A Secret Encounter (Amish Secrets--Book 2)

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A Secret Encounter (Amish Secrets--Book 2) Page 15

by J. E. B. Spredemann

  “How did you know I was here?” He wondered aloud.

  His father pointed to Judah. “The bishop called and spoke with your Uncle John a couple of weeks ago; he’s still a minister up there. Judah asked about you and your standing in the church. John knew we were looking for you, so he contacted us right away.”

  Joseph searched Judah’s face for more answers.

  “Your Anna had contacted me a few weeks back. She asked about you being under The Bann and whether it was possible to lift it. So I did some investigating.” Judah’s eyes sparkled. “And, of course, after our conversation in Paradise and your meeting with Minister Fisher, I think we can safely say that the Bann has been lifted.”

  Joseph shook his head in amazement. He felt like crying. He felt like yelling out “THANK YOU” to God. But he didn’t do either of those things. He simply bowed his head and whispered a humble prayer. God understood his heart.

  God was so, so good!


  Anna had been happy, and disappointed at the same time, to learn that Joseph had already been released. What bothered her most is that she now had no idea where he was. The jail would not release that information.

  They’d gone to the store to see if he was in the room he shared with Harv, but he was not there. Where could he have gone? Worry lines formed on Anna’s brow as she pictured him going back onto the streets. At her insistence, Linda drove around town in hopes of finding Joe. But it was for naught. He was nowhere to be found.

  Regret clamped down on her heart once again. She should have known. She should have trusted Joe in the first place. She never should have allowed Aaron back into her life. How could she have been such a dummkopp?


  Joseph’s heart lifted as he sang songs of adoration to his Maker. Not only was this the first service he’d attended in many years, it was the first service he’d attended as a true child of God. This day would have been perfect if not for one thing.

  His eyes meandered to the opposite side of the room where the women worshipped. Anna looked so depressed, it broke his heart. She scarcely allowed herself to lift her eyes to his. He understood what she must be feeling.

  After the service, the bishop had introduced him and his folks to several people in the district. He determined to speak with Anna before she left for home today, and he set out to find her. He searched inside the barn and house, but didn’t see her. Upon going outside, he found her walking by herself out in the cold.

  “Anna!” he called to her.

  She halted at the sound of his voice and briefly glanced his way, but continued in the same direction.

  Joe had to run to catch up with her. “Anna, wait! Stop, please.” By the time he caught up with her, he was nearly out of breath.


  Joseph was tempted to kiss away her frustrated tears, but he wouldn’t dare be so bold. “I…I want to talk to you.”

  “Why? Don’t you see that I’ve already ruined everything? I don’t deserve your friendship, Joe,” Anna cried, turning away from him.

  He stepped in front of her and lifted her chin. He gazed into her forlorn eyes. “Don’t you dare say that! Do you think I’ve forgotten how you came and brought Harv and I lunch every day when we were living on the streets? Did you forget that you gave us your father’s clothes to wear and brought us into your home and gave us shelter? If anyone is unworthy, it is me.”

  Anna shook her head in denial. “I kicked you out of my home when you were trying to save it!”

  “None of that matters to me.”

  She stood speechless, eyeing Joe in wonder.

  “Anna, will you come meet my folks?” Joe yearned to share so many things with her.

  She shrugged in defeat. “Okay.”

  He reached for her hand and she allowed him to grasp it. It seemed she’d relaxed a little by the time they reached the house. He quickly spotted his parents as they spoke with the bishop. “Anna, this is my mother, Bernice. And my father, Felix.”

  Anna held her hand out. “Nice to meet you. I’m Anna.”

  “We’ve heard a lot about you,” Bernice smiled.

  Anna briefly smiled at Joseph.

  Joseph’s father spoke up. “We’d hoped to convince Joseph to come home with us to Ohio.”

  Anna frowned. “Ohio?” She looked to Joe for confirmation.

  “I said I didn’t know. It all depends,” Joe said.

  “On what?” Anna asked.

  Joe lifted a brow. “Not, on what. On whom?”

  Anna’s brow furrowed.

  “Anna, will you marry me?”

  “You…you want to marry me? Why?” Anna’s eyes widened before they filled with tears.

  Joseph smiled and shrugged. “Because I love you.”


  Joseph glanced up at the judge, then studied Aaron. “Your Honor, I’ve had many instances in my life where others’ choices have affected me. Sometimes we don’t know which choice to make, and at other times the correct choice is clear. And although Aaron has sought to bring me harm, I choose to forgive him.”

  “Do you suggest we let him go free, Sir?” The judge raised his brow.

  “Nee, he cannot handle freedom. I suggest community service…to the homeless. Your Honor, God showed me a verse from the Bible but I never really understood it. It is this: He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? I’d thought, How can we reconcile justice and mercy? How can the two coincide? Is it possible to do justly and love mercy at the same time? I think we can offer both justice and mercy.”

