Fembot Factory

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Fembot Factory Page 1

by Alyson Belle




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Thanks for Reading


  About the Author



  Alyson Belle

  Copyright © 2019 Alyson Belle

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All characters in this book are over the age of 18 (18+ only). All characters, locations, and situations are entirely fictional representations and any resemblance to real world scenarios are entirely coincidental.

  You can see more of Alyson Belle’s work, get in touch, and follow her blog on AlysonBelle.com.


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  An excerpt from Fembot Factory:

  Claire walked, or rather strutted, her way into the lab a while later. Will wasn’t sure how long he had been there, but it was long enough for him to torture himself with the thought of being trapped in one of his beloved androids forever. He had no way of knowing what had gone wrong or where or how. For all he knew, the world had come to an end and his consciousness had somehow been downloaded into one of his only viable androids. After all, he had no recollection of getting into the unit in the first place as the last place he remembered being was at home the evening before he was due to leave for the airport.

  Will had raided the wardrobe and had gotten some clothes on. He had been feeling incredibly uncomfortable being naked – made only worse by the fact that he was a naked woman. He had picked a skirt, entirely too short for him, and a low-cut blouse that revealed a lot of his cleavage. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much of a choice in terms of underwear. Apparently all of the clothes in the Fembot wardrobe were meant to be enticing and slutty. He supposed that he shouldn’t be surprised. His Playroom Fembots were meant to be enticing and slutty. Dressing them that way made sense. Still, his ass was barely covered by the frilly plaid skirt that he wore, his breasts were pretty much on full display in the black top, the pair of heels he had on accentuated his long legs, and he was wearing a pair of red matching lingerie sexy and lacy enough to make any guy hard.

  By the time that his wife came into sight, it appeared to be a pretty logical conclusion in the scheme of things. He had convinced himself that it all made sense. That was, until he saw Claire. Surely if the world had come to its gory end, she wouldn’t look exactly the same as she had the last time that he had seen her, which to his recollection was only the previous day.

  “Well, well, well,” she said. She was dressed immaculately; a pair of tailored jeans hugged her legs, a tank top flared out at the waist and highlighted her cleavage, and she wore a pair of expensive boots. It was the type of outfit that she wore when he took her on holidays – though that hadn’t happened for quite some time. “What do we have here?”

  “Claire? What is going on?” He bit back a sigh at hearing his voice again.

  Claire walked over to one of the computer monitors. She began keying something into the system. William couldn’t see what it was.

  “Claire?” He tried again. Maybe she didn’t realize that it was him. He didn’t look like himself, after all. “Something is wrong. I’m not a Fembot. I’m Will.”

  To his surprise, his wife laughed. It was colder than her usual laugh. Actually, it came out sounding more like a cackle than anything else. “Oh, I know who you are, my dear sweet husband.”

  Will felt his blood go cold. His heart started to race at the implication behind Claire’s words. “What is going on?” He asked again.

  “I was just thinking, since you think that it’s no big deal to simulate real people’s minds and stick them in robot bodies, you might like to see what it’s like for yourself.” Claire stepped away from the monitor and over to the glass containment unit. The door shifted open with a gentle buzzing sound and she stepped in. She walked in, her eyes roaming up and down his newly feminine form. “Yes, I’m quite happy with this outcome. What do you think?”

  “What do I think?” Will could hardly believe his ears. Had his wife lost her mind? “Is this some kind of joke?”

  “I wouldn’t call it a joke, Will,” Claire said. She looked him dead in the eye, her blue eyes flashing menacingly. “I’ve to say, I’m a bit sad that this isn’t quite like punishing you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Well, you are only a copy of Will. While my real husband slept, I downloaded his consciousness and made a copy of it. That, my dear, would be you.”

  It took a second for him to grasp what Claire was saying. His thoughts were racing. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his voice calm. “You did this? You put me in this android’s body?”

  The smirk that appeared on his wife’s face told Will everything that he needed to know. She was triumphant. “I mean, it’s not really you. I’ve to admit that part sucks. But the rest of it works pretty well, do not you think?”

  “Are you crazy?” Will snapped. “Why are you doing this?”

  Claire rolled her eyes. “I’ve already answered that question. I decided it was time that you had a taste of your own medicine. Do not worry though; I’ll be giving the real William a full report of all of your experiences when he gets back from China…”

  Chapter 1

  The stage was marble, smooth and white with shimmering modern finishes. Behind the stage, a big screen was being lowered into place with the gentle hum of automated technology. The woman who walked out onto the stage was in stark contrast to her surroundings, her ebony skin glowing beneath the lights of the stage.

  As soon as the African beauty came into sight, Claire felt her blood begin to boil. The woman was dressed like a slut; her curves were highlighted in a skin-tight dress that barely concealed her massive breasts and her bodacious ass, her long legs accentuated by a pair of fuck-me stiletto heels. Her appearance extended all the way to her face, framed by bouncy black curls and done up with bold makeup and red pouty lips. When the dark-skinned woman spoke, her voice was clear, her tone somehow seductive no matter what she said.

