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Daughter of a Hood Legend 2

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by Latoya Nicole

  Why didn’t I see the signs? How did he know my daddy would never tell me? So many questions, and so much heartbreak. My ass decide to finally give up the pussy and got played on my first go around. Fuck niggas and fuck love. I’m going to the store to get me another Chip. I never wanted to feel this shit again and I wasn’t. I hope that nigga died. If not, I would make sure to finish the job.

  Chapter Two


  When Kalina went running out of the house, I jumped in my truck and followed her. Realizing where she was headed once we got close, I thought she crossed me. How the fuck could my daughter be fucking with the enemy. Parking my truck a couple of blocks away, I made my way to the Vega’s compound. Seeing that security was already laid out, I had no problems getting in their gate. Not knowing what she was in there to do, I got in her car and waited for her to come out.

  One look at me, she almost shitted on herself. The way she was acting, I thought I was gone have to relieve her brain of some pressure. I didn’t give a fuck who you were, if you crossed me that ass was dead. Imagine my surprise as I found out her real secret. All this time, she was Roulette. So many emotions ran through me. First anger, and I acted on that anger. When my hands went around her neck, I blanked out. It wasn’t until I heard her barely say daddy that brought me back. It was damn near inaudible, but the sound of my child’s voice brought me back to my senses. After the anger subsided, I began to feel proud. Even though I hadn’t taught her shit, she was running these streets as if she was me. My baby girl had the world shook and it wasn’t because of me. If it wasn’t for this fuck up, she would have been flawless.

  Even though I tried to keep the shit from her, the shit ran through her veins and I had to accept it. My daddy didn’t want me taking over his business, but it happened anyway. The more he tried to keep it me from it, the harder I fought towards it. When he saw how natural the shit came to me, he could no longer resist it. I was gone have to do the same with Kalina.

  Had I known that she was gone go this route regardless, I would have stayed my ass in the game. I wasn’t hiding from the Vega’s. Once you cut off the head, the body will fall. I had no idea his son would come seeking revenge. His mama should have told him who the fuck I was though. He was about to endure the worst war these streets has ever seen. My nigga was gone behind this shit and now I knew who was responsible for it.

  Kalina thought she was in charge, but these will always be my streets. I’m gone make her think she in charge and ride back seat. The last thing I want to do is have the streets thinking she can’t handle her business. On the forefront, it will be Roulette running the show. Behind that shit, Vicious and his crew will be doing damage. I had a lot of velvet boxes to use, and I couldn’t wait. Jumping in my car, I headed towards the city. Knowing I was back, the air even felt different. It was power in this concrete and the shit was intoxicating.

  Sending out a group text, I told my crew to meet at the old spot 911. Most of them retired with me, some dipped in the life here and there, some just fucked their life completely up. Like Freeno. I know they were trying to figure out what the fuck was going on, but they would be there. When Vicious call, you come. No questions asked. Pulling up to an old warehouse we had back in the day, I parked and exhaled. It was our meeting spot and where we handled most of our business.

  In a way, I was a little bit nervous. I know the shit was in me, but what if niggas didn’t fear me like they had before? What if they look at me as some old washed up ass nigga trying to reclaim some shit? I know what I was to these streets, but times have changed. Hell, they allowed Kalina to run them without even knowing who she was. They had no idea she was my daughter and allowed her ass to reign supreme. I’m still shocked at that shit. How the fuck do you fear someone you can’t see?

  Seeing everyone pulling up, I shook off these feelings and got out. Right now wasn’t the time for doubt, I needed to get a handle on this shit before my daughter got killed out there. A war from revenge was the worst kind, they were dealing with emotions. If you’re fighting over territory, it’s not personal.

  “Hey Vicious, who the fuck done brought your ass out of retirement? I hope your old ass can still carry a gun and shit.” Laughing at my nigga Grew, I walked up on him.

