Enervation (Shadeward Book 3)

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Enervation (Shadeward Book 3) Page 10

by Drew Wagar

  Round 2307, Second pass

  ‘How dare she!’ Nerina’s face was flushed, her pale cheeks aflame. She and Merrin had walked further down into the temple, reaching the far end of the corridor. Both looked around to ensure that they couldn’t be overheard.

  ‘The impudence,’ Merrin agreed. ‘It was blasphemy, claiming to be the servant of the Obelisk. Lies! She should be punished for such heresy, cast out of the priestesshood. I told you she would make a move against you, and here it is.’

  Nerina shook her head.

  ‘She has committed no sin as measured by the elements,’ Nerina replied. ‘She is a true believer, I am sure she believes the Obelisk spoke to her. We cannot cast her out. See how many who trust her, believe in her? She has risen from the slums to the ranks of the priestesses, she has defeated the King of Scallia in battle.’ Nerina paced back and forth. ‘She is powerful … and she knows it. Now we can be sure she has taken the Queen’s power. She seeks to challenge me for the role of high priestess!’

  ‘We have to get rid of her, overpower her …’ Merrin countered. ‘It must be done now, both us together … we can do it.’

  Nerina shook her head

  ‘No, not yet. I want her … both of them fattened before the slaughter. They are still useful right now.’

  ‘This is too risky.’

  ‘We can’t assail Kiri now. You heard what she claimed, to be the “chosen one” of the elements! How can we smite Lacaille’s messenger? All heard what she said. This is a clever move, elevating her position in the ranks, but claiming it is Lacaille herself who puts her there. We must not underestimate her.’

  ‘She can’t be that strong.’

  The blazing light that illuminated the interior of the temple, steered by mirrors all around, faded around them. Cloud must be blocking the light of Lacaille. Nerina lowered her voice in the gloom.

  ‘We do not know her true strength,’ Nerina replied. ‘Probably she does not either. No, we must be more subtle than that.’

  Nerina’s fists were clenched, she looked about her for a moment.

  ‘Perhaps,’ she whispered. ‘Perhaps we can solve two problems in one … Amar! Yes, that could be the answer.’

  ‘Amar?’ Merrin asked.

  Nerina turned to look at her. ‘Yes. Amar, a land untouched by us in generations. What gifts might languish there, undiscovered and untapped?’

  ‘There are easier lands to grasp …’

  ‘There are,’ she said, ‘But Elena’s imperative still holds and we can use recent events to fan the flames here. Those of Taloon can prove their loyalty to us by dealing with that problem. Taloon has what we need to cross the ocean. They are seafarers, they have a mighty fleet of vessels. Our price for peace with Taloon? They conduct war upon that foe on our behalf, led by our most zealous priestess …’

  Merrin smiled. ‘With those ships we might win a mighty victory over evil and fulfil ancient vows.’

  ‘And if our chosen one really is the anointed of Lacaille, how can she fail?’ Nerina replied, with a faint laugh. ‘Our holy war, our task appointed. She has been told to carry it out. Elena understood well how to motivate the priestesses, this will keep them fighting. I will make an impassioned call to arms to rid this world from the curse of those exiles, endorsing Kiri’s vision.’

  ‘And if she fails or is killed in the attempt …’

  ‘She was misguided or deluded,’ Nerina finished. ‘We can claim to have tested her and found her wanting.’

  ‘What of the flares?’ Merrin asked.

  ‘What of them?’

  ‘They will continue to inflict suffering upon all peoples. Nothing we can do will change that. You know as well as I do that there is no link between them and a holy war we declared in the past. If they don’t stop when we destroy Amar the faith in our religion will fade … our authority will go with it!’

  ‘The flares last for a few rounds only,’ Nerina replied. ‘Elena knew this and used it to unite the priestesses, to accomplish her objectives in a certain time. We have the same opportunity. It matters not whether it is true, what matters is that the priestesses believe it. With Kiri’s vision they all believe it anew. By the time we subdue Taloon and Amar the worst will have passed, the flares will stop … seem to stop … because we have done what Elena and our goddess Lacaille commanded us to do. We will have Esurio under our dominion and will be seen by all to have delivered it from destruction.’

