Whom Shall I Kiss... an Earl, a Marquess, or a Duke?

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Whom Shall I Kiss... an Earl, a Marquess, or a Duke? Page 13

by Laura A. Barnes

  “Explain yourself, Phee. You have lost me. How does Wildeburg turn into the hero and Sheffield the villain?”

  Phee explained to Sidney the exact story from Wildeburg’s description, word for word. She elaborated on Wilde’s heroism to help her new friend regain Sidney’s affections. When Sidney’s expression changed throughout the story, Phee realized she had reached through to her.

  “How awful for those women. Even they aren’t safe from the scoundrels of the ton. Is any lady safe? I must meet Belle and learn these women’s stories. I can add their information to my research.”

  “Sidney, you can’t. That is taking your research too far. We cannot meet these women.”

  “Wildeburg can introduce us.”

  “No, I’m stopping this. I should have ended this research as soon as you suggested it. Don’t make me go to your mother on this.”

  “You are an accomplice now, Phee. You must see this through to the end alongside me.”

  Sidney rose from the desk and slid on her pelisse. As she grabbed her reticule, she turned at the door. “Are you coming with me? We will have to tell Mama a little lie about heading to your house to look through your dresses.”

  “She will want to accompany us and visit Mama.”

  “Not today. She is attending a hospital committee meeting at Lady’s Darvel’s house. Your Mama won’t go anywhere near there.”

  Sophia groaned. Sidney was correct. Mama wouldn’t step foot on Lady Darvel’s doorstep. She would accompany Sid to keep her from trouble, but after this, the Havelock Ball couldn’t come soon enough. This visit could be their ruination, but her desire to learn more about these women and their lives tempted her to follow her friend. If Sophia could help these women to a better life, then she must learn more.

  “If trouble arises for any reason, you must promise me we will leave immediately.”

  “I promise.” Sidney smiled her satisfaction as she grabbed Phee’s hand and laughed her way down the stairs.

  Chapter Ten

  Through gentle persuasion and a small bribe, Sidney acquired the address to the madame’s house through her father’s driver and footman. They were in her debt after she found them playing a card game a few weeks ago. Sidney’s father loathed gambling in any form and expected his servants to abide by his standards. When she discovered their entertainment, she convinced them to let her play, and she had won every hand. Instead of taking their money, she extracted promises from them. They agreed to keep silent whenever she needed a favor. So, with directions to their destination and guards to protect them, she and Phee set off for the infamous Belle’s.

  Sidney rode in silence as she pondered Wilde’s innocence and the questions she wished to ask Madame Bellerose. Since he convinced Phee to plead his case, would he appear this evening? Sidney hoped so. She daydreamed of her acceptance if he should sneak into her bedroom. She would welcome his attentions with an open heart. Of course, she wouldn’t make it easy for him. He must work his charm on her affections. Sidney smiled in anticipation. Sophia’s huge sigh and the tapping of her foot interrupted her musings. When her friend became agitated, she would tap her foot until she calmed herself. Sidney reached to set her hand on Phee’s knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

  “I can have Landers drive you home as soon as we arrive. I will stop by on my way home and fill you in on what I have learned.”

  Phee stilled her leg and shook her head in refusal. “No, I only want to state my objections for the record. Our visit to Madame Belle’s is a horrible idea, and we shall be ruined from this, mark my words.”

  “Nonsense, Phee. I have already made arrangements with Landers. He will stop near the door and drive the carriage to the alleyway to await our departure. From what I understand, ladies arrive for tea every day. The gentlemen have more discretion and arrive at the back door throughout the evening. We shall be in and out of Madame Belle’s and home before the sun sets. Nobody will be the wiser.”

  By then, the conveyance had come to a stop, and Sidney’s footman ushered the ladies to the front door. He rang the bell and swiftly returned to the carriage, where Landers drove them around the corner and out of sight. When the door opened, an enormous man with bulging muscles inquired about their business. Sidney stuttered a reply, which drew a frown from the giant. Her fear kept her from remembering what she muttered. Now she understood her friend’s anxiety of the unknown. What did she walk them into?

