Daughter of a Hood Legend 2

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Daughter of a Hood Legend 2 Page 5

by Latoya Nicole

  “Yes, please take this big ass dick out of my ass. I think my colon done fell out. CHECK THE MATRESS FOR MY DAMN COLON.” It took everything in me not to fall the fuck out laughing. Reaching under her, I started playing with her pussy.

  “You gone take this dick until you learn to keep your fucking hands to yourself.” After stroking her pussy for five minutes while I dropped this dick in her ass, she squirted everywhere.

  “See, your ass done knocked out my damn bladder. If you don’t take this damn donkey dick out of my ass, I’m going to fuck you up. Okay, okay. I get it. I’m sorry. I won’t hit you anymore. You won, I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself donkey kong. I don’t’ wanna lose my ass.” Laughing, I knew she had learned her lesson. And she came whether she knew it or not. Pulling my dick out, she collapsed on the bed. Walking to the bathroom, I washed my dick off. When I walked back in the room, shorty was lying in the bed snoring like a damn bear. Slapping her on the ass, I woke her up.

  “I still need to nut, wake your ass up.” When she fell back out and started snoring, I left her ass alone. Hopefully this wouldn’t be the last time, but I wasn’t against taking that shit. Once she got something in her head, she ran with that shit.

  Just because she had sex with me didn’t mean shit. Her ass will do a drive by on my ass in a minute. I’ve never had a chick fuck the shit out of me, then leave me sitting there feeling lonely and lost. This girl had a way of playing on my emotions and I had no idea when she would pull that shit. It took her a month to come back this time, ain’t no telling how long it will be before she come back the next time.

  “Oh my God, I just shitted on myself. I’m about to fuck you up. You took my booty hole. How the fuck am I gone walk around with loose booty. I hate you so much right now. The donkey made me lose my booty hole.” When she started crying, I knew her ass wasn’t coming back no time soon. My petty ass fucked up.

  Chapter Ten


  Lying in the bed with asshole on my chin, I wanted to beat the shit out of Capone. No matter how upset I was, I needed to keep my hands to myself. His petty was on a different level and I couldn’t take that shit no more. He won, I don’t know how Breezy can do this shit out of pleasure. It was the worst thing I ever felt in my life. Trying my best to roll over, I looked to him for answers.

  “I know that this is hard because it’s your mama, but we have to find her and put an end to that shit. You know if we don’t, then my family is in jeopardy. I, am in jeopardy.” The perplexed look on his face told me he wouldn’t make the right decision.

  “Look, I’m not disputing that. All I’m saying is, that she is my mama and I should be the one to handle her. I can’t do that as long as you want me hidden away. I need to be out there in the streets, that’s who I am.”

  “Listen, I know that you’re tired of being here. You have to, no I need you to understand what will happen. You have people from both sides that will kill you. My daddy, will kill you. I’m not saying you can’t handle yourself, I just don’t want to lose you. I need the chance to fix this.” His jaw line clenched, but he smiled.

  “You didn’t break anything, and I don’t need you fixing it for me. I’m not as weak as you think I am. I’ll give you one month. If you don’t have this shit done by then, I’ll handle it on my own. Now get your ass up and get to work. The clock is ticking.” Getting up out of the bed, I had to hold back tears. My ass felt like it was splitting. After handling my hygiene the best way I could, I got dressed and tip toed my way out of the house. A bitch could barely walk and I was pissed at myself. It felt like my left ass cheek was numb and I could shit at any moment.

  Heading to Breezy’s house, I cried the entire way there. I need a pillow to put under my ass or this shit wasn’t gone work. How the fuck was I gone find this loony bitch if I couldn’t walk? Pulling up to Breezy’s house, I put the code in and parked. As soon as I got out, I heard shit breaking and I had no idea what the fuck was going on. I know this bitch is not here trying to kill my friend. Grabbing my Desert Eagle, I tried to run but that shit wasn’t working. Donkey dick had my ass out here waddling and in this moment, I hated him.

