Daughter of a Hood Legend 2

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Daughter of a Hood Legend 2 Page 9

by Latoya Nicole

  “Well, it looks like you are going to have a boy.” The wind hit me in my chest and I had no idea something that small could feel so good. I couldn’t stop the tears, but I tried to hold them back. I didn’t want Shorty to think I was weak. I’ve just never felt like this before. This was a different type of love. Hugging Shorty, I didn’t want to ever let her go. The doctor gave us a print out and thanked us for our time. Once she was gone, I wiped Shorty off and watched her get dressed.

  “I love you girl. Your ass stuck now and it ain’t shit you can do about it.” Laughing, she responded as well.

  “I love you too. Walking out the office hand in hand, nothing could take my happiness away. At least I thought until I saw the bitch from my mama’s kitchen standing by our cars. Pulling my gun, it was funny to see Shorty pulled hers as well. We were gone have to talk about this shit. Once this was over, I wanted her to let all of this shit go.

  “What the fuck do you want? Is she here?” Shorty was looking at me confused.

  “Wait. How do you know Lisa?” Now I was confused.

  “She was at my mama’s house. How do you know her?” Shorty went on to explain how she knew her. I knew it was something about that bitch when I saw her at my table. If I didn’t know anything else, I know she can tell me where Rebecca is. I had to learn to quit calling that bitch my mama. Back to the situation at hand, I kept my gun on her and asked my question again.

  “Why are you here?”

  “I came to bring you a present. I’m going to tell you where to find your mother. What she is doing, what she has planned is wrong and I can’t be a part of that. Her plan is to stay hidden until your baby is born and then kill it. I’m not a monster and I want no parts of that shit. If you leave me be, I’ll tell you where to find her. We have to do this quickly because she follows you most of the time. I think she has tracking on your car.

  “Tell me where she is and you are safe.” Lisa handed me a paper that I looked over and motioned for her to leave.

  “Do you trust her?” Shorty was looking skeptical and she was right, it could have been a set up. One thing I did know was, I needed to see where Lisa rested her head just in case she was.

  “I don’t know, but we will find out.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  It was too much going on in our camp. This shit with Glitch had me pissed and here I was out in the city killing innocent people. Well, not really innocent but they had nothing to do with the situation. There were no velvet boxes, just pain and quick kills. I could have chosen to use my gun, but I needed to feel the death. I needed to feel the person take their last breath under my hands.

  It was mean and cruel, but in this moment, it’s what I needed. Seeing this nigga from back in the day that I know was an undercover, I jumped out and ran up on him. You could tell I startled him and I didn’t give a fuck about none of the logistics and small talk.

  “Vicious what the fuck. You scared the fuck out of me. I heard you back but I didn’t believe it. It’s good to see you man.” By the time he got his last word out, I stuck my knife in as far as it could go. I swiped across as aggressive as I could. Feeling his Adam’s apple and wind pipe crushing, I felt a rush. Allowing him to drop to the floor, I watched as blood poured from his neck. The shit felt good and I don’t know how I ever gave this shit up. Blood was all over me and I didn’t give a fuck. Jumping in my car, I was looking for my next victim. When my phone rung, I almost didn’t answer it. I wanted to feel as if I wasn’t just sitting around waiting to find Rebecca. Seeing it was Roulette, I answered.

  “What’s up baby girl, I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

  “Dad, get to the house right now. Not after you finish doing pointless shit and don’t lie. I know you and I know what you are doing. It’s not helping. I have what you are looking for. Get here now.” Knowing the only thing I wanted was Rebecca, she had to have news on her whereabouts. My ass damn near had five accidents on the way home.

  Running in the house, Kalina was sitting on the couch with Capone. Rebecca was nowhere in sight, so I was confused on what she meant by she had her. I wasn’t about to play this game with them. If they were worried about me, they can keep that shit. I should have known better when they said meet here and not at the warehouse.

  “Where is she?” Kalina looked to Capone, she wanted him to explain what was going on.