  As she grabbed Phee by the arm and started to guide her backward toward the door, an elegant woman appeared next to the man. If the giant scared her, the woman made her feel inadequate as a female. Her long red hair trailed along, clinging to her curvaceous body. Her dress, while it appeared demure and fashionable for the day, was anything but on her form. The woman undid a few small buttons, so she could fold the fabric open to display her ample breasts. The simple linen dress molded tightly to her small frame. Sidney gulped as the lady smiled in welcome. Her nerves kept her from speaking to the enchanting creature. If this beauty was Belle, then Sidney imagined the other girls were gorgeous too.

  “You young ladies must be lost. I will have Ned locate a carriage to take you home,” the enchantress spoke.

  “I hope we are not lost. I seek a woman named Belle,” Sidney stuttered.

  “I am Belle; however, it would be in your best interests to leave.”

  “I only wish a few moments of your time. I understand Lord Wildeburg—”

  “Wildeburg?” Belle interrupted.

  “Yes, as I was saying, Lord Wilde—”

  “Ned, please show these young ladies to my parlor. If you would be so kind as to follow Ned, I will be along shortly,” Belle said.

  Before either one of them could speak, the giant shuffled them into a grand parlor, one fit for a duchess. Most would expect a tawdry parlor decorated in scarlet, not one in various shades of cream. Each elegant fixture enhanced the inviting chamber, especially the drapes made from Chinese silk. The furniture was carved with the finest craftmanship, sitting them in a comfort they did not expect. The personal touches to the room enticed Sidney’s curiosity to a new level. The room held picture frames scattered across the fireplace ledge, and small trinkets rested amongst vases of flowers. What captivated the most wonderment was the massive display of books along one wall. Sidney wandered to the books to scan the various degrees of literature. The books ranged from the recent gothic novels to history tomes of undiscovered civilizations. This wasn’t the parlor of a brothel owner, but of a lady of mystery. Who was Madame Bellerose?

  “What a gorgeous room,” Sophia exclaimed in awe.

  Before Sidney could reply with the same sentiments, Madame Belle followed a servant, laden with a tea tray and refreshments, inside the room. After the maid poured the beverage, the madame dismissed her.

  Belle waited for the maid to leave before she addressed the ladies who sat before her. As she observed them over the rim of her cup, she reached a decision on who captured Wildeburg’s heart. The lady was exquisite and seemed the perfect match for her friend. With her auburn hair pulled in a bun, she appeared dowdy in her dress, but Belle recognized the true beauty beneath the disguise. Of all the years spent in her profession, she could spot a temptress right away. This lovely creature would ensnare a man with Wilde’s appetites with utter devotion. The young woman held confidence and complete ease in the company of a well-known madame. Belle chuckled to herself at the demise of her friend’s bachelorhood.

  The other young lady appeared nervous in her presence and kept an eye on the door, in fear of being discovered in a brothel. She was a beauty herself, who wasn’t afraid to show her attributes. She was the picture of a prim and proper virgin. The ultimate English rose, with her blond hair flawlessly arranged under her bonnet. Her dress was designed in the latest fashion, and not a ruffle was out of place. Yet, the young miss displayed a curiosity for her home. Belle watched as her gaze held a respect for her parlor—and for Belle herself. She became entranced in the lady’s amazi
ng eye color. A rich vibrant violet caught her gaze as she admired Belle’s clothing. Belle dressed for comfort today after the tiring events of the evening before. The brothel remained closed for a few hours as her girls comforted one another. If the lady was enamored of this ensemble, those purple eyes would hold shock at the more elaborate designs she wore.

  “You mentioned earlier your acquaintance with Lord Wildeburg,” Belle inquired.

  “Yes, I understand he came to your assistance last night. Is this correct?” Sidney replied.

  “He took care of a small matter for me.”

  “May I ask you a few questions pertaining to the events?”

  “What is it you wish to know?”

