Whom Shall I Kiss... an Earl, a Marquess, or a Duke?

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Whom Shall I Kiss... an Earl, a Marquess, or a Duke? Page 10

by Laura A. Barnes

  “There you are. I stopped by your home to see if you wanted to ride, but your mother told me I could find you here.”

  “What a lovely idea, but I’m afraid mother nature has a different idea,” Sidney replied as raindrops fell upon their heads.

  “Well in that case, perhaps we should seek shelter instead.”

  He glanced around for a location to hide from the storm. When he spotted the gazebo nearby, he guided her under the small roof. As they gazed at the rain, he noticed her body shiver. Sheffield shrugged off his overcoat and rested it upon her shoulders. She smiled her gratitude to him and murmured a small thank you. When she turned back to the rain, he realized her gaze strayed to a group of trees near the pond. He wondered why, but as his eyes adjusted through the wet air, he understood why. Wildeburg. His friend had once again beaten him at the game they played. He realized the rascal still waited in the trees when a movement confirmed his suspicions.

  When he looked more closely at Lady Sidney, he noticed her hair fell around her shoulders, and her lips were full and pouty from being kissed. The devil wasted no time. He’d already moved onto the seduction. Well two could play at that game. Sheffield decided then and there he would play along with Wilde. His mind changed as he realized he might have lost her interest. What would make his seduction a more successful attempt was because Wilde would observe. After this, he knew Wilde would improve his game, and then he would have to raise his own stakes. Only, he held a marker in his pocket that Wilde did not. Lord Henry Hartridge, her father. His business relationship with him would be his ace in the hole. Sure, Henry told him Sidney would make the decision on who she would marry. However, he could persuade the man it would be in his best interest to push his claim with Sidney.

  Sidney knew she should make small talk with Sheffield, but her mind strayed to Wildeburg. His kiss, his touch, his actions consumed her thoughts. His promise to see her tonight ignited a need she had never felt before. She raised her fingers to her mouth as if she sensed his lips upon hers. Her body shivered in anticipation. Before long, Sheffield shrouded her in his overcoat. Sidney realized he mistook her shiver for cold. Guilt consumed her as she thought of one man while in the presence of another. She glanced toward the trees and wondered if Wildeburg lingered. When she searched for him, she encountered his stare. She sighed. How did she manage to get herself in this mess? Did she wish to be pursued by two empowering men? Was this more than research? What started out as a walk in the park to get her thoughts in order ended with her brain entirely muddled.

  Sheffield’s overcoat wasn’t the only thing to wrap around her shoulders. Before long Sidney became caught in Sheffield’s hold, with her hands trapped between their bodies. She tried to push him away from her, but his hold only tightened. When she glanced into his eyes, she witnessed a man bent on victory. As he lowered his head, Sidney turned her head toward the trees, afraid Wildeburg would see their embrace. Why she felt betrayal was unknown to her. She only understood she didn’t want him to think her free with her affections. However, Sheffield could not be deterred. He turned her gaze back to him with the simple tilt of his finger on her cheek.

  He stroked the smoothness of her cheek until a pink blush stole across her skin. The soft color enhanced the creaminess of her skin. He watched as she searched for Wildeburg. His finger slowly made their way to her full lips. Lips he realized his friend tasted, an advantage soon to be rectified. They trembled under his touch as he ran the tip of his finger back and forth. Her blush became darker as it spread over her entire face.

  Sidney stood mortified. While she started her research for this exact outcome, she only held an attraction for one man. And that man was not Sheffield. Oh, at first, she experienced a bit of desire for him. What lady wouldn’t? A dashing duke paid her the attention no gentleman ever had, but as soon as Wildeburg’s lips touched hers, no man stood a chance. Awkwardness overcame her as Sheffield rubbed his finger across her lips. She cringed on how to discourage his attention without offending him. She needed to be gentle but firm.

