Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725

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Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725 Page 281

by Heaven's White Crane

  Just as the little bird was imagining things, Ou Yangming flashed and sat on the goshawk. “Let’s go—let’s enter the city.”

  The goshawk flapped its wings fearfully and thought about the little devil on its back the moment it rose into the sky. Its body twitched, causing it to fall while it was flying halfway.

  This was because it suddenly remembered that it was flying with Sir Phoenix without its permission. Would it not mean that it was courting its death?

  “Woof…” Big Yellow followed Ou Yangming and hopped on to the goshawk, but it was enraged because the goshawk descended right after it began to fly.

  The little bird looked around and chirped for a while.

  Big Yellow looked at the coal-like bird in bewilderment. The little fellow was small and did not look good, but the big yellow dog somehow sensed immense danger. It quickly shut up and no longer dared to provoke the spirit bird.

  On the other hand, the goshawk’s eyes lit up. It shrieked with valiance and spirit, then it spread its wings and soared into the sky at lightning speed. Subsequently, it zoomed toward Changlong City.

  Ou Yangming looked meaningfully at the little bird on his hand, but he pretended as if nothing happened.

  The fight in the city had come to an end.

  Though the Insects sent three spirit beasts, the two lizards were the only ones that took charge.

  The lizards did not have many competent helpers when they led the other insects to Changlong City. They managed to rope in some insect powerhouses along the way, but there were not many of them. In any case, the insects that the lizards recruited were meant to be cannon fodders. At the end of the day, nothing else mattered to them as long as they could complete the mission assigned to them by the Venerable One.

  Thus, while it seemed like the Insects launched a massive attack on the city, they were not formidable enough to make the Humans feel hopeless.

  On the contrary, every Supreme Great Ancestor in Changlong City was a powerhouse that received gifts from Ou Yangming. Not only were they given magic weapons and armors, but the pieces of equipment were also magic skill tools.

  With help from the magic tools, every Supreme Great Ancestor became more than twice as potent as they were.

  Moreover, when the great ancestors attacked with magic tools, they were no longer timid and wary of equal-ranked spirit insects. Instead, they relied on their remarkable pieces of equipment and caused the insects to be utterly defeated.

  As long as the spirit insects did not attack the people, the outcome of the fight was already set.

  Once the two lizards were killed, the top-notch insects in the city changed their course and escaped through the underground. If any of them were slightly slower, they would instantly be killed by human powerhouses.

  By the time Ou Yangming rode the goshawk back to the prefecture, the killings had eventually stopped. At the top of the wall, several great ancestors were even waiting to welcome the young fellow.

  Ou Yangming gently tapped the goshawk’s neck. The spirit bird then swooped down but took an abrupt turn when it was near the wall, causing a strong wind to be stirred. Afterward, it slowly landed atop the wall.

  Chapter 477 - Enter The City

  “Master Ou, it’s really you!” Fang Zhaoyang’s eyes lit up, and he shouted with joy.

  As the disturbance in the city slowly subsided, more powerhouses paid attention to the area in the distance.

  Putting aside everything else, the fact that Elder Universe left on his own and attracted several Heavenly Thunderbolts was enough to make everyone worry. They knew it would not be much even if the fight in the city became intense. If the thunderbolts outside the city were unhindered instead, everyone would be doomed.

  After all, no powerhouse in the city could go against a spirit beast, let alone two spirit beasts from the Insects.

  When the people saw Ou Yangming on the gigantic creature that descended from the sky, they could not help but sigh breaths of relief.

  Needless to say, they were still afraid of the goshawk’s forceful aura, hence they dared not get too close.

  Ou Yangming nodded and placed the burnt little bird on the goshawk’s back. “You’re injured, so stay here for now. I’ll come to get you once I’m done settling some matters.”

  Following that, he got off the goshawk. Big Yellow glanced at the little bird, which was pretending to be deaf and dumb, then it followed the young fellow. Although it did not know the little bird’s real identity, it had a hunch that it should stay away from it, whose origin was unknown.