  ‘Then, our plan is …’

  ‘We must secure Taloon. Kiri will go as our emissary. She has the support of the priestesses, to her the religion is all-consuming. We need that single-mindedness. She has the admiration and love of many for what she went through. She found the location of Amar. Now she claims to be the chosen one of Lacaille. We will send her away for another victory! When she is out of sight, she is out of the minds of most who remain here.’

  ‘And in the meantime?’

  ‘We consolidate our gains here. We must choose our moment to deal with her carefully, she must be disgraced and weakened first … and how that must be done is our next move.’

  The clouds had moved. Light blazed around them once more, filling the temple with Lacaille’s warm orange glow.

  ‘If you cast her out amongst the carns, don’t be surprised if she returns at the head of the pack,’ Merrin replied.

  ‘Very poetic,’ Nerina said. ‘I know what I’m dealing with. For now we can use her to subdue Amar and Taloon at no danger to ourselves. If she dies in that attempt … so be it.’

  ‘If she succeeds she will be more popular than ever, and perhaps even more powerful.’

  ‘We will be ready for that. And if she does not swear her loyalty to me then, she will be torn.’

  ‘It may not be enough.’

  ‘Then we must ensure that there is another ready to challenge her,’ Nerina replied. ‘I have always indicated that your daughter is my natural successor, that’s what they have all believed until now, perhaps we should remind Rihanna of that … and that Kiri might threaten that assumption.’

  Merrin nodded. ‘Rihanna and Kiri have struck up a friendship …’

  ‘It can be used,’ Nerina said. ‘Rihanna is ambitious and strong, but she does not have Kiri’s cunning. Both can be nurtured.’

  Merrin didn’t reply for a moment. Nerina’s eyes narrowed.

  ‘Do you not support my intentions?’ Nerina asked. ‘Your daughter belongs to me, remember? As all your other offspring.’

  ‘Yes, high priestess,’ Merrin mumbled.

  Nerina stepped closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. ‘Or I can take your own gift now and put your daughter in your place this very spell. Have I not given you everything you ever wanted? Or have you decided to serve another?’

  Merrin looked up. ‘No, I serve you. I always have. I always will. It will be done.’

  ‘All Esurio will be ours, Merrin,’ Nerina said. ‘Sacrifices have been made for the greater good. It is for us to subdue this world, order it appropriately. You have served me so well for so long, your children given as offerings to that end. We are close now. Do not falter and you will have everything you want. It seems likely Kiri will be the one that survives. If so, once I tear her, I will give her to you. Think of that sweet satisfaction.’

  There was a flicker of desire in Merrin’s eyes.

  ‘Yes, Merrin,’ Nerina said. ‘Every last piece of Charis’ work undone, her name scrubbed from the annals. Once torn you can throw Kiri back into the slums, or keep her as a drudge in your household as the fancy takes you. Imagine that! Kiri serving at your pleasure, Charis’ apprentice! Whip her, abuse her, do what you would with her. Throw her back to Handela and have her tortured … I don’t care.’

  ‘You promise to give her to me?’

  ‘Once Amar and Taloon are dealt with and I have the gifts I need, she will be yours. Come, we must return. Go to the priestesses. I will see to Kiri.’

  Kiri paced in the anteroom like a cornered fellin. Dozens of
thoughts ran through her head.

  I should have stayed quiet. Now Nerina will truly consider me a threat. What was I thinking, announcing things like that?

  It had felt so right though, an imperative was upon her. She had to speak out. It was Lacaille’s will; nothing could thwart that, could it?

  Some of the priestesses believe me, some don’t, but would there be enough support for me to challenge Nerina, here and now? What about Merrin and the others? Are they plotting now to tear me, murder me? I don’t even have my kai …

  Sweat chilled her and she shivered.

  The door creaked and opened. Kiri spun around, her hands outstretched, ready for whatever was coming.

  It was Nerina.

  ‘Be at peace, young one,’ she said, a smile on her face.

  Kiri lowered her hands.

  ‘Quite the revelation,’ Nerina continued, stepping into the room and closing the door. ‘It must have been alarming for you. You spoke with great conviction.’

  ‘I only told what I heard,’ Kiri managed to say. ‘I didn’t understand it all.’

