Breaking Point

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by Amy Bright

  Breaking Point

  By Amy Bright













  Copyright © 2019 by Amy Bright

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email the publisher at the address below.

  Amy Bright

  [email protected]

  First Edition


  This book would not have been possible without all the people in my life who support me; My wonderful wife and children, my fantastic friends who tolerate my eccentricities, and all the authors who inspire me to create. I had some amazing beta readers for this project. Many thanks to Lynn Keith, EJ Smith, Issy and Cathy Carney, Kathy Jones, and Tracie Gardner. Erin, you were first person who read this, and without your input, I would never have gotten this far; thank you for everything. Finally, Margaret Burris, your editing is incredible and invaluable; thank you for making this book much better than it would have been.

  For Cheryl: You make my world beautiful and magical.



  The sun was warm on my skin. The breeze from the ocean was a nice contrast to the heat. The sky was a beautiful blue, the water was crystal clear, you could see the fish swimming near the shore, and the beach was a bed of pure, white sand as far as the eye could see. And then there were the women, beautiful and sexy women in every direction. It was every bit the paradise I had hoped it would be.

  Six weeks earlier, I had been having a drink with a client. She’d told me about spending New Year’s in Cozumel, Mexico, at an all-women’s resort. Being a lesbian, I was, of course, intrigued by this. I had some vacation time I needed to use, and I was looking for something different, a unique experience, if you will. What could possibly be better than hundreds of scantily clad women on a beautiful beach? This also seemed like the ideal place to celebrate my divorce being finalized.

  I looked around at all the women again, and decided I needed to cool off in the ocean. I rose from my towel and removed my sarong. I looked good to be 40; I was the same size I had been when I graduated from law school. At 5’8”, I was considered, at least by most women, to be tall. I had shoulder-length, brown hair and hazel eyes. The red bikini I had chosen was turning more than a few heads. I started to move toward the water when, out of nowhere, it felt like I was being tackled. I landed flat on my back, incredibly hard. I couldn’t even catch my breath. I heard a soft voice say, "Oh my god, are you okay? I'm so sorry!" I was staring up at the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. She was bent over me and had removed her sun-glasses. She had wavy, blonde hair and the bluest eyes I had ever looked into. I blinked at her. I couldn't even breathe, much less talk in that moment. When my breath finally returned, I gasped for additional air. The woman knelt beside me to help me sit up.

  When I was finally able to speak, I said, "I believe I'm alright now. What happened?”

  "We were tossing a Frisbee, and I wasn't paying attention behind me. I’m really sorry, I didn't plan to mow you down," the woman said. Just then her Frisbee partner made her way over to us. The friend was short, maybe 5’2”, with short dark hair. She wasn’t exactly what I’d call butch, but she wasn’t femme either. She was wearing black board shorts and a matching bikini top. "I'm Dawn, and this is Tess. I’m really sorry. Maybe I can buy you dinner tonight to make it up to you?" Dawn asked.

  I was a little shocked by her offer, but I also am not a fool. This woman was gorgeous and offering to buy me dinner. "I'm Andi, and it's totally not necessary to buy me dinner, but I would love to have dinner with you tonight," I replied. She pulled me up to my feet. I noticed Tess didn’t look happy with the invitation that had been extended. I guessed they were together after all.

  "Great, Andi," Dawn said, "let's meet at the resort restaurant at say, seven?"

  Tess glared at me. I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable, but still wanted to accept the invitation. "Sure, seven is perfect. I'll see ya there." I nodded to Tess and started gathering my things. As much as I had wanted to spend the day on the beach and in the ocean, I needed to be anywhere but there, right at that moment. Tess was staring daggers at me. As I started walking back toward the resort, I heard Dawn and Tess arguing. I couldn't hear what was being said, but it was clearly heated. When I finally made it back to my room, I hopped in the shower to get the sand and sun-screen off. As I let the water run over my body, I contemplated those amazing eyes. Dawn was sublime. I turned the shower off and toweled myself dry. The bed looked far too inviting, and I decided I would nap until I had to get ready for dinner.


  When I awoke, I was torn. I wanted to see Dawn again, but I wasn’t looking forward to spending the evening with Tess. I am also not a home wrecker, and I truly needed to keep that in mind where Dawn was concerned. She clearly had a girlfriend, and I needed to remember that. I looked through my clothes and picked out a nice pair of jeans. They hugged my curves in all the right places, and I chose a white, button-down top that showed off just a little cleavage.

  I decided to head down to the bar at half past six. A drink would definitely help get me through the night. I ordered a gin and tonic and sipped it while I waited. My drink was almost gone when she walked in, just before seven. She was wearing a yellow sun-dress, her long blond hair framing her face. She had on a pair of matching heels that made her appear almost as tall as me. As I looked at her, I felt my breath catch. She was incredibly gorgeous, and very alone. This was not good. As much as I didn’t desire to see Tess again, being alone with Dawn would mean I had to work extra hard to remember she was unavailable. She saw me at the bar and made her way over to me.