  As for the goshawk, its body stiffened as almost all of its muscles tensed up.

  It wailed internally and thought, “Master, why did you leave the difficult task to me? Aren’t you simply killing me!’

  Nonetheless, it was fine that the goshawk complained to itself. Even if it was given the guts to, it would not say its thought out loud.

  As soon as Ou Yangming landed on the ground, he was surrounded by the Supreme Great Ancestors that stayed behind. They stood beside him but cautiously stared at the gigantic goshawk. The creature was not as fearsome as Multi-armed King Kong, but it was a flying creature, after all. In terms of the ability to cause harm, it was not inferior to the king kong at all.

  “Everyone, don’t be afraid. This is Goshawk—my new pet beast.” Ou Yangming knew what the people were thinking, so he immediately introduced the spirit bird to them.

  Ni Jingshen and the others looked at each other strangely.

  “What is it?” Ou Yangming was shocked.

  “Master Ou, did you… Take in another spirit beast? Don’t you have two then?” Ni Jingshen responded after some thought.

  Ou Yangming glanced at Big Yellow half-intentionally and thought, ‘There are actually three.’ Nevertheless, even though Big Yellow could previously resist the spirit centipede, its real ability was now concealed by the pieces of equipment on its body. Given the cultivation bases of Ni Jingshen and the others, they would not have a clue at all.

  He grinned without answering the question and asked Ni Jingshen instead, “Senior, what’s the situation in the city?”

  Ni Jingshen smiled bitterly, then he turned and said, “Brother Deng, you should explain it.”

  With that, Deng Xiyuan went forward. He was previously hostile toward Ou Yangming and somewhat held a grudge against him. This time, the governor was respectful toward the young fellow as though he was facing a boss in the imperial family. “Master Ou, the insect powerhouses in the city have somewhat been wiped out, and the remaining ones are nothing to be feared, so you don’t need to worry. I’ve sent people to guard the Ni residence, so Old Craftsman is safe and sound.”

  Ou Yangming nodded. He was relieved since the old man was safe, but he was rather surprised that Deng Xiyuan suddenly treated him so politely.

  The young fellow studied the governor seriously and noticed a look of fear in his eyes. He was slightly stunned but when he glanced at the other people, apart from the Ni family’s great ancestors and Fang Zhaoyang, they seemed to have similar looks in their eyes too.

  He was struck dumb at first, but he soon smiled bitterly.

  A spirit beast was equivalent to a powerhouse that surpassed Extreme Grade and could be mentioned on equal terms with Wu Yuanwei, who was the Humans’ greatest powerhouse.

  The people would not have been so afraid if Ou Yangming only had Multi-armed King Kong as his pet beast. When he had two spirit beasts as his pets and also killed two spirit insects, he gave off an entirely different vibe to the people.

  Given that he could slaughter two spirit insects with the goshawk’s help, how powerful would he be if Multi-armed King Kong was present too?

  Moreover, there was something else that did not cross Ou Yangming’s mind. Once he became so capable, his very existence became a serious challenge to the imperial family. Perhaps ordinary people would not think much, but how could the Supreme Great Ancestors be unaware?

  Ni Jingshen cleared his throat
and uttered, “Master Ou, the two spirit insects—they…”

  “They’re already dead, so you don’t need to worry anymore,” Ou Yangming answered and added after some thought, “There are repercussions of the Heavenly Thunderbolts outside the city so clean the battlefield only after 3 days.”

  “Yes,” everyone including Deng Xiyuan responded to him sternly.

  Ou Yangming was not their senior officer, but nobody dared to disobey him at this moment.

  “As for Elder Universe…” Ou Yangming hesitated for a while before he continued, “He passed away due to the Heavenly Thunderbolts.”

  Everyone’s face changed. No matter what they were thinking, they had sorrowful looks on their faces.

