Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725

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Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725 Page 285

by Heaven's White Crane

“What is it? I want to go too!” The little bird’s eyes lit up in curiosity.

  “It’s something related to the Humans, so you don’t need to bother.” Ou Yangming smiled bitterly.

  “No, I insist!” The little bird was being unreasonable. It finally found its kind in this place where there was scarce spiritual power. It would not matter if they had not met but since they met and got to know each other, the bird was not going to let him go.

  Ou Yangming was helpless. “Your identity is too shocking. If the others…”

  Before he could even finish, he noticed a flash of red light in front of him. The young fellow tensed up, and the first thing that crossed his mind was how fast the little bird was.

  The little red bird was so fast that it simply exceeded Ou Yangming’s expectations. When he finally calmed down, he saw the little bird waiting quietly in the birdcage and was blinking its small eyes at him.

  It seemed to be very easy-going at the moment, but Ou Yangming knew if he did not satisfy it, it might turn into an invincible big devil and would cause a disaster.

  Ou Yangming shook his head and went forward to pick up the birdcage, then he pushed the door and left his room.

  Old Craftsman and Fang Zhaoyang were conversing at the courtyard’s entrance. Judging from the old man’s expression, he seemed to have been convinced by Fang Zhaoyang’s sweet talk and was about to bring him into the courtyard.

  Big Yellow widened its eyes, but it dared not bare its teeth in Old Craftsman’s presence. It wagged its tail instead and cast a flattering look at the old man. Of course, the big yellow dog was not afraid of Old Craftsman, but it knew how important he was to Ou Yangming, hence it would not offend the old man no matter what.

  The goshawk stared with its bright eyes at Old Craftsman and Fang Zhaoyang. An ordinary bird would have made a move by now, but it saw how Ou Yangming and the old man interacted with each other and noticed how the big yellow dog was fawning over the old man without holding back. With that, the goshawk made its decision right away and closed its eyes to pretend as if it saw nothing.

  That said, they were alarmed when Ou Yangming opened the door.

  Next, the goshawk and Big Yellow fixed their gazes on the… Birdcage in Ou Yangming’s hand.

  Especially when they saw the little red bird staying in the birdcage for Ou Yangming to carry it out, their bodies stiffened.

  Eventually, the gigantic goshawk even tilted to one side. It did not notice at all how its body was moving as it only focused on the bird in the birdcage.


  The goshawk’s massive body finally collapsed to the ground and caused an earth-shattering sound to be heard.

  It was a humongous creature, after all. It was not as mountainous as Multi-armed King Kong, but it could not be compared with ordinary creatures at all.

  By standing inside one of the courtyards in the Ni residence, the goshawk’s enormous body occupied the entire courtyard and became the center of attention. When it suddenly fell and caused the other people to exclaim, Old Craftsman and Fang Zhaoyang were shocked too.

  Every building on the other side of the courtyard was crushed when the goshawk fell. Luckily, the Ni family’s Three Great Ancestors had ordered them emptied, so nobody was hurt.

  “Master Ou, w-what’s wrong with Brother Goshawk?” Fang Zhaoyang stammered.

  Ou Yangming twitched his mouth and was exasperated at the way things turned out. He answered coldly, “This fella must’ve been tired after the exhausting journey, so it probably wants to sleep. Let it sleep and don’t disturb it.” He waved his hand.

  The goshawk came back to its senses as soon as its body landed on the ground. It initially wanted to get up but after hearing Ou Yangming, it looked around and lay conscientiously on the spot without moving an inch.

  It could tell from Ou Yangming’s tone that he was very displeased, but it was stupefied by the little red bird in the birdcage. As such, it dared not disobey the young fellow at all.

  Earlier on, the goshawk and Big Yellow even thought that Ou Yangming was courting his death when he brought a birdcage into his room. Who knew, he managed to carry it out with the bird inside.

  For Big Yellow’s case, it could somewhat tell that the little bird could not be messed with, but it did not know the details and had Ou Yangming to rely on, thus it was not too concerned.

  On the other hand, the goshawk knew very well Ou Yangming’s identity, so it admired its human master greatly.

  “Old Man, it’s already so late at night, so why aren’t you sleeping yet?” Ou Yangming looked away and asked Old Craftsman, then he cast a hostile look at Fang Zhaoyang. If it was not because they were well acquainted, he would have denounced the great ancestor.