  Walking like a bitch was trying to hit the quan, I finally made it inside. You could hear glass breaking and someone screaming. Listening closely, I knew it was Breezy. Fuck. Tipping through the house, I made my way to the room where she was. Raising my gun, I rounded the corner ready to lay a nigga out. What I saw fucked me up. Glitch was tied up to a chair and she had his mouth taped shut. Breezy was standing over him throwing dishes and vases at his ass. He couldn’t do shit but take it.

  “You think I’m playing with you? If you don’t tell me where the fuck you have been, I will beat your ass to death.” I looked at her like she was crazy.

  “Umm excuse me. How can he tell you when you have his mouth taped and you beating him with plates?” Realizing I was in the room, I thought she would stop. Instead, she kept on with her line of questioning. Grabbing a pot, she hit his ass over the head with it.

  “Nigga where the fuck you been?” Even though Glitch may be suspect, I felt bad for him.

  “Bestie, let him go. This nigga is going to kill you when he gets free. Let him go while you still can.” When she grabbed the skillet, I knew she was at a point of no return.

  “I’m not stopping until I have used every pot in the kitchen. He wants to sling that lil meat around, he can swing it in one of these pots. Don’t get quiet on me now mother fucker. Where your big balls at now.” Refusing to watch her talk to herself and beat this nigga, I left her with that shit. Heading to the warehouse, I needed to see if the crew had any information.

  Jumping in my Camaro, I headed to the city. Boyz In the Hood was playing, but my mind was on my ass. I had to concentrate on not putting too much pressure and the shit is harder than people think. Pulling up, I tip toed inside and found my dad and his crew there to my surprise. What pissed me off the most, was the fact that my crew was there as well. This nigga was trying to take charge behind my back. They didn’t hear me coming since my ass had to tip toe.

  “This is interesting. I don’t recall asking you to come in.” My dad was looking at how I was walking, but I ignored him.

  “We were here waiting further instructions from you. Been here since yesterday. Where exactly were you again?” Not about to go into that, I ignored that as well.

  “If you sat your dumb ass in a warehouse when no meeting was called, then that’s on you. Now, here is what you all can do. Find Rebecca. She has not left. I’m sure she is somewhere lurking.”

  “Don’t get your ass slapped up. Grew and E Way, go with these young niggas and teach them a thing or two. Ka, I mean Roulette, come with me. We’ll meet up in a few hours to give an update.” I wanted to slap him for taking charge and delegating how I should have, but my ass was itching and I was concentrating on not scratching. Walking out the door, he headed towards his car and I went to mine. You could see the aggravation on his face. He wanted me to follow his lead.

  “Baby girl, it is easier if we take my truck. Let’s go, you’re wasting time.”

  “Nigga if you don’t get your ass in this car. Did you see how I was walking? I wish I would walk my ass back over there.” Grunting, he came and got in my car. Throwing my shades on, I smiled knowing I won this round. He tried to sneak me behind my back with the team, but at the end of the day, he had to listen to me. If I told my crew to take him out, they had to because I was in charge. His ass needed to learn he was a thing of the past.

  “Listen, when we get out there in these streets, you have to let me take the lead. They fear me more and I can get more out of them than you can.” Looking over to him, I laughed.

  “All you need to worry about is if you have enough velvet boxes in that bag of yours. I’ve been doing this for a while now. I was out here in these same streets while you were at home eating oatmeal and watching the soaps. You’re a legend, you should allow yourself to go out on top. Don’t kill out your
legacy trying to prove a point, but you’re not the same. Your ass is old and you need to accept it.” I didn’t believe none of the shit I said, but I wanted to fuck with him since he went behind my back. It was an honor to be out here with my dad in these streets, but I meant what I said on one thing. I was in charge and his old ass was gone have to step back and accept it.

  “I’m about to show your ass old. You heard the stories, but you about to see it first hand. I got guns older than your ass.” Turning up the radio, I laughed on the inside.

  Chapter Eleven


  Kalina don’t know how deep her words cut me. Probably because I was struggling with those same thoughts. If it wasn’t for that bitch killing Fat Back, I would have never come out of retirement. I didn’t have time to doubt myself about that, I acted on instinct and emotion. Now, my dumb ass done made her come with me trying to teach her a lesson and she had me doubting myself.