  “You want to find out? Just because you can’t hold your dick straight while you piss, don’t mean the rest of us fucked up.” Walking away pissed, I laughed and dapped up the rest of the crew. His ass hated when we joked about that shit. No matter what was going on, his ass couldn’t piss right to save his life. His ass would always walk away with droplets on his hands and clothes. That’s why nobody every shook up with that nigga. Walking inside, I allowed everyone to get settled in.

  “I know everyone is trying to figure out why I called you all here. I’m not one to beat around the bush, so let’s get to it. I’m sure you all been hearing about this Roulette nigga running the streets. Well, it turns out that Roulette is my daughter.” The shocked looks came first, and then the laughs.

  “Wait, how the fuck do you not know your daughter is basically you out in these streets. You were the king out there and nobody could get shit past you, but you got duped by your own damn daughter. Nigga I will never let you live this shit down.” E Way was doing the most, but he was right. That’s half the reason I feel I fell off. How did I miss something this big?

  “Shut the fuck up. Anyway, she started dating this nigga Capone. Capone Vega.” I allowed it to sink in and I no longer had to explain the situation. They knew exactly what I did twenty two years ago and they knew what we were up against. “We’re going to war gentlemen, but it’s a catch. We have to make Roulette I mean Kalina feel that she is the one in charge. I don’t want to make her crew feel as if she is bowing down to me or only has her status because of my name. She worked hard to get where she is and I don’t want to ruin that for her. Now, remember this is only on the surface. Behind the scenes, we fix her mess.”

  “Your ass is Vicious for real. You done came back from the dead to take over your daughter’s organization. That’s some hard core shit. You’re worse than ever.” I laughed, but in my mind I thought about what Grew said. I never really said it out loud, but in my heart I knew I was going to take over at some point. Giving the shit up was done to keep her away, now that she is in the streets anyway, why not go back?

  It will crush her to know that I’m coming back, but I’ve had a taste of this shit and there is no turning back now. I know that at some point, it’s going to cause a rift between me and Kalina. The shit was fucking with me, but it was something she would have to understand. I figure, I’ll run my side and she run hers.

  If she don’t want to do it that way, then we allow the streets to decide. I didn’t want to do that to her, because they will pick me. I hope this war allows her to see that this is not the life she wants to live. In the meantime, I would ride the backseat until this shit was over.

  Chapter Three


  Everyone around me was screaming and panicking. I was still trying to wrap my mind around what happened. Not that Roulette shot me, but the why was bothering me. It’s like she was accusing me of something, but I have no idea what the fuck she was talking about. My life was slipping from me and all I could think about was what the fuck did I do wrong.

  “We have to wait for his mother to come. If we take him to the hospital, they will ask too many questions. If that’s not what she wants, all of our ass will be fired.” My security was trying to figure out how to keep their jobs, meanwhile I was losing my life. This had to be the most ignorant shit I ever heard in my fucking life.

  “Fuck that. I’m not doing shit until she answers her fucking phone. I need my job. I got another shorty on the way.”

  “Damn nigga, how many you got now? It has to be like ten. Your ass shooting them bitches out ain’t you?”

  “Fuck you. It ain’t my fault I’m potent.” I had enough. Reaching behind my back, I tried my best to grab my gun. Pointing it
at the ceiling, I shot it off.

  “Boss man what the fuck” They all rushed over to me.

  “Exactly. I’m the boss and if you don’t get me to the fucking hospital, I will kill all of you right here, right now. How the fuck are you going to leave me here dying waiting on my damn mama?” My ass was damn near whispering, but they knew I meant business. They had this shit fucked up and I was their boss, not her. Grabbing me up, they carried me out to the car. It was blood everywhere and I knew I didn’t have long.

  Knowing their lives were on the line, they ass was moving so fast they were fucking me up. They almost dropped me, niggas hit my head against the door, and basically just tossed my ass in the truck. Now they were driving like crazy and hitting every damn bump on the road. I wanted to tell they ass to just pull over and let me out. Taking my chances on the side of the road had to be better than this shit. I was in so much pain and these fools were scared out of their minds. I’ve never been happier to see a hospital in all of my life. When they opened the door to carry me out, I almost told they ass I got it. Ain’t no way I could walk, but I would damn sure try if it meant getting away from their incompetent asses.