  “Many things happened today and many people from the city died, so how can I fall asleep?” Old Craftsman sighed and added after a pause, “Senior Fang must’ve come to find you about something urgent. I can’t control you anymore now that you’ve grown up, but you must be attentive toward the people in the city.”

  Ou Yangming quickly replied to him, “Old Man, don’t worry. After all these years, don’t you know what kind of person I am?”

  “Hmph. You’ve always been mischievous. Don’t think I’m clueless!” Old Craftsman was displeased.

  “Old Man, there’s an outsider here,” Ou Yangming reminded the old man embarrassedly.

  The old man was dumbfounded, then he laughed and said, “Senior Fang, the young fella’s here. Since you have something to tell him, I’ll make a move first.”

  Fang Zhaoyang immediately bowed at him. He did not act superior at all.

  The little bird was confused as it watched Old Craftsman leave. ‘Why did he treat the old man with such respect? Is that old man a hidden brilliant figure among the Humans?’

  Chapter 484 - Change The Regime?

  “Senior Fang, do you have something to say?” Ou Yangming turned around and cut to the chase with a cold look on his face. He even skipped the formalities.

  Based on his relationship with the Fang family, he should not have acted so snobbishly, but he was displeased because Old Craftsman was alarmed.

  “Master Ou, I have something to discuss with you indeed,” Fang Zhaoyang answered with a bitter face and lowered his voice before he continued, “Brother Jingshen would’ve come too if it’s possible.”

  Ou Yangming looked at him in shock and finally faced the matter seriously.

  They were at the Ni residence, but Ni Jingshen sent Fang Zhaoyang over instead of visiting himself, which was truly puzzling. Ou Yangming uttered after some thought, “Okay, please come with me.” He carried the birdcage back into his room and gently put it down.

  Seeing as Big Yellow looked inside sneakily, Ou Yangming laughed and said, “Come in.”

  Big Yellow barked excitedly and jumped hard to enter the room. Even so, it dared not look in the little bird’s direction.

  Although it was not aware of the little bird’s identity as a powerhouse from the Phoenixes, it was alerted of danger by its bloodline inheritance. As such, it made the best choice.

  “Senior Fang, Elder Ni should be here already. What is it that you wanted to tell me? Please go ahead,” Ou Yangming said in a deep voice.

  “Heh, I’m ashamed that you could hear my voice, Lil’ Friend Ou.” Ni Jingsheng chuckled and flashed inside quietly.

  Ou Yangming could tell from the Supreme Great Ancestor’s face that he hid from the servants and snuck in. What could make him act so cautiously?

  “Lil’ Friend Ou, please excuse me for taking the liberty to come here,” Ni Jingshen expressed with a smile.

  “Senior, you’re overthinking. With Elder Sister Ying around, I dare not act presumptuously,” Ou Yangming responded honestly with a smile.

  Ni Jingshen was glad. “Yinghong is truly lucky to have your love and pity.”

  Ou Yangming remarked seriously, “Elder Ni, you’re wrong.”

  “Huh, what?” Ni Jingshen was surprised, and
he sounded rather nervous.

  “I’m lucky to have known Elder Sister Ying got her favor,” Ou Yangming noted sternly.

  Ni Jingshen was startled for some time, and he could not help but smile bitterly. Nonetheless, he became more certain that Ou Yangming would not turn against him even if what he was going to say would enrage the young fellow. After all, Ou Yangming missed Yinghong so much.

  “Elder Ni, Senior Fang, why have you come here together? Please let me know.” Ou Yangming urged them solemnly. He had brought up the matter a few times, hence he would lose his patience if they continued to make jokes.

  Fang Zhaoyang and Ni Jingshen exchanged glances and nodded.

  “Uhm, Lil’ Friend Ou, now that you’ve subdued two spirit beasts—one each from the Beasts and the Birds—what do you plan to do next?” Ni Jingshen asked in a sonorous tone.

  Ou Yangming answered without any hesitation, “If nothing goes wrong, I’d like to make a trip to Canghai County. I heard the Aquatics have begun to rage over there. If that’s the case, it’ll be best to settle it as soon as possible to save troubles.”

