my family calls me Ree.”

  “Ree, I like it. Carter tells me you both used to go to the same high school.”

  “Yes. But we didn’t know each other back then.”

  “Mom,” Crispin yelled, causing me to jump.

  “I’m coming,” was screamed back. I heard footsteps pounding down the hall, and then Beth’s lookalike entered the living room. “What’s happening?”

  Crispin moved over to my side, even pushed at his grandma so she didn’t stand in front of me. “This is Reagan, my girlfriend.”

  “Jesus, control your boy, Court,” Carter complained.

  “Isn’t he too young to be looking for a girlfriend?” Calvin commented.

  A grinning Courtney shrugged. “When he knows, he knows. Besides, he’s his father’s son.” She stepped over and held out her hand. I shook it. “Hey, I’m those three losers’ sister, Courtney.”

  “Reagan or Ree. I’ll answer to anything really.” I smiled.

  “Nice to meet you.” I watched her glance to Carter and wink for some reason.

  Maybe his family was as different as mine. That thought eased some tension in my shoulders.

  “Anyway,” Carter called, “I have some news.”

  I blanched. He wouldn’t just share he lived with me like that, would he?

  “I’m no longer living in a hotel.”

  The bastard would.

  “Oh, where are you living?” Beth asked.

  “You have a beautiful home,” I yelled, blushing.

  Beth glanced at me and smiled. “Thank you.” She turned back to Carter. “So where?”

  “With Ree.”

  “It’s my parents’ fault,” I blurted. Three manly chuckles were heard around me, and one sweet one. Courtney.

  Beth’s look of shock snapped to me.

  “Really, it is. My dad has a man crush on him, and when we went to dinner at their place—”

  “You met them before coming to dinner here?” Beth accused Carter.


  “Shit,” he bit out.

  “Shit,” Caitlyn copied.

  “Caitlyn sweetheart, you shouldn’t copy your uncle with that word,” I said, and then glared at Carter. “And really you shouldn’t swear in front of her.” I threw my hands up in the air, and added, “I mean really, next she’ll be saying the C word or the F word, and it’ll all be your fault. Then how would you feel?”

  “You’re living with Reagan?” Beth said.

  “Hold up, let’s get back to Carter and his swearing,” I suggested. Anything to divert the attention from Carter living with me.

  “Later, honey,” Beth replied gently.

  “Besides, wait until you meet the grandkids father. Carter behaves like an angel compared to him,” Patty mentioned.

  “Really?” I asked. “Who’s their father?” And he swore in front of them?

  “When did you move in? Why didn’t you ask for help?” Beth questioned Carter. The woman didn’t waver. Damn it.

  “Just yesterday, and we had a lot of help.”

  Beth cocked her hip to the side, her hand landed on it. “Who?”

  “Ah… maybe we should get back to it being all my parents’ fault?” At least they could take any blame since they weren’t there. “They put him on the spot and offered Carter to live with them, and I couldn’t do it to him. Friends help each other out, so I had to suggest Carter was already moving into my place to get him out of it, else if he did move in with them, he could wake up to Dad in bed with him, just staring.” I shuddered. “That wouldn’t be fun. So I did my friendly duty and saved him. I’m sorry if Carter moving in with me, and not in here, in this wonderful home— Did I mention it’s wonderful?” There were more chuckles. I moved on. “—is upsetting in some way. I promise I’m not a stalker and I won’t go cooking his bunny on him—”

  “Darlin’,” Patty called. I snapped my mouth closed and turned to him. “Beth’s not upset with Carter living with you. She’s annoyed at him for not telling us about it before it happened.”

  “Oh, well, okay.” I faced Beth. “Continue being upset with him.”

  She giggled. “Thank you.”


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