  The other dilemma was her requirement for the same outcome with her research. She needed each gentleman to kiss her, but now wasn’t the place for Sheffield’s affection. She planned for them to lure her in the gardens at the Havelock Ball. While Wildeburg had already kissed her, the other two gentlemen must wait for the ball. Then after the event she would finish her research and write her paper. All this silly nonsense would end, and she could resume her normal life helping Papa with his research. She would dress plain again, and the men would withdraw their attentions.

  Sidney drew back. “Your Grace, you take liberties that are not allowed.”

  “Aren’t they, my dear? I do not believe I mistook your interest a few days past.”

  He made a point there. She stroked her hands up and down his chest, as if she was enticing him for a more amorous relationship. Now, she needed to encourage him and discourage him within the same moment. Sidney’s mind scrambled for an excuse of her behavior.

  “I’m afraid my nature was not the manners of a lady. I hope you don’t have an unfair opinion of my behavior?”

  “No. It has helped me to finalize a decision.”

  “A decision?”

  “Yes. I have determined you would make an excellent duchess.”

  She stepped out of his clutches and stood with her mouth open wide. Her eyes grew large as conceit crossed his face at his declaration. He slid his hands in his pockets and stuck out his chest as he arched an eyebrow at her. Sidney believed he thought she should bow before him. Yes, this definitely had moved too far, too fast. What had she done? Sheffield defied all of her research. No offer of marriage was ever to be spoken. They were to take their kisses and leave her to ruination. So far, only one man proved her data to be correct. Sheffield went against all odds and wrecked her research. Which only left Rory, and he would offer for her after a kiss because of his close relationship with her family. She didn’t think this through. As usual, she had jumped into a scheme without a thought on how it would play out.

  “Are you mad?”

  “On the contrary, I am quite sane. I have already spoken with your father, and he has accepted my proposal.”

  “Proposal? I don’t recall you asking for my hand in marriage.”

  Sheffield scoffed. “Nor will I. Marriage is a business agreement, and nothing more. While I will say your beauty is a draw I never expected from you, it will make bedding you all the more enjoyable. As for your mind, you must rein in your reckless thoughts. I will tolerate them alone, but you will refrain from them in the company of others.”

  “Why you conceited, overbearing arse.”

  “Tsk, tsk, my dear. Those are the comments you must learn to abstain from.”

  “Papa will never agree.”

  “Yes, you are correct. He has informed me it is your decision to make.”

  “So, you’ve decided to persuade me with your arrogant attitude? Yes, I can see you understand how to win a girl’s heart.”

  “Marriage does not involve matters of the heart, dear Sidney.”

  “I have not given you leave to address me so informally. Also, you are incorrect. The heart is the very soul of a marriage.”

  “I did not figure someone as level-headed as you are for a romantic. The next thing you will inform me of is your love for romance novels.”

  “You know that is nonsense, but I know it exists. My father and mother hold a deep love for one another.”

  “I will agree with you on that subject. Your parents’ love is a rare exception. Be honest with yourself. You realize your prospects are not abundant, and you no longer wish to be a burden on your parents. Wouldn’t it be a relief to them when you are settled before anything befalls them? A marriage to me would allow your parents comfort and provide your younger siblings with bright futures,” he persuaded her.

  Sidney listened to his arguments and realized he brought forth good points toward his suit. Wildeburg promised nothing but seduct
ion and only toyed with her affections. The practical side of Sidney recognized the positive points, if she were to encourage Sheffield. Her family would be financially set for the rest of their lives if she wed the duke. Her younger brothers would go to fine schools and have secure futures. The romantic side of Sidney argued that she would be unhappy in a loveless marriage. She wished to allow the attraction with Wildeburg to flourish into a grand love. Her confusion led her to her next comment.

  “I will agree to your courtship, Your Grace. After you have proven to be a man I wish to marry, I will agree. Until then, I am free to explore other options if I so desire.”

  Sheffield stood smug in her acceptance, he now gained a point for himself against Wildeburg. She would be easy to convince. This time, Wildeburg could not outwit him. He would be the victor in the game of Sidney Hartridge. He reached for her gloved hand and raised it to his lips, where he held it for a few seconds, then placed a warm kiss upon her knuckles.