  Finally I was taken on a stretcher and being rushed into surgery. The lights were fading and I could feel myself going. Every blink was becoming harder and I knew my time was coming. Ironically, all I could think about was Roulette. I needed her to know how I felt before I died. My body was too weak to tell someone to call her, and it finally went black.

  Waking up, it was beeping and machines everywhere. My body was sore and I could barely move. The lights were bright and I tried to turn my head to see if anyone was here. My heart hoped I would see Roulette and she could tell me what the fuck happened, but I was alone. Hearing footsteps, I got hopeful that she went and got some snacks and was now on her way back in the room. Trying my best to turn my head, I was pissed to see I made all that effort for Shitz. Closing my eyes, I tried to pretend like I was sleep. All I wanted to do was talk to Roulette to find out what the fuck happened.

  “Nigga quit trying to play sleep, I saw you see me see you. How the fuck you look me dead in the eyes and then play sleep?” Smiling, I opened my eyes. It was a long shot, but maybe he wasn’t really paying attention.

  “My bad.” My throat was dry as hell. Noticing how scratchy my voice was, he handed me the water.

  “This what your shorty for. I’m not a bed nurse. Where the fuck she been anyway? Your ass been out for a week and I had to leave a lot of shit just so somebody can be here for your weak neck ass.” Hearing him say that triggered something inside of me. I been out for a week and my mama hasn’t even been to see me. Something about that didn’t sit right with me. For whatever reason, I know why Roulette wasn’t here. She was mad at me about something, but my mama, that’s a different story.

  “Shorty the one that put me here.” This nigga looked shocked and then dead ass started laughing.

  “Wait. You telling me Roulette the one that shot your ass up? What the fuck you do to her?” Shrugging my shoulders the best way I could, I was just as lost as him.

  “I don’t know. She just kept saying my name and said I lied to her. I haven’t done shit, so I don’t know what the fuck is going on.”

  “You want me to go air her ass out. All you have to do is say the word and her ass is gone.”

  “Naw, I don’t want you to do shit. You can tell me why my mama haven’t been up here to see me though.”

  “She waved that boujie ass hand at me and told me to handle it. I don’t think she is handling it well. You know people panic in different ways. She seems to not want to deal with it as if it never happened.” Shit still seemed off to me and there was no excuse. If my child got his ass lit up, I would be there no matter what.

  “I need you to get in touch with Roulette. There a lot of questions that I need answered and only she can give me that.”

  “Bro fuck her. She wanted a war, well, she got one. You don’t need a woman that is willing to kill you. No matter what the reason is.”

  “If anyone goes near her, they have to answer to me. Trust me, you have not seen a monster until you go against me. I’m down now, but nigga when I rise the fuck up, I will tear this bitch up. Don’t try me. Do what the fuck I asked and do it now. You can see yourself out.”

  “Nigga get some unused pussy and lose they fucking mind. I’ll do what you want because you my nigga, but you can keep the threatening shit. You know don’t shit move on me but my piece. Get you some sleep, you done obviously lost your mind and need the rest.”

  “I haven’t lost shit. Just remember what the fuck I said. If you go near her other than what the fuck I asked, you answer to me and you don’t want that. Now like I said two minutes ago, get the fuck out and go do what I asked.” The nigga actually rolled his eyes, but he knew not to fuck with me. I was a laid back type of nigga, but I was deadly. My approach is just different from most. I’m no Vicious, but I wasn’t far from him. I just moved behind the scenes. I needed her to make her way up here and fast. If she thought I was against her, a war was coming and I was laid up in this bitch not able to do shit. I needed to figure out what the fuck she was pissed about so I can fix it.

  “Hello Mr. Vega. I’m about to give you some morphine for the pain. It may make you sleepy, but you will feel a lot better when you wake up.”

