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Easton Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  She got up and ruffled Junior’s hair, needing that connection more than anything. He didn’t push her away but called her name in that annoyed voice he did.

  If he could still do that, she was happy. This could work.

  Entering the kitchen, she pulled the sauce from the oven and gave it a stir. She tasted it and quickly went about chopping some extra parsley.

  Just as she’d put another pan onto boil with all the pasta, Liam entered the kitchen.

  “You really don’t seem yourself,” he said.

  “I’m fine. Really. I think it just hit me what I did. I didn’t even try to go looking for him. I’ve told you how it all ended.”

  “You feel guilty?”

  “Yeah, I do. It’s insane. For a long time now, I just wanted to move on. Forget about Easton and the past. Now, he seems to be very much part of my future.”

  Liam walked to her side, and his arms went around her. The moment he held her, she felt completely protected and safe. This was how it had always been with Liam.

  “It’s going to be okay.” His lips were close to her ear, and she wanted him to kiss her so badly, to put his lips on her neck, to suck hard.

  She was losing her mind. Why did she want this?

  He gripped her hips and spun her to face him.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Nothing.” She didn’t look at his lips, but she wanted to. “Let’s just get through dinner and then we can deal with whatever else we have to face.”

  She pulled away, but Liam caught her, his lips pressing hard against hers. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck so bad, and for him to never stop.

  Instead, she pulled away and acted like what they were doing was the most natural thing in the world.

  It wasn’t.

  They were not in a relationship.

  Liam was her husband in all the ways that counted, but not this one.

  “I better get this finished. Will you show them to the table,” she said.

  “Of course.”

  He touched the base of her back one last time, and she watched him go, wanting him so badly.


  Liam wasn’t a fool. He knew what was going on with Scarlett.

  From the moment he touched her thigh, he saw the reaction in her body. The way her nipples beaded at his touch and how she turned a little closer to him. He’d been noticing these subtle changes for the past couple of months, but he’d not broken the status quo between them.

  With Scarlett, when he finally took that chance with her, he wanted her to know he was ready. She scared easily, and her fear of rejection constantly guided her to make bad choices. The truth was, all she wanted, was to be safe, and he offered her that.

  When he entered the sitting room, Easton and Junior were sitting on the floor, playing with the car he’d brought.

  Easton was everything he imagined he would be. Strong, hard, broken. He needed someone in his life to offer him the same comfort that Liam gave to Scarlett.

  “Dinner is nearly ready,” he said.

  “What is it?” Junior asked.

  “It looks like your mother’s favorite pasta.”

  “Awesome. Dad, you’re going to love it.”

  Liam looked at Easton to see the shock on the other man’s face.

  “Go and see if your mother needs any help.”

  Junior left them alone as Easton got to his feet.

  “I didn’t expect that.”

  “No, I don’t imagine you did.”

  Easton laughed. “This is kind of awkward.”


  “You’re married to a girl I’ve got a kid with.”

  “With all due respect, Easton, I’ve known her longer than you.”

  “Where did you two meet?” Easton asked.

  “At work.” It wasn’t a lie. She’d come in for a job interview, and he extended the invitation to something more. They’d been living perfectly content for five years now. For all intents and purposes, Scarlett was his most successful relationship to date. “She made a lasting impression.”

  “Were things hard for her with him?”

  “With Junior?”


  “You’re going to have to talk to Scarlett about all the other details. I’m not going to share secrets here. She’ll tell you what you want her to know. I want you to know that I’m more than happy with you being part of Easton’s life. You can consider yourself one of us, part of our family.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “That doesn’t mean I intend to ever do business with the Four Kings.”

  “I won’t take that as an insult.”

  “I don’t want to bring business out of work.”

  “Are you guys ready?” Scarlett asked. “Dinner’s on the table.”

  They both followed her. The table was a small one. He did have a separate dining room with a much longer table when they had guests. Also, Scarlett never cooked for their guests. She had done it once, and the evening ended in a disaster. The one thing he hated was bad manners. Some of the women had made catty and uncalled-for remarks. Scarlett wasn’t some award-winning chef. She made good food, and he loved to watch her cook. She made his home feel like one, rather than just a showplace for people.

  Scarlett sat beside him, with Junior on the other side.

  “You can sit here, Dad,” Junior said.

  Easton offered a smile, and took the seat next to his son.

  Scarlett looked at Liam in fear, but he simply smiled at her. All was good for him. He wasn’t going to take another man’s child away from him.

  “Mom, this is so good.”

  “I knew you’d love it, sweetheart.”

  “Dad, Mom is totally learning how to go vegan. I saw this thing online and it was so scary, and I don’t want to ever hurt an animal again.”

  “Vegan?” Easton looked up.

  “Also, at school, we’re learning about the effects on the environment,” Junior said.

  “Easton really cares about nature, and he came home and begged me to go vegan. Of course, I was nervous. This is a whole new step for me,” Scarlett said.

