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by Hartley, Jennifer

  “I love you,” he said quietly. “Please don’t cry.”

  “Not sure I have tears left,” said Kimberly, her voice so raw and broken that it broke his heart.

  Adam lifted her chin to look at her face, sighing.

  “I can’t see you like this. I never wanted to ever hurt you like this. I would never want you to be so upset, so hurt. I hate myself for making you cry, no matter how upset I was, I never wanted this,” he said quietly.

  Kimberly bit her lip. She still needed to tell him she’d searched for and found the ring and was even currently wearing it. He hadn’t noticed yet, and she tried to keep that hand around his back, hidden.

  “Adam…” she began.

  “I’m so sorry, Kim. I hate seeing you like this because of me,” said Adam.

  Kimberly didn’t respond, only snuggling closer to him. She took a deep breath and let it out, relaxing against him. He gently kissed her forehead, both arms wrapped around her.

  “I love you,” said Kimberly.

  “I know…in your own way, you love me,” said Adam quietly.

  “I love you more than anything,” said Kimberly.

  “And I love you more than anything,” murmured Adam, placing another kiss on her hair.

  “Come on, get up, you can’t be comfortable sitting here,” he said.

  He tried getting her to move, but she didn’t budge. He picked her up, depositing her gently onto her bed and leaning in to kiss her forehead.

  “I’m going to get you some water,” he said.

  He took a few steps and then turned back to her.

  “Have you eaten?” he asked.

  Kimberly shook her head.

  “Since when?” asked Adam.

  “Since you left,” said Kimberly.

  “That was well before dinner yesterday, you’ve had no dinner, no snack, no breakfast since?” asked Adam, horrified.

  “I didn’t feel like it,” said Kimberly.

  “Oh Kim,” said Adam, running a hand through his hair.

  “I’m making you something, but you’re not staying here while I do, I need to see you,” he said.

  Kimberly made a half-hearted attempt to get up, and he immediately scooped her up in his arms, carrying her down to the kitchen wordlessly and depositing her on a stool next to the island.

  “You okay?” he asked her.

  Kimberly nodded, and that’s when he caught sight of the ring she’d clearly found and was wearing.

  He tried not to react; instead, he turned and focused on getting her a glass of water, which he placed in front of her and cooking up poached eggs on toast.

  Kimberly took a sip of water, watching him as he worked. He was comfortable in her kitchen. He knew where everything was. She watched the set of his jaw as he cooked the eggs and then glanced down at her hand. He had to have seen it. She’d forgotten to hide it. For some reason, though, he wasn’t saying anything. She felt guilty to have searched the room as she had last night, she’d made a bad situation worse.

  Adam buttered the toast and put a plate down in front of her; she’d had half of the water he’d poured her, so he refilled the glass.

  “Eat,” he said quietly.

  “Adam,” began Kimberly, her voice breaking.

  “No, you eat first, nothing is more important right now than you eating something and having some more water. Do you want coffee?” he asked.

  Kimberly nodded, blinking back the tears.

  He set up the coffee machine, brewing a fresh cup of coffee and setting the mug down in front of her too.

  He then sat on a stool next to her, his hand on her back, providing comfort as she ate. Kimberly found she was famished now that the food was in front of her. She finished every bite, having the water also as well as the coffee.

  “Thank you,” said Kimberly quietly, and Adam kissed her cheek softly as he took the plate to the sink. He refilled her water glass again and put it down in front of her, trying to hydrate her after all the tears she’d cried.

  “Let’s go to the living room,” he said.

  Kimberly nodded, getting up and taking the water glass with her. She sat down on the couch, and Adam took a seat next to her. She pulled herself tightly against him, curling her body into his. He held her, dropping kisses onto her hair.

  “What do you think, Kim? Do you think I don’t love you?” he asked gently.

  “You broke up with me,” said Kimberly, her voice breaking.

  “No, I didn’t. I’m still here, I love you,” said Adam, horrified that she believed he’d actually break up with her.