  “Lisa approached us at the doctor saying Rebecca has a tracking on me. She follows me from time to time and knows that we are having a baby. When Shorty gives birth, she plans to kill him. Lisa said she wanted no parts of that shit and if she gave us Rebecca’s whereabouts, would we allow her to live and I agreed. The problem is, we don’t know if we can trust her. We followed her home and Rebecca was nowhere in sight. She’s staying at a run down hotel like she is trying to hide out. It can be a set up and we walk into a massacre or she could be telling the truth. What do you think.”

  “I think I ain’t never ran from a nigga and I’m damn sure ain’t about to pick today to start running.” They looked shocked like I shouldn’t be quoting Lil Wayne. “There ain’t a damn thing Rebecca can do that we aren’t ready for. Let’s end this and go on about our way. I’m tired of looking for her ass and I’m sure all the people I was about to kill will appreciate that shit. You are going to have a baby and we need to get this shit out of the way. Breezy is out. She needs to be there for Glitch. Get the rest of the crew together, we meet in an hour. We don’t give her a chance to leave.”

  “Shorty, can you sit this one out as well?” I almost laughed at Capone. I appreciate him trying, but I could have told his ass it was no way in hell she would agree to that.

  “Nigga please. Don’t start doing that shit. I’m good.” You could tell he wanted to say more, but he just clenched his jaw and stayed quiet. I felt the same way he did, but this was not the time to argue with her, we had to get moving.

  “Go, what the fuck are you waiting on. See you in a minute.”

  “Say less.” Capone grabbed Kalina and they walked out. Going upstairs, I jumped in the shower to wash the blood off from my night of fun. I wanted to be fresh as fuck for this bitch Rebecca. She deserved to have her blood all by itself. Once I was done, I went in the closet and got dressed. Putting on all black, I felt like this was going to be the closure I needed. I refused to go and see Fat Back until I had avenged him. My phone rang and I answered. It was Melissa.

  “What’s up sexy.” You could tell she was blushing through the phone.

  “I wanted to know if you would like to join me for dinner. I want to get to know you, but you kind of disappeared on me.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m gone have to get a rain check.”

  “Fuck. You were just flirting. You didn’t really want to date me. I’m so sorry to have bothered you.”

  “Shut your sensitive ass up. I have some business to take care of, trust me, I got you. There is no way I’m letting all that ass get away from me.” She was quiet for a minute and then she asked me a question I wasn’t sure she wanted the answer to.

  “Are you going to kill someone?”

  “Do you really want to know that sexy?”

  “Yes, I do. If we are going to date, I need to know who I’m dating.” Thinking it over, I decided to give her what she wanted.

  “I’m not going to kill someone. I’m going to torture and destroy someone. I’ve never wanted to kill someone so bad in my life.”

  “Keep going.” When I heard the wet sounds, I kind of froze. If my ears were still working correctly, she was playing in her pussy as I talked about killing someone.

  “I want to snatch her head off her body while she is in the middle of begging for her life. I want to take every piece of her body apart and watch her bleed to death.”

  “Yes daddy. What else.” This had to be the strangest shit I ever did.

  “I want to watch the blood pour from her body as she gasps for air. This will be long and painful and I need to see th
e pain in her eyes.

  “Oh fuck. I’m cumming daddy.” My dick was brick hard and if it wasn’t Rebecca, I would be at her door trying to fuck her brains out. She had no idea what she was doing to me. No woman ever made me want to cum this bad, not even Kelly.

  “If I’m gone be able to do all of this, I need to get going. You about to fuck my head up. I’ll call you when I’m done.” Hanging up, I pulled my dick out and jacked off in the truck. I had to release my nut or my ass would go to this shit with my head all fucked up.

  Chapter Twenty


  I’ve been sitting in the hospital since Glitch was admitted. My ass was funky and I’m sure I looked a mess. I refused to leave and I appreciated Roulette and Uncle V coming to check on me bringing food and shit. I didn’t want the baby to suffer because of my depression. I had to be strong for Glitch and the baby.

