Invasion: Journal Three (Shockwave Book 3)

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Invasion: Journal Three (Shockwave Book 3) Page 25

by Hammer Trollkin

  After Rufus made formal introductions, Tee said, “Thank you for meeting with us Commander Hartung.”

  Commander Hartung replied, “You have crossed half the planet and are here before me. I am impressed. And, it is I who should thank you... Mr. Undersecretary. The various resistance groups have been active for too long with too little impact. Your people bring great hope to our cause.”

  Tee smiled and said, “Please, just call me Tee.”

  Hartung smile-grimaced and said, “As well, please call me Hart. Rufus is quite taken with you and your people. We are prepared to share all the information we have regarding the Dahkoreen and whatever else may serve.”

  The meeting went on for 30 or 40 minutes. Commander Hartung had learned quite a bit about humans, and Shockwave, before contact was lost with his peers on Cygnus Prime. I hope the Primers didn’t find to way to track and disable the Resistance. The SID should be able to provide some information. Solcom was very interested in this meeting and scrambled to QuIM an assortment of requests for information, hoping Tee might find a way to relay them to our new-found friends. And Fierce, no doubt, has a full interface module with his gear to do just that.

  Actually, the Solcom information request came way too fast. It’s obvious General Whitehall sent it. Our hosts have some requests for information as well. It was a good meeting, with the next one scheduled gloomy and early tomorrow... sorry, need to be more chipper... make that bright and early tomorrow morning. Kreahaam, and now Jasmin, they’re just plain... dismal. We have it so good on Earth.

  Frankly, I’m getting a little anxious. I almost forgot my place and mentioned the deadline. The gate-ship needs 9 days for its cruise to Cygnus Prime. Jabberwocky is scheduled for an automated opening in... 11 days. It seems to me that we’re cutting the deadline awfully close.


  We’ve gathered for our second meeting with Commander Hartung. It’s May 31st. I’m struck by the informality of the meeting, which is showing signs of winding down, with Hartung concluding a discussion about the mysterious Dahnahaash.

  Hartung’s head has slumped a little, with what may be a touch of discouragement. “It is our understanding the Dahnahaash are yet another level of evil, standing above the Dahkoreen.

  “This data node contains all the information we have collected regarding the Dahkoreen and the Dahnahaash, though I am afraid we have little information on the latter, and much of that is legend. Yet there is some information.

  “I must also admit, we have little timely intelligence on the Dahkoreen, since communication with our partners on Cygnus Prime ceased so abruptly. Yes, Jannel, what is it? Oh, yes, thank you for reminding me. Dahkoreen warships entered this sector in recent months. We were able to misdirect them with a remote communication hoax before they had an opportunity to pass near Jasmin and possibly discover your teleportation portal. We can assure you they have moved on to a different sector.”

  “You have our thanks,” said Tee. “Also, I asked a colleague with our Stellar Information Division, that’s our agency in charge of intelligence gathering on Prime, to send me the most current information on the Resistance. I will pass that on to you, of course.

  “You have my thanks,” replied Hart. “On the matter of the Dahnahaash, it is my hope you will learn more of them if you have an opportunity to explore Ahaam. Our technicians have found some correlations between Ahaam and this mysterious enemy. It is all there, on the data node.”

  Tee smiled. “Also, there is the matter of our warship crossing through the Jasmin portal gate. As you know, we seek your agreement. Were you able to review our treaty documents?”

  Hart waved his hand in dismissal. “Yes, of course. I do understand the need for papers, to limit opportunity for misunderstandings. Regardless, you have my permission. And now, there, you have my mark.”

  Tee has bowed his head in thanks and is handing the paperwork to Roll. “My thanks, Commander.

  “Roll, take this to General Whitehall.

  “Commander, you and your staff have been of great help to the Solar League. I’m sure you will want to observe the crossing.”

  Hartung formally bows his head to Tee, in appreciation. “If you could let us know when this... crossing will occur, we will gather in witness.”

  Two soldiers, I think their insignias signify they are members of Hartung’s personal guard, just quick-stepped into the room, with one of them whispering in their commander’s ear. Something has happened. Roll is back and is whispering in Tee’s ear. What’s going on?