  “You’re doing good though, kid. He’s been vegan for six months now,” Liam said.

  “Liam refuses to give up his cheese and chocolate,” Junior said.

  He chuckled. This was what their family could be like.

  He just wished Scarlett wouldn’t be so nervous.

  They got through dinner, and then Junior took Easton upstairs to show him the bedroom.

  Liam grabbed the dishes, taking them into the kitchen.

  “You really think this is a good idea?”

  “It’s his dad.”

  “I’ve not seen Easton in a long time. I don’t know. I feel you’re being too trusting.”

  Liam wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him. She didn’t fight him, and he used the advantage to kiss her again. This was one bonus of having company, he could make any excuse in the world to kiss and hold her.

  “I wish I had your enthusiasm.”

  “It takes a couple of extra years to get used to it.”

  She placed her hands on his chest. Her fingers stroked over his heart.

  “I don’t know what to do anymore,” she said.

  He tilted her head back with his finger beneath her chin. “You don’t have to do anything. Easton’s not going to try and take him away. I won’t let him, and we’re going to make this work. All three of us, will make this work in some way or another.”

  She took a deep breath. “You’re right. Of course, you’re right.”

  He kissed her again. “Let’s get these dishes done.”

  “Yes, let’s.” She pulled out of his arms, and he watched her for a few seconds work the kitchen. This was her domain, and she did love to cook. Junior had given her a couple of new challenges with demanding to go vegan, not that it was an actual instruction.

  Scarlett would do anything for the boy.<
br />
  There was still a spark between Easton and Scarlett, even as she tried to deny it. The chemistry was still there, the fire sizzling between them.

  He wasn’t going to lose Scarlett, but he might be able to find a way of bringing Easton closer to them.

  Liam was used to getting his way. He didn’t falter or stop; he simply pursued his target until he got what he wanted. He stayed one step ahead of the game.

  This was no different with Scarlett and Easton. He could make this work for all three of them. Grabbing the dish towel, be began to plot as Scarlett cleaned the dishes.

  There would be some way of working this out. He was sure of it.


  Easton didn’t want to leave. Seeing his son, chatting with him, playing with him—he’d missed so much, and now was the time to go.

  Scarlett came out, following him to his car.

  “This house is amazing,” he said.

  “Liam’s owned it for years. He wants to make it a family home.”

  “How come you and Liam haven’t had any kids of your own?” Easton asked.

  She laughed. “Wow, you’re just coming right out and asking that?”

  “Why not? You’re both incredible together. You know what you want. Why can’t I assume that one day you’d have more kids? You’re a great mother.”

  “You’ve seen me for one night and you can make that assessment?”

  “No, I make that assessment based on the three weeks we knew each other,” he said. Tonight had been a revelation for him. Meeting his son, playing with him, experiencing an overwhelming feeling of love and protection. He’d also realized the love between Scarlett and Liam was very much real. What he did notice was the way Liam kept watching him, assessing him. He didn’t know if it was because of his connection to Junior, or for some other reason.

  “That was a long time ago, Easton. You shouldn’t live in the past. I’m not the same person as I was then. A lot of things have changed.”

  “A lot of things change, but not the way you are. That will never change.”

  “You always did have this belief I was some kind of saint.”

  He chuckled. “Nah, I didn’t think you were a saint. Just kind, gentle.”

  “I’m not a fairy tale character, Easton.”

  “I know.”

  “I want to ask you a question,” she said.

  “This should be good.”

  “Why the non-alcoholic wine? I don’t get it.”

  Easton rubbed the back of his head. “I did a stint in rehab recently. My drinking had gotten out of control. I’m an alcoholic, recovering.” The first sign of recovery was admitting you had a problem. “I’ve not touched a drop since I got out a few months ago.”

  “Congratulations. I had no idea.”

  “I won’t ever drink again. Not in front of our son. I promise you.”

  “I know. I remember the guy you once were and you never drank. At least, not at camp.”

  “I’ve changed a lot over the years.”

  “I saw the exposé on the news about your father, about the Four Kings family. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “He’s the one that killed the girl you told me about, right?” she asked.

  Another of Easton’s many mistakes when it came to this woman. “Yes.”

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “What happened to Carla was a long time ago.”

  “You haven’t moved on though,” she said. “You must have really loved her.”

  He didn’t say anything. In his head, he was screaming he didn’t love Carla. To his shame, he never had. She’d been a distraction. Real love came after, but the guilt with Carla would always be there.

  “Do you love Liam?” he asked.


  She didn’t even hesitate. The smile on her face confirmed her feelings as well. It was pointless that he even tried to dwell on the relationship.

  “He seems like a good guy.”

  “He’s amazing. If you take the chance to get to know him, he’s everything.”

  “How old is he?” he asked.

  “He’s thirty-nine years old, Easton. Why?”

  “Don’t you think he’s a little old for you?”

  “Ten years older is not that old. He’s good for me, and he’s wonderful with Junior. See, we’re even calling Easton Junior because of him.”

