school is that, if it were necessary he develop antipathy, even hatred, towards America, life in the U.S., where he might become a baseball fan, a Dallas Cowboys supporter or, God forbid, a Christian, would be too risky. Where better to learn to hate America than a Muslim madrasa?
Of course this is followed by nine years of indoctrination from the man some say was his real father, the Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who if America had gone to war with the Soviets during this time would have been swept up as one of the early suspects of Communist activity.
Then there is Bill Ayers, whose ability along with his wife to freely walk around in America belies the general theory that people who attempt to blow up police departments and the Pentagon are supposed to be locked up. Ayers, as violently anti-American a human being as has been produced, was by natural construct a man of political influence in liberal Chicago, and thus decided (or perhaps the KGB decided for him?) that Obama was the future. Thus with Ayers's help Obama launched his political campaign. A "hidden hand" seemed to propel him all the way beyond that, and the rest is history.
But this thesis is not an indictment of Obama or accusation that he had Muslim masters, or that Russia, led by a former KGB man who if Obama was a mole would have been his "handler" to one degree or another (everything Vladimir Putin could have asked for has happened in the Obama years). Rather, it is an attempt to identify this new breed of Communism, for lack of a better word, since the Soviet Union dissolved.
Obama and the great majority of the Democrat Party are people who have chosen anti-Americanism as their politics. There was a time when our enemies needed to bribe, blackmail or cajole American spies into doing their dirty work. Today, the American Left freely commits acts of treason benefiting our enemies, namely Islamic jihad. They do it without anybody asking them to do it. Whoever, or whatever entity, whether manly or an evil spirit, that has managed to see this despairing set of circumstances come to fruition might be the greatest political extortionist in history. It has been so subversive, so devastating to America, that it appears only the hand of the devil could achieve such a feat.
Therefore, perhaps only the hand of God can defeat them.
Is it possible that an arrogant, lying, narcissistic, ego maniac white businessman was chosen by God Himself to propel this victory over evil? The Bible tells us that such incongruous things are not merely possible, but have happened many times. The Jews were grave sinners, stiff-necked people who defied God time and time again, only to be favored by Him until His will was done. Their great King David was a sinful adulterer who placed the husband of his lover onto the battlefield where he would surely die just so he could carry on his affair, yet he was a servant of God, a spiritual man of faith who led the Jewish people to great victories.
Jesus used sinners, prostitutes, adulterers, tax collectors and murderers to do His will. We are not sure if Mary Magdalene was a prostitute; she might have been. But a woman named Mary was an adulteress who was saved by Jesus and taught the world mercy, not to mention a new set of Biblical laws replacing the Old Testament.
Saul of Tarsus literally persecuted and murdered Christians, yet was converted by Christ into becoming Saint Paul the Apostle. Many other disciples ran away and disavowed Jesus when he was crucified, yet after His ascension they were the ones allowing themselves to be imprisoned, tortured, even crucified upside down, as martyrs spreading the word to the Gentiles.
So if a literal murderer of Christians can be used, so can Donald Trump.
The world he confronts is indeed a daunting and evil place of sin. The Bible predicted that Christians would be persecuted. Islamists in the Middle East are wiping them out. These are the original Christians living and worshipping on the very grounds where Christ evangelized.
Domestically, the predicament of the Democrat Party ushered in by Obama is not unlike the Palestinians, who Golda Meir once said would never have peace until they love their children more than they hate the Jews. The Democrats at least since George H.W. Bush and probably before that hate Republicans. Republicans have zero respect for Democrats. Democrats hate them more for not caring when they yell, scream and protest.
Black Lives Matter, the latest in a stupid list of ne'er-do-wells like Occupy Wall Street, despise conservatives. White conservatives do not care, dismissing them as dumbasses that chant for the death of cops. Frankly, if the KKK wanted to make blacks more stupid than can be conceived, they would have invented Black Lives Matter, not to mention rap music. The end result of all this is that the Republicans have more elected officials in America than any time since the Roaring '20s, or maybe even the Civil War (when the Democrats were the party of the Confederacy). Democratic strategist Daniel Schoen openly warns that if they do not make drastic changes, a more nine years after Obama's election ushered in the prediction that Reagan conservatism is dead, the Democrat Party may disintegrate into some thing else.
The left has indoctrinated almost all aspects of society. They have destroyed decades of racial advancements in favor of growing race and class warfare, extorting one ethnicity against another. They spread liberalism and secular fantasy in the public schools. They have taken over academia, where there is virtually no real free speech anymore. They have devoured Hollywood, and it is not a coincidence that the great films of the 1960s and 1970s represent an era of excellence that has been replaced by mediocrity. The Oscars are little more than slut parades and losers awarding themselves with the modern version of pagan idolatry, the Oscar statues little more than stand-ins for the Golden Calf. Government is staffed top to bottom with liberal bureaucrats. Government itself is their god, global warming their new age religion.
Obama himself represents this new liberal, the kind who does now what the KGB used to have to blackmail people into doing. It would be better if it were discovered he were an actual mole of the KGB or Muslim Brotherhood. If so he could be prosecuted and, along with his wife, imprisoned for a few decades. Instead he has enriched himself. A free lunch and book deals complete with fawning ghostwriters await he and his wife from coast to coast and beyond.
Obama favored political Islam and within weeks of his Inauguration added $1 trillion to the national debt. If a mole like the Yuri character were to ascend to the White House, likely his marching orders would start out, "Bankrupt the United States." This is not some kind of an opinion; it is absolutely what would happen. Art does imitate real life, as mentioned, and it did some years ago when a TV show called The Company placed forth as its premise, decades in the making, in which the 1987 stock market crisis was a Communist plot. In the show the KGB were dismayed to discover that President Ronald Reagan unleashed American capitalism to the point where it marked the 1987 crash as a mere blip in the history of capitalist prosperity.
Obama spent more money in eight years than all governments since Christ walked the Earth, and doubled the debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion. The great question is whether God still favors us despite murdering almost 60 billion unborn babies, and whether the Constitution, the will of the American people, and the spiritual strength of this nation is too great for a traitor to overcome.
What we have discovered is that Satan uses different forms of attack. Call it slavery, call it an assault on the Democracies, call it Nazism or Communism; today it is harder to pin a phrase to describe it. Islamic radicalism seems to be his dark army, but its allies are a more amorphous, hard-to-identify form of spiritual malevolence. Call it plain old anti-Americanism. This is an assault on old values and traditions, lies uttered in the public square, in universities and on liberal talk shows, that attempt to paint America as racist, homophobic, and immoral. Our victories and successes, as this theory goes, are ill gotten, stolen from Indians or other dark-skinned victims. This has been Obama's agenda, and while these theories were around long before the world knew who Barack Hussein Obama was, they now mark a major plank of the Democrat Party. To veer from these orthodoxies is to risk ex-communication from the religion of liberalism.
Steven Trav
ers is a USC graduate, ex-pro baseball player, and veteran writer/historian who has authored over 30 books. Contact him at or [email protected]