  “Are the women in your employment usually subjected to violent acts from the gentlemen of the ton?”

  Belle released a light laugh. “You make it sound like it is a nightly occurrence. When in fact it rarely happens. The gentlemen who visit my establishment are vetted before I allow them access to any of my girls. They come with the highest references from my regular customers.”

  “However, one of your girls was violated last night at the hands of a peer.”

  “You are correct, but I have handled it. The gentleman will no longer be allowed in my club.”

  “May I also inquire about your club and perhaps speak with a few of your girls?”

  “You may ask me questions, but my girls are off limits to anybody who is not a paying customer. I must guard their privacy. It is a promise I have made to them. I won’t exploit them any more than what they have chosen.”

  “How do the girls gain employment?”

  “The usual ways—escaping poverty, being disowned by their families, or by tragic life decisions.”

  “So, aristocratic gentlemen use these less fortunate women for their own selfish pleasures?”

  “The pleasures of the flesh are a mutually enjoyed pastime between both sexes. The gentlemen who frequent my establishment seek companionship as well as pleasure. They not only receive pleasure, but they give it as well. All the girls are satisfied upon the completion of a gentleman’s visit.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Each gentleman who enters seeks something different from his visit. I pair them with the girl who will fulfill their fantasies. From a man whose only wish is to talk, to a man who desires the taste of a woman. When the gentlemen leave, they are fulfilled from their experience.”

  “Do the girls ever fall in love?” Phee interjected.

  “Yes, my dear, unfortunately some do. When that time comes, I must release them. For it would not end well for the girl or the gentleman.”

  “That seems cruel to them. Where do they go from here?”

  “They are offered a stipend for a simple life.”

  “What kind of simple life?” asked Phee.

  “A life where they follow their own destiny.”

  “How does this—” A knock interrupted Sidney’s question.

  Belle rose and opened the door a crack. With a muffled whisper, she gave instructions to the intruder. As she turned, she noticed the two ladies craned their necks for a glimpse of the visitor. One would soon discover the guest, but the other one she would need to occupy while her friend satisfied her curiosity.

  “I have decided to let one of you visit with my girls. Would that appease your interests?” Belle directed the question toward Sidney.

  Sidney glanced at Phee for approval. She didn’t want to abandon her if she objected. She understood Phee’s reluctance for this visit and didn’t want to subject them to any harm. When Phee nodded her head with enthusiasm, Sid realized Phee was eager to learn how this brothel process worked. With a tilt of her head in agreement, Belle led Sidney to a secret door behind the desk, guiding her into a private room with the promise to return with one of her girls. The madame told Sidney to make herself comfortable as she closed the door between the two rooms. When Sidney turned, she discovered the door held no entryway back into the parlor. With a shrug of her shoulders, she wandered around the room.

  While the parlor gave the impression of respectability, this room was meant for pure pleasure. This was how one would expect a brothel to appear. Dark red scarlet walls invited her deeper into the room, with a bed tucked in the corner. Bed hangings decorated in navy blue surrounded the bed. When Sidney peeled the curtains, she discovered a king size mattress covered in silk sheets, with pillows of all sizes scattered near the top. The bed was sin crooking its finger at her, inviting her to lie down and have her every fantasy come to life.

  She closed her eyes as her fingers drifted across the smooth bedcover, and her thoughts drifted to Noah Wildeburg. Her overactive imagination conjured images of them tangled between the sheets as they stroked their desires to new heights. His kisses left trails of passion across her body as he aroused her to a need only he could fulfill. Her images brought an ache to her womanly core as her breasts tightened with a need to be touched. She sighed as she lifted a hand to her breasts and brushed across her tight nipples. It was a wonder how her imagination built upon her deepest yearnings.

  When Sidney heard the soft click of the door open and close, she lowered her hand and backed away from the bed. She needed to distance herself from the guilty pleasure she indulged in. Embarrassed by her fantasies, a red blush flooded her cheeks as she raised her head to Belle. Only her glance became captured in the stare of her wildest desire, Noah Wildeburg himself.