  “What was that text this morning then?” asked Kimberly; tears had formed in her eyes.

  “I was upset. That was…poorly worded. I’m sorry,” said Adam.

  “You don’t want to break up?” asked Kimberly, relieved.

  “No, never! Kim, I love you. That could never be a possibility, not ever,” said Adam.

  Kimberly cried tears of relief.

  “I hurt you, and I never meant to,” said Kimberly sadly. “I’m sorry.”

  Adam sighed, looking at her.

  “I never meant to hurt you either, I’m sorry,” he said.

  Kimberly nodded her acknowledgment of his words, and he hesitated, glancing quickly at her hand. Kimberly followed his gaze and braced herself for what was coming.

  “Where did you find that? I know where you found it actually, but why did you search for it? Why did you put it on?” he asked, glaring at the ring on her hand.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I searched. I was upset. I put it on because I love you. Do you want it back?” she asked.

  “I wanted a lot of things, Kim, but apparently that’s not going to happen,” he muttered.

  “Do you want me to take it off?” asked Kimberly.

  Adam shook his head, frustrated. Here she was insisting on wearing the ring when in reality, she would never wear it in public and couldn’t see how the constant hiding was hurting them.

  “Marry me,” she murmured.

  “Kim,” he admonished.

  “Marry me, please.”

  “Secretly, huh? Married and no one knows, right? Marry someone you’re actually proud to be with Kim,” he said, sad and frustrated.

  “I am proud to be with you. I can’t wait to be your wife,” said Kimberly, wiping away tears.

  “I am going on social media right now and posting about us if you think I would ever not want to marry you,” said Kimberly.

  “Come on, Kim. You wouldn’t do that,” said Adam dismissively.

  Kimberly pulled out her phone and started typing.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, having thought she was bluffing.

  “I am telling the world I love you,” said Kimberly as if it was obvious.

  “Give me the phone,” said Adam, holding out a hand.

  “No,” said Kimberly. “It’s my decision.”

  “It’s both of our decisions, and I don’t want you to do something now and regret it, so give me the phone,” said Adam.

  Kimberly ignored him. She’d chosen one of their many personal photos together, both beaming, their arms around each other.

  “Kim, stop,” said Adam.

  Kimberly glanced up at him, purposely pressing ‘post’ and then handed over the phone.

  “Oh my god – even if you deleted this right now, it’s probably been screenshot a thousand times by now,” said Adam, looking at the post.

  The notifications were already coming in, and then his phone started buzzing too. Kimberly’s phone started ringing.

  “It’s Rex,” said Adam, who was still holding her phone, staring at what she’d done. She’d outed them, right on social media. She’d written a sweet caption and shared a private photo.

  “I don’t care,” said Kimberly, with a shrug.

  She was remarkably unaffected by what she’d just done. As the one who had driven their hiding and deflections and denials, somehow when it came down to it, it wasn’t important.
Now it was done, they’d deal with it all later. She only wanted Adam to know she had no qualms about coming out with their relationship.

  Chapter 14

  “Kim…” said Adam, trailing off. He was still staring in shock at Kimberly’s phone.

  He then held the phone up to Kimberly to show her that Britta was calling. Kimberly took it, turning it off and putting it down on the table beside the couch. She beckoned him for his phone, and he handed it over. She turned it off too and put it down beside hers.

  Kimberly faced him, unable to look away, despite worrying that his reaction was still coming. She’d shocked him, and he was still processing it.

  “Did you do this because you felt pressured?” asked Adam finally.

  “No,” said Kimberly, shaking her head.

  “I never wanted you to feel you had no other choice, I feel responsible for this,” said Adam.

  “You didn’t pressure me, Adam. We could have kept talking. We could have come up with something else. You told me not to. I did this. I did it; it’s on me,” said Kimberly.

  Adam shook his head.

  “It’s on me too; if I hadn’t brought it up, you wouldn’t have done this,” said Adam.