  He was awake, but he hadn’t said a word since. Not one movement or one single word. The doctors said this may be his life permanently. I couldn’t fathom not ever hearing his voice again. The shit was fucking me up, but I refused to cry in front of him. Glitch needed me and I was determined to be strong for him. He needed to know he had someone.

  “Hey best friend, hey Glitch. I wanted to stop by to see if you needed anything before we headed out. You good?”

  “I’m okay for now, but later you can bring me some Popeyes. I’ve been craving that shit. Wait. Where are you going?” She hesitated and I knew she didn’t want me to know. Turning towards her all the way, I wanted her to know she better not lie to me. Seeing the intense look on my face, I guess she decided to tell me the truth.

  “We may have found out where Rebecca is. My daddy told me you can’t go and I wasn’t supposed to tell you. He wanted you here with Glitch and I don’t blame him. If it’s a set up, we don’t want him here by his self. Bitch you smell bad, what the fuck.”

  “Fuck you and tell Uncle V, he got me fucked up. Do you see the love of my life? Do you see what that bitch did to him? She killed my daddy and tried to kill my fiancé. There is no way I’m not in on this kill. All the kills you took me on that was pointless and had nothing to do with me, I went with no problems. Now, the one that matters to me the most, you try to shut me out. Why?”

  “Best friend I promise it has nothing to do with anything other than what I said. We found out the location from Lisa. If she is lying and it’s a set up, they could try to come after Glitch knowing we left him to go there. We didn’t want them to do anything else to him. He’s been through hell and we love him. Please understand that.” Taking a deep breath, I knew what she was saying was the truth. If they came back and finished the job, I would never forgive myself.

  “Okay, but I promise you better make that bitch suffer. She doesn’t get to go easily. My fiancé went through torture for days, she does not get to get off with a bullet. Tell Uncle V he better hurt her bad.”

  “Best Friend you want me to cut her toes off and remove her eyes then leave her alive. You know how fucked up her life would be with no toes. Bitch would be clumsy as fuck and can’t see where she going.” We laughed, but we both knew she couldn’t stay alive.

  “That bitch better not leave out of there alive. Don’t play with me. Now hurry up and update me as soon as you’re done.” Hugging me, she walked out and left me to deal with my thoughts.

  “Where is Breezy.” Glitch was talking, but I guess he didn’t know that I was in the room. I couldn’t believe he was talking even though he wasn’t talking loudly.

  “I’m here baby. I knew you would talk to me again. There was no way you would leave my talkative ass to talk by myself forever.”

  “Shut the fuck up. I know you’re here. I’m asking where is the Breezy that I know. My Breezy wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt me. I could have been said something to you, but I was embarrassed. How do you say to someone that you’re embarrassed? That you feel weak because you let the bitch get the best of you. Two times in one day, a woman took me down. I needed to heal so that I could fuck her up in the worst way.

  That’s something I may never get to do. You have the chance to do that. Why wouldn’t you? Don’t let her get away with what she did to me. They don’t get to make that decision. You make them make her suffer. You deserve to be there just as much as them. Go be Breezy.”

  “As much as I want to be there, I don’t want to lose you. If she comes back, I will kill myself for not being here. Please don’t make me choose.” You could tell he was getting frustrated.

  “Look at me. I may never walk or use my hands again. If that bitch came back, what more can she do to me. I may not hold my baby Breezy. I may never have sex with you again and that alone is killing me. I need you to make sure she suffers. Please.” Knowing how badly he needed this, I made my decision.

  “I’ll go baby. I’ll go. If you let that bitch come in here and kill you, I’ll barge in heaven and beat your ass. Right in front of Jesus and I’m not playing.” Bending down, I kissed him and walked out. I knew I had to drive fast if I wanted to catch them. There was no way I could come back and tell him I wasn’t there.