  “Ah, the fall of Senior Universe is a huge pity for the Humans.” Deng Xiyuan shook his head and said regretfully, “Master Ou, please be rest assured. We’ll definitely collect the elder’s corpse and hold a grand funeral for him.”

  Ou Yangming nodded after some delay and questioned, “Did the elder… Have any wishes when he was alive?”

  Fang Zhaoyang instantly answered, “Senior did order us to treat the people at his place well.”

  Before Ou Yangming could say a word, Deng Xiyuan beat him to it. “That’s easy—we’ll never requisition his residence. As for the residents there, I’ll make an order to make sure that they won’t be treated poorly.”

  Ni Jingshen and the others exchanged glances and nodded. Perhaps this was the only thing they could do for Elder Universe.

  “Governor Deng, since you agree to do all of that, I hope you’ll make appropriate arrangements.” Ou Yangming’s eyes were bright as though he could see through one’s heart.

  Deng Xiyuan felt a chill in his heart. He quickly replied to the young fellow, “Master Ou, don’t worry. I’m willing to compensate with my life if there’s the slightest mistake in this.”

  The other people tensed up and looked grave.

  Ni Jingshen stepped forward and noted, “Master Ou, me and the others will be supervising. There won’t be any mistakes.”

  Ou Yangming looked around then bowed at the people. “If that’s the case, I’ll leave this to you.”

  The Supreme Great Ancestors present returned the salutation. Elder Universe’s death caused the people that he protected while he was still alive to lose their backbone, but as long as Ou Yangming was still around, nobody would dare to make things difficult for them.

  Back when Ou Yangming was still in Yin Grade, he already had the guts to become enemies with soldiers in the military, as well as the imperial merchant. Now that he rose and became a prime figure among the Humans, even if someone was plotting something against him, one would not dare to offend him.

  If someone were to do that, without needing Ou Yangming to say a word or to make a move, the great ancestors in the city would settle the issue for him.

  Ou Yangming sighed and jumped back up to the goshawk. “I’m exhausted after fighting against the Insects, so I’ll head back to rest now. Please take good care of the city.”

  He reached up to hold the burnt little bird on the goshawk’s back.

  The little bird did not resist him. In actuality, based on its capability, it would be easy for it to recover its original state after it awoke. However, the little bird did not want to recover so fast in front of Ou Yangming.

  On the other hand, the goshawk’s rock-hard muscles loosened up the instant the little bird left its body. It was secretly relieved because it felt like a huge rock was finally lifted off its chest.

  Ou Yangming seemed unperturbed, but he was secretly alert.

  The goshawk’s action could not be kept a secret from him due to the soul contract.

  Therefore, Ou Yangming could sense its fear and uneasiness.

  Despite that, Ou Yangming could not revere the little bird, which was only slightly bigger than his fist. On the contrary, he found it to be quite friendly. The little bird blinked at him and looked around, then it lay on his palm lazily.

  The Military Fire in Ou Yangming’s sea of consciousness moved. It felt like the two of them could easily accept each other.

  It was an odd feeling, but it made them feel close to each other.

  The goshawk shook its body and soared into the sky, then it landed in a courtyard in the Ni residence after a brief moment.

  It was worth noting that the Ni family is one of the few big families in the city, and Old Craftsman was even given the best courtyard in the residence. Even so, a courtyard like that could not accommodate the massive goshawk.

  The goshawk would have landed anyway if they were somewhere else. It would not bother even if the Humans’ buildings collapsed.

  That said, it dared not violate Ou Yangming’s order, which was delivered to it through his sea of consciousness.

  In particular, the goshawk became more loyal toward Ou Yangming after seeing how he treated the little bird casually. ‘Mm, a master like him surely has a promising future. I’ll benefit from him if I stick to him.’

  Ou Yangming hopped off to the ground and noticed Ni Yunhong, Old Craftsman, and the others right away.

  They looked with fear at the goshawk above them and only reacted when Ou Yangming landed on the ground.

  The young fellow approached Old Craftsman, and they began talking as if there would be no end to their conversation. Especially since the old man had been worried sick for a long time, he was glad after seeing the person he missed the most.