  Among the Humans’ eight counties, Canghai and Pinghai were the only ones that were still suffering a disaster. Nevertheless, Canghai County was where the Aquatics attacked, thus Ou Yangming would naturally head there if he wanted to end the disturbance.

  Ni Jingshen and Fang Zhaoyang looked at each other strangely.

  The disasters in the eight counties were considered a catastrophe for the Humans as a whole, causing huge casualties each time they occurred. Even if every country had its specialty, they must pay certain prices to end the disasters.

  However, Ou Yangming sounded like he regarded the Humans’ catastrophe as nothing. It was as though he could effortlessly wipe off the Aquatics and put the world in order if he went to Canghai County.

  If someone else had said that, the two Supreme Great Ancestors would immediately fall out with that person.

  When they looked at Big Yellow and thought about the goshawk outside the room, as well as Multi-armed King Kong, which was far away and had not returned, they felt extremely powerless from the bottom of their hearts.

  Yes, Ou Yangming had unknowingly gathered incredible forces. It seemed like he really did not need to care much about the disaster from the Aquatics.

  In actuality, the great ancestors did not know Ou Yangming himself was capable enough to settle the disaster. Moreover, the little red bird in the cage was his greatest trump card.

  The Phoenixes were not the king of the Aquatics, but it would not be a problem for them to catch small fishes to taste them.

  Ou Yangming furrowed his eyebrows and questioned, “Do you have any wise ideas?”

  Ni Jingshen looked like he had just woken up from a dream. “We dare not claim that we have wise ideas, but we do have something to say, and we hope you’ll consider it, Lil’ Friend Ou.”

  “Elder Ni, please,” Ou Yangming replied to him with a smile.

  “Lil’ Friend Ou, given the forces you have right now, you’re formidable enough to resist the imperial family, am I right?” Ni Jingshen had a fierce look in his eyes when he spoke.

  Ou Yangming was moved, and he thought, ‘I can do more than resist them. If I happen to have a conflict against them and even fight them in their secret realm, I can kill all of them.’

  The imperial family was notably powerful, but their only powerhouse that surpassed the Extreme Grade was Wu Yuanwei, who stayed in the secret realm and dared not anyhow leave the place. Based on the forces Ou Yangming had at the moment, he could eradicate the imperial family without the little bird’s help.

  Even so, he did not answer the great ancestor directly. Instead, he stated, “The imperial family is being watched over by the Humans’ greatest powerhouse, and they also have a secret realm. On the other hand, I have a weak foundation, so I might not necessarily triumph over them.”

  His response was false, but it sounded relatively sincere to Ni Jingshen and Fang Zhaoyang.

  The imperial family’s mightiness was accumulated over a millennium. Even though Ou Yangming rose fast, nobody would believe that he could easily suppress the imperial family.

  Ni Jingshen nodded and commented, “Lil’ Friend Ou, you’re right. Even if you manage to kill the imperial family’s number one powerhouse, they’ll ask powerhouses from the upper realm to descend into our world. If that happens, we’ll be doomed.”

  “Pfft…” The little bird suddenly made a strange noise in the birdcage.

  Fang Zhaoyang and Ni Jingshen looked at it at the same time and were surprised.

  Ou Yangming warned the little bird with his eyes and quickly expressed, “Yes, the imperial family’s strength is unpredictable. That said, there’s something I don’t understand—even if they’re mighty, what does it have to do with me?”

  Ni Jingshen’s eyes lit up right away. He asked softly, “Lil’ Friend Ou, do you not have any idea?”

  “What idea?” Ou Yangming widened his eyes and raised another question slowly.

  The elder was hesitant for a brief moment, but he finally could not hold it in anymore, so he answered, “Changing the regime!”

  Ni Jingshen had been trying to be discreet, hence he was finally relieved after he revealed it. Besides, since the elder disclosed it in the end, it was like a shot arrow, which could not be taken back anymore.

  Fang Zhaoyang nodded hard and agreed with him. “The Wu family has dominated for more than a millennium, so it’s time for a change.”

  Ou Yangming had somewhat seen this coming, but he was still taken aback when he heard their suggestion.

  He looked at them with bright eyes and asked, “Gentlemen, are you kidding me?”