  "Hi there," she said. "You look fantastic, I love that shirt on you." Before I could reply, the bartender came up, and she ordered a glass of Merlot. "So, are you recovered from our collision?" she asked.

  "One hundred percent," I said, as I gave her my most winning smile. The bartender brought her wine, and I asked, "Is Tess not joinin’ us?"

  She looked at me with surprise and said, "No, just us. Did you want her to join us?"

  I wasn't entirely sure how to answer that, and I stuttered slightly as I finally responded, “I-I didn't honestly have an opinion either way," I lied, "I assumed she would." Then I decided I should just be honest with her, "What I mean is, she looked a little upset when you asked me to dinner. It’s not my intention to cause problems between y’all."

  Dawn was quiet for a moment before speaking, "First. I just want you to know that southern accent you have is adorable.” Dawn was grinning, and continued, “I did not realize you thought we’re together. We are here together, at the resort, but we're not a couple. We haven't been for years."

  I let out a small chuckle and said, "I'm not entirely sure she got the memo. About you not bein’ a couple, I mean. She was actin’ a little possessive, or at least it seemed that way."

  "Yeah, I realize how it can look to an outsider," she said, "but honestly, I think she just tries to look out for me. We’ve been friends since the second grade. We did try dating the summer between high school and college, but it didn’t even last the entire summer. We are much better frien
ds than lovers."

  "Why don't we get a table, and we can talk further over dinner," I suggested. She nodded, and we went over to the hostess. We were seated in a booth by a window looking out on the beach. It gave us the perfect view of the sunset. The waiter took our orders, and once he walked away, I said, 'Well, since you aren’t with Tess, does that mean you're single?"

  "Yes, I'm single. I wouldn't have asked you to dinner, otherwise," she said.

  I smiled at her, "I thought this was your way of apologizin’ for mowin’ me down as you put it." I was genuinely happy about this turn of events.

  She smiled back at me and said, "Well, yes, but only because you are absolutely adorable." Adorable, she said. This was good, very good. She changed the subject and asked, "So, tell me about yourself. What do you do? Where are you from? What brings you to Mexico?"

  "Well," I began, "I’m an attorney, I live in Atlanta, and I’m here celebratin’. And you? Same questions," I inquired hoping she would let my last answer slide. I wasn't sure how she would handle the whole I was married to a man thing.

  How other women would react was always a tossup. Some truly didn’t care, while others would see you as damaged goods. Of course, there were always the ones who assumed it automatically made you bisexual, and about half of those would hold that against you, true or not. I had been on more than one date where the suitor in question would explain to me how having been married meant I could not be a lesbian, and how bisexual women couldn’t be trusted to be monogamous. The first few times this happened, I would try to point out how my best friend was bisexual and had been in the same monogamous relationship with another woman for 20 years, but I quickly learned it was a futile endeavor on my part.

  "I’m a real estate agent in Charleston,” Dawn said. “Tess and I take an annual girl's only vacation with a few of our friends from college. So, you said you were celebrating. What’s the occasion?"

  Oh well, a girl could dream. I sighed, and began, "My divorce from my husband." I tried to keep my voice steady, but I was worried about how she would react.

  She paused, seeming to consider her words, "So, you're bi?" she asked.

  "No, I'm a lesbian," I said, "I was never truly attracted to men, I only married one because that's what I was supposed to do accordin’ to my parents. We married while I was in law school. We only lived together for two years before I couldn't do it anymore. The divorce was final last week, but we haven't lived together in almost 14 years." I knew how ridiculous that statement sounded.

  "If I understand this correctly, you’re telling me you have been separated from your husband for 14 years? Why would you not seek a divorce before now?" she asked, sounding almost exasperated.

  "It's honestly quite simple. I refused to pay for a divorce that wouldn’t benefit me. Marriage wasn’t legal for same sex couples. Why should I pay for him to get remarried when I couldn't? I figured if the time came and he wanted to marry again he’d pay for it. When marriage became legal last year, I finally filed for divorce," I said. "I realize this all sounds rather petty, but I felt it was somethin’ I couldn't compromise on, if that makes sense."

  Dawn looked as if she was pondering what I had said. "I suppose I can understand, but I also imagine it made dating difficult." She certainly hit the nail on the proverbial head. Dating had been hard. Many women didn’t understand why I wouldn't get a divorce.

  "It has been very hard,” I said. “Now, though, I have a sense of freedom I didn't have before.” I paused for a moment and asked, “Do you mind if I ask you a rather personal question?"

  "Sure," she replied, "I’m happy to answer anything you want to ask."

  "You’re beautiful, smart, and incredibly sexy.” I paused for a moment and then asked, “How is it you're single?"

  "You think I’m sexy?” She asked. Before I could respond she continued, “So, I’m picky, for starters," she said. "I also might have commitment issues."

  "Mad points for honesty," I grinned at her. "It sounds like you're a casual kinda girl, is that it?"

  "You could say that," she said. The waiter brought our entrees, effectively pausing the conversation. We made small talk while we ate. She told me about her childhood in Ohio and how she moved to Charleston with her parents when she was 15. I told her about being a small town Georgia girl growing up.