  The judge’s eyes lit up. “I have the perfect solution!” His gaze moved from Joseph and settled on Aaron. “Aaron Gingerich.”

  Aaron glowered at Joe, but looked to the judge. “Yes, Your Honor?”

  “I’m sentencing you to six months of permanent community service. You will live in the shelter at the local rescue mission. You will serve those less fortunate in the soup kitchen. You will learn compassion for your fellow man.” The judge laced his fingers together. “And if you don’t, I have a feeling I’ll be seeing you inside my courtroom again.”

  Aaron nodded silently.

  The judge pounded his gavel on the sounding block to dismiss the court.


  Anna and Joseph exited the courtroom walking hand in hand.

  “I do feel sorry for Aaron, though,” Joe said.

  “You do?” Anna raised a brow.

  “He didn’t get you. All that scheming and underhandedness and he still didn’t get his prize.”

  “Oh, so I’m a prize, huh?” Anna smiled up at Joe.

  “Oh yes, you are most definitely a prize.” He bent down to meet her lips with his.


  “Will you two love birds quit all that smoochin’ and get on with it? Rachel and Mammi put on a fine smellin’ roast this mornin’ and I’m achin’ to give it a try.”

  “We’re coming, Harv. Just hold your horses.” Joe smiled at Anna and released her from his embrace.

  “Miss Anna, you think you’ll be makin’ any more of them whoopie pies again? Joe’s got me addicted to those things.”

  Joe perked up. “Isn’t God good, Harv?”

  “That’s what I been tryin’ to tell ya all along!” He turned to Anna. “He finally gets it.” Harvey continued, “Now remember, just because your life seems all fine and dandy and perfect right now, doesn’t mean it’s always gonna be that way. ’Course, I reckon you know that already. Just don’t forget that God is there and He loves ya just as much in the bad times as He does the good. You can always trust God to know what He’s doin’.”

  “Thanks for the reminder, Harv.”

  “Well, hey. That’s what friends are for, jah?”

  “Jah. And a wonderful friend you are.”


  “Thank you for coming to my little Christmas party.” Linda smiled at
her friends. “It’s not much, but I wanted to have an opportunity to let you know how much you all mean to me. Even though we see each other nearly every day, and I might not always show it, I want to let you know that I love and appreciate you, and I consider you some of my dearest friends.”

  Anna, Joe, Harv, and Mammi all nodded their appreciation and returned her sentiments.

  “I do have a small gift for each of you,” Linda said, handing each of them a card. She smiled at her husband next to her, at the table she’d set for her guests.

  Harvey’s face lit up as he opened his gift. “A gift card for a restaurant! Don’t go to those too often anymore. What a lovely surprise. Linda, you are a woman after my own heart.” He turned to Mammi and winked. “Now, if I can just find me a date for dinner, I say I’d be the most happiest man on earth.”

  Mammi cheeks flamed and she ducked her head.

  Joe gave Harv a little kick under the table for embarrassing her.

  “Ouch!” Harv bellowed.

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible, but you may be able to come in a close second.” Joe smiled at Anna. His eyes lit up and he remembered his gift for her. Joseph walked over to the counter and pulled out a wrapped box.

  Anna’s countenance illuminated. “Joe, you didn’t have to.” She received the gift from his hands and gingerly opened the box. “You bought me the big candle?” Her mouth hung open.

  “I saw you looking at it the day we met.” He grinned. “Do you like it?”

  Anna leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Denki, I love it.”

  Anna handed a gift to Harvey.

  Harvey opened the box and hooted. “Why Anna! You went and got me steel-toed boots. The Good Lord knows I need them when I’m around Joe. I think I’ll put ‘em on right now. ”

  The group laughed and continued to share in the joy of the season. Harvey read the true Christmas story found in God’s Word, and even though the occasion was solemn, they couldn’t help but burst into laughter when Harv called the wise men with the three gifts Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

  As they sang O Holy Night, Anna shed tears of joy for Der Herr’s wonderful love for mankind. She marveled at how the God of the universe would even take notice of insignificant mankind. But to God, mankind is not insignificant, they are his beloved creation, whom He sent His Son to die for, so that they might live with Him eternally.


  Joseph Bender raised his head, contemplating the implications of his actions. Am I really saved? According to the words he read this morning in God’s Holy Word, the answer was yes. He glanced around at the excited countenances of his family and friends and realized how blessed he was.

  Today held special meaning. Not only would he be identifying with Christ in baptism and joining the church, but he’d also have the privilege of hearing the announcement of his and Anna’s upcoming wedding.

  Joseph released a contented sigh. He looked to the women’s side of the room and noticed the happy tears that trailed his mother’s rejuvenated appearance. He’d like to embrace his mother, but he knew now was not the proper time. Bishop Hostettler would be reading his name to call him forward and ask about his profession of faith. He glanced to his right and brightened as he noticed his father’s look of acceptance and approval.