  ‘The Obelisk speaks to few,’ Nerina said, assuming her usual habit of walking around the person she was talking to. Kiri remained unmoved as the high priestess completed her steps. ‘And none for some generations of the priestesses. You still surprise us little Kiri. Your coming to us was no accident if Lacaille herself seeks to choose you.’

  ‘You’re not … not angry?’ Kiri asked.

  Nerina looked baffled. ‘Angry? Why would I be angry? That one of ours is honoured by a revelation from Lacaille, has been found worthy to stand in her presence and receive direction? I am proud, Kiri. Proud of us, proud of you. It underlines that we are taking the right and just approach. Many things have brought you to this point, the mentoring of dear Charis, your dedication and your service in Viresia. Lacaille has seen and noted your conduct.’

  Kiri blinked in surprise.

  ‘It seems clear that a great destiny awaits you,’ Nerina said.

  ‘I didn’t ask for Lacaille to speak to me, I truly didn’t,’ Kiri said. ‘I didn’t mean to …’

  ‘Peace, young one,’ Nerina said, her voice soft. ‘Do not fear. We will support you in this. The task appointed. It remains incomplete, yes? Elena’s great directive? Amar itself?’

  Kiri nodded. Nerina continued.

  ‘Amar lies across the sea far to the sunright, it seems we must subdue it, we cannot ignore this renewed directive. The Obelisk demands your attendance too, you must do as it says unquestioningly.’

  ‘But I do not know how to find the Obelisk …’ Kiri began. ‘Or even where to start looking.’

  ‘The servant of Lacaille will not leave you without further instructions,’ Nerina replied. ‘Thus you must listen, and follow the path before you – to Amar it would seem. None since Elena have had such clear instruction, thus I believe both tasks fall to you. The will of Lacaille in the subjugation of Amar followed by the Obelisk’s request. The question is do you have the courage to do so, will you undertake this?’

  Kiri stood straighter, her mind made up. ‘I will see it done!’

  Nerina smiled.

  ‘And you will succeed,’ Nerina said. ‘You were born for this Kiri, raised out of the slums for a purpose. Come, we must return to the priestesses. I believe the solution to at least part of your quest already presents itself …’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘Lacaille has already provided. Follow me and see.’

  Merrin returned to the main hall of the priestesses ahead of Nerina and Kiri. Within, the priestesses were still muttering between themselves at Kiri’s words, discussing what they might mean for Drayden.

  Rihanna was standing on her own, awaiting Kiri’s return. Merrin walked up to her.


  Rihanna looked up. ‘Mother.’

  ‘Quite the performance from your friend, wouldn’t you say?’ Merrin asked.

  ‘Kiri has always been … different,’ Rihanna replied.

  Merrin smiled. ‘Different, yes that’s one way to describe her I suppose. A shame that she’s supplanted you in Nerina’s affections.’

  Rihanna frowned. ‘Nerina respects us both.’

  Merrin laughed. ‘Really Rihanna, you can be so naïve. Kiri is playing you for a fool. This was no great revelation from upon high. It’s all part of her scheming, to differentiate herself. She has studied all the works of Elena and understood them well. How can we possibly ignore one chosen by Lacaille?’

  ‘If Kiri says she’s received a word from Lacaille, then I believe her,’ Rihanna countered.

  Merrin scoffed. ‘Then Kiri already has what she wants.’

  ‘And what is that?’

  Merrin turned and looked back over her shoulder. ‘You out of the way, so she can realise her ambition. She wants to be high priestess after Nerina. Perhaps she even wants to depose Nerina.’

  Rihanna shook her head. ‘Kiri doesn’t want that. I would know. She would have told me.’

  ‘Like she told you in advance about her revelation?’ Merrin asked, seeing the look upon Rihanna’s face. ‘Oh, she didn’t tell you, then? Interesting friendship you have.’

  Rihanna paused before replying. Merrin turned back.

  ‘Kiri would have shared it with me,’ Rihanna said, her voice uncertain. ‘There just wasn’t time.’

  ‘The same way she hasn’t told you how she stole the Queen of Scallia’s powers?’ Merrin asked.

  Rihanna looked at her mother in shock. ‘She hasn’t done such a thing. She told me she hadn’t.’

  ‘How do you explain how powerful she has become?’ Merrin smirked. ‘Even Nerina is concerned now. She’s lying to you Rihanna. Using you.’

  Rihanna shook her head.