  If she wasn’t my daughter, I would shoot the fuck out of her ass for making me think this way. Shaking that shit off, I knew I had to get it together. I was Vicious, that shit ran through my blood and no amount of time off was going to change that. If Kalina wanted to see who I was, she was in for one hell of a show. As soon as we pulled up to one of the Vega’s spots, I jumped out and shot the security that was on the porch. One shot, one swift motion, no remorse. Her ass was struggling to get out of the car and I laughed at her expense. I have no idea what was going on with her, but I used it to my advantage. By the time she caught up, I would be in Vicious mode. Walking inside, everyone looked around at me like what the fuck.

  “One person gets to live. The first one to start talking is the lucky mother fucker. Now, who is it gonna be?” You could tell they were trying to figure out if I was serious or not. Raising my gun, I shot the guy closest to me. Everyone raised their guns and I smiled. “I don’t think you want to do that. It would be smart for one of you to work with me or all of you die.” I’m guessing the one in charge decided to speak up.

  “Why the fuck you coming up in our shit barking orders? Who the fuck you think you are? This our shit and you the one that’s about to have a long night.” Right as I was thinking where the hell was Kalina, she walked in behind them guns drawn.

  “He’s Vicious? You haven’t heard that he was back, well I don’t even have to ask my question. You’re definitely lucky. You get to witness a legend in person.” The looks on their faces changed immediately. It went from cocky, to fear. In that moment, I knew I still had it. Even if I didn’t, my name alone kept me in the game.

  “Vicious, I was a kid when you were terrorizing these streets. I don’t know why you are here, but we respect you. Whoever pissed you off, it wasn’t us.” Smiling, I stepped forward.

  “Are you going to be the one to tell me what I want to know? See, we have a problem whether or not you know it’s there. I’m only willing to leave one person alive, so tell me. Is that you?” His crew started to look nervous and I could tell he didn’t want to make that call. Kalina fired five shots dropping all the men around him.

  “Oh damn, I forgot. Are you feeling lucky? Guess not, carry on.” Watching her tip toe over to her seat had me feeling like a proud father. They wasn’t lying when they said she was just like me. I was about to do the same thing.

  “Guess it’s you. Now, if you tell me what I want to know, I’ll let you live. You’re right, it has nothing to do with you directly. I need to know where your boss is hiding. You have to meet up with someone.” I knew he didn’t really know where she was from the look on his face.

  “If I knew, I would tell you. The only thing I know is they are picking up a shipment in two hours. We were about to go meet her when you barged in.” After he told me where the pick up was, I slammed him to the ground. You can tell he was confused.

  “I told you everything I know.” Kicking him in the mouth, he screamed out in pain. As soon as he did, I pulled my knife and jumped on top of him. Before he could realize what was happening, I had his tongue in my hand. One swift motion, his tongue was unattached. Not wanting him to be in pain long, I slit his throat and stood up.

  “Damn, I didn’t realize you did the shit so fast and easy. I always thought it was a long drawn out thing. The legendary Vicious does have heart. Good job old man, now help me up.” Laughing, I walked over to her and pulled her up.

  “Baby girl, ain’t shit old about me but my money. What you just saw was perfection. You won’t admit it now, but you were impressed as hell. I bet you wish you could do that shit. What happened to your ass, why the fuck you walking like that?”

  “Mind your damn business. When this is over, you are going to teach me how to do that shit.”

  “If I teach you my signature, then there is no need for me. You just keep chucking your gun dirty harry. That’s your signature.” Laughing, she slapped me in the arm.

  “Screw you.” Pulling off, she headed towards the pickup location. We wanted to get there before anyone else so that we can scope out the scene. Hiding the car, we got out and found a secure location to wait. Thankfully, it was a lot of containers so we weren’t exposed.

  Two hours later, cars were pulling up. Either Rebecca was coming after them or she wasn’t showing up at all. It was a bunch of men there, but no Rebecca. I hadn’t seen her in years, but I’m sure she hadn’t grown a beard and started wearing Tims. This bitch was playing games and she was starting to piss me off. Who the fuck kicks off a war and then hides. She was setting her men up to take the hit while she sat comfortably somewhere.