  He wore his for gut clothes today. Ones that Anna had lovingly sewn for him. He caught her eye and she smiled back, her gaze communicating her love and admiration. In just a few short months, he’d found everything that he would forever hold dear.

  Joseph knew he’d cherish God’s blessings for as long as he lived.



  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed reading A Secret Encounter! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the book. Did you have a favorite character? Was there any part that stood out to you in particular? Did the book touch your heart in a special way? Let me know at [email protected] or visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/jebspredemann. We have GIVEAWAYS often, so be sure to check it out!

  A Secret Encounter is a work of fiction, but there are many aspects of the book that are derived from true stories. ‘Joe’, the hero of A Secret Encounter, along with Project: Vagabond (described below), was inspired by a real encounter. One day, while out shopping, I saw a young homeless man (whom Joe is an exact description of) in the parking lot of the grocery store. I thought that I would quickly run into the store, purchase something for the man to eat, give it to him, and while he was eating I would go purchase some clothing for him (he was in desperate need of it). I hadn’t been in the store long, but when I came out, he was gone. I drove around the parking lot and surrounding area in hopes of finding him, but he had vanished. I wanted to cry because this man genuinely needed help.

  This presented a question in my mind: what could I have done differently? The conclusion I came to: Project: Vagabond. What if I’d had something in the car already? What if I’d been prepared? A couple of quotes come to mind: He who fails to plan, plans to fail. And Where there is no vision, the people perish. If I’d been prepared, I could have given ‘Joe’ something to eat and drink. I could have given him the Gospel – a chance at a new life. I could have offered him hope and encouragement.

  Instead, I offered him nothing. NOTHING!

  Despite all of that, I think God had it planned that way to open my eyes. To give me a vision, a plan, a purpose. Before I left the parking lot that day, God placed the idea for this book in my mind. It has been a burden on my heart. A burden and a blessing.

  One of my children asked if I thought that perhaps ‘Joe’ was an angel in disguise. I thought of the verse from Hebrews, Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. I don’t know if ‘Joe’ was an angel or not. Most likely not, but you never know.

  I’m hoping that you, yes YOU, will become a part of Project: Vagabond. Perhaps you can print the last pages of this book and share it with those in your church: a women’s group, a youth group, or simply share it with your pastor. There is a special offer for those who sign up for Project: Vagabond. Not a bribe or anything, but my way of saying ‘thank you’. (Read Project: Vagabond page below for details.)

  Another issue this book tackles is sexual abuse. Because this is such a sensitive subject, I did not delve into it deeply. Does this kind of thing happen in Amish communities? Unfortunately, it does. ‘Mary’ was taken from a true story as well. While the Amish are generally an upright People, they are human – and thus sinful – as well. There are wicked/depraved souls in every people group and the Amish are no exception.

  Fortunately, God offers his love, healing, and forgiveness to all. And we can take comfort in the fact that God is the Righteous Judge. There is nothing that happens that He does not see. We have God’s Word on it, that someday He will destroy all wickedness, depravity, and sin. We must trust Him on this.

  And we must trust Him with our very lives as well. God is a Father to the Fatherless, He is our Blessed Hope, our Righteousness, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and the only way to Heaven. John 3:16-18 says, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

  Lastly, I’d like to say thank you. Thank you for investing your time and intellect in this book. I hope it met or exceeded your expectations. Above all, I hope it was a blessing to you and touched your heart in a significant way. If you wouldn’t mind, it would be a wonderful blessing if you would leave a review or tell someone about this book. Denki!


  J. Spredemann

  (Rom.10:9-13 KJV)

  Please see Project: Vagabond information below!


  "...Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

  Matthew 25:37, 40

  Q. What is Project: Vagabond?

  A. Project: Vagabond is essentially God's love in action. It is a network of compassionate individuals who want to see their cities impacted for the cause of Christ.

  Q. What does Project: Vagabond do?

  A. The premise is simple, really. Buy items to help those less fortunate. We place these items in a simple brown paper lunch sack and keep them in a designated area in our vehicle: i.e. box, basket. When we encounter someone who looks like they could use a helping hand (think 'Will work for food') we give them a bag and let them know that Jesus loves them. *Please use caution here – not all people will be like Joe and Harv in A Secret Encounter!

  Q. What's in the bag?

  A. In our bags, we place a bottle of water, a small bag of pretzels (or other snack), applesauce (or cup of fruit), a small KJV New Testament (we purchase these from Dollar Tree), and a Gospel tract. It's not much, but it's enough to show someone you care. We have the children color on the bags and write 'Jesus loves you' or another special message on them. This involves the children and teaches them social responsibility and compassion. They can also help fill the bags.


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