  “You didn’t suggest doing it the way I did. You suggested doing it in an interview, in a logical way. Your way was probably better, but it’s done now. You didn’t delete it,” said Kimberly.

  “No, you still can, though,” said Adam.

  “I don’t want to,” said Kimberly.

  Adam rubbed a hand over his face, sighing.

  “I still feel like you did this because of me. I’m sorry, Kim. I made you cry, I hurt you, and I hate myself. And then you did this! Just so we’re clear – whether we ever went public or not, I would have been here. I love you, with no conditions. I love you no matter what,” said Adam.

  “I know that,” said Kimberly.

  “No, you didn’t. You thought I would break up with you,” said Adam, shaking his head.

  “So I thought it for a little while, I never thought you didn’t love me. I know you do; how could I ever not know that?” said Kimberly.

  Adam moved closer, placing a tender kiss against her forehead.

  “I’m glad you know that,” he said softly.

  “Adam, would it be okay?” murmured Kimberly, moving even closer, her fingers twisting into his hair, her eyes on his.

  “I hate that you need to ask,” said Adam.

  He caressed her cheek, kissing her, and she melted against him. It had been almost twenty-four hours since she’d last kissed him and she’d missed him so much already. Adam started the kiss, and he had to end it, as Kimberly unwilling to part from him.

  “Breathe, Kim,” he said softly.

  “Kissing you is more important,” said Kimberly with a smile.

  Adam chuckled, kissing her again softly.

  “Now…you asked me a question earlier, I didn’t really give you an answer, but you deserve an answer. Even though I wanted to be the one to ask the question,” said Adam.

  “Sorry, I’ll take it back, and then it’s your turn again,” said Kimberly.

  “Is that the way it works?” asked Adam, gently pushing a lock of hair away from her face.

  “Sure,” said Kimberly.

  Adam kissed her forehead.

  “Honestly, Kim. You know how much I wanted to ask you,” he said. “And how much I wanted to give you that. Not like this, never like this,” he added, looking down at the ring.

  Kimberly looked down at her hands for a moment.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’ve ruined it.”

  “No, you haven’t ruined it. Just made it different,” said Adam, playing with her hair, his fingers moving through the ponytail from top to bottom and starting again.

  He couldn’t stop touching her; he wasn’t sure if he was doing it to comfort her or comfort himself at this point. He just knew he never wanted to see her as upset as she had been earlier ever again.

  “When was it?” asked Kimberly.

  Adam hesitated.

  “I’ve kind of ruined your original plan now anyway,” said Kimberly.

  “Belgium. I was going to surprise you in Belgium,” said Adam quietly.

  “Aw, you’re sweet,” said Kimberly. “That would be a trip to remember!”

  “Yes,” murmured Adam.

  “I’m so sorry, I ruined it all,” said Kimberly.

  “No, don’t apologize,” said Adam.

  “I can’t have you asking me and not give you an answer….so, Kim, of course, the answer is a huge yes. But I’m still going to ask you. I need to,” said Adam.

  Kimberly beamed. “Thank you.”

  “I guess I should give you this,” said Kimberly, fiddling with the ring she wore.

  “I can’t bear to take that off you now, keep it on. I’ll just put it on you again when the time comes,” said Adam.

  “Alright. How about I do this?” asked Kimberly.

  She removed the ring from her left ring finger, placing it onto her right ring finger instead.

  “How’s that?” she asked.

  “That’s fine, for now,” said Adam.

  He took her hand, admiring the ring on her finger, and placed a kiss across her knuckles.

  “I knew it would look good on you,” he said.

  Kimberly hugged him tightly, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

  He hugged her back just as tightly, one hand on the back of her head, holding her close.

  Kimberly pulled back slightly to look at him.

  “Thank you. It’s perfect. There couldn’t be a more perfect ring,” she said, blushing.

  “I’m glad you like it. I wanted it to be perfect for you,” said Adam.

  “It is,” said Kimberly, tenderly kissing him and snuggling back into his embrace.