  “The bitch not showing up, but we can damn sure send her a message. If we take enough of their ass out, she eventually will come out of hiding.” Roulette nodded in agreement and we raised our guns. Walking towards the men, I thought about all that old man shit she was talking and decided to be petty. Pushing her forward, I stuck my feet out and she went crashing to the ground. Knowing she couldn’t walk fast, I ran towards the men.

  Without worrying about who will snitch, I raised my guns and took out all of the men except one. Watching those bodies drop gave me an adrenaline rush. Looking at the last man standing, he seemed to be frozen in place. Fear was good, he may just tell me everything. Before I could ask him anything, a bullet went through his head.

  “Why the fuck would you kill the only person that could tell us anything?” Shrugging her shoulders, the mother fucker laughed. I could have killed her for the stunt she pulled. Now we wouldn’t find Rebecca.

  “You’re the great almighty Vicious. You will find somebody else to tell you. Better hit those streets old man.”

  “I swear I should have put your ass up for adoption. You’re an abomination to the Barnes name. I hope your ass is falling out.” We both laughed and got in the car. All this time we been trying to out rank each other, when coming together was much more fun. I’ve never felt this with my crew. Seeing my baby girl in action had me proud as fuck. This could actually work.

  Chapter Twelve


  There’s a stranger in my house. Took a while to figure out.

  There’s no way you could be who you say you are

  You gotta be someone else.

  Cus he wouldn’t touch me like that

  And he wouldn’t treat me like you do

  My ass talked all that shit to Roulette about sitting in the house being a bitch baby singing love songs, but my ass was in here belting out the lyrics to Stranger in My House by Tamia. I had no idea what the fuck was going on with Glitch, but I was over this shit. That nigga came in the house tired and wouldn’t fuck me. After I begged him to, he tried to get away from me by going in another room.

  I snuck up behind him and knocked that ass out. By the time he woke, I had been beating his ass for about ten minutes. I knew he couldn’t answer me, but I wanted him to know I wasn’t accepting no lies or bullshit when I let his ass go. I wanted the truth and I needed him to give it to me. At the time, it seemed like a great idea. It wasn’t until I let him go that I
thought, maybe, just maybe I may have fucked up. That nigga gave me a death look and I took off like a bat out of hell.

  In my mind, all I had to do was make it up the stairs. If I could do that, I would lock his ass out and be safe. My ass was moving so fast, it seemed like my bunny slippers came to life. A bitch was moving out until he snatched me by my ankles and dragged me back down them bitches. When I say my tail bone had to be broken, I just knew there was no hope of me ever throwing this ass in a circle. I already couldn’t dance, but now he killed all those chances.

  When he flipped me over, my life flashed before my eyes. Seeing the blood running from his head and glass all over his clothes, I realized I may have gone too far. His chest was heaving up and down and I realized how sexy my boo was. I know I’m crazy, but he makes me like that. It’s not that I didn’t trust him, but he was making this shit hard as hell. Yea he had a lil extra meat, but bitches wanted his ass because he knew how to work that shit.

  “If you wanted to fuck that’s all the fuck you had to say. If you ever pull some shit like that again, you will lose me. Not for play, not for a lil while, but for good. I don’t fight women, but I will beat a bitch’s ass.” Before I could respond, he was pushing his dick inside of me. The carpet was tearing my back up, but I was loving this shit. He knew me so well. All I needed was a lil meat and I would be good. All that disappearing and shit was making me paranoid. I didn’t like that I was trying to figure out why my man keeps leaving and nobody knew where he was.

  After rocking my world and my back against the stairs for an hour, he got up and left me lying there. When I made it up the stairs, he was in the shower. My dumb ass sat on the bed feeling bad as hell. I went too far this time, but that’s who I was. I’m the crazy bust your windows and fuck you on the car type of girlfriend. I’ve always been that and it was a time he loved that about me. That only made my mind race more. A new woman was the only thing that could make him be tired of my bullshit. When he walked out, he grabbed his clothes to get dressed.


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