  ‘Listen,’ Merrin said, whispering in her ear. ‘Nerina admires strength. Kiri is strong and growing stronger. Nerina gives out the choice assignments so that those with the gifts have opportunities to learn and grow. Remember how quickly Kiri was pushed to become a priestess? Remember Varda?’

  ‘Varda?’ Rihanna said, looking around.

  ‘Shhhh,’ Merrin said. ‘Not so loud.’

  ‘What about Varda?’ Rihanna hissed.

  ‘Kiri was sent there, don’t you recall?’ Merrin said. ‘Accompanying Charis.’

  ‘It was an attempt at reconciliation with Scallia. Charis went to make peace …’

  Merrin smirked. ‘Charis may have thought so, but Nerina knew better. War was already inevitable. Charis refused to see it. Nerina knew what would happen.’

  ‘And she still let them go?’

  ‘Charis was a fool,’ Merrin said. ‘Nerina wanted a war, to put men back in their place. It’s our right to take back the lands, subdue them and rule them. The path of peace we pursued for rounds made us weak and craven. It was a test for Kiri; could she fight, could she overcome? She did. That is why Nerina has favoured her until now.’

  Rihanna looked away.

  ‘And now Kiri has her own ambition,’ Merrin said. ‘She cares for no one but herself.’

  ‘She’s my friend. I trust her.’

  ‘Touching that you still believe that,’ Merrin replied, offhand. ‘She is clever and manipulative, I’ll give her that. You watch. Nerina will appoint her some special task this stretch and exclude you. Perhaps that will persuade you where you now lie in Nerina’s affections …’

  Kiri followed Nerina back into the hall. Nerina clapped her hands for attention.

  ‘It seems that priestess Kiri has indeed received word from Lacaille herself,’ she said, her quiet voice carrying throughout the hall. ‘We will all support Kiri in her fulfilling what has been asked of her.’

  There were a few mutters amongst the priestesses, but there were nods of assent from all around. Kiri looked around at the assembled faces, noting all the gazes that were upon her.

  ‘For now though,’ Nerina continued. ‘We must return to our immediate business. Be seated Kiri.’

sp; Kiri nodded and sat down in her previous position. She turned to Rihanna.

  ‘I …’

  Rihanna’s look was cold and hard. Kiri saw Merrin smirking from behind her.

  Nerina was still speaking. ‘Now, we must celebrate what we have achieved! The subjugation of Viresia in the land of Scallia. Thus, I have gifts for you all!’

  Kiri blinked in surprise.


  Nerina clapped her hands twice. The doors to the hall swung open once more.

  The temple guards stood either side of the entrance. Between them, roped together in a line and bound at the wrists, were girls dressed in tattered smocks. Kiri’s eyes widened.

  From Scallia … girls taken from Viresia … oh no!

  The girls were forced into the hall, huddled together in the centre, looking about as the priestesses surrounding them looked down. Aside from Nerina and Merrin there were twelve priestesses … and twelve captives.

  Merrin had stood up and was standing beside Nerina as she gestured to the guards. One by one the ropes were removed from the girls. They huddled closer, trembling, clutching at each other in fear.

  Nerina raised her arms.

  ‘Drayden is in the ascendancy,’ she called. ‘We will realise the ambition of Elena in our lifetimes. We will see the task appointed complete. We will subdue all lands to our will. This is the will of Lacaille!’

  ‘The will of Lacaille!’ the priestesses echoed.

  Nerina’s lowered her gaze and looked from left to right, a smile growing on her face.

  ‘Feast, my priestesses!’

  The priestesses rose from their benches. Arms were outstretched, hands clutching and grasping in the air. As Kiri watched three of the girls slumped to their knees with a shriek, their faces going blank as the priestesses stole into their minds. Those not caught cried out in terror, trying to run towards the doors, but it was to no avail. Swift mental ties caught them, subduing them and they fell to their knees before the priestesses that had caught them.

  Next to her, Kiri saw Rihanna stretch out her hand and another girl fell, whimpering before her. About her the moans and cries of satisfaction rose from the priestesses as the power of the stolen gifts surged through them. Kiri knew well that feeling, the fierce glow and warmth of it bursting through her body, akin to the physical joys so she’d heard tell, but even stronger, more desirable …


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