  Ni Jingshen could not help but laugh. “Lil’ Friend Ou, do you think we’ll joke about this?”

  Ou Yangming frowned. When he noticed the eager looks on their faces, he could not help but mumble to himself, ‘What the hell are they up to?’

  “Lil’ Friend Ou, don’t worry. As long as we can defeat the imperial family, their reinforcements from the upper realm won’t come here for sure!” Ni Jingshen added as if he could tell Ou Yangming’s concern.

  “What?” Ou Yangming was dumbfounded.

  Fang Zhaoyang explained mysteriously, “The imperial family has someone to rely on in the upper realm, but so do we!”

  Ou Yangming fixed his gaze on them for some time and sighed. “Gentlemen, the Humans’ disaster isn’t completely over yet, so don’t you think you’re going overboard by bringing this up?”

  Ni Jingshen flushed, but he said at once, “Lil’ Friend Ou, we wouldn’t have done this back then, but the situation is different this time…” He glanced at Big Yellow and continued, “Lil’ Friend Ou, you emerged out of the blue, controlled two spirit beasts, and even killed a spirit insect. As long as you head to Canghai County, the Humans’ disaster will be over. Hehe, the Humans suffered heavy casualties during the disasters for generations, but the disaster is mild this time, so everyone is elated.”

  “Elder Ni, many people are hurt in the city, so how is it mild?” Ou Yangming forced a smile.

  “It’s true if you compare it with the past.” Ni Jingshen kept a straight face.

  Fang Zhaoyang added momentum to the situation. “Master Ou, you might not intend to hurt the tiger, but the tiger plans to hurt you. Even if you don’t mean to replace the imperial family, you made great achievements this time and conquered two spirit beasts. Hehe, do you think the imperial family will relax?”

  “Exactly. Even if they fear your forces and dare not resist you head-on, they’ll surely set something up to target you. If they invite you into the secret realm and powerhouses from the upper realm descend, you won’t be able to defend against them even if you have two spirit beasts.”

  Ou Yangming was moved but before he could give any response, he heard the little bird’s mockery.

  ‘What’s so amazing about those from the upper realm? As long as I’m here, I’ll kill any
one that comes!’

  Despite that, apart from Ou Yangming, nobody else could hear it.

  Ou Yangming sighed helplessly. He suddenly realized that he made a huge mistake by letting the little bird stay beside him throughout the discussion.

  ‘This little fella will only give me more troubles in such a situation.’

  While Ou Yangming did not intend to overturn the imperial family, he became more or less alert after the two Supreme Great Ancestors brought up the issue.

  Chapter 485 - The Appearance Of A Dragon And A Phoenix

  “Master Ou, I know you want to go beyond this world and enter the upper realm. Perhaps the Wu family is using this condition to attract you but there isn’t only one way to achieve that,” Ni Jingshen noted seriously.

  Ou Yangming was moved. “Elder Ni, you contacted…?” He pointed above his head.

  Ni Jingshen smiled and answered, “Lil’ Friend Ou, ever since you found our clan’s secret realm, we’ve been calling out to our members of the same clan in the upper realm.”

  Judging from the smile on Ni Jingshen’s face, Ou Yangming instantly understood that not only had Ni Jingshen contacted someone from the upper realm, but he had also obtained huge benefits or were given certain promises. Nonetheless, the young fellow was not very keen about everything.

  The Ni family had mercy on him, but they must be joking if they thought they could say a few things to make him turn against the imperial family.

  Ou Yangming responded after some thought, “Elder Ni, this is a serious matter, and I’ve just only heard about it, so I’m quite clueless. If it’s possible, please let me consider it first.”

  Ni Jingshen laughed out loud. “Of course, Lil’ Friend Ou, take your time. If you have any questions, you can summon me at any time.”

  The young fellow was rather speechless because the elder was half being humble, half mocking himself. He dared not do that even if it was for Elder Sister Ying’s sake.

  After finally sending away the elders, who still wished to continue the discussion, Ou Yangming frowned and sighed.

  He gained a new understanding of the Humans’ situation through the discussion. Under normal circumstances, the imperial family’s prestige had long been imprinted in everyone’s heart, and they also had a powerhouse that surpassed Extreme Grade. Therefore, the Wu family’s position was stable and unshakable.


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