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Easton Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Cock?” he asked. “It’s so cute that big, grown-up words get you all flustered.”

  “Stop it,” she said.

  “This is going to be fun. I told you that.”

  “So, you shave mine and I shave yours?”

  “That’s the deal I’m giving you. What do you say? You want to go give it a try?” he asked.

  He waited while she thought it over.

  “Okay, but I get to do it today. Straight after you.”


  “Hold on, show me both of your hands. I know the kinds of games you play. I don’t want to see anything crossed here.”

  “I’m all yours for the taking,” he said.

  “Deal,” she said, inspecting his body to make sure he hadn’t crossed anything.

  “You’re cute when you’re nervous.”

  “You think I’m cute all the time.”

  “I do, don’t I?” he said. “Spread those pretty thighs open. Let me get to work.” He’d already washed her thoroughly. The sight of his cum leaking from her pussy had turned him on, but now, he got to play with her pussy and make her perfect.

  “What does a man give you that I can’t?” she asked.

  Liam paused, looking up at her. “You really want to know?”

  “Besides the obvious, unless you don’t have sex.”

  “I do have sex. I enjoy it.”

  “Do you enjoy sex with me?” she asked.

  “You’re asking a lot of questions.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just trying to understand. I’m not wanting to pry.”

  He smiled. “Baby, you can pry all you want. It’s why I told you total honesty from the start.”

  “Have you ever been in love with a man?” She slapped a hand across her mouth. “I will stop.”

  “First question, besides the sex, I enjoy it. I enjoy exploring men. Our bodies are different. I’m just attracted to both. I love cock and pussy. Yes, I love sex with you. I don’t compare the two. No, I’ve never been in love with a man. I have been in lust.”

  “How does sharing a man and woman work?” she asked.

  He looked at her. Now this he hadn’t been expecting. He wondered if she was thinking about Easton or if this was a genuine curiosity question.

  “You can make it work how you want. For instance, for me, I love to see both my man and woman getting pleasure.”

  “So the man would also be there with your woman?” she asked.

  “Yes. I wouldn’t keep them a secret. I’m not the jealous type. I always saw it as a big happy family. Only no one has a claim to the other, and you both belong to me.”

  “You’d be the one in control?”

  “I’d be the one who was able to help and to make sure no one was feeling left out. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have a knack for helping people. I enjoy doing it. Taking care of them, protecting them, making them safe.” He slid the blade across the lip of her pussy. She tensed up, but he didn’t stop. Rinsing out the blade, he kept working, taking his time. Scarlett had a really pretty pussy to play with.

  “I love it when you take care of me. Even when I was puking my guts up, you were always there for me.”

  “I don’t have an on-off switch. I like to take care regardless. In sickness and in health.”

  “Would you want to share me?” she asked.

  He stopped shaving and looked at her, removing the blade from her skin. “Would you like to be shared?”

  “I don’t know. I’m … trying to imagine you with someone else, and I can’t help but get jealous.”

  “Stop imagining me with another woman.”

  She laughed. “Good point.”

  “See yourself with another man,” he said, going back to her pussy. “How about Easton?”

  “You want me to imagine you and Easton, together?”

  “You saw him last night. It’s not hard to picture him.”

  “But he’s the father of my child, and you only met him last night.”

  “And this morning. I’m still waiting for the call.”

  She shook her head. “It’s weird.”

  “Is it weird because you still have feelings for him. Or you’re jealous? Or, you don’t like him anymore or find him attractive?” he asked.

  “I honestly don’t know,” she said.

  “Do you hate him?”

  “A little bit. He broke my heart, Liam, but at the same time, seeing him again, it’s like the past doesn’t matter. I think it should, but I can’t hate him. He’s not the guy who hurt me.”

  She sounded so sad. His grip on the razor tightened. Hearing that slight catch in her voice was too much. He couldn’t allow anyone to hurt her.

  “He seems like a nice guy. You know him better than I do. I only know the facts that I’ve got on him.”

  She laughed. “I don’t want him to be hurt or put in any kind of danger. What happened between us was in the past, and I’m not going to keep bringing it up. Talking about him being shared is off limits. I don’t think I can handle that.”

  “Scarlett, you’re a strong woman. You can handle anything and everything.”

  He finished shaving her pussy. Running his fingers over her, it felt so smooth. “Your turn.” He handed her the razor. She left the stool, and he took a seat, letting her do with his cock whatever she wanted to. “I’m now at your mercy.”

  “I can’t believe you’re trusting me with this.” She stood, and he watched her pressing her thighs together.

  “Does it feel weird?” he asked.

  “Yes. You know it would, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. You’ll get used to it.”

  “I don’t think that’s possible. This is strange.” She shook her head and sank down to the floor.

  “Now, this is a pretty position for you.” He stroked her head.

  “Are you sure you’re not into Dominant stuff? BDSM, and you know, the other stuff?”

  “I’m not, but I can appreciate certain positions for fun. Like this one, I like it a lot.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “If I was a Dom, that would have earned you a spanking.”