  Hartung is waving to a technician. “Display the human teleportation portal.”

  A large video display with respectable 3D imaging has appeared along a side wall of the meeting room. It shows a barren landscape in the background with a launch platform in the foreground. The image pulls back, refocusing on a fusion plume, then zooms in to show the gate pushing for orbit.

  Hartung looks... I think... surprised, as he glanced toward Tee. “Your kind is quite restless it seems.”

  Tee’s exaggerated shrug probably has no meaning for the commander. “Perhaps. The timing for this phase of the operation does call for haste.”

  Hartung must have sent out a message to his staff. The room is getting a bit crowded with onlookers. The hallway is alive with motion, people hustling to find a viewer to watch the coming spectacle.

  As the gate settles into a geostationary orbit, the question that had begun to niggle away in the back of my mind has resolved. Clamps explosively disengaged allowing a thruster pack to move Venom Gate-1 apart from Venom Gate-2.

  I had heard, somewhere, that Jasmin would be a bridgehead. That would require a portal bridge from Oort-to-Jasmin, and another bridge from Jasmin-to-the gateship (when it reaches the Cygnus Prime sector). Let’s dig a little. Yes. Venom Gate-1 will provide transit to Jasmin. Venom Gate-2 will bridge Jasmin to the gate-ship.

  And, there’s the characteristic burn-off flash as Gate-1 opens. A test probe has come through, and is coming about for the return. And here’s the gate-ship.

  Hartung directed a technician to interpret a stream of symbols coursing along the side of the display. “Commander, the ship is motionless, with no active readings. Hold. A matter/antimatter reactor has come online. It is similar to a Dahkoreen drive. There is a gravitational wake. The ship is in motion. Look! A warp anomaly has formed.”

  The display shifts to a scene of empty space, the edge of a rocky surface suggesting the broadcast is from a remote asteroid. A blurred image suddenly appears out of nowhere. Now, afterimages are showing.

  The technician is standing up. “Sir, the warp anomaly is moving much faster than the speed of light. We will run diagnostics and recalculate to be sure. It would seem the velocity is nearly 20 times the speed of light.”

  Tee looks happy. “Perfect. That was the expectation. Ladies and gentlemen, we are mere days away from a full-scale invasion of Cygnus Prime. Commander, after you run your diagnostics and recalculate, would you mind providing the details? Thanks. It will be a good verification of our own scans.”

  Hart is staring at the display that now only shows stars, lost in thought. “I have now seen enough to be sure. Dahkoreen is undone. My only concern is for my people. And, I suppose in the longer term, the Dahnahaash.”

  Tee said, “I have seen too much of our enemy to be certain of a quick victory. As one of our... philosophers said, ‘These are times that try men’s souls.’ Never the less, I do have great hope that, together, we will prevail. I have already seen too many miracles to entertain a doubt. We only grow stronger as we meet more and more people, like those of Jasmin. Good shall indeed prevail against evil.”

  Refreshments have arrived.

  Hart agrees. “These are words and concepts that my people also understand. Let us drink to a swift victory of good over evil. So it is said, so let it be done. In this we will have hope.”

  A quiet has descended on the room, everyone deep in thought.

  Hart now has what seems to b
e a solemn look. “Alas, it is also true, the Dahkoreen will soon know of the portal and your ship. The anomaly signatures will shine brightly. My people here, on Jasmin, are undone. Yet it is only with happiness that I embrace what will now transpire. We will die well as we finally fight in the open against our ancient enemy. Their cost will be heavy when they come to destroy us.”

  Tee shook his head. “There is no need for that. I have spoken with our leadership in the Solar League. Arrangements for the evacuation of Jasmin are already in the works. We value our allies. You will live to fight at a more opportune time.”

  Hart seems to be choked up. “Then we will drink next to victory and to life, a chance to bear witness to the defeat of our enemy.”

  I wonder at the similarities. This toasting felt too genuine to be an act staged to emulate an Earth custom. Solcom will soon send a delegation to work out the details and arrange to move the people of Jasmin to Earth. Or, now, I suppose they could choose Kreahaam. Hopefully, it will not be long before they can visit Turkskee.

