Knight Progenitor

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Knight Progenitor Page 28

by Sharon L Reddy

  Chapter Six

  "Hello, Agent Slogar."

  "Captain Knight, Leroy. It's a pleasure to see you."

  "I see you have a new desk."

  "Yes, Captain, but let me save you the trouble of opening it." He pulled out a stack of contracts and laid them in front of the Doctor. "You have received the highest performance rating possible from your last employer. You have also received that rating from ICMC. That has happened before; however, I have never received four such ratings for one contract fulfillment. How did you get ratings from the Cluster Superior Court and the Trans-system Banking Consortium?"

  "That was nice of them. I detect Albert's hand in it."

  "Albert Heart?"

  "Yes. We became well acquainted before I left Athera. A true gentleman. I like him."

  "Captain, you have important friends."

  "Agent Slogar, I also have important enemies. I would like to ask you again about the Liberty contract."

  "I really wish I could help you. I've been watching for anything that looked like a repeat. It was a blind contract. An amount, a force type and size, and a contact number. I don't get many. I expected them to try again, but I've had no blinds come in."

  "Do you handle scientific requests?"

  "Yes, I'm one of three. The others are specialized; one engineering, one educational."

  "I should like to be notified if you receive a blind request of a scientific nature."

  "Would you be interested in that type of work?"

  "Very interested. Now, if you will excuse me a moment, I shall choose our next employer." Agent Slogar closed his eyes. It bothered him to see Captain Knight pull his glasses and stylus out of nowhere. "Leroy, I think this might be fun. What do you think?"

  "It could prove most interesting, Captain."

  "The boys will have to be watched, but they are improving."

  "That is true. They have not killed very many people recently."

  "Yes, and they usually remember to ask me first. I think we'll take it." He signed it Captain Knight and handed it to the agent.

  "Are you sure? The pay is low and the risks are high. You could have any contract I've got, Captain. You've got my top rating."

  "Yes. We are a small force and our expenses are low. The boys like excitement. And I have a soft spot for underdogs."

  "And horses. The chairman of Athera told me."

  The Doctor smiled and put his glasses and pen away. Agent Slogar gulped. "I would appreciate it if you did not inform the contracting party. I shall notify them at an appropriate time. Please confirm this as date of signing when they contact you."

  The agent put the contract away and shook his head. Fun. He checked to see when Captain Knight was scheduled for liftoff and was informed there were no ships in. He gulped and put his head down on his new desk.

  "All right, we are now on 'vacation'. How long ago did we land?"

  "About half an hour. Diz and Doc are finding outfits for us in the wardrobe. Dad, we're going to have a better time than you want us to here."

  "Tech, I wish you wouldn't tell me things like that. They make me very nervous. And curious."

  "This time I'll tell you. We're going to need to be poured home. We'll also have a really lousy morning tomorrow. I don't intend to do it and neither do they, but it will happen."

  "And just where and when do I find you to 'pour' you home"

  "About an hour before dawn at the Velvet Mistress."

  "NO! You are NOT going there."

  "Dad, by the time we get there, we won't know where we are. We'll be all right. I promise. It doesn't hurt our cover either. Your three 'wild boys' make quite a name for themselves. Nothing quite like the Captain and Leroy though. I'm going to get ready. Data, our lessons are filed. We've all finished the text. Please, find a more interesting writer. That man was awful. The theory was fun, but the presentation was BORING."

  The Doctor watched him head for the TARDIS wardrobe. "They're not seventeen yet. At least, I don't think they are. They have no business getting drunk and they DEFINITELY don't belong in the Velvet Mistress."

  "Doctor, what is the Velvet Mistress?"

  "The most notorious brothel, in the most notorious city, on the notorious pleasure world of Carnival."

  "Doctor, I understand your concern and the decision must be yours, but I have noted that most human males of their age have begun to acquire sexual experience."

  "I suppose I'm rather old fashioned, but I just don't approve of the 'oldest profession'. I'd stop them, but I don't want to order them back to the ship. If I ever do give them an order, I want it obeyed without question. To insure that, I must not abuse my authority. I shall just have to accept the situation. I don't like it, but I'll accept it. Let's get to work, Data. We have a syndicate to dismantle. By the way, how are the lessons progressing?"

  "They are doing very well. I am in some quandary as to what to assign them."

  "In what subject?"

  "History. Our universes are most similar until the beginnings of space exploration. They diverge sharply quite soon after."

  "Teach them the history of your universe."

  "Doctor, you will miss them very much."

  "Yes, and I probably should have taken them there before now, but I'd rather miss them than not know them. It's the same choice I've made most of my life."

  "You wish them to become men in my universe because you fear for their safety in yours."

  "Yes, Data. The only place they'd be safe here is hidden away on a single planet. In your universe, they can have the stars."