  Ni Yunhong pointed at the sky after 15 minutes and asked, “Brother Ou, how should I… Settle it down?”

  Ou Yangming looked up at the goshawk, which floated in mid-air as it dared not land on the ground. It did not make threatening moves, but its terrifying aura was unbearable.

  “Simply find an empty ground for it to settle down.” Ou Yangming chuckled.

  Ni Yunhong was dumbfounded for some time before he finally stomped his foot and ordered the servants to flatten the ground outside the courtyard. At last, there was room for the goshawk to settle down.

  Given that the spirit beast was formidable and horrifying, the people would only be at ease if its place was next to Ou Yangming’s.

  Chapter 478 - Probe

  It took Ou Yangming some time to comfort the rather agitated Old Craftsman. Although the old man was reasonable, he was selfish because he did not want the young fellow to take risks. He was not affected when the Insects attacked the city, but it was impossible to ignore the deafening battle cries in the city.

  Even when Ou Yangming descended from the sky and brought the good news that the Insects were wiped out, the old man did not seem to be happy.

  This was because Old Craftsman could tell it was Ou Yangming and Elder Universe that eliminated the Insects. What saddened him more was Elder Universe perished together with a spirit insect, and the thought of it gave him palpitations.

  Fortunately, Ou Yangming returned to Old Craftsman alive. The old man slowly relaxed after being worried for the whole day, and he finally fell deep asleep.

  Ou Yangming tiptoed out of Old Craftsman’s room, and he immediately spotted a little burnt thing lying lazily on the floor. Big Yellow, which had always been close to him, stayed far away as it seemed to fear the little bird.

  The young fellow tilted his head and observed for some time. Even though he could not tell what about the little bird that frightened Big Yellow and the goshawk so much, he collected himself and placed his hand next to the little bird.

  Upon seeing this, the little bird blinked several times. According to its plan, it was not going to meet Ou Yangming at all at this time.

  Nonetheless, the sudden strike of a thunderbolt left the little bird with no choice. When it was pursued by the thunderbolt and noticed Ou Yangming, it subconsciously regarded him as its comrade, which was why it drew the thunderbolt to him. Once the thunderbolt was gone, the little bird was still afraid. At the end of the day, Ou Yangming might be its comrade, but his cultivation base was too low. If even it could not resist
the thunderbolt, how could the young fellow fend it off?

  Who knew, the outcome shocked the little bird because Ou Yangming successfully stopped half of the thunderbolt power.

  The little bird contributed to half of it but given Ou Yangming’s ability, it was quite unbelievable that he could stop half of the thunderbolt power.

  If it was previously proud and felt superior to Ou Yangming, it would consciously lower its head now. Every comrade in its race was important, but they were different in strengths.

  After a moment of hesitation, the little bird finally made a move and hopped on to Ou Yangming’s palm.

  The goshawk widened its eyes again from a distance away. It was witnessing the scene itself, but it still felt like it was dreaming.

  ‘Mm, Master is definitely not a human. He must be a part of that race but is in human skin…’

  On the other hand, the big yellow dog was envious. It seemed like it wanted to step forward, but it flinched after taking half a step forward because the little bird looked at it half-intentionally. Though the little bird did not seem fierce, Big Yellow felt like it was poured with cold water, and it quickly gave up the unrealistic thought.

  Ou Yangming carried the little bird into his bathroom. By then, the servants had prepared a basin of water for him.

  The little bird jumped when it saw the basin. A look of disgust could also be seen in its seemingly psychic eyes.

  “Knock it off. You’re too dirty, so you should clean up.” Ou Yangming smiled bitterly.

  The burnt look was certainly not the little bird’s original appearance. He wanted to see what exactly it looked like if it recovered its true self.

  Just as he forcefully tried to put the little bird into the basin, its burnt feathers glowed in intense red light. The red light was striking, and water that contacted it instantly turned into vapor as they were dried up by the light.


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