  As we were finishing the meal, she looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes and spoke, "I think we should take a walk on the beach."

  "That could totally be arranged," I said as the waiter returned with the check. I decided I was going to pay for dinner, and I grabbed the check before she could.

  "Hey!" she exclaimed. "I’m supposed to be buying you dinner." She reached for the check, but I pulled it out of her grasp.

  "Tonight, has been amazin’, and the best apology, ever," I said. "Please, let me take care of this."

  "Fine, but for our second date, the check is mine," she replied.

  "A second date, huh? I am certainly glad to hear you are classifyin’ this as a date, and that you think there’ll be a second one," I said.

  "I think there could be a second date, but it depends on how the rest of the night goes," she responded with a sly smile. I signed the check, stood up, and held my hand out to Dawn. She took my hand and we walked together out to the beach.

  We stopped a few feet from where the waves were hitting the beach, and Dawn said, "The moonlight makes everything so beautiful out here,”

  As I looked over at her, I could tell she was looking at the reflection of the moonlight on the ocean. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," the words were out before I even knew what the hell I was saying. She looked over to me and stared into my eyes. She leaned in and brushed her lips against mine. I pulled her into my arms as her mouth opened to my probing tongue. The feel of her tongue gliding against mine was exquisite. Her hands roamed over my back. I broke our kiss to move my mouth to her neck. I heard her half groan and half moan.

  As I was moving my mouth along her jaw line, she took my face in her hands and looked into my eyes, "Let’s go to your room, now." It was an order, not a request. I took her hand, and we headed back towards the resort.


  As we entered the lobby, we ran right into a very angry looking Tess. "Hi, Tess," Dawn said as we walked up to her.

  Tess stared at me, then looked at Dawn and said, "I was worried about you, I expected you to be back from dinner by now, and you didn’t answer your phone."

  I watched Dawn roll her eyes at Tess before she responded, "Tess, I turned my phone off. I never said what time I would be back, and honestly, I suspect I might not be back until morning. I’ll talk to you later."

  I could see Tess seething, and she grabbed Dawn's arm and pulled her away. I heard Tess say, "Dawn, I don't think this is a good idea. You don't know her, and I don't trust her."

  Dawn jerked her arm away from Tess, and I heard her hiss, "Tess, I am a grown woman and I can take care of myself. You need to stop. We’ve had this conversation repeatedly. I’m over it." Dawn stomped back over to me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me to the elevator. "What floor are you on?" she asked me as we stepped into the car.

  I hit the seventh-floor button and put my arm around her. I felt we needed to have a chat. While I genuinely hoped this wasn't going to be a mood killer, I suspected it would be. We exited the elevator and walked down the hallway stopping at the door to my room. I waved the card in front of the door lock and opened the door. As I closed the door, Dawn pushed me up against the back of the door and kissed me hard and rough. I kissed her back, but then pulled away and took a breath before finally speaking, "Dawn, I’m insanely attracted to you and wish we could throw caution to the wind here, but I need for us to have a conversation, first. About Tess."

  Dawn pulled away from me. As she was walking to the bar, she said, "Fuck, every God damned time." She poured herself two fingers of scotch and downed it. "She ruins everything," she said. "I wasn't entirely honest about Tess, nor the r
easons why I’m single." I decided it best to have a seat and let her talk. She poured another scotch but didn't down that one. "So, Tess has a thing for me, and has for years. I keep telling her we can't be anything other than friends, but it never seems to sink in. She still pushes and plays these games. When I said I had a fear of commitment, well, the truth is, she ruins every potential relationship I have ever had. No one wants to keep seeing me when they have to deal with Tess and her antics." She sighed, and continued, "I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you. It's just difficult. I love Tess, she has been an amazing friend to me for a long time. Well, she’s an amazing friend when I am not trying to date anyone."

  "I get it," I said to her, "I honestly do. Endin’ a 30-year friendship isn’t what you desire to do." She looked at me and nodded with tears just brimming in her eyes. I got up, walked over to her, and took her into my arms. I held her while she cried. Eventually, I pulled her over to the sofa with me, and she cuddled up to me. We sat there for what seemed to be hours but was likely only a few minutes.

  She finally spoke again and said, "I should go. I'm really sorry things turned out this way."

  I looked down at her, gently grasped her chin, and turned her face to look into her eyes, "You don't have to leave, you know. I honestly would like for you to stay."

  "You would?" she asked, surprised. "Even after I lied to you?"

  "I told you, I understand," I said, "you’re forgettin’, I’m the woman who couldn't maintain a relationship because I refused to get a divorce on principle. If anyone understands complicated, it’s me. I believe you are goin’ to have address the Tess situation, eventually, but only you can decide when and how to handle it." I brushed my lips across hers, lightly. The kisses became fevered, and she moved to straddle my lap. I cupped her breasts through her dress. I could feel her nipples getting hard under the fabric. She moaned as I pinched her nipples. She began unbuttoning my shirt. She pulled it from my jeans and pushed it off my shoulders. She ran her fingers over the purple lace of my bra. She climbed off me and took my hand, pulling me up from the sofa. She began leading me to the bedroom.


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