  Adam held her, and it was minutes before either of them moved, both just taking the time to breathe together.

  “Will you stay?” asked Kimberly quietly as they parted.

  “Never leaving again. I’m sorry I left yesterday, Kim. I just didn’t want to say anything in anger, I tried to not upset you, and in the end, I upset you more. I’m an idiot,” said Adam, shaking his head.

  “It’s okay, you’re not an idiot,” said Kimberly, caressing his hair.

  “You’re very forgiving of my idiocy,” said Adam with a rueful smile.

  “Would you stop beating yourself up? Please? For me, at least?” said Kimberly.

  “I’d do anything for you,” said Adam, kissing her.

  “So stop beating yourself up. You’re wonderful and perfect, and I won’t let you think otherwise,” said Kimberly.

  “Thank you,” said Adam, squeezing her hand.

  “The only thing I won’t forgive is if any Kentworth girls made a play for you yesterday,” teased Kimberly.

  Adam laughed. “I’d never do that to you, not ever. Perfection is right here,” he said, lightly caressing both her cheeks.

  “Oh, I trust you. It’s the Kentworth women who are probably all in love with you I don’t trust,” teased Kimberly.

  Adam snorted. “Oh yes, well, how about all the London men then, who are probably in love with you?”

  “I’m taken,” said Kimberly.

  “So am I,” said Adam with a smile.

  “Besides, I happen to be in love with a really handsome man from Kentworth. Maybe you know him?” she teased.

  “I possibly do,” said Adam with a smile.

  Kimberly grinned, her smile fading after a moment.

  “We’re going to have to deal with it all at some point, but I don’t want to yet,” said Kimberly.

  “How about you at least call Britta and Rex back and then turn the phones off again?” said Adam.

  “How about we share those tasks – can you deal with Rex for me? I’ll call Britta,” said Kimberly.

  “Alright, we’re a team, of course, I can do that,” said Adam.

  They both turned their pho
nes on again, seeing more messages and missed calls and Adam dialed Rex from his phone while Kimberly called Britta back.

  “Britta can’t believe it; she’s mainly excited but also horrified. She’d wanted us to actually plan it – do it in an interview like you suggested. But she’s not mad,” said Kimberly as she hung up.

  “Rex isn’t happy,” reported back Adam.

  “Well, he wouldn’t be. I did it without consulting him after all,” said Kimberly.

  “It’s fine. We’ll sort it out. He’s fielding calls already for a statement from us from the media,” said Adam.

  “They’re quick, aren’t they,” said Kimberly, shaking her head.

  “Yes, they are,” said Adam.

  He reached for her phone, turning it off, having already turned off his.

  “Now, we’re done,” he said. “You relax now, maybe get some rest. Did you sleep much last night?”

  “Not much,” said Kimberly.

  “Come on, get some rest,” said Adam.

  They both looked up as the doorbell rang, and they winced as they heard Jennifer Marcus’s voice ring out.

  “Kimberly Marcus, open up right now!” said Jennifer.

  “I see your car, Adam Neilson!” came the second voice. Penelope.

  Kimberly and Adam looked at each other, trying not to laugh. They’d forgotten that turning off their phones would never deter either of their mothers. Kimberly went to the door, opening it.

  “You pull a stunt like that and turn off your phone?” asked Jennifer, staring at her daughter.

  “Hi, mom. Yes, it’s easier to pull a stunt like that without seeing the after-effects,” said Kimberly as she led the way into the living room where Adam was standing, ready to greet his mother and Jennifer.

  “I was expecting you to eventually say it, but I didn’t expect it like that,” said Jennifer, hand on her heart.

  “Oh, mom, it’s done now. Don’t worry,” said Kimberly, hugging her mother.

  “On social media, Adam?” Penelope was asking, horrified.

  “Don’t worry mom,” said Adam, hugging her in the hopes of calming her down.

  “Did the two of you plan this?” asked Penelope as she pulled away from Adam and studied them both.


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