  She was in love with Liam, and he had no chance, not with her.

  “Thank you for coming by, Easton. It means a lot to me.”

  “I’d like to get to know him more, and you, and Liam.” He didn’t want tonight to end. It was the most fun he’d had in a very long time, and it was all because of her.

  “You can see Junior anytime, Liam as well. He’s a great friend. You can’t get to know me. I’m not part of the equation. I better go.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” He totally did, but lying was something he had yet to give up. “You’re the mother of my child. I want us to be friends.” He wanted a lot more, but he’d settle for just friends. If her relationship was solid with Liam, there was no reason to fight it. But if, for whatever reason it wasn’t, he may have a chance at winning her back.

  “We can always be friends. Good night, Easton. Have a safe journey home.”

  She turned her back and walked back into the house. He watched her go, turning to the left to see Liam watching them.

  He held his hand up, feeling jealous of this man. Liam did the same, closing the window as Scarlett entered.

  He’d fucked up with Scarlett all those years ago, and there was no taking it back. His son would know him though, but anything else he wanted with Scarlett would have to wait.

  Chapter Seven

  Over eleven years ago

  “That’s it, you’ve got it. Trust me. I’m not going to let you go,” Easton said.

  “I can’t believe you were able to find a pool in a camp. How did you do it?”

  “I’m good at finding things I want. If you’re at camp, you’re going to need to learn how to swim. All the kids look to you, and if they were drowning, you couldn’t even save them.”

  “That’s not nice.” She dropped her legs beneath the water and stood up. “There’s you. You can save someone.”

  Easton thought about Taylor pulling Carla’s lifeless body out of the water. He couldn’t save anyone.

  “There’s only so much one person can do.”

  “And you’re willing to let all of that lie with me?”


  “I’m a woman.”

  “I’m not a sexist kind of guy. I believe in equality for all,” he said. “Besides, you know I’d help you. I will cheer for you. I’ll get a costume and learn all kinds of dance moves.”

  She chuckled.

  “Focus. I don’t know how long we’ve got before someone comes looking for us.”

  “Do you think you can teach me everything we need to know in two and a half weeks?”

  The camp didn’t last longer than that. He already had the guys texting him, asking him how it was going. Romeo wanted to know if he was having sex with anyone. He hadn’t told any of them about Scarlett. She was his little secret.

  The annoying girl that wouldn’t leave him alone and made sure he participated. They didn’t need to know about her.

  Once he left, she would be nothing more than a memory. For over an hour, he got her to paddle across the pool, just the width, not the length. He gained her confidence until at the final minute, he let her go, and instructed her to swim the width of the pool. The moment she did it, she stood up, and threw her arms over him.

  “Do you have any idea how scary I’ve found that for years?” she asked.

  “I’m guessing a whole lot.”

  “Yes, yes, yes, thank you. Thank you so much.” She pressed her lips to his, and Easton was so taken aback, he didn’t respond.

  Before he got a chance to respond, she pulled away.

  It wasn’t one
of those kisses; it was a polite, sweet, tender kiss. One between friends.

  “You’re the best.”

  Easton had to get himself under control. Feeling Scarlett’s curvy body pressed against him had gotten him all kinds of excited, and they were just friends. This wasn’t about him taking a girl. This was about him getting over another. Only, one look at Scarlett and he wanted so much more.


  Scarlett had put Junior to bed and excused herself to take a shower. Liam had been drinking a brandy in his office when she left him. He’d been watching her and Easton’s interaction, and she felt a little guilty.

  She did love Liam, and she’d never leave him. With Easton, there was pain, a great deal of it she hadn’t spoken of, and also a yearning. Only, the yearning was not just with Easton.

  Liam had done something to her tonight, and now, her body no longer felt like her own. It felt foreign to her.

  Her nipples were puckered, and her pussy was slick. She was so aroused, and she’d not experienced this in a really long time.

  Removing her clothes, she stepped into the warm shower. Water cascaded all around her. She tilted her head back to have it wash away all of her worries. She put her hands on her stomach, turning away from the water to soak her hair.

  Slowly, she ran her hands up to her breasts, cupping them, feeling the nipples tighten. With one hand on her breasts, the other, she moved between her thighs, touching her clit. She was so aroused as she gasped out.

  Liam’s touch had flicked a switch, and now she wanted his hands on her, touching her, caressing her, showing her exactly what he could do to her.

  She wanted his brand of touch all over her body.

  Pressing two fingers inside her, the heat flooded her body, but it wasn’t enough. Her touch wasn’t giving her the kind of pleasure she craved.

  “You’re doing it all wrong,” Liam said, startling her.

  She’d been so lost in her thoughts, she’d not heard Liam enter the bathroom, let alone open the shower stall.

  “Liam, what are you doing here?”

  “I’m coming to bed, but seeing as you’re doing this.” He removed his shirt, showing his impressive, muscular chest. He had a few splashes of ink across his chest and arms, but it was always hidden from sight whenever he left the house.


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