  She giggled. “Would you like to spank my ass, Sir?”

  “I’d love to do more than spank your ass.” He pulled her onto his lap, sinking his fingers in her hair, and grabbing her ass. “One day, I’m going to fuck it.”

  “You really do know how to talk dirty.”

  “You’ve not seen anything yet of what I’m capable of.” He kissed her hard, nipping at her lips.

  “Will I be able to handle all of you?”

  Liam stroked her ass cheek. “I think you’ll be surprised at just how well you can handle me.”


  Easton knocked on the door and Liam was there, opening the door.

  “You know for a successful businessman, where’s your butler?”

  “I like my privacy, and when you’ve got money, people like to sell you out. I don’t trust anyone. Besides, it’s rare I have to open the door. It makes me feel human.” He stepped away from the door, and Easton walked over the threshold.

  “Where’s Scarlett and Junior?” he asked.

  “In the dining room, working on his homework. Do you want to go on the tour now, or later?”


  “I’ll take the tour now.” It would give him time to settle his nerves. This was really happening.

  Liam took the bag from him.

  “I can handle that.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I can deal with it. Let’s go.” Liam went straight for the stairs.

  “You don’t have anywhere else to show me downstairs?” Easton asked.

  “Yeah, but we can put your bag away and do the tour upstairs, then down, and you don’t have to worry about where you’re sleeping.”

  They walked up two flights of stairs to get to the second floor.

  “At the far end of the hall is Junior’s room. I’ll let you have a look. He’s always liked his
own space, and he likes to invent things.” Liam opened the door.

  Junior’s room, his son’s space was separated into two parts. One half was a bed and a normal, neat-looking bedroom. The other looked like a laboratory or science geek’s headquarters.

  “I don’t suppose he’s good at computers?” Easton asked.

  “He is, and it’s how he watched some of the rather unflattering videos which turned him vegan. It scared Scarlett, but I’ve put more security in, and well, I warned Junior if he tried to get past my firewalls and passwords. He’s a great kid. Scarlett is a great mom.”

  “You didn’t know her at all when she gave birth?”


  “What about her family?”

  Liam hesitated, and Easton waited.

  “Look, I don’t know how much she wants you to know, but she had it rough. Her parents threw her out for being pregnant. A lot of vile words were thrown her way; slut, trash, bastard. She left with nothing, and she survived. She waited tables while she was pregnant. I paid her medical bills. They were ruining her when I met her, but she had also been beat up pretty bad.”

  “What?” Easton asked.

  “There is a lot you don’t know about her. She’s a fighter, but she needed help. It’s hard for her to accept it.”

  “Do you love her?” Easton asked.

  “More than anything.”

  “You’re older than her.” He didn’t know why he was even bothering to bring it up. A little over ten years wasn’t old at all.

  Liam laughed, folding his arms. “Are you jealous of me, Easton? You think you can come in my house and take my woman?”

  Easton didn’t cower or back down. “I want to make sure Scar is happy.”

  “She is. Remember you’re here because of me, not her. If I think for a second you’re crossing the line, I will end you. I take looking after my family seriously. I’m inviting you to be part of it, not destroy it.”

  Easton held his hands up in surrender. The truth was, he wanted to punch Liam in his smug bastard face. This man had everything Easton ever wanted, without all the fucked-up shit in his life. For the past couple of days, he’d been trying to figure out what Liam’s deal was. What did he want from him?

  All of his life, people had an agenda, something from him. What was Liam’s?

  “I just want to make this work,” Easton said. He would pick his fight with Liam when the time was right. He wasn’t strong enough.

  Junior knew Liam. His own kid didn’t have a clue who he was.

  “Good. Come on, don’t touch anything. Junior’s very particular about who touches his stuff. He protects it like it’s an actual life.”

  He left the room, and his kid was a stranger to him. He wouldn’t allow that to last, no matter what.

  “This is my and Scarlett’s room, and we made this one up for you.” It was the room between his son’s and Scarlett’s. Would he have to hear them fucking?

  He was starting to think this wasn’t a good idea.

  His feelings for Scarlett confused the fuck out of him. He was angry with her for not telling him she was pregnant. Then he’d think about how she looked on the last day when he threw her feelings for him, back in her face.

  Liam opened the door. The room was huge.

  “Wow,” he said. “Is it wrong you feel like a sugar daddy right now?”

  Liam laughed, and Easton liked the sound. It was good to be around someone who didn’t get off on pain and destruction. He’d not been in a house like this since living in King’s Ridge.

  He’d handed his father’s home over to the police to complete the investigation. Once that had been completed, he intended to sell it off, or demolish it and sell it as a building site. He wanted nothing else to do with it.

  The past already haunted him enough as it was.

  Liam put the suitcase on the bed.

  “When you’re here, I want you to be comfortable. I only allow the best.”

  “I can see that.” And he could. Liam truly loved his luxury, and Easton liked it. Even though the home was large, it was lived in. It was nice.

  His son clearly thrived here, at least from what he’d seen.