  "I believe I know what you wish me to ask Captain Picard. I shall adjust their course of study appropriately."

  "Thank you. Data, Liberty never named anyone as godfather for Doc. Would you be willing to accept one more godchild?"

  "I would be most honored, Doctor."

  They went to work and played. It was their job. Carnival was a pleasure planet with a problem. A very nasty syndicate had moved in. The pleasures on Carnival had been notorious, but relatively healthy. Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we bring you the bill. The syndicate had introduced real vice, corruption, murder, and drugs.

  Carnival was a planet under siege. They hadn't really had poverty. There had been work enough for all and good rehab programs for gambling and alcohol abuse. Now they had a growing area of slums and hard-core, drug-addicted, unemployed. Travel was expensive, so gaming taxes had been low. The planet was going broke trying to keep the children of the unemployable housed and fed.

  The syndicate was buying out legitimate businesses and resorting to murder if the offer was refused. The unarmed constabulary was hopelessly outnumbered by the army of 'hoodlums' and were casually killed if they got in the way. They didn't know who was behind the syndicate or how the drugs got in.

  They started on the beach and drew a crowd. It was all female until Captain Knight decided to teach his boys to surf. Leroy wanted to try, but couldn't think of a way to keep from sinking.

  "Excuse me."

  "I do not know why you wish to be excused; therefore, I can not fulfill your request."

  She giggled. "I meant for bothering you."

  "The presence of a beautiful young woman is seldom a bother." Data still wasn't sure what the criteria for beautiful were, but, since all life was beautiful to him, she must qualify. He was carefully following the Doctor's instructions to be 'charming' to the ladies.

  "Who is the man on the surfboard?"

  "There are several men on surfboards. To which do you refer?"

  "The one you're with. The one who's so incredibly good at it."

  "He would, perhaps, tell you he is Captain Knight."

  Data decided he'd gotten around that well. His programming was not designed to allow him to actually lie. And he had noticed the Doctor had not identified himself as Captain Knight either.

  The Doctor had solved the dilem
ma for the boys by having Albert submit a petition to the cluster court to make the name 'official' for them. Albert had found a way to file it as a paternity acknowledgment without actually stating who the father was. 'Captain Knight' was highly admired by the judge for his work on Athera and he had overlooked the irregularity. It had pleased the boys immensely. It had pleased the Doctor even more.

  "Aren't you going in?"

  "In what?"

  "The water. You know. Swimming."

  "I do not swim. I walk on the bottom. My body does not float."

  "Oh, a heavy worlder. What's your name?"

  "I am currently maintaining the identity of Leroy."

  "I'm Claudy. Short for Claudina. You talk funny, Leroy, but overall you're the best proportioned heavy worlder I've ever seen."

  "I deduce that was intended as a compliment. Thank you, Claudy."

  "Lord, he's good. And those boys learn faster than anyone I've ever seen. I watched him showing them position on the beach. Now they look like they've surfed for years. Do you play volleyball, Leroy?"

  "I am acquainted with the game."

  "Come on. Some friends of mine want to get a game going. I'm supposed to find a few more to play."

  "I have been told I am to 'play', Claudy. I will accompany you."

  The Doctor and the boys tired of surfing and looked for Data. They found him amidst a cheering crowd. He and Claudy were playing volleyball against a full team. Claudy was nearly as spectacular as he was. Perhaps more so. Her skill was the result of years of very hard work.

  "Captain, do you wish to play?"

  "I think it might be quite enjoyable. What do you say, boys?"

  "I say Leroy needs someone to give him a real workout. Us against you and him. Pretty lady, would you play on our team. I'm Tech. That's Diz and he's Doc."

  "Claudy. Sounds like fun."

  The boys took off their shirts and grinned at the gasps when the Doctor smiled, shook his head and took off his. He was still carrying the muscle from the mines and the scars Varna had 'freshened'. He hadn't had time to get back to what he called "comfortable". Ordinarily, he wouldn't have done it, but Tech had emphasized it as part of the 'image' they were trying to create.

  The group playing against Data and Claudy were very willing to give up their places. Going scoreless when you're playing a full court against two is a bit embarrassing.

  The Doctor briefed the boys on the rules, showed them a few different serves and they started play. The crowd grew. And grew. And grew. The Doctor and Data had run up a small score after an hour. The Doctor called a halt. "Enough. There are other games to play. Leroy, the evening approaches. A meal, a fine wine," He lifted Claudy off her feet and spun her around. "and lovely company await. Let us prepare."

  "Yes, Captain."

  "Dad, we'll stay here for awhile. You know where to find us later."

  "Yes, Tech, I do. Do not kill anyone. I would prefer you not break anyone either. We are on holiday."

  "We'll remember. No killing and no breaking. Come on, Diz, Doc. Let's

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