  “Agreed. Now, since the rain has halted, may I escort you home? I promised your mother I would.”

  Not wanting to disappoint her mother, she allowed Sheffield to lay her hand on his arm as he led her down the gazebo steps. The rain stopped as the sun broke through the clouds. The bright rays shone on them as they passed the cluster of trees Wildeburg escaped to. As they passed, she noticed he no longer remained. She suffered disappointment for she had hoped he would interrupt them as he did the time before. But it was not to be.

  Sheffield made polite conversation on their short walk home, acting as the ultimate gentleman. He even allowed her to speak her difference of opinion. When they reached her front door, he bowed and thanked her for the lovely walk. Then he turned on his heel and she watched him walk away until he moved out of her view. Nothing more, nothing less, which only left her more confused. She trailed inside, where she told her mama that yes, the duke found her, and yes, they had a lovely chat. She informed her mother she would be in her room reading until lunch.

  Chapter Eight

  Sidney climbed the steps to her room with her head bent in deep thought. She tried to pull her thoughts together on how to proceed with her research. She already came to the conclusion that she was in way over her head. This afternoon she would list her data into the correct columns and begin to write her paper. After a few days, she would have her outcome. Her footsteps shuffled along the hallway and through the doorway to her room. She shut the door behind her to inform her family and Rose that she didn’t wish to be disturbed.

  When she raised her head and turned around, she gasped. Wildeburg lay atop her counterpane, with his hands relaxed behind his head. His wicked grin spoke of his true intentions. She gulped as she noted his long form spread across her bed in leisure. He discarded his jacket and a waistcoat on her chaise. He loosened his cravat and left the first few buttons of his shirt open for her to ogle. Lord Wildeburg was a very fine specimen of a man. He rolled on his side with his hand propping his head while he patted the spot next to him.

  Her head shook back and forth, since she was unable to utter a single sentence. This was every girl’s dream, Noah Wildeburg on their bed. He laughed, then crooked his finger as he tempted her to come closer. As if under his spell, her legs moved toward the bed while her mind screamed, NO, NO, NO! It would seem her body had a desire of its own. When she reached him, he lifted his palm, and she slid her hand into his. With a small tug, she soon landed in his arms. Wilde never spoke a word, only lowered his mouth to hers for a kiss.

  The kiss, while gentle, held a pressure for release. Each nip and brush of his tongue begged more from her. When she responded as eagerly as him, the pressure of release poured their emotions into the passion. Their kisses became bolder, hungrier for more. Before long, his hands wrapped in her hair, and he drew her closer. The stroke of his tongue guided her to abandon proper restraint. She ran her fingers through his hair, luxuriating in the full honey locks. When his lips moved to her neck, mumbling incoherent words, she pulled his head closer. An ache overcame her body, one that only he could ease. She needed to touch him as he caressed her. When her fingers began unbuttoning the rest of his shirt, he pulled back, enclosing her hand in his. He rested his forehead against hers, breathing deeply. As he stared into her eyes, Sidney watched him try to regain control. She shook her head no.

  He closed his eyes as he gathered her closer and held her to his chest as he brought his body under control. Wilde tucked her head into his shoulder, holding her trembling form. She was an enticing minx. He only meant to tease and to gain a reaction to his appearance in her room in broad daylight, not to fall under her spell, but he became lost after one kiss and touch. It was insane, the surest way to end in his demise—marriage. To climb her trellis in the dead of night was one thing, but to climb it during the day only asked for the parson’s noose.

  When he regarded her in Sheffield’s arms, and when she didn’t slug his friend, he realized he might have lost the game, which meant he would have had to up his stakes. Wilde didn’t want to examine the other emotions he experienced when Sheffield stroked his finger across her cheek. They still lingered for him to process later. At least she didn’t grant the bloke a kiss. Of that, he held an advantage. Even though neither of them declared Sidney Hartridge a game, the result was the same. There was nobody and nothing off limits to their level of competition. She was no different, even as delightful of a kisser she was. Not to mention, heaven in his arms. When her body settled into his and her trembles ceased, he breathed a deep sigh.