  “I’ll let you get settled in. This home is now yours. Please, join us when you’re ready. Easton, I’d like for us to be friends and for things not to be weird for us.” Liam held out his hand.

  Easton looked at it. “I’d like that. I don’t want there to be any complications with this. Just for things to go smoothly.”

  “Excellent. It’s good to know we’re on the same page.” Liam shook his hand, and he had a firm grip. “See you downstairs.”

  He watched Liam go and closed the door behind him. He honestly didn’t have a clue what he was fucking doing.

  Chapter Nine

  Over eleven years ago

  Easton didn’t want to be alone. Whenever he was, his thoughts always went to Carla. The girl he’d been in love with. The girl he’d lost.

  Running fingers through his hair, he tried to think of anything but the dead body Taylor pulled out of the water. Guilt crushed him.

  He’d not told any of the guys he’d intended to end it with Carla. His father had found out about the relationship and had threatened to hurt Carla. Then she had to go and tell him she was pregnant. Running away with her seemed the only solution to keep her safe. Now he wasn’t so sure. Everything just ended up all fucked up, and he hated the uncertainty in his life. How messed up it had all become.

  “You’re hiding again,” Scar said, coming to sit beside him.

  He was on a rock overlooking the lake. “I’m surprised you’re not scared in case I throw you in.”

  “You don’t look in a playful mood.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Do you want to tell me your thoughts?”


  “Then I can sit here and just listen to the world going by without anyone affecting me.”

  “I’m not the best company right now.”

  “Me neither. I don’t mind.”

  He didn’t believe for a second she could last any amount of time without talking or saying something.

  Staring out across the lake, he waited, but Scar didn’t say or do anything. She sat. There wasn’t even a sigh that crossed her lips.

  When he glanced toward her, she had her knees pressed against her chest and her head resting on them.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine, Easton. Just family stuff. You know, the usual crap.”

  “I get it.”

  Scar reached out for him, taking his hand, and he stared down at it, liking that she reached out to him. He could handle whatever was thrown his way, just so long as he had Scar.


  Present day

  “You’re so cool,” Easton said, looking through the microscope at a clipping from a plant.

  “It’s not that cool yet. It’s just science, but I don’t want to harm anyone or the environment. I want to save it.”

  “That’s awesome, buddy.” Easton sat back on one of the chairs and smiled over at his son. “You amaze me.”

  “Dad, why didn’t you come and find my mom?” Junior asked.

  Easton sighed. “I didn’t know she was pregnant with you.”

  “If you’d known, would you have come and found us?”

  “I’d have done everything in my power to come and find you. Protect you.” He opened his arms, and his son walked into them.

  He was growing up so fast, and the fact he still hugged him meant a lot to Easton.

  “I’m never going away again. You’ve got me for life, sweetheart. All the time. I won’t ever let you go. Not ever.” He pulled back and held his son’s arms, giving them a squeeze. “Are you bulking up?”

  Junior laughed before stifling a yawn.

  “You need to go to bed.”

  When he’d arrived downstairs a few hours ago, Junior was still doing his homework. Easton had sat and watched as Scar and Junior worked through e
ach item. He’d been shocked by how much was set, only Junior liked to work, and he saw the passion for answers.

  There was a time he’d been just as passionate to find answers only to have them squashed by his father.

  He stopped trying to find an answer for everything and simply enjoyed his life without questioning what was happening. This had been his error and one he didn’t intend to make again.

  Easton made his way toward the bed, pulled back the sheets, and Junior climbed in.

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I am, too. I’m glad you’re giving me a chance to get to know you.”

  “Mom said you’re part of the Four Kings. Does that mean I’m a prince?”

  Easton chuckled. “I wish. No, my life is not that glamorous.” He sat on the edge of the bed, explaining to his son the Four Kings Empire, and where it came from.

  “But what if you made more friends? Will you change it?”

  “For a long time, it has only been the four of us.”

  “What about me?” Junior asked. “I can be your friend, and so can my other dad. He’s so cool and smart, and funny. He’s also super clever.”

  Easton smiled. “It looks like I’ll have to talk to my guys about improving the name.”

  “I’d like that. Will I get to meet them? Your friends? I bet they’re cool.”

  “Way cool and bossy. Believe me. They are all super bossy. I’m the coolest.”

  Junior laughed. “Night, Dad.”

  “Night, son.” He leaned down kissing his son’s head. “I know, I know, I won’t be able to do that for some time, but give me a few things to enjoy.”


  He got up and walked toward the door. He switched off the light, and Junior turned on the nightlight.

  He took one last lingering look before closing the bedroom door. Being a dad was everything to Easton. He’d missed so much.

  Easton didn’t go to his room but headed downstairs. He found Liam in his office, on a call.

  “I’ve got to take this. Scarlett’s gone for a swim,” Liam said.

  He nodded and made his way into the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, he decided to go and check out the pool. Last time he’d been with Scar, she’d not been able to swim all that well.

  Liam had given him the full tour downstairs as Scar and Junior did the dishes.


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