  Hart doesn’t seem to want this visit to end. “Tee, Rufus tells me you and you team have visited the world of my ancestors. Tell me, how do the people fare?”

  A hard topic. “I’m afraid that is a difficult topic. I promise we’ll visit again soon and I’ll have more time to get into details. Most of the people, as you know, are infested of Gall. Many are hopeless shells, nothing more than incubators for Gall larvae. I... I’m sorry for the way that came out. It is difficult to describe the circumstances.”

  Hart has bowed his head. “Please, there is no need to apologize. It is... difficult.”

  Tee can only nod, thankful for the understanding. “Other than those, whom we call thrall, there seems to have been an extensive melding of the two species. It is not exactly a mere dominance of Gall over Karrin, though their actions suggest deep seated Gall tendencies. Karrin is developing a significant military presence. It is something we will not be able to ignore.”

  “I see,” said Hart. “That there has been a merging makes sense to me.”

  “How so?” asked Tee.

  Hart seems tentative. “My people are fastidious record keepers. There are some... video recordings from those ancient days. When these Gall monsters first infested my people, or, invaded does not seem to be a term that is out of bounds, many were able to fight through the process. My scientist friends tell me it must have been difficult for the Gall to gain control, coming as they did from a different world.

  “In the early days, these... thrall, they were not the vacant shells as you now describe. Even covered in the disfigurement of their infestation, they roamed Karrin in a frenzy, to rape, murder, and destroy. Their faces tell of the enjoyment they found in their wicked reveling. Many spoke, and with a certain eloquence, of the joy they found in their intoxication, of what they called the freedom of chaos. They bid others to join them. Many did so in those early days. Soon enough, to not join with them invited the Revelers, as they called themselves, to visit them with their tortures.

  “A great man, not even of our world, developed a wonderful serum that was distributed by a group called the Clerics of Hope. This remarkable serum destroyed the larvae of the infested, providing immunity as well.

  “My people were forced to flee our world, not for fear of infestation, but for fear of the Revelers. Many who could have escaped stayed on, spurning the serum, because they loved darkness more than light. So it is claimed by many witnesses of the time.

  Tee looks as sad as I feel. “I’m so sorry. We did meet these Clerics of Hope. They still do their work, though I’m afraid the serum no longer destroys the larvae. It does seem to put the monsters to sleep and bring a measure of peace to those who receive it. The Clerics and those to whom they minister are protected by the Krill.”

  The information caused Hart’s eyes to widen. “The Krill. And so the curious-ones have been forced to grow up. This is a wonder. At least there are some of the Karrin that seek light from the Clerics.

  Tee must not have the heart to tell Hart, just yet, that only a few on Crimson still seek the Clerics of Hope. That could wait until next time.

  As we gather our gear to head home, it’s starting to sink in, the crossing of the gate-ship has started the nine-day countdown to our invasion of Prime. Nine days. We have waited so long for this.

  And my pocket is all abuzz with a pid-ping, on Jasmin? It must be a QuIM send. Sure enough, we’re not even home yet, and my multitasking grandfather, has sent a priority message, and copied the team.

  It sounds like we’re going to be going to Ahaam, before the invasion. And he’s looking into the availability of Gopher Guts and Dirty Feet to join us. Even better, the arrangements will take some time, meaning, we have two whole days of rest. On Earth! Then we’ll all meet up at Space Base Edwards Port Tech Zone C-5, noon on June 2nd.

  I’m so close to being excited, Planck’s constant would get stuck.

  Yeah, Communal used that one on me, for what it’s worth.


  Fierce is going to be okay. It’s June 2nd, a few hours before we’re supposed to meet at Edwards. I can’t believe we almost lost him, and to a punk right here on Earth. Fierce says it was no big deal. He ended up at a med clinic though, even if it was only to have his hearing checked and receive some nano-reps to ensure there’s no permanent damage. No big thing, just came close to getting your head blown off. That’s all.

  It’s a good thing Communal sent me the pid-vid, or we probably would never have known. Fierce activated his pid-clip when he noticed something suspicious, then pinged Communal and the police.

  Yesterday, Fierce was on an early evening run. He heard a scream that pulled him over to investigate and saw a thug dragging a jogger by her ponytail into an alleyway between two industrial buildings. He went to help, but as Fierce rounded the corner the thug saw him. It was Tony, the guy who caused that disturbance at the bowling alley, what, maybe five years ago. He and his pack were ultra-messed that day, messing with some girls, and steal Fierce’s car. Really, it was hurting those girls that pushed Fierce to the edge.

  Tony was lucky he came out of it with only a broken arm and some prison time. Clearly, not enough prison time. Anyway.

  Tony’s eyes were wide with recognition when he saw Fierce. “You!” He forgot about the girl, who ran off looking for help.

  Fierce was in a bit of a mood after what he had just witnessed and moved in to detain Tony until the police arrived. Tony pulled a gun. Right hand. I wonder if Fierce had a fleeting thought of taking it too easy on the guy back in the day, thinking he should have made a more lasting impression.

  “Turn around,” Tony ordered.

  Fierce complied but made a good point. “The cops will be here soon. Let’s just forget this happened. Okay?”

  “You wish,” Tony replied. He stepped up to Fierce and put the gun right up against the back of his head. “You are going to die, right here, right now.”

  Fierce kept his cool as he raised his hands slowly. “Look, I give up man. Let me get my wallet. I’ve got a bunch of cash. You can have the car too.”

  Tony liked that. “Good, I’ll be taking that. No turning around. Don’t worry, I’ll help myself to the cash.” He pulled back the hammer on the pistol, a horrible clacking sound. Here’s where I’ve got to state the obvious. Normally, if a guy has a gun pointed at you, you should just do what he or she says. If I were you, I’d also pray.

  In this case, Tony was so interested in frightening Fierce, he moved deep into drama land. That isn’t so unusual with chicken-suhhh... with thugs. They feast on fear. Tony shouldn’t have gotten so close to Fierce, even with a gun, especially with a gun. It takes almost ½-a-second to react. It’s like this. Something happens, your brain takes a moment to react, and then move your body to take action. In an unfamiliar situation it takes a good ½-a-second.

  As the hammer clacked back, Fierce knew Tony was going to pull the trigger. He didn’t have a choice, so he decided to use a
move he’d learned at our karate dojo. Fierce acted all afraid and slowly raised his hands in surrender, just to the level of the pistol. He kept Tony thinking the whole time. Please don’t hurt me. I’ve got money. Take my car too. Then, with a well-practiced move, both of his hands grabbed Tony’s hand at the wrist and pushed up as hard as he could while at the same time bending his knees in a squat.

  The gun went off. Smith and Wesson, +P round. Fierce’s ears were ringing, but he remained focused. He pushed out of the squat while pulling down hard, steering Tony’s elbow down onto his left shoulder. There was definitely an adrenaline rush, extra splash, due to the gunshot. Tony’s elbow... well, let’s say it this way... Tony’s elbow bent totally the wrong way and it hurt, a lot. The gun clattered onto the ground. Fierce kept the wrist while he stepped back and levered Tony’s broken arm down, around, and up behind his back.

  Tony ended up bent at the waist twisted sideways, howling like an animal as Fierce brought his right knee up into Tony’s face. That stunned Tony for a moment, until Fierce levered the arm up higher, causing Tony to drop onto his knees and forehead. Fierce kept the arm twisted and tight. Tony balanced like a tri-pod, knees and forehead supporting most of his weight, left hand scratching in the dirt, as he whimpered, trying not to move. Sirens. Fierce held him there until the police unit arrived. Tony should go away for a long time after this episode.

  Fierce says he feels a little down about what happened. Not so much about what happened to him, but about what happened to Tony! He thinks he may have gone too far. I know Fierce said a prayer for Tony. He hopes Tony’s life changes for the better, that he can get a grip on his anger and allow some light to shine into his dark soul. And if the opportunity comes his way, he’ll give Tony a helping hand. Fierce comes from good stock.




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