  Seeing all the cars still at the warehouse, I knew I made it in time. Getting out the car, I took a deep breath. I’ve never gone against Uncle V’s wishes and I didn’t feel like arguing with him. He was intimidating and he usually got what he wanted. Roulette knew how to get him to bend, but I’m not sure if we had the same relationship. I didn’t want him to embarrass me in front of the workers. I just needed him to understand and let me do this. Walking inside, everyone stopped and looked at me.

  “Boo, you don’t need to be here. We got this, just make sure Glitch is straight.”

  “Uncle V, I know I don’t have to be, but I need to be. Glitch wants me to be here. So, let’s just do this. No questions and no debates. Pass me some guns and ammo and let’s go. Oh, and glitch said she better suffer.” Seeing Uncle V nod and hand me what I needed made me feel good.

  “You not riding with though. Your ass smell like the free clinic. I’m nowhere near you and I can smell you from over here. Before you go back up there with Glitch, clean yourself up. I wouldn’t walk either if that’s what I had waiting to hug me.” Everyone laughed, but me. I ran towards him and gave him a big ass hug. Now he smelled like me too.

  “Now you smell like a homeless cripple. Let’s go. If she catch you because your ass can’t keep up, I’m gone leave your ass right there.” We all laughed as we walked out of the warehouse. It was time to take this bitch down once and for all.

  Getting in my own car, I prayed that this bitch wasn’t going to the hospital to get Glitch. I needed him and my baby needed him. She had taken enough and she don’t get to take anymore. All I wanted was one piece of happiness, and I needed this to be that moment. If it wasn’t, I know I would completely break. When my daddy died, he died disappointed in me. I needed to do something that will make him proud of me. Avenging him and Glitch would mean that it wasn’t for nothing. My daddy could smile down on me and I needed that closure.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I would never give my father the satisfaction of saying this to him, but after this I wanted to be done. I’ve never had a mom and I didn’t want to do that to my baby. The bigger my stomach got, the more I just wanted to be a mommy. I didn’t want my son to ever grow up and not know what it was like to have me in his life.

  My ass was scared and not to go to war, but to be robbed of parenthood like my mama was. We had no idea what was in store for us and that had me thinking about my baby. That wasn’t exactly what one should be thinking about when they are about to go into the unknown. I wanted to turn my car around, but we owed this to Glitch and Fat Back.

  When this was done, I would allow my daddy to shoot me down. I know him like I know myself and there was no doubt in my mind that he would tell me I was out of the game. You could tell Capone wanted to say it now and they would work together to make it happen. What they didn’t know was I would gladl
y give this shit up for my baby.

  Besides, I was tired of having a power struggle with my daddy. This was what he wanted and he was back. My legacy wasn’t going anywhere because I was my father’s legacy. The Barnes would continue to run this city and I would get to be a mommy. If he ever needed me, I could easily go back and help him. Like an honorary boss.

  Knowing it was time to get my mind on what was at hand, I turned on Chun Li by Nicki Minaj and blasted that shit until I was a block away from our destination. She wanted me to be the bad guy, well that’s what the fuck I was about to be. Nobody fucked with my family and got away with that shit. It was time to end this. As long as Lisa wasn’t sending us off, this shit was going to end today.

  I know it was about to be a battle. Everyone wanted to be the person that actually took her out. Each of us had a valid reason of wanting to do it. Rebecca had a lot of enemies within us and all of us wanted a piece of her. Breezy was standing on behalf of Glitch, but out of all of us, I think Capone had the biggest pain in his heart. This was way more personal for him than the rest of us. She killed his fucking parents and then tried to take him out. Seeing him be the first out of the car, I knew he was ready. I think the only reason Vicious wasn’t first was because of his foot. I bet he was cursing my ass out as we speak.

  Getting out the car, everyone grabbed their weapons and walked inside. I was surprised that Capone let Shitz in on this, but he was here gun ready. I was even more surprised to find out this wasn’t an ambush. I just knew that bitch Lisa was setting our ass up, but she actually delivered. You could hear moaning and there was no way someone was fucking if it was a sneak attack. Vicious started signaling and pointing to Capone. They rounded the corner first. When the rest of us came around, we were shocked.


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