  “When I saw you in Sheffield’s arms and he stroked your face, a jealous rage overcame me. I had to see you. Before you lecture me on improprieties, I will apologize. However, I will not say I am sorry for the kiss I stole from your lips.”

  Sidney raised herself to rest her head on her folded hands as she gazed at him. “My Lord, you are no gentleman. You are the worst scoundrel in all of England.”

  He released a laugh, sure to draw notice if anybody walked along the hallway. She put her hand over his mouth to quiet him. His tongue stroked the delicate fingers, tasting her. When she moaned and her fingers relaxed under his tongue, he continued the exploration as his mouth moved to her wrist. As his tongue rested against the beating of her rapid pulse, her eyes darkening with heated desire, he decided the hell with Sheffield and their games. He needed to have her.

  He raised his head to ravish her lips under his, taking from her what she returned in full. His fingers popped the buttons along the length of her back, with a need to touch and taste her fully. Her moans became lost in his as her fingers slipped inside his shirt to stroke his chest. Sidney’s touch set his body aflame, and every coherent thought left his mind. His need only grew stronger. When her lips left to move to his neck, he pressed his hardened cock into her womanly core. As her lips lowered to place soft kisses on his chest, he rotated his hips against hers. He was on the verge of ripping the rest of buttons off her dress when the door flung open. He stilled in horror.

  “Sidney, your Mama said you were hiding in your—” Sophia began.

  Wilde jumped from the bed and yanked his clothes in order, afraid Sidney’s mother would not be far behind. When Lady Sophia closed the door and stood smirking at them, he knew he was safe for the time being. His gaze landed on Sidney, who had also left the bed and set her dress to rights. As her hands tried to smooth her skirts, her head rose to entrance him in her stare. Their unanswered desire sizzled between them, begging for release. He shrugged on his waistcoat and tossed his suit coat over his shoulder and held his hand to her. She moved silently to him and rested her palm in his with complete trust. He glanced over her shoulder to note that Lady Sophia had turned her back on them to offer them a sliver of privacy.

  He kissed her forehead. “I will see you tonight,” he promised. Wilde tossed his coat out the window and climbed down the trellis as he had the night before.

  Sidney watched him exit the garden without being caught by her father. As she turned around, she saw his discard
ed cravat hanging off her bed. She lifted the blue material to her nose and she sniffed his clean aftershave. When she glanced at Phee, she found her friend at her desk, fanning her face.

  “Well I needn’t ask how the research is progressing. It would appear you have lured one gentleman into a kiss.”

  “You misunderstand.”

  “No, my friend, I haven’t.”

  “Yes, you draw conclusions where there are none to draw.”

  “You were entwined in a fiery embrace with the most charming rogue of London while he ravished you in your bedchamber; it paints a very clear picture, Sid.”

  Sidney reclined on her chaise as she wrapped Wilde’s cravat around her hand over and over, realizing her friend was correct. He consumed her thoughts with the passion he ignited in her. If Phee hadn’t interrupted them, how far would they have gone? Would she have allowed him to make love to her in her bedchamber when someone could have caught them at any moment? She was foolish and didn’t need her behavior confirmed. It was a recklessness that held consequences for not only her and Wildeburg, but for her family too. Shame would grace their doorstep. Sidney glanced at Phee, who stared back at her with a confused look she couldn’t decipher. The look held one of amusement and pity.



  “I’ve made such a mess.”

  “It would appear so.”

  “What do I do?”

  “What do you want to do? Or should I be asking whom?”

  “Wildeburg,” Sidney sighed.



  “I thought you would never succumb to romance.”

  “Romance? This emotion is beyond romance.”

  “Then for once in your life don’t analyze your feelings. Explore them.”

  “But what if his intentions are to toy with me?”

  “What if they aren’t?

  “Am I crazy?”


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