  Chapter Eleven

  Wilde leaned against the door as he observed her with lazy indulgence. Nothing went unnoticed from his stare. His fascination took in the dreamy gaze her eyes held to how her nipples tightened through her dress. When Sidney’s footsteps brought her toward him, he swiftly closed the gap between them. As he drew her into his embrace, Sidney arched herself closer to him. Their lips hovered over each other as their eyes locked with desire. Sidney’s eyes drifted shut as she sighed against his lips. Wilde needed no other encouragement as his mouth devoured what she offered.

  When Belle sent him an urgent message, this was not what he expected. He thought she experienced more trouble, and he rushed to her aid. Only when he arrived, Belle informed him of a visitor who required information only he could provide. He thought to ease Belle’s troubles but should have been suspicious of her laughter. When he opened the door, he discovered his fantasy in reality.

  Wilde didn’t care how or why Sidney Hartridge came to be in Belle’s house. He only knew of the strong urge to make her his. He watched her as she stroked the bed sheets and saw her expression change to the dreamy quality of sensual desire. When her hand lifted to brush across her breasts, he could no longer deny his need for her.

  While he had drank from her lips before, they were kisses meant to tease her into a little playful fun. Fun for him to pass the time until he grew bored. Now her lips tasted of a lust beyond his control. A sweet nectar he wanted to drink from for an eternity. He tilted her head back to draw every last drop of her passion. He nipped and licked, and his tongue stroked hers as she matched his hunger with every stroke of her tongue. Her sighs and moans swallowed in the midst of their long enduring kiss.

  After he lifted his head to breathe, he slid his lips to her neck to sample her sweet scent. He inhaled her fragrance, ripe for his taking, as his lips lingered over the beat of her pulse. His tongue trailed to her ear, where he whispered his desire for her. His whispers soon turned to action. He told her about his fantasies as he slowly undid the buttons on her dress. When the dress slid unnoticed between them into a pile on the ground, he raised his head to stare at her in a cotton chemise. While the garment held no sexual appeal, Sidney enticed his need as she stood before him, an erotic version of innocence.

  His embrace disheveled her hair, and her eyes were heavily hooded with desire. Her creamy white skin beckoned him to touch her. He trailed his hand across the lace of her chemise, where her breasts were full and invited his touch. She gasped as he slipped his fingers inside to brush across her nipp
les. When he raised his head to watch her reaction, he found her eyelids fluttering and her teeth biting at her bottom lip. He felt himself harden to a painful reminder of his need for her. He untied her chemise, staring as her breasts spilled into his palms. He stroked his thumbs across the tight pebbles as he continued to watch her.

  “When you touched yourself here earlier, I was extremely jealous.”

  Sidney moaned at his words, her body aching from his sensuous touch. Her need intensified as he caressed her. With each stroke of his tongue and caress of his fingers, her body became enflamed. Only, it wasn’t enough. She wanted for more. When he made his presence known, Sidney drifted to him with a desire so strong she would no longer deny herself. The first touch of his lips on hers confirmed her fate to be loved in his arms. His wicked thoughts invaded her mind as he whispered his deepest desires to her. Desires she wished to fulfill with him. Desires her body ached for him to explore. She wanted to be the temptress of his imagination.

  “Why?” she moaned as he stroked her nipples. Her dreams held nothing to the actual touch of his fingers.

  “I wished for them to be mine.”

  “Well, they are yours now. What will you do with them?”

  “Everything you imagined and then some,” he whispered as he lowered his head to draw a bud between his lips.

  There were no words to describe the sensations consuming her body. His tongue stroked each nipple into tight buds, drawing them deeper into his mouth to savor. With each pull of his lips on her breasts, she drew in his head in closer for more. While his mouth devoured, his fingers traced underneath and stroked her breasts in his palms. When he finally lifted his head, it was to draw her lips into his, begging her to quench his thirst. She matched the stroke of his tongue, needing the same release he sought. With a swift tug, her chemise now lay atop her dress. She stood before him, naked except for her silk stockings.


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