  “Thank you nurse.” After pushing the meds through my IV, I was out five minutes later. My last thought was Roulette.

  Chapter Four


  Sunshine blue skies, please go away.

  My girl has found another and gone away.

  With her went my future, my life is filled with gloom.

  Day after day, I stay locked up in my room.

  I know to you, it might sound strange.

  Oh I wish it would rain.

  “Bitch if you don’t get out of my house with this sad ass old ass music. Shit sound like you standing on a bridge ready to fucking jump. I can’t take this type of shit two times in one fucking year. I’ve been on that bridge and baby, I don’t want to stand on that mother fucker no more.” Roulette ass was over here crying and singing all the saddest music she could find. Hiding out in my room, I tried to stay away from her but enough was enough. They had my ass out there in mix match shoes to pull me out of my funk.

  “Best friend, he played me and the shit hurts. Your depression was different. Warranted, but different. I have to walk through my city looking like the girl that was supposed to be a boss but got played by a nigga. I’m ruined.”

  “Get the fuck over it. Niggas been playing bitches since the beginning of time. You do know that it was a hoe in the bible. Who you think turned her the fuck out?” She looked at me like it made sense. Shrugging my shoulders, I laughed. “I know it’s weird how right I be sometimes ain’t it?”

  “Yeah you’re right, but I still never thought it would be me. You can talk all the shit you want, but that shit was foul and a bitch heart is in her socks.” Looking down at her feet, I shook my head.

  “Bitch you ain’t got on socks. Get your ass the fuck up and let’s go to this meeting. We have to figure out what the fuck we gone do about this shit. If he’s dead like you think, we have to strike his mama and them while he’s vulnerable.”

  “We’re going to the meeting, but it’s something else I need to tell you. Vicious knows that I’m Roulette, but I haven’t told him about you yet. He choked my ass out, so you might want to wear a turtle neck or something. Oh, and he’s going to be at the meeting.” If I was drinking or eating anything, my ass would be choking.

  “You been in my house all fucking day but didn’t tell me that? Are you crazy? Email me the fucking plans, I’m staying my ass here. You got me fucked up, I’m not going against Vicious.” I was looking for her ass to tell me she got this, but her ass looked just as shooked as me.

  “Bestie, what if we have to go to war with my daddy? You know damn well his ass is not going to come back to the game an
d let me run it. This is about to be a mess and I’m not sure if I’m ready for this.” Thinking it over, I decided to throw all caution to the wind.

  “Fuck him. Don’t get me wrong, if we have to go to war with Uncle V, bitch I’m a retired hoe. Fuck that, you not about to send me off but we not bowing out. You’re going to run your streets and show him why it’s okay for him to sit his ass at home like he been doing. Let’s make his ass a Facebook page, that shit will keep him busy for hours. Don’t that nigga like to read? Add him to that damn Bookies group. It’s a bunch of books and freaky bitches that do BAD on Fridays.” We both laughed at the thought.

  “He would be appalled at the shit they talk about. You know his ass old school. Finding him a bitch would be nice though. His ass didn’t hover as much when he was fucking Lisa. Let’s get through the meeting first, and then we can talk about getting my daddy laid. Eeww, that shit don’t sound right. We are not about to talk about my daddy’s sex life. Let’s go.” She was right, the shit sounded nasty but I was really willing to try anything.

  “I’m happy to be Breezy today. I would not want to be in your shoes.”

  “At least they some bad ass shoes.” Looking down at her Chanel sneakers, I had to agree. Walking out of the door, we headed towards the warehouse. Glitch already left and I think Roulette ran his ass out of here with all the howling she was doing. Looking over at her, I wish I could take her pain away. My friend has never gone through this and I’m sure it was tearing her apart. I’ve done this dance a couple of times before, that’s why I’m so grateful for Glitch. His ass stood by me until I got my shit together and he loves me flaws and all. I thought my friend had found that as well, instead she is sitting over there on the brink of tears.


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