  “Fembotron,” she started, “is the leading company in Fembot design.”

  Claire took a deep breath in an effort to calm herself down. With a sigh, she forced herself to continue watching.

  “Here at Fembotron, we use state of the art mind-simulation to create our Playroom Fembots. With top of the line artificial intelligence technology, our Fembots are the most realistic out there. The Fembotron Androids have minds and personalities modeled after real people – to ensure that you, as our loyal customer, receive the most exhilarating experience.”

  On the screen behind her, a blueprint appeared. It had the 3D image of a rather curvaceous woman’s body, rotating to reveal every angle of her body. As Claire watched the screen, it flipped over to a different page. The second woman was petite with more subtle curves. The following page was a chubbier woman who had a bit of a belly and ample curves. It went on and on, flipping pages again and again to a fresh blueprint 3D image of a woman, until each and every size and color and body type had been represented.

  Once the final image had been displayed, the screen went black and the woman smiled. “As you can see, we have a wide variety of android models to choose fro
m. No matter your tastes, Fembotron is happy to accommodate you. We believe that there is a Fembot for everyone.”

  To emphasize that point, the screen that had been black flashed back to life. This time the 3D images weren’t blueprints. They were women, real women. Each one that appeared on the screen was gorgeous, each one a real life representation of all of the previous blueprints. Only Claire knew that they weren’t real – to a fault.

  “What is the best part about the Fembots?” The ebony woman continued. “That’s easy. With our new and improved technology, their sex drives can now be amplified exponentially. What does that mean for you, the loyal customer?”

  On the screen, the final woman had been represented. It was time to reveal what exactly each woman could do for their owner. As Claire watched, the screen was filled with graphic depictions of everything that a Fembot was made and used for.

  A curvaceous blonde girl was on her knees in front of a man while he jerked his cock off over her face. She smiled up at the man with her tongue out and her hands cupping her enormous breasts. He aimed right at her and as the first stream of cum landed on her face, the screen cut to the next scene.

  There was a tiny brunette with a body so petite that she could have passed for being underage – except that was one of the hard lines that Fembotron drew. All of their android models, though being artificial intelligence, were within the legal age limits. That didn’t make the brunette any less small, dwarfed even more by the massive man that held her up in the air like she weighed nothing as he drove his dick into her again and again in a standing position, all while she screamed.

  After that, the sight of a chocolate-skinned bombshell with curves in all the right places and a flat stomach was taken from behind by one man. Her moans were muffled by the cock in her mouth. The room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin.

  It went on for a while. Eventually, Claire moved the mouse and clicked on the bar below the video, skipping a few seconds ahead. The last of the crude scenes had stopped playing on the big screen.

  “If that didn’t tantalize every nerve in your body, I’m afraid I do not know what will. Fembotron, guaranteed pleasure no matter how forbidden your fantasy might be. The leading company in the industry is inviting you to try our Playroom Fembots today.” The woman walked to the center of the stage. With a snap of her perfectly manicured fingers, the skin-tight garment that she wore disappeared to reveal her perfect body. She had a firm body devoid of any hair and it was glistening like she was coated in some kind of body oil. “After all, there is nowhere else that you can find an experience so provocatively real.”

  Claire couldn’t watch any more after that. She knew all too well what came next. A man walked onto the stage. His face was never in the shot but it didn’t need to be. He was tall with tanned skin, an arrogant haircut, a chiseled jawline, blue eyes, and a business suit more expensive than the average person’s rental amount. His name was William.

  Still, she couldn’t slam the computer shut before she heard the first moan. Unfortunately, closing the laptop screen didn’t help. She could hear the moans echoing from upstairs where the latest promotional video was shot.

  Will, the man behind the company that was leading the Fembot revolution, was her husband. At the beginning, Claire was fine with the business. Of course, things had changed a lot since her husband had started up and it had become a full-blown empire since then. Not only had their lives changed, but the business itself had changed, too. At the beginning, the androids had been nothing more than simulated minds and personalities made to provide a realistic experience.

  No matter how hard she fought him on it, Claire couldn’t convince Will that what he was doing was wrong. The androids were no longer made to provide a realistic experience. They were being modeled after real people. The Playroom Fembots were completely different from the artificial intelligence of the past. Her husband was downloading real, simulated women’s minds into the android bodies with their sex drives amped up until all they craved was sex, sex, and more sex. Real women were going through these experiences. It made Claire feel wrong on all sorts of levels.

  As it was… Will was more than content to continue. That put Claire at odds with him. Will didn’t seem to mind. In fact, Claire could hear the sounds of the ebony-skinned android screaming her pleasure from upstairs. She didn’t want to know what her husband was doing to make the Fembot make those noises.

  It wasn’t the first time that Will screwed his Fembot and Claire knew that it wouldn’t be the last. He had sex with the Fembots all the time. Claire had become obsolete as far as he was concerned. It made her even angrier to know that there were real women’s minds in there. They weren’t false bodies used for nothing more than pleasure. When the company started, it would have been like Claire using a dildo. Now, though, it would be like Claire seeing another man.

  Quite plainly, Claire believed that her husband’s rendezvous’ with the Fembots were as good as cheating on her. He didn’t agree. All this meant that she was angry with him, and more than a little frustrated at hearing the sounds coming from upstairs.

  Claire squirmed in her seat, rubbing her thighs together in an effort to soothe the desire she felt pooling at her center. She wasn’t getting enough sex for herself since she had dared to disagree with him. For some time, she had been planning on getting back at her husband.

  With the promotional video filmed and ready to be shown to the public, Claire was ready to put that plan into action.

  Chapter 2

  William woke up feeling disoriented and groggy. He blinked away sleep but couldn’t shake the gnawing confusion that gripped his senses. He turned over, shutting his eyes to go back to sleep, but he wasn’t in his own bed. He couldn’t remember the flight to China, so that wasn’t right. He wouldn’t be in a bed in a hotel. He would be in his own bed at home.

  Groaning, Will decided to drag his exhausted body out of bed. As soon as he was on his feet, he knew that something wasn’t right. He felt much lighter than usual. He looked down and he was faced with bare legs. The problem wasn’t that his legs were bare, but the fact that they were definitely not his legs!

  That woke him right up. He blinked repeatedly, taking in the long pale limbs before him. They were toned, naked, and smooth as a baby’s bottom, devoid of any hair. He ran his fingers up and down his toned slender, very feminine thighs.

  Before he knew what he was doing, Will was feeling his entire body up. There was no doubt about it. He had a brand new body – a woman’s body. He had long, smooth legs and slim arms. His tummy was a flat expanse. From his chest, two firm breasts curved outwards, heavy to his hands and full to the touch. His hips flared out and met an equally bodacious ass, rounded and full. He could feel his heart beating faster as panic overtook him.

  What the hell was going on?

  Will took in his surroundings, the confusion and sleepiness having finally disappeared to be replaced by full-blown alarm. He was in the lab at the company – a Fembot laboratory. He walked around but he found that he was inside one of the testing units, a glass chamber with nothing but the bare necessities; a bed stood in one corner, an armchair beside it, bathroom and washbasin facilities stood on the far side, and there was a wardrobe which he knew would host any item of clothing he could dream possible. It was more like an advanced technological holding cell.

  “Hello?” He called out. Perhaps one of the scientists would hear him. He paused at the sound of his voice; it was high-pitched and soft, as if he needed any further proof that he was no longer a man. There must have been some kind of a mistake. “Is anyone there?”

  There was no response. Will moved over to the glass walls, reaching out and pressing his fingertips to one side of the testing unit. He knew that they would only open from the outside. Someone had to insert the code into the system in order to allow the Fembot out. That only happened once all the tests had been conducted.

  Will watched his hand, feminine and dainty with perfect
ly manicured nails, as it clenched into a fist. He started slamming on the glass repeatedly. He knew that it was futile. There was no getting out of there that way. He hoped, however, that someone might hear him and set him free.

  He knew where he was. He didn’t know how he had gotten there, but Will was in the body of one of his Fembots. There had been a terrible mistake and he was trapped in the body of one of his beloved Playroom Fembots, stuck as an android until someone came down to the lab to fix him.

  * * *

  Claire walked, or rather strutted, her way into the lab a while later. Will wasn’t sure how long he had been there, but it was long enough for him to torture himself with the thought of being trapped in one of his beloved androids forever. He had no way of knowing what had gone wrong or where or how. For all he knew, the world had come to an end and his consciousness had somehow been downloaded into one of his only viable androids. After all, he had no recollection of getting into the unit in the first place as the last place he remembered being was at home the evening before he was due to leave for the airport.

  Will had raided the wardrobe and had gotten some clothes on. He had been feeling incredibly uncomfortable being naked – made only worse by the fact that he was a naked woman. He had picked a skirt, entirely too short for him, and a low-cut blouse that revealed a lot of his cleavage. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much of a choice in terms of underwear. Apparently all of the clothes in the Fembot wardrobe were meant to be enticing and slutty. He supposed that he shouldn’t be surprised. His Playroom Fembots were meant to be enticing and slutty. Dressing them that way made sense. Still, his ass was barely covered by the frilly plaid skirt that he wore, his breasts were pretty much on full display in the black top, the pair of heels he had on accentuated his long legs, and he was wearing a pair of red matching lingerie sexy